
  1. Sidon

    Righteousness Consciousness

    - I wanted to share with you something beautiful. IN Hebrews, Paul teaches us.. """"But Jesus, after he had offered ONE sacrifice for >sins = forever, sat down on the right hand of God""" Now notice....>"one sacrifice for sins".....forever" So, there is THE Blood atonement and this verse...
  2. Sidon

    How to serve God

    - Reader.... Here are the stages of "Christianity" 1.) From babe....... to 2.) true believer..... 3.) to the fullness of the stature of Christ,....4.) which is to become...."Christ always gives me the Victory, and "as many as BE Perfect". 5.) I have finished my course down here. Some will...
  3. Sidon

    To stop sinning.

    - Let me show you how you stop sinning. You will begin to receive the POWER to stop, just as soon as you start to believe that the blood of Jesus, continues to keep you as "the righteousness of God", even while you are being carnal. See, God is always kept at peace with the Born again, based...
  4. Sidon

    How Healing Happens

    - Here is how to understand how to be healed. First, you have to get your Faith right. Saint, everything with God, is....."is your faith right"< or is it broken. The NT tells you that "without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to Please GOD". See that? And that makes perfect sense, when you realize...
  5. Sidon

    What is : "Eternal Life"

    - I wanted to share some things with you regarding this phrase "eternal life". And again, this is one of those core fundamental aspects of SALVATiON, found in "Pauline Theology", as taught by Paul, that is never taught anymore, correctly, if at all. Have you ever heard a SunSchool teacher or...
  6. Sidon

    How to walk in THE Light.

    - I wanted to show you the perfect way to understand both "born again", and "walking in the Spirit". Now, you are not going to find this being taught in your church, or by your Pope. That will not happen. Reader, we are in the END TIMES, just before the Grt Trib starts, and that is why the...
  7. Sidon

    How to spot the Devil....Pt 2

    - I wanted to write to you a 2nd (series) Thread that continues the topic and theme, and in this one, im going to micro detail the Devil's specific plan regarding his main purpose as found in the life of a True Believer. I want to first tell you that when the Devil is truly targeting you, he...
  8. Sidon

    You are made worthy

    Sometimes a believer has issues with feeling not worthy to be helped by God. Well, how to resolve this wrong mind? Its by understanding that you are made worthy to receive from God, because Christ is in you and this makes you ETERNALLY worthy and keeps you ETERNALLY worthy. See, the reason...
  9. Sidon

    Serving with Power

    If you are reading this, then ..... You are a new believer, or you are not, and you are here because you want to serve God, with power, and you want to know how. You want to be an influence, and you want to do this, for GOD's Glory. You want to go to bed at night knowing that your words, your...
  10. Sidon

    Sanctification : How to be sanctified.

    How do you become "Sanctified". Its like this.... 1 Corinthians 1:30 = Jesus is our entire Sanctification. Do you have Him in you? Are you born again and not just water baptized?? So, when we are "In Christ", we are as sanctified as God Himself. And why? Because our born again Spirit is...
  11. Sidon

    Broken Faith

    What is Broken Faith? Well, it cant be the belief system found in someone who is religious but lost. The unbelievers can't have broken faith, as they have none yet. So, this isn't the person who is water baptized and very religious, but is not born again, as they have no faith to be broken...
  12. Sidon

    Something Amazing

    Grace. Grace Grace. God's Grace is amazing. !! Its interesting that believers always hear this word.."Grace" but they are not taught how to understand God's MERCY, as God's Grace. So, we now turn to Paul, and we find our understanding of HOW to see Grace, and HOW to understand Grace, as...
  13. Sidon

    God's Grace is : The only Law for the Born again.

    - Lets look at a few verses that deal with growing in Grace as = how to effectively "work out your salvation"> 1.)""" leaving the first principles""" Reader....The bible is a progressive reveal. Its God revealing Himself, and its God's showing you how He deals with mankind from beginning...
  14. Sidon

    You as the New Creation

    - God didnt give the new birth so that you can now go and try not to sin anymore, as the reason. So, when that is your wrong idea of Christianity, all you'll do is sin and confess. Here is the revelation. The New Creation, is the Born Again Spirit, and it can't sin. 1 John 3:9 It exist...
  15. Sidon

    How to live Holy

    - If you want to stop living a defeated Christian life, (sinning and confessing).... then the only way to do it, is by existing in the "renewed mind.". This is simply to always see yourself as God sees you at all times as "in Christ". Reader.....There are only 2 minds available to the believer...
  16. Sidon

    When did Salvation begin?

    - Some of you that enjoy taking things apart, or refinishing things or making things "look new", will probably enjoy knowing where salvation started. Others who just love to talk about the Things of the Lord, will enjoy knowing. Now, if we really want to drill it down, then we surely...
  17. Sidon

    Law vs Grace

    - God once told Moses... "you have found Grace in my sight, so i will do what you asked". And this presents THE interesting distinction, between the OT and the NT. And i'll show you more as we take a closer look at the distinction. And its a WONDERFUL distinction. its a THANK YOU JESUS...
  18. Sidon

    1st the Law, then the Cross

    Did you ever wonder why God gave the LAW first, and much later Jesus was given as God's Grace? Its because the Law is necessary to be in place to REVEAL us, as we are, in relation to God's Holiness. This is the actual purpose of the Law, the specific purpose. Its to reveal you, as UNRIGHTEOUS...
  19. Sidon

    Law abolished = New Covenant

    - One of the members here, and I, have been having a discussion about "the law" for a few days. This person, along with many believers, has been taught, this... "the reason we are born again , is ...so that we can go now and keep the law perfectly". So, this particular theology, where...
  20. Sidon

    When i am weak......."THEN.

    Lets look at some verses together, that are life changing within their personal application. - - "when i am weak, then i am strong." Now let me give you a unique understanding of this verse which will help you go deeper into the true understanding of God's Blood Atonement, that is KEY to...