Will the Democrats loose their majority in the Senate?

Since entering the Senate in 2019, she has distanced herself from the Democratic Party with her refusal to toe its leadership’s partisan line.​
The dissident Democrat blocked partisan plans to abolish the Senate’s filibuster, preventing Senate Democrats from ramming through legislation to the president’s desk with only 50 votes.​
Sinema also declined to campaign for Democrats in the recent midterm elections and was the only Arizona Democrat to skip a pre-election rally with former President Barack Obama.​

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia reportedly said in early 2021 that he would leave the Democratic party and caucus with Senate Republicans if there was a change in leadership and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was no longer in charge.​
The claim comes in an upcoming book by reporters Alex Burns and Jonathan Martin of The New York Times and was highlighted on Twitter on Wednesday by CNN's chief congressional correspondent, Manu Raju.​
In the passage from This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America's Future, Burns and Martin write that some Republican senators approached Manchin about leaving the Democratic Party in the wake of an interview Vice President Kamala Harris had given in West Virginia.​

A "String" you say?

PSE substations among five attacked in Pacific Northwest in November

I wonder if its BLM attacking the infrastructure of it's far right nuts attacking the infrastructure?

Either way folks in the US. You have some nutjobs down there (which we've all been warned about for a long time) and they seem very content to take steps that will indirectly endanger people's lives.

This kind of actions SCREAMS boogalooboys. But really, that is fully conjecture. It ain't good people though.

  • Poll
If you had it to do over, what would you change?

If you had it to do over, what would you change?

  • What you did.

  • What you didn't do.

  • What was done to you.

  • Where you were born.

  • Your parents.

  • Your siblings.

  • Your spouse.

  • Where you hang out.

Results are only viewable after voting.

Ever wish you had a do-over?
Wish you could hit the delete button, and it would change what happened next?
Would you change your choices or the things over which you had no control?

How far back would you have to go, to make that one change that would fix everything?
How old were you then?

(Like who you are now? Sorry, I'm not offering that choice in the poll, because that's not what this thread is about.)

OPINION: Biden demonstrate his weakness on the global scene - gives Russia back their "Merchant of Death"

Bout, a 55-year-old former Soviet military officer, was serving a 25-year sentence in the United States. He was convicted of conspiring to kill U.S. citizens and officials, of selling millions of dollars of weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and aiding a terrorist organization.​
That is neither the sign of a strong President, nor a good negotiator.

Hello Everyone :)

Hello my friends! I am new to this site, and excited to join and have faithful Christians to discuss spirituality, theology, and all kinds of things with.

A little bit about me: I'm 20 years old, and I spent two years living as a Buddhist monk after graduating high school (so if you have any questions or curiosities about that I might have some insight or experience). I was raised atheist, and my conversion has been a bit of a slow process, but full of passion, and with a lot ahead of me, I'm sure.

I love to read, especially theology, philosophy, and poetry, and I hope to be able to have discussions about those interests here :)
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Divine Simplicity and the eternality of God's Decree

[this post is a new branch from here]


To your point: "If I confused you, I apologize. Ryan Mullins, who is an open opponent of DS, came up with this conclusion in his denial of DS. However, if we must affirm DS as essential, then my suggestion is that we must face up to the music of what it ultimately implies: creation has its beginning in a beginningless decree. It sounds confusing, but it makes sense the more you think about it."

Well, Ephesians 3:11 seems to be the clearest comment regarding the Decree's eternality: "This was according to the eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, ..." And to me this doesn't contradict Genesis: the plan is eternal, the execution of the plan is temporal. If this jives with Divine Simplicity then more the merrier I say :)

cc @Pipp@
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Ukraine to prepare law banning churches 'affiliated' with Russia

"A July survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology of found that only 4% of Ukrainians affiliated themselves with the Moscow-subordinated church."

Zelensky also banned opposition news outlets which oppose the war.

So much for democracy in Ukraine.
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Florida State Rep. Joseph Harding (R) charged with $150,000 Covid relief fraud

State Rep. Joseph Harding obtained more than $150,000 in SBA loans by lying on his loan applications, according to a news release from the Justice Department. Prosecutors allege Harding listed dormant business entities on his applications, fabricated the numbers of people he employed and submitted fake bank statements.

Harding, 35, is set to go to trial for charges of wire fraud, money laundering, and making false statements, DOJ said in the release. A wire fraud conviction carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, while money laundering and making false statements carry a maximum of 10 and five years, respectively.

Harding was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2020.

Fox News says "It is time for Donald Trump to step away from politics"

Herschel Walker just wrote Donald Trump's political obituary

Fox News:
Herschel Walker, the Heisman Trophy winner who led the Georgia Bulldogs to a national championship in 1982, just wrote Donald Trump’s political obituary.
Walker lost his bid to replace Georgia’s incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock, handing Democrats in that chamber a critical majority. A majority which will enable Joe Biden to appoint more judges, enact more legislation and put in place more appointees willing and able to carry out his far-left agenda. Walker was endorsed by former President Trump.

Having suffered the rare humiliation of failing to win a second term in the Oval Office, and having cost his party a majority in the senate – three times – it is time for Donald Trump to step away from politics. It is the right thing to do for his party, for the country, and for himself. Mr. Trump will not win another election. His most glaring political strength today is his ability to energize Democrats, causing not only historic turnout but attracting gushers of campaign cash – for the opposition.

[H]is refusal to admit defeat in the 2020 election, and the tragic aftermath of that refusal, shut the door on his political career. After January 6, and having publicly nursed his grievances for two years, there is no comeback. It is a tragedy that will only be made worse by Trump’s continued presence on our national stage. He has announced he will run again for president, but he cannot and will not let go of his anger about the 2020 election. That is a losing platform.

The editorial neglects to mention the additional stolen classified documents that were discovered in Trump's possession this week, as well as the guilty verdict against his corporation for tax fraud, but perhaps there were was a word-count limit.

Pray for faith


My faith used to be very strong, I had a strong connection with God, but now I feel like my faith has vanished, I do not have as strong of a connection anymore.

Please pray for me to gain faith, the ability to ask for forgiveness and not be ashamed of sin but to be able to repent again, and to have steadfast faith and trust in the lord. These are things I feel like I no longer have

Spiritual warfare?

Hey I have some great news. In October two things happened. I found a gospel tract on the floor and later that month a man asked me if I knew Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I said no but I’m beginning to see a light. He replied do it this week we don’t know how much time we have left. Also the day after thanksgiving a lady talked about God in a deep and passionate way. Im convinced that Jesus is at work chasing after my heart. Whatever the Lord puts on anyones heart to tell me I would love to hear. ❤️. I am not born again, honestly 100%. I did not have that supernatural experience. just recently I have been really resistant to reading the Word, prayer, etc. My mind has been recently been resistant to prayer. my depression has been hitting me hard. I am thinking this could be spiritual warfare. Any thoughts?
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What does the book of Revelation “reveal” ?

Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must quickly take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw.3Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.

apokálypsis – properly, uncovering (unveiling). See 601(apokalyptō).

602 /apokálypsis ("revelation, unveiling") is principally used of the revelation of Jesus Christ (the Word), especially a particular (spiritual) manifestation of Christ (His will) previously unknown to the extent (because "veiled, covered").

Why can’t the universal Church agree on the meanings of the multiple visions in the book of Revelation, if it is an “unveiling” or an “uncovering” or a “revealing”?

Why are there hundreds of different and disagreeing interpretations on this eschatological forum alone, if revelation is an “unveiling” or an “uncovering” or a “revealing” of truth?

Peru’s President impeached and arrested after he attempts to dissolve Congress

Dina Boluarte became Peru’s first female president on Wednesday, capping off a dramatic day which saw her predecessor detained by police and impeached by lawmakers.

Boluarte, the country’s former Vice President, was sworn into the top job at Congress to become Peru’s sixth president in under five years.

The ceremony took place hours after a majority of 101 members in the 130-person legislative body voted to impeach former leader Pedro Castillo.

The tumultuous day began when then-President Castillo announced plans to dissolve Congress and install an emergency government, ahead of a looming impeachment vote by lawmakers, which Peru’s Ombudsman described as an “attempted coup d’état.”

He also called for parliamentary elections to work on a new constitution.

The move prompting a string of cabinet resignations, fiery reactions from top officials and condemnation from regional neighbors – and ultimately failed to prevent his impeachment in Congress.

"If something isn't going the way I want, that means we should suspend the preexisting rules, up to and including the ones laid out in the national constitution"

Sounds familiar... Although, in this case, it was coming from a sitting leader, and not one who lost months and months ago and is refusing to let it go.

Ocasio-Cortez under investigation by House Ethics Committee

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee, the panel’s acting chair and ranking member said in a statement on Wednesday.

The committee did not specify what exactly it was probing regarding the congresswoman and noted that its statement “does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred.”

The House Ethics panel received the matter from the nonpartisan Office of Congressional Ethics in June and said it plans to “announce its course of action” in the next Congress.

The House Ethics Committee typically has 45 days to review a matter referred to it by the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent entity that initially examines allegations of misconduct against lawmakers and other House employees.

At the end of the 45 day-period, the committee can choose to extend its consideration of an issue but must make a public statement, as it did in Ocasio-Cortez’s case.

Not much details yet...but it'll be interesting to see what the "matter" was that spawned this whole thing.

AOC under ethics inquiry


interesting that leaders from both sides signed off on it and then left it to the next Congress to investigate.

Approaches to virtual group Bible study?

Greetings all. For 2023 I'm going to be hosting a small-group Bible study and am curious if you have any ideas or recommendations regarding process, tools, etc.

The goal
  1. Perhaps 10 people maximum, likely geographically distributed across multiple time zones.
  2. Although I might be "the host" (whatever that even means) I'm leaning away from a "leader-student" model where, for example, a pastor conducts the study session, pointing out key verses, answering questions, etc. Something like a distributed, open platform where participants can post their thoughts, respond to others, etc, without the need for any obvious leadership other than to ensure the platform's working well and any inner-group issues are taken care of.
  3. Keeping it simple, we'd be reading 4 chapters a day in linear fashion from a slightly modified book order (the group can agree ahead of time what the final book order should be, but the sense would be to mix some of the NT across the otherwise vast stretches of OT books). At 4 chapters a day that would give a bit of breathing room each month if a person missed a day or two here or there and needed to catch up, but ideally we'd all stay on track so that we'd be able to keep current with any discussions or observations.
  4. Technology platform-wise it should be something available on both mobile devices and desktops, and would allow for free posting/replying while ideally still allowing for some basic organization or structure (e.g. maybe separate forums per book, etc, so it's not just a big soup of messages.
  5. No-pressure environment: at minimum the participants would simply be along for the ride, completing the whole bible by year's end, and with some basic group encouragement if they fell behind or had some questions. There would be no expectation that participants post or reply on any frequency, in line with the fact that many have busy lives, vacations, screaming kids, screaming spouses, etc. One would hope though that there would be at least SOME conversation, especially around key chapters and verses. Like all things, what you get back would be related to what you put in.
  6. All denominations and English Bible translations welcome. Catholics would be on their own to squeeze in the Apocrypha somewhere along the way and shouldn't expect non-Catholics to necessarily have much commentary or responses to those books (but I'll do my best to read them too and comment on them so you don't feel lonely :) ).
  7. It also might be a good idea to find out key objectives from each participant at the beginning. Then, throughout the year, the others can highlight and discuss when relevant scripture arises. e.g. Mary wants to hone her understanding of theodicy, or symbolism, or eschatology, so we could all keep an eye out and zoom-in a little when appropriate.
  1. Ideas or past experiences on any of the above, in terms of process or protocol?
  2. Tool recommendations? Currently I'm thinking Discord, Telegram, Signal are all potentials. I'm guessing an email mailing-group wouldn't make much sense?
  3. Additional concerns, cautions, other random thoughts that you think might improve the experience?
  4. Anyone themselves interested? Anyone willing to host a second parallel group themselves (with perhaps different protocol - doesn't have to be identical) should the group go beyond a reasonable number of participants?
Thanks for any and all feedback :thumbsup:
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What are the basic elements of the "Gospel"?

This thread is inspired, in part, by Bible Highlighter's thread 'What is the Gospel?', so I have a question for you all:

What are the essential elements or theological points of the gospel in your view? Does it include predestination? Or hell? What are the essential points that constitute the gospel? I placed this in the controversial theology section for those whose views may not be mainstream.
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Idk if this belongs here, but I need a little help discerning if this is God or not. Newbie Christian here.

So, I have OCD. Please do keep that in mind. However, ive been getting this weird thing for a while now where if I think about certain topics ill get a "prick" on my skin. Like a beesting. Almost like a sharp "No thats not right" or "Thats false". It they will stay consistent to what thoughts they happen with.
IDK if OCD can cause this level of physical control, so now im wondering if its some weird way that God is talking to me. Tbh its really freaking me out because idk if I should listen to it or not. I keep praying for discernment or an answer and I get nothing. Does this sound like a way God would talk to me? They are just SO accurate, and it honestly scares me a little.

Also, please dont say, "Take it to the bible, see if it lines up." because the issue with that, is that most of these things are issues that the bible doesnt even talk about.

For example, rn its really going on about my views of the new earth. Ill be thinking about how I cant wait to explore the new earth, and persue my passions, and stuff like that. And ill get a prick and it starts hinting that we will just sing for eternity and stuff like that. Stuff that makes me dread heaven tbh. IDK IF I SHOULD LISTEN TO IT. Ik I sound crazy, but I really dont know. Im new to God, so Idk how he works.


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