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    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      I think the truth about Jer, Eze and quite a few other prophecies are not going to be understood. Thankfully, and understandingly it's...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      Israel has never had, and never will have a Christian covenant like the present one in Christ's Blood, of which He is mediator. The new...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      Who do you think Jer 31 and Eze 36 are talking about?
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      I do like your incisive practice, but we're talking about something understandingly not going to be accepted by most because of the...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      The demons believe there is only one God, and not many gods.
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      Israel doesn't know God as their Father because you have to be in Christ to inherit sonship. They are only known as the "people of God."
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      Hi, and thanks for your reply! I wouldn't think that God is going to allow the Jews that believe in Him perish! It's my understanding...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      I don't know how to answer you yet because it's difficult to reply with your excessive accusations.
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      Hi, and appreciate your replies! Concerning Israel and Christians, they are separate entities. Most Jews don't believe in the Lord...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread The Eschatology of Israel.
      I always want to post my material all together, to ensure one will not be missed.
    • WordSword
      The Eschatology of Israel It sounds crazy to teach what is in this post, but it’s just what I believe personally, after two and a half...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      I think it better to share this link from John Gill (1697–1771) for Jn 14:2, 3: John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible - Bible Study Online...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      The writer's intention for saying "It's Paul For Me" is in the sense that Paul was used by the Lord Jesus (Act 9:6) to reveal much of...
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      I need to know the specifics of what issue. Thanks and God bless!
    • WordSword
      WordSword replied to the thread It’s Paul For Me.
      It's ok of course that we believe different here, but I believe the teachings are literal, not symbolic, i.e. they are actual mansions, etc.
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