Consciousness Came Before Life

I still don't understand your critique.

I never claimed to be perfect or to know everything or that I am looking anywhere but at Him.

Why do you think I am in error?
I'm not saying you are in error. I'm saying it would be better to hold to the Word, and not to your conclusions as though they are not subjective. Test everything you think you hear from the Spirit of God by the Word. This takes a LOT of prayer and reading Scripture.

Just as an example: I am almost as certain that the New Jerusalem of Revelation 21, the Holy City, dressed AS a bride, IS the Bride of Christ —us— as I am that the redeemed are the Temple of the Spirit of God. And I have reams of reasons to think so, drawn from Scripture. But not only do I realize that if it is true that the truth of it does not stop there, but also that in the end, it is opinion, and the heart-rending beauty of the thoughts and implications are nothing to compare with the truth of the matter, both in its complication and its simplicity. If indeed the Spirit of God, and not the form of the words my mind loves, is where I get this, good, but I cannot entirely trust it yet, because that is not quite what the text says.

As a negative example, one of the most common things I have seen taken for proof of universalism, or of free will, is based on OUR notion of God's love. "Does that sound like a loving God?" is one of the most angry questions I get from people. We mustn't build doctrine on our notions, even those that come upon us overwhelmingly, perhaps even by the Spirit of God for a purpose. Test it by the whole of Scripture and by all its particulars.
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Dear Brothers

As I seek My Father in Heaven who lives in you, please allow me to take this moment to encourage you and thank you for all that you do.

Who is my brother, who is my father but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.

The greatest gift you could give your sisters or any person is for believing in Him and doing His will.

You are His gift from heaven to this sister as I look up to you. And I thank God for sending you.

View attachment 350211
Happy Father's Day to you as well. We look to our regular fathers on Earth, but look up to the one true Father, Lord Yahweh in heaven.
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How To Understand : Acts 2:38

Amen. Word and Sacrament.
The Scriptures do not contradict each other.
In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Eph 1:13
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4/ to take to heaven.... Huh? where do you get that from?
Because heaven is where the mansions are.

5/ to places prepared...... this can only be the New Jerusalem, which we are told comes to the earth AFTER the Millennium. Rev 21:1

Jesus comes again to this present earth to take believers in Him to heaven.

Differently, the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 will be on the new earth, after this present earth has been destroyed after the thousand year millennium.
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

Oh, you mean greed. You must be talking about post #65. Yes, I understood that was about greed.

I'm a centrist.
Woo, I am a centrist also. My ideologies are below, with blue = left, purple = center, and red = right. I back up my ideologies with scripture, or try to hold as true to the Bible as possible.

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Die Hard Trump Supporters

@Akita Suggagaki , what is your political ideology? Is it far-left, left, center, right, or far-right? I am betting it is not the last one. For myself, I am close to the center. I recommend staying away from the far-left and the far-right, and sticking with the center, maybe the center left, and center-right. However, do not break up family due to politics. Your sister is probably a nice, kindhearted individual, so please continue hanging out with her. While you and I do not like Trump, I have learned a lot of good things from the right, and my politics have shifted from left to center over the past 18 months to a few years, and would probably remain near the center.
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A Conversation about Solar Panels

I haven't seen anything in Australia as yet. There is a German based company which also seems to have instantaneous hot water systems.

Essency might be targeting the US Market first - it's a lot bigger and a lot closer.

I have no experience with their products though. One issue with instantaneous electric HWS Systems would be black outs - a HWS with a tank would have some residual hot water so you could probably get by for another day if you kept the showers short whereas instantaneous heaters would not work at all.

But they sound OK. You'd be better to do some research closer to home if you're interested.

There's an Australian government website here spruiking the various types of water heater.

Yeah, a blackout would kill the heat from an instantaneous HWS. I prefer warm water. :) It does seem like Essency is covering the US market before the Aussies. Hey, if worse come to worse, you can go with the German company, as the Germans make great quality products (just a little expensive). My condo has water heaters in the basement, so I have no choice on those. I am not even sure what type of water heater my place uses, but I am betting that it is gas or heating elements, as America is light years behind Europe and Australia.

By the way, to save energy, water heaters only have to be 50°C (122°F) to kill bacteria, and reduce scalding, instead of 60°C (140°F). Americans are weird, and set the water heater temp to 120°F (49°C) according to the EPA, eww, 49 ends with a 9 and not a zero.

A study on 49°C (120°F) water heating: Residential water heater temperature: 49 or 60 degrees Celsius?

Source: 3 Reasons to Set Your Temperature to 50°C - AOS Bath Singapore

It is getting late here, but we can discuss more about clean energy and efficient appliances tomorrow.
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I think it's time to be painfully honest about the TWICE DEAD.

If you think this would help other readers, I would be willing to engage in a question and answer style unpacking of this. You and I are both aware that the two Covenants are incompatible.

If you are willing to answer questions based on understandings of Jesus Christ's interactions with the Pharisees and the scriptural revelations of the New Covenant, I could do that. I cannot write this out in a form of "commentary", because it is that kind of a matter.

If you would like to unpack this, my first question is this;

Which of the 613 Mitzvahs of the Old Covenant did Jesus not fulfil or cover with His blood according to the full summation of Paul's writings and the book of Hebrews. (He fulfilled all of them is an acceptable answer if so inclined)

If you see it as clear enough... we can just leave it as is.
Brother. You know I love you in Christ our Lord and Savior. But our attempts to engage in such conversation go so far into 'theory' and away from heart (at least on my part) that I don't see this working. We disagree on much —always the words and assumed implications, not to mention the presumptive [and imprecise] language from which we base our arguments— or maybe it is only on a few hard things.

If you wish to proceed, I will have to have to know where you are heading on this, just to be able to answer in a way that my words cannot be used to go where I had intended that they not go, or to imply things that I don't mean. And, for what it's worth, I don't say this with everyone with whom I argue. With some, I don't care very much nor take them very seriously. I don't think you do that on purpose, but that you simply think some things imply things that to me they do not. I would rather the conversation didn't go there.

Just for starters, what are the two Covenants, that you take to be incompatible? I am adamant that there has only ever been one Gospel. So please describe the two Covenants and show their incompatibility.

But yes, he fulfilled all the law.
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you think abortion and LGTV (whatever that is) is an indulgence? And I have no idea what you mean by elevating ourselves above others lives.

And so? Are you thinking I believe in this doctrine? If so, what gave you that idea?
A superior haughty person puts their salacious and greedy wants before another life - the child aka abortion.
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My Father's Day Poem

Not all of us can celebrate
The fathers that we had on earth,
For some of us had fathers grim,
From the first day our moms gave birth.

Our lives with “Dad,” oh, they were sad,
We feared him much when he got mad.
We never knew when he’d lash out,
So we were scared, without a doubt.

But then we learned of Jesus’ love,
And of our Father up above,
And of the love they have for us,
And that brought comfort, we felt loved.

And so in absence of the man,
Who was my father, flesh in hand,
My Father God did take his place,
He is the Dad I celebrate.

Father’s Day in America
An Original Work / June 16, 2024
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

I know.

I know

Yes, and what is your point?

Please qualify your terms. What's not a command? What is a reference of what not to do? How not to be?
Being carnal minded.
It's an insult and teaching what not to do.

7 Because the carnal mind is enmity [this means ENEMY and COMPLETE SEPARATION] against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.

IE - he's doing a smack down on the ones who are carnal minded and separated from the Lord.
'Not subject' is stating this is not the law of God.

And since when do you feel you can debate in here?
Against our Bishop and teachings.
This is OBOB.
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

LGTV = LGBT. Elevating ourselves above other people's lives means putting personal gains and money over babies.
Oh, you mean greed. You must be talking about post #65. Yes, I understood that was about greed.
What is your political ideology? Left, center or right? I am close to the center, but try to stick to the Bible.
I'm a centrist.
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Do Dinosaurs Prove that Death Existed Before the Fall?

Ok, tks, that give me something to study and work on understanding.
Do not think of the Creation in context of the flesh til after the fall.

He took the woman from the rib - but nowhere does it say He breathed life into her.
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The verdict is in. We now witnessing history. The first man to be elected President a felon


Make your excuses. Spout your conspiracy theories. Tell us how this makes him an even better candidate. Also comment on what sentencing will look like. Between his outbursts, his contempt of court flirtations, his addressing the jury when that's a no-no. What I want to hear about most is how corrupt the judge was when he was found guilty by a jury of his peers......

After you justify all of his felonies and inform us of the corruption of his judge and the court system in general. Let us know about the same courts' fairness as it relates to race because every known statistic shows the disparity. When you do that, please explain why this is a corrupt court and the courts that have created a disparity between blacks and whites when it comes to pulling citizens over, convicting at a higher rate, charging higher bail, and not approving bail as often as whites, and longer sentences for black who are in the same legal situation as whites and are convicted of the same or similar crimes.

Can't wait to hear from you.
Btw trying to hijack this case in order to whine about supposed systemic racism is pathetic. You could have made ur own thread but u had to push ur agenda here. Absolute cringe. If u think u are gonna accomplish anything then u are sorely mistaken.
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith


David wrote actual, historical and allegorical.
I know.
[Allegorical = to be fulfilled aka Messiah Jesus]
I know
Allegorical interpretation, a third type of hermeneutics, interprets the biblical narratives as having a second level of reference beyond those persons, things, and events explicitly mentioned in the text.
Yes, and what is your point?
That's not a command... it's a reference of what NOT to do, how not to be...
Please qualify your terms. What's not a command? What is a reference of what not to do? How not to be?
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Do Dinosaurs Prove that Death Existed Before the Fall?

I have can give you a list of 100 scriptures that talk about having the Mind of Christ.

For example Colossian's 3:12

11Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, or free, but Christ is all and is in all. 12Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with hearts of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Well scripture says who can counsel the Lord, Who could know His mind? Basically saying it is not possible.
But we should behave as Jesus wants us to.
Again, evil would not be evil if they could be like the Lord.

I am so tired.
This is why OBOB is not a debate area.
In fact, it is not allowed at all.
I just don't have the energy either tbh.

Anyway that scripture is out of context.
You cannot take pieces of scripture that glaringly contradict the rest of scriptures... but must learn it in context.
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Die Hard Trump Supporters

I just got off the phone with my sister. She firmly, vigorously believes that Trump is the best president ever, can fix "everything", if anything bad happened January 6th it was Nancy Pelosi's fault and anyone convicted should certainly be pardoned, on and on. And I am the one who is brain washed because I do not buy it.

Anyone else?
Sounds like your sister is 100% correct, possibly listening to her would be of great help to you
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President Biden mocks our Catholic faith

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you think abortion and LGTV (whatever that is) is an indulgence? And I have no idea what you mean by elevating ourselves above others lives.

And so? Are you thinking I believe in this doctrine? If so, what gave you that idea?
LGTV = LGBT. Elevating ourselves above other people's lives means putting personal gains and money over babies. What is your political ideology? Left, center or right? I am close to the center, but try to stick to the Bible.
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