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    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread atmospheric water generator.
      Umm... I know how to dig a well by hand. That tech was used into my lifetime. Once done, it consumes zero electrical power if you're...
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Conservative Boast.
      Umm...I'm skeptical simply because they see this as a positive thing. They're just as proud of their label as conservatives.
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Conservative Boast.
      Raises eyebrow: You mean no one boasts of being a liberal?
    • Tuur
      At the moment I vote Republican but it's important to realize that a political party's interest is always itself. A political party will...
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Iapetus 3536.
      Nice. Did you use paint or ink?
    • Tuur
      Tuur posted the thread Dinosaur Hunt in Visual Arts.
      Okay, this is a crude attempt at sketching with a mouse in GIMP. Since it was going to be crude...well, below is the result.
      • Dinosaru Hunt.jpg
    • Tuur
      Political drama is one thing; Claiming what God does or does not do without a scriptural basis is quite another. All things are in...
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Biden is stepping aside..
      Ironically, Joe Biden withdrew from the election on Ice Cream Day.
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Biden is stepping aside..
      All you have to do is watch what little leaks out. The video of Biden boarding Air Force One to return to Delaware showed a feeble old...
    • Tuur
      Some of it may be the level of radioactivity and half-life. Let's see...A check shows Cesium 137 is one byproduct, and that has a...
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Drop Cloth.
      Since I put each color on its own layer, I can easily change the colors. I lock the levels I'm not working on so I won't mess them up...
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Drop Cloth.
      This? It was just to see if I could do a Jason Pollock sort of "painting" in Inkscape. Each color is on its own layer, including the...
    • Tuur
      Tuur posted the thread Drop Cloth in Visual Arts.
      Done with Inkscape. Turns out I didn't need paint after all.
      • Dropcloth.jpg
    • Tuur
      Tuur replied to the thread Thoughts on junk silver?.
      Serious questions: For years have seen adds for investing in precious metals. I'm assuming this is the actual metal, in hand, and not a...
    • Tuur
      Biden has had several vaccinations for COVID and has contracted it twice before. According to the following article, he doesn't have a...
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