The Last Week of Daniel’s 70 weeks --- from 66 to 73 All Fulfilled Prophecy Part - 2

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Jun 17, 2006
The Last Week of Daniel’s 70 weeks --- from 66 to 73 All Fulfilled Prophecy


Brothers/Sisters, To All Who SEEK The TRUTH, A chapter from the "Little Book" of Revelation chapter 10.



Tread in two parts this is part - 2

Beginning of part - 2
And note further the recrudescence of Roman Catholicism destined to bring on the War of Gog and Magog at the end of all time, as prophesied in Zechariah 13:2-6, for see there the idols and their false prophets who have no relatives but parents, wear hairy mantles in apparent imitation of John the Baptist and live in or frequent a “house of beloved ones,” see actual visions and prophesy in the Name of the Lord, but through the influence of “the spirit of impurity,” which is the spirit of antichrist (and compare Revelation 16:12-16, a section referring to the Crusades, as established elsewhere, and thus to the historic Roman Catholic Church as well; and even as the aftermath of the battle of the Horns of Hattin at Armageddon, the mountainous hinterland of Megiddo, July 4, 1187, that broke the power of the usurping and idolatrous Crusaders, is referred to symbolically as a great mourning of aliens, here Syrians, for their chief deity Hadadrimmon — meaning “Pomegranate Breasts,” a mocking Hebraized form of a compound foreign name representing images of Mary, though of course the Biblical Mary is quite innocent of all that others do, clearly the central figure of the Catholic pantheon to whom the “vain repetitions” of Matthew 6:7 are ever addressed — in Zechariah 12:11, we knowing that the Jewish families of 12:10-14 in fact represent “all the tribes of the earth,” as in Revelation 1:7; and compare 6:15-17), who display stigmata of the hands, and whose parents “pierce them through,” this being the same word our holy and true prophet had just used above in 12:10,saying, “and they will look toward Me whom they pierced through”; and this father and mother are affirmed to be the ones who gave birth, which is a seeming stylistic redundancy and is furthermore repeated, to distinguish them from others also recognized as fathers and mothers — but the “names” here are those of evil ones, kings and popes and the like, or general terms such as “crucifix” or “creche” — “ ‘And it will happen on that day,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘that I will cut off the names of the idols from the earth, and they will not be remembered any more; and also the prophets and the spirit of impurity will I cause to pass away from the earth.’ And it will be that whenever a man will prophesy again, that his father and his mother who gave birth to him will say to him, ‘You must not live, because you speak falsehood in the Name of the LORD’; and his father and his mother who gave birth to him will pierce him through when he prophesies. And it will happen on that day that the prophets will be ashamed each man of his vision when he prophesies it; neither will they wear hairy mantles any longer in order to deny and say, ‘I am not a prophet — I am a worker of the ground; for a man has assigned me possession of land since my youth.’ But then one will say to him, ‘What are those wounds between your hands?’ And then he will perforce say, ‘Those with which I became wounded in the house of those beloved to me.’ ” And the visions and prophecies of these evil ones intended to legitimize a restoration of Catholicism and through that private ownership and a general elitist reemergence certainly might contain comparatively minor successful prognostications such as those permitted to prophets of other gods during the Old Testament age as a trial for Israel, as per Deuteronomy 13:1-5; and see also Matthew 7:21-23; I Timothy 4:1-5; and II Timothy 4:3-4. And compare further in regard to this whole matter the well-known issues raised by Jeremiah 22:24-30 and their resolution. The self-serving policies of these later emperors contributed immensely to the progressive deterioration of the West and the fall of Rome, as is known, even though ongoing economic dislocation, the abandonment of hitherto fertile agricultural tracts and the concomitant appearance of extensive marshlands in large regions of Western Europe, plagues, the disruption and diminution of commerce, the decline of urban centers, and the expansion of deserts in Iberia and North Africa, had characterized the entire period from the days of Constantine, and as in Revelation 8:7-12 and 16:2-9. The denudation of the fertile topsoil and the expansion of the deserts brought furious dust storms in their wake hiding the light of the sun, moon and stars, as in 8:12, but also permitting the fierce rays of the sun to scorch the people with great heat at other times, as in 16:8-9 — and note this amazing personage called “the angel of the waters” in 16:5 and this second, “the one having authority over fire,” of 14:18, for everything in the universe, whether animate or inanimate to us, has within it a spark of life, being a thought image and so alive in the mind of the Most High — surely He came with the flesh of Heaven into this world which is His dream — “for in Him we live and move and exist” and “Like any dream when one awakes, so, O Lord, when You awake, You will despise their image,” that in reference to the children of the evil one, “Behold, these are the wicked: even those who prosper in the world, having attained to wealth,” He who “makes His angels winds and His ministers flames of fire,” He gives life to everything, and the host of Heaven worships Him (Acts 17:28; Psalm 73:20 and 12; Hebrews 1:3, 7; Nehemiah 9:6; Numbers 12:8; Psalm 17:15; Genesis 5:1-3; I Corinthians 11:7; I John 5:20; and Revelation 1:4-8, 17; 21:5-6; 22:12-16; and as compared with Isaiah 44:6 and 48:12; and see further Job 38:6-7 and Psalm 148); and these are the spirits of the ancient peasant Faith, spirit of the mountain, spirit of the tiger, spirit of the tree. And seemingly incongruous elements and even dimly apprehended half-images may now and then rise to awareness in a dream from deep within the subconscious of the dreamer.

—Barry I. Hyman

Peace be with You
Dan Judge
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