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    • keras
      Iran’s ayatollah regime is at its lowest point in many decades, and all this before Donald Trump enters the White House. It's difficult...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Ezekiel 39, 1000 years, chart.
      The Gog/Magog attack upon new Christian Israel in all of the holy Land, must be before Daniel 9:27 and before the Anti-Christ desecrates...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      What happened in the past bears no relation to what we are told will happen in our future. Dramatic and world shaking events with cosmic...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Who are the People in Revelation?.
      This is wrong, as no one ever leaves his earth to go to heaven. Th Sixth Seal will commence all the end times events and the time gap...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      I do it because we do have a future and we are not, or should not be in the dark about what God has planned for our future. Those...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      Isaiah 46:8-10 Remember this and abandon hope, consider it well you rebels: Remember all that happened long ago – for I am God and there...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      It isn't because they can't be bothered, its because what I post is so far out from their beliefs and what they have been taught by...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Who are the People in Revelation?.
      But I agree with this. And only a Jewish remnant will survive to rejoin their Brethren. Right, Jesus was sent the House of Israel...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Who are the People in Revelation?.
      Jews who have become Christians are at one with their Christian brethren. I agree. WE Christian peoples ARE the nation; the people...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      So you don't care which January? But the Abomination of Desolation, Matthew 24:15, is NOT the next Prophesied event. The new Temple has...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread 2025 predictions thread.
      Yes, Rev 7:0 is the Christian peoples. But do not be deceived; They are on earth. Nowhere is it said they are in heaven. Ezekiel and...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      Thanks @ecllipsenow; you have demonstrated your hatred of my presentations of the Prophetic Word. People hated the ancient Prophets too...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread The Punishment of the Ungodly.
      The worst problem comes when the literal fulfilment is rejected. It was Zephaniah's lot to speak on the most unpleasant subject in the...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Examples for our Instruction:.
      What a load of theological tripe! Revelation 19:11-21, is a clearly stated narrative; Jesus Returns in glory, splashed with the blood of...
    • keras
      keras replied to the thread Who are the People in Revelation?.
      Galatians 3:26-29 and Isaiah 51:1-4 are perfectly clear. WE Christians are the Israel of God. Galatians 6:14-16 We were the House of...
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