Prophecy "If it's not confirmation, it's junk"?


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Feb 26, 2008
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You can test a prophecy and a prophet. A word from God is flawless, if it is 99.9999% accurate then its not from God.
flawless for who u, and how u think it should sound, be careful to distinguish between u not accepting what God has to say because u dont lik it or because it isnt from him... afterall we are the creature and he the creater divine and sovern over all things and he can say whatever he likes whenever he likes however he like whether u like it or not or denie it or accept it does not matter :)
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Simon Peter

14th Generation PROTESTant
Mar 4, 2004
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Over the decades dozens of prophets, pastors and laymen have had prophetic words for me. Even though I've not sought out prophets or gone to prophecy meetings/events, I've had - what I think is - quite a bit of experience with the prophetic, and it's been a significant part of my walk.

Many of these people haven't known anything about me, not even my name. I have audio recordings of some, and written notes by other people and myself for the rest. I have kept them all carefully cataloged.

A few random observations:

Most have had insight into my life, past, heart that they could not possibly have guessed. But some of these people have got some details wrong. For example, a pastor/prophet saw something that had happened to me accurately, but thought it had happened at church, it had happened at work.

One prophet saw some things in my past and heart accurately, but then predicted something a number of years/months in the future which absolutely did not come about (though it's possible it may in the future).

I've had several prophets/people in two different countries use the same imagery, and have even had prophets in different countries put two seemingly unrelated images together.

Generally, prophecy has been an encouragement about God’s hand on my life, rather than directional. When I’ve tried to fulfill prophecy, I have failed.

I have sometimes been reduced to tears by prophecy that has revealed God’s intimate concern; and one minor comment in a lengthy prophecy caused me to fall at God’s feet almost ten years later.

Many were extremely timely. One week I listed some serious concerns I had, that Sunday I visited a church and the pastor had a prophecy for me that addressed each of those concerns.

Of all the prophecies, a handful were significant in length, detail, accuracy and timeliness. These were all delivered by pastors or well recognized prophets.

There have been brief prophecies/words from friends or acquaintances that have turned out to be relevant and accurate. But these have been less reliable than those from leaders or known prophets.

As a note of interest. Before I was Christian, I had been involved in the occult, and I should point out that there were tarot card readings and séances that accurately foreseen some future events, with similar personal predictions to many of the prophecies I have received.

I also believe there are false prophets in the church who have spiritual insight. Don’t believe every spiritual ‘miracle’ is from God. The enemy has always been able to replicate true miracles. I know of serious damage done by the prophetic in the hands of spirits.

I wish I could nail down a solid doctrinal ‘black or white’ approach to prophecy. But my experience with their accurate reality, and yet lack of ‘hang your hat on it’ exactness keeps me from making 100% only doctrinal statements.

My Personal Conclusion
People do see things in the spiritual realm. But they see through a glass darkly.

Be cautious of taking them word for word literally, although some may be extremely exact. If they are directional or instructional, don’t grab them and run with it, but take them into account as another piece of the decision making process. The prophet’s reputation, and personal Holiness, is relevant. Pay more attention when the same theme comes up again and again.

Treat them like sermons, which should be questioned, held up to scripture, seen in context, and applied to the heart. They are what they are. If they speak to your heart with insight, be encouraged and let God minister to you.

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Jan 13, 2006
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I wish I could nail down a solid doctrinal ‘black or white’ approach to prophecy. But my experience with their accurate reality, and yet lack of ‘hang your hat on it’ exactness keeps me from making 100% only doctrinal statements.

That was a really good post, Simon. Thanks for that.

My experience with prophecy has been similar, though not as extensive.

One in particular has bothered me for several years now. A pastor of a church that I attended only briefly once gave a word that I believed at the time was straight from God to me. About a month later, the pastor's teaching started including some pretty egregious false teaching. Then he told a lie to the congregation about some former members and we found out about some shady financial dealings. My family and I stopped attending. (It was odd how quickly that church spiraled down the drain).

I struggled with how it could be that God would speak to me through that guy like He did even though the guy turned out to be pretty much a fraud.

But when I pray about it I still believe it was a word from God for my life that I can rely on.

So... I can only conclude that a person doesn't have to be 100% right, doesn't have to be "anointed", doesn't have to be sinless in order for God to speak through him/her.

My Personal Conclusion
People do see things in the spiritual realm. But they see through a glass darkly.

Be cautious of taking them word for word literally, although some may be extremely exact. If they are directional or instructional, don’t grab them and run with it, but take them into account as another piece of the decision making process. The prophet’s reputation, and personal Holiness, is relevant. Pay more attention when the same theme comes up again and again.

Treat them like sermons, which should be questioned, held up to scripture, seen in context, and applied to the heart. They are what they are. If they speak to your heart with insight, be encouraged and let God minister to you.


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Jul 12, 2004
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I do not think we have nailed down biblical prophecy as yet. Re: the OP, In the NT I do not find anyone seeking out a prophet for direction. To do so is, IMO, an admission that you are not looking to God or, at least, you are not listening to him. Could it be spiritual laziness that would drive someone to do their listening for them or would it be a lack of real connection to God? I would think that would be the first thing a prophet would address if someone sought her/him out for a “word.”

Anyhow, Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice.



“We were made not primarily that we may love God but that God may love us. ~C.S. Lewis

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Jul 12, 2004
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Also, with the wide divergence in teaching on prophetic ministry of the personal variety, I think P/C’s are a long way from nailing it down theologically (and pragmatically). As it is now generally practiced, it leaves too much room for kooks, manipulators, error, and disagreement and prophets/prophecies are not “judged” nor prophets held accountable for flagrant mistakes.


“We were made not primarily that we may love God but that God may love us. ~C.S. Lewis
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Blessed to Be A Blessing
Dec 23, 2005
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Also, with the wide divergence in teaching on prophetic ministry of the personal variety, I think P/C’s are a long way from nailing it down theologically (and pragmatically). As it is now generally practiced, it leaves too much room for kooks, manipulators, error, and disagreement and prophets/prophecies are not “judged” nor prophets held accountable for flagrant mistakes.


“We were made not primarily that we may love God but that God may love us. ~C.S. Lewis

Amen to that.
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Gregory Thompson

Change is inevitable, feel free to spare some.
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Dec 20, 2009
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This passage comes to mind quite often when the word prophecy is used .

I find it significant because a lot of the church emphasizes too much on the Old testament so get the wrong impression . either it is correct or it is incorrect . the following passage says to weigh what is said and keep what is beneficial . and toss away the details that are not edifying and not correct .

1 Thessalonians 5

12Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.

16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

19Do not put out the Spirit's fire; 20do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22Avoid every kind of evil.

23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

25Brothers, pray for us. 26Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. 27I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.

28The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
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