It's still numerology. I don't like the word either because it makes me think of occult and astrology. It's not the same as gematria though. Biblical numerology. Google says: "any belief in the
divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. So think of it as Biblical numerology. The study of Biblical numerology. A Divine relationship between a number and a coinciding event. In the Books of Daniel and Revelation there are 18 special numbers, 18 prophetic time periods. "Ology", numerology, is just a study of those numbers. Seven and sixty two weeks, until Messiah the Prince.
And so you list some of the numbers we study. God's numbers.
This is like the story from the Hal Lindsey book. Wait for a rebuilt temple. Wait for an Antichrist to make a covenant. Wait to see sacrifices start up again. Wait for him to stop the sacrifices. Then we'll know we're in the end times.
But if I'm right in reading the Newton numbers, the bifurcated timeline he suggested from Daniel 9, these things had to have started happening around half ways through 2021, to early 2022. If newton was right in his commentary, some of the verses in Daniel 9 had to be speaking specifically to a whole and complete "week" which would be happening now.
Realize there were two services in the temple. The word "sacrifice" was inserted by the King James translators. It originally just said the "daily", or the "continual". This was at the golden alter, the alter of incense. Look at that scene from Revelation 8 where the angel cast down the censer.
So what I'm saying for the controversial forum is that these things are happening now. Verse 9:26 was all about a "week" in the first century. Jesus was cut off in the middle of that week.
Fast forward to our time and we get the week of 9:27. Jesus is confirming a covenant with many during this week.
27Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;
But in the middle of the week
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.
And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”
This is not any part of a "week" in the first century. This is a complete and full "one week" that He, Jesus, is confirming a covenant with many. It began in January 2018 with the Two Witnesses in operation. They stand before the Lord of the whole earth, not before mankind. Only God can see them. They are the measuring rod given to John that measures the inner court, the judgement of the living prior to Christ's return.
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. This is the end of probation. Two Witnesses made war on and killed. This would have been around late summer/fall of 2021. There are two services in the Temple. The last one to end is seen in Revelation 8. The censer is used at the alter of incense. When that censer is cast down to earth, Jesus puts a final end to all sacrifice and offering. "He was given much incense, that he should offer
it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. This was the casting down of the censer in Heavens temple.
"And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”
These are multiple abominations in our modern times. Murders, adulteries, abortions, pornographies, same sex marriage, and the popularization of the Sodomite culture.
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolator.” (Satan).
There are a wide range of translations for Daniel 9 that range in disagreement, even with the original Hebrew that Daniel wrote.
Even some of the English translations the translator will insert "temple", on the wing of the "temple" Lol.
There's even one English translation what writes it like Daniel did, "Seventy seventy are decreed.
Moshe Cohen thinks there's two sets of "70" in Daniel 9, but he thinks the first "70" was that Babylonian captivity. He's fun to watch anyway.
I believe the time to post the empirical is past. So I'll stop short of reviewing the dates. We'll just have to wait and see now. Like Newton said: "let time be the interpreter".