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    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      Eve of apple-chomping fame, right? Yeeeeeeah, no. Ain't seeing that one, either. She was called the God Bearer, because, well, she...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      Yeah, w should. Itr'sa when you decide that everything that the other guy does is idolatrous that things get stupid. I had a co-worker...
    • Jipsah
      Mostly Joaquin Phoenix and CERN, and maybe Obama.
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah reacted to ViaCrucis's post in the thread Soulless People - Bible Source Needed with Winner Winner.
      No, the Bible doesn't mention "people without souls". Even more than that, no where in the Bible does it say that people "have souls"...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      No, that was what Rev 5 says, like it or not. So Rev 5 doesn't count because you're not catholic? Hmmm.... How about the beliefs...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah reacted to Akita Suggagaki's post in the thread Mariolatry? with Like Like.
      Our foundation. Authors of the other books in the New Testament? This is where we seem to part ways. the apostolic foundation was...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      Yeah, the old "you're taking that out of context" trik to try to gt around what a Scripture says. Probably because no one has suggested...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Creating a Humanzee.
      And the humanzee is strictly fi. Disgusting concept anyway.
    • Jipsah
      About what? Your absurd theological delusions? Nothing there to talk about, just awkward fiction. See ya!
    • Jipsah
      I'm eating turnip greens and corn bread. Good stuff! Oh no, massa, please don't beat me! <SOB> But no, my slaving it days are over...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Creating a Humanzee.
      No life. No nothing. Inanimate glob of cells. Makes a great End Times Creep Show, though, doesn't it?
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah reacted to Valletta's post in the thread Mariolatry? with Like Like.
      What you call it is a mischaracterization, a false judgment, of those who understand Mary's important role in salvation history. A...
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      Rev 5:8
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah reacted to prodromos's post in the thread Mariolatry? with Like Like.
      Those who are in Christ are alive in Christ. There are no 'dead' in Christ.
    • Jipsah
      Jipsah replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      The no harm done. But read Rev 5:8 and get back to me on that. Rev 5:8
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