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  1. pantingdeer


  2. pantingdeer

    … ?

  3. pantingdeer

    … ?

  4. pantingdeer

    Trinity theology

  5. pantingdeer

    Would it be okay for a Christian to get cosmetic surgery?

    I’ve always been very uncomfortable with my appearance. I don’t look like a normal person and I’ve been bullied before for some aspects of my appearance - even my own Dad called me ugly to my face. This has been very hurtful as I know he meant it and I already believed it about myself. I would...
  6. pantingdeer

    There is no love in me - how can I be saved?

    A few months ago I decided to start trusting God and in the sacrifice of Jesus for my salvation. By forgetting my doubts and feelings and just trusting God I felt some peace and believed I was really saved. I wanted to obey God and had ideas about how I would serve Him. About 2 weeks ago I...
  7. pantingdeer

    UK politics: Should a Christian get involved?

    Should Christians become involved in politics (I mean more than just voting) such as becoming a member of a political party? On one hand, I think some parties have good stances on important issues to Christians and so it might seem right to get involved somewhat. However, politics is divisive...
  8. pantingdeer

    Ashamed of hurtful things I’ve said to people

    When I was at school I experienced people making fun of me for my appearance and it definitely affected my confidence as I grew up. I used to look in the mirror all the time and hate how I looked. I would look at surgery online to see what I could do to fix myself and even contacted one of them...
  9. pantingdeer

    I am wicked and with a dead heart

    For many years I have stuggled, never feeling like I was a saved person. If someone asked me if I believed in God and believed in Jesus and that he died and rose again, I would say ‘yes’. But do I really believe it? On an intellectual level, I think I do - I believe the Bible and believe I would...
  10. pantingdeer

    Can I ask pastor to visit dying relative?

    A relative of mine is dying. Would you think it would be okay for a pastor from church to visit them?
  11. pantingdeer

    Lost for 6 years. May have found answer.

    I have been on these forums for years desperate for an answer. A few years ago it seemed like most of my attraction to women just disappeared overnight. This messed with my head for a long time: I thought I may have been turning gay or something but most of all it has given me very low...
  12. pantingdeer

    Fed up of being me

    I’m really fed up of being me. Everyone else out there seems to have likes and interests but I never really have any. I went to college not really knowing what major to do and I just thought everything would work itself out and I’d eventually find something that I enjoy. Well, that never...
  13. pantingdeer

    Is depression real or is it demons?

    For past few years I’ve felt very empty with no joy and some people have said I am depressed. My parent told me that it’s just because I need the Holy Spirit. So what do I do to feel better? How do I get baptised in the Holy Spirit? Also I was planning to start reading my Bible. Do I just...
  14. pantingdeer

    I don’t get joy from anything

    This started a few years ago. When I was 17, it seemed like my attraction to women just went away within the space of a few days. This affected me a lot. Then I slowly lost my interests in other things: I lost interest in what I was studying at school, lost interest in watching sports and lost...
  15. pantingdeer

    Lonely and bored

    I’ve been here on this forum for about 5 years. My original post was about how my attraction to women seemed to just disappear. It never returned unfortunately and so I still feel empty inside. I also stopped finding lots of things interesting and thought “what’s the point?” about everything. I...
  16. pantingdeer

    How can universalists read these passages and yet still believe everyone goes to heaven?

    Please read the following passages. They clearly state not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 8 34 When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 35...
  17. pantingdeer

    Anxiety issues

  18. pantingdeer

    How to start reading the bible?

    I have pretty weak faith and have no real relationship with God but I still value the Bible and believe what it says. I’ve things at church and heard other contracting things online and so never really know what to believe anymore. I want to sit down for myself and read and hopeful God will help...
  19. pantingdeer

    Does anyone else suffer with brain fog?

    I suffer with this nearly all the time. I am not a stupid person but it has made me feel like one. I slowly feel like I’m forgetting the English language (I struggle formulating spoken sentences as I just can’t get the words together) ; I struggle with mental maths A LOT when I used to be a whiz...
  20. pantingdeer

    How to awaken dead faith and feel alive?

    I feel dead inside. No joy, no fun, no happiness. I am very lonely person with no friends and it feels like I’m distant from God too. I don’t have great relationship with Him either. How does someone get close to God and know that He is their close friend?