Why is Babylon the Great a Mystery?


Dec 20, 2012
United States
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What makes you think so ?
Revelation 17 & 18 identify this Babylon as "The Great City"? Revelation 11:8 answers the question to "Great City" where Jesus Was crucified.

Revelation 18:24 states this harlot is guilty of the "Prophets Blood"? Matthew 23:37 answers the question Jerusalem kills the prophets.

We see in Revelation 16:12-21 the nations are gathered to Megiddo/Armageddon "Israel" a great city falls called "Great Babylon" Jerusalem!

Revelation 16:19 we see God pours his wrath upon the "Great Babylon" Armageddon Israel? Matthew 23:32 we see Jerusalem is filling the cup.

The harlot sits on seven mountains? Jerusalem sits on seven mountains.

The harlot wears purple/scarlet? The Jewish temple priest wore purple/scarlet Exodus 39

Isaiah 1:21-31 Identifies Jerusalem as the "Harlot" prior to the final judgment by fire in verse 31
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Revealing Times

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Jun 15, 2016
Clanton Alabama
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If I see someone wrong in 90-95 percent of the things they are speaking on I do not even bother enjoining a debate of ideas with them.

I rely on no one for my understandings but the Holy Spirit, I have been researching eschatology for over 30 years and preaching about as long. I have threads with my own understandings published on blogs and threads on here that do the same thing.

Below a thread I have on this site................
Babylon, The Harlot and the Seven Headed Beast Explained

Below: I explain ALL of Revelation in ONE POST.........

Of course the book of Revelation is just one big code book and the Old Testament is where we go to decode it. The book of Revelation is not in chronological order. Chapters 1–3 is about the seven churches of Asia-Minor. chapters 4, 5, 7 and 19 shows the Raptured Church in Heaven. Chapters 6, 8, 9, 11, 15 and 16 show the Seal, Trumpet and Vial Judgments. Chapters 10, 12 13, 14 17 and 18 are visions that fill in the gaps and chapters 20–22 are the after effects. Rev. 19 lasts the full seven years, Rev. 12 and 13 both start in the middle of the seven years as does Rev. chapter 6.

So Jesus speaks to the Seven Churches, tells them their pluses and minuses. Then John is transported to Heaven on the Day of the Lord. He sees future events that happen after the Beast Conquers Jerusalem, thus its the Lords Day or Day of the Lord (DOTL). He sees the Church in Heaven in Rev. ch. 4 and 5, praising God the Father and singing Worthy is the Lamb. Jesus then opens the Sealed Parchment which releases the Anti-Christ who has come to power via peace onto the world as a dictatorial tyrant in chapter 6.

The First Seal is the Anti-Christ coming forth, he Conquers Jerusalem among many others, thus he becomes the Last Beast which is also the Seventh Head of the Rev. 13 Beast. Daniel 8:25 says he destroys by Peace. He is the Little Horn of both Daniel 7 and 8. Jesus then releases the other three horses, they are all effects the Anti-Christ/BEAST brings to pass. He of course takes Peace from the earth because he brought a fake peace unto the earth, He brings famine and death via the other Seals. (Kills 1/4 of all Mankind)

The 5th Seal is those Martyrs under the Alter, they are the Christian Remnant of Rev. 12:17, who have been beheaded. They are told to wait until their brothers are killed also, meaning they are not the Tribulation Saints of Rev. ch. 7, those came out of the tribulation of the Church age ( The 2000 years of tribulation of the Church Age as in 2000 > 7).

The sixth seal is Christ supernaturally casting Satan out of Heaven (untimely figs)and bringing forth a great earthquake. The men of earth are just realizing they are in the Wrath of God or Day of the Lord, They have been in it since the very first seal was broken, but are just now understanding via the darkness and blood moon that the Day of the Lord or Gods Wrath is upon them. The Lambs Wrath is the Seven Seals.

The Seventh Seal is all of the Seven Trumpets. This is the Wrath of the Holy Spirit in chapter 8, because the prayers of the Saints go forth unto the alter of God and the Angel mingles the prayers with fire and casts them back down upon mankind. Thus fire burns a 1/3 of the tress and all of the grasses, 1/3 of the ships are destroyed, 1/3 of the waters are poisoned, 1/3 of the Sea becomes as blood and 1/3 of the Sea Creatures die. 1/3 of the sun is darkened, 1/3 of the moon doesn’t shine 1/3 of the stars don’t give their light. Of course these are warnings, in the Vials these same things happen IN FULL not in thirds.

Now lets back up to chapter 7 and see what is happening in Heaven at the same time all of this is going on on earth. The 144,000 are being Sealed, this is the Woman (Israel) of Rev. 12 being protected by God for 1260 days, its not 144,000 Jews IMHO, its 12 x 12 meaning is fullness or ALL ISRAEL being Saved as Paul spoke of. The number 12 always means fullness thus 12 x 12 is ALL ISRAEL. Then later in Rev. ch. 7 we see the Church in Heaven, they are the ones that came out of the Great Tribulation or 2000 year Church Age. So Rev. ch. 7 is the Church in Heaven, having already married the Lamb because they have on their White Robes, this is happening at the same time the Seals and Trumpets are happening.

Now lets jump forward to Rev. ch. 9, this is the 1st and 2nd Woe. The first Woe is the Demonic beings being released from the bottomless pit. Apollyon is their King, he is the Beast of Rev. 17, the 8th King that is over the Seven earthly Kingdoms that come against Israel as BEASTS (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece [5 have fallen] then Rome was the one that WAS at the time John wrote Revelation. And of course the coming Anti-Christ will be the Last Beast when he Conquers Jerusalem (Abomination of Desolation). This Apollyon was locked up after Rome ceased being a Beast almost 2000 years ago, when Israel was dispersed the world over.

Th 2nd Woe is an Army of God, thus their Breastplates are the exact likeness of the High-priests of Israel, whereas the Breastplates of the Demonic beings were as Iron. These are a 200 Million Angelic Army of God, not Humans on horses. They bring Plagues of God, so says the scripture in Rev. 9:20, the wicked were killed BY PLAGUES, this is an Army of God, not 200 million men on Horses.

Chapter 10 is a Mystery that only John seems to know, he was forbidden from revealing the secrets of the Seven Thunders.

Chapter 11 is the the Two Witnesses witnessing to all man-kind, they preached unto Israel BEFORE the Anti-Christ conquered them, thus Israel repented and accepted the Messiah Jesus before the Day of the Lord just as Malachi 4:5–6 said they would do. Also Zechariah 12:10 and 13:1 says Israel accepts Christ Jesus as their Messiah before Jesus returns in Zechariah chapter 14:3–4. As a matter of fact Zechariah 14:1–2 is Israel being Conquered by the Anti-Christ (Rev. 6) and verses 3 and 4 is Jesus returning to the Mt. of Olives and Conquering the Anti-Christ or BEAST, then casting him into hell fire (Daniel 7:11 and Rev. 19:20). There is a Great Earthquake here just like in the Sixth Seal, they get progressively worse, the Seal earthquake is bad, the Trumpet earthquake is even worse and the Vial Earthquake is Jesus Christ returning, he lands on the Mt. of Olives and a Great Earthquake hits.

Apollyon kills the Two Witnesses after the 2nd Woe and just before the 3rd Woe, thus we know the Two-Witnesses 1260 days do not line up exactly with the Beasts 42 Month (1260 days) time frame. They show up before the Beast because they die before the Beast dies, and that is what Malachi 4:5–6 says, I will send you Elijah to turn the Fathers hearts back before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord……So Israel repents before the First Seal is opened or before the DOTL. The Beast from the bottomless pit (Apollyon) kills them. He is the 8th King of Rev. ch. 17. It is announced that God is taking over, of course that does not happen in full until Jesus returns and destroys the Beast and all his minions at Armageddon. Then in Rev. ch 16 it is announced, IT IS DONE !!

Rev. ch. 12 is a Prophecy, all prophecies are about the future, thus Rev. 12:1–5 is a CODE and not a Prophecy, its sets up the real prophecy, Rev. 12:6–17. John could not call Rome a Beast and neither could he speak of Israel being protected by God since Rome had just sacked Jerusalem/Israel, it could have been seen by the Romans as sedition/treason, thus John/Jesus ENCODED the meaning of the Prophecy, just as he encoded much of Revelation with the Old Testament. Out of 404 verses in the book of Revelation, 289 verses contains Old Testament Phraseology.

Thus the Woman who is clothed with the Sun, Moon and 12 Stars is encoded phraseology, she has a male-child and the Dragon tries to kill the male-child, but the child is warned and thus ascends to the right hand of God in the throne room of God. What does this mean and how do we decode it?

Genesis 37 gives us the CODE WE NEED !!

Genesis 37:9 And he (Joseph) dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun (Jacob) and the moon (Rachel) and the eleven stars (Joseph’s 11 Brothers) made obeisance to me.

So the Sun, Moon and 12 Stars is their whole Family which = Israel. Thus we now know the Woman in Rev. 12 refers to the Woman (Israel), thus her male child is Jesus, thus the Red Dragon tried to kill him via King Herod, of course, who decreed that all male children under 2 years of age should be put to death. But we know that an Angel warned Mary and Joseph who fled to Egypt for a few years. Then Jesus was Crucified and ascended the right hand of God. NOW ON TO THE REAL PROPHECY !!

Rev. 12:6–17, the Dragon, Satan is cast out of Heaven (Micheal stands up Daniel 12:1–2) he chases the Woman (Israel) via the Anti-Christ/Beast, who FLEES unto the Wilderness where God or Eagles Wings protects her for 1260 days. Satan via his Beast is angry that he can not get at her and turns his anger towards the REMNANT of the Church (Remnant means a small part of something that is left) who keeps the Commandments of Jesus Christ. These are the Martyrs under the Alter at the 5th Seal. These are the Beheaded who are judged in Rev. 20:4, they rule on earth with Christ for the 1000 year reign. Chapter 12 is happening during chapter 6 and of course lasts the full 1260 Days as per God protecting Israel.

Rev. ch. 13 is happening during Rev. ch. 6 also of course, it is the Anti-Christ becoming the Beast, when he Conquers Jerusalem/Israel he becomes the BEAST for 42 Months. Remember folks, chapters 10, 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 are Visions with intermingled information about all of the other chapters. They are not real time events per se. Think about Rev. chapters 17 and 18……In Rev. 16 we see Armageddon ends it all, the Angel says IT IS DONE, yet we still have a Revelation chapters 17 and 18, HINT, these both happened starting in Rev. ch 6, one ends in Rev. ch 6 (Rev. 17) while the other is just Babylon or the World Governments receiving all of the Plagues of the 21 Judgments (Seals/Trumpets and Vials). So Rev. 18 starts in Rev. ch. 6 and ends in Rev. ch. 16. IT IS DONE !!

Back to Rev. ch. 13, the Beast arises out of the Sea, and we see the Lion, Leopard and Bear as a part of this Seven Headed Beast. That is meant as a clue, we are to understand these are the exact same Beasts of Daniel ch. 7, but whereas Daniel looked forward from his time on (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and the Little Horn) John and Jesus show us all of the Beasts by looking BACKWARDS, we see there are Seven Beasts, not the Five that Daniel showed us, counting the Little Horn/MAN that is cast into hell in Dan. 7:11 and Rev. 19:20. The Seven Beasts then have to be found by looking at the history of Israel since we know a Beast is one who Conquers, Enslaves or Rules Israel via Daniel ch. 7. So who are the other two Beasts? Well that is not a very hard thing to understand, we know Israel was enslaved by Egypt, and Assyria took away the 10 Tribes of Israel. It also matches Rev. ch. 17 where it says 5 Have Fallen….ONE IS…..and one is YET TO COME. We know that five have fallen before Rome becomes a Beast so lets write it down.

Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece had all FALLEN by the time John wrote the book of Revelation. Rome WAS at the time John wrote Revelation the Beast over Israel (Rome was Daniels 4th Beast but actually the 6th Beast according to Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation). The Coming Anti-Christ when he Conquers Jerusalem will be the Seventh Beast or the 7th Head of the Rev. 13 Beast. He has 10 Horns with him which have 10 Crowns because this is the MAN BEAST that is being spoken of. In Rev. ch. 12 the Dragon with Seven Heads has only Seven Crowns because he is over the Kingdoms that come against Israel, the BEAST of Rev. chapter 13 is OVER TEN KINGS thus their crowns are shown in Rev. 13.

All of this is happening at the Midway point or in Rev. ch. 6. The Beast arises out of the Sea meaning he Conquers Jerusalem/Israel and becomes the LAST GENTILE BEAST over Israel. He will rule for exactly 42 Months, the exact time that Israel is protected in the Wilderness by God. The False Prophet arises out of the Land which means he is a Jew, he will set up a graven Image of the MAN/BEAST and demand all peoples to worship it or die, thus all Religions are destroyed. Islam will be destroyed, along with Hinduism, Buddhism, he will chase the Jews into the Wilderness, kill the ones who do not flee and come after the Christian Remnant. He will thus Destroy the Great Harlot of Rev. ch 17 at this same time, she is ALL FALSE RELIGION of all time, she is Judged in Revelation ch. 6, Rev. ch 17 is just a VISION, its not a REAL TIME EVENT. Remember in Rev. ch. 16 the Angel says IT IS DONE !! Its over by that time.

The Great Harlot is destroyed by the Kings (Rev. 17:16) but it actually happens in Rev. ch. 6, when he comes to power he wipes out all Religions, this is only logical, he knows to be worshiped as God, the ONLY GOD, he must wipe out Islam at the very start, he will not wait, he knows they will never serve or submit unto him as God over their Allah. He thus kills off the Harlot when he first comes to power in Revelation chapter 6 at the VERY FIRST SEAL !!

Rev. ch. 14 is the vision of the Harvest. There are two Harvests there it seems, it seems Jesus is on the Cloud for one Harvest (Rev. 14:14), just like the Rapture says, he meets the Church in the Air. We then go to Heaven where we are seen in Rev. chapters 4, 5, 7 and 19. The second harvest is of course the Armageddon Battle where the blood is said to be up to the Horses Bridles. This is where God places the Grapes (Wicked) into the Wine-press of God’s Wrath. (See Rev. 16:19). Thus Babylon is Fallen, is fallen. Babylon is World Governance under Satan.

In Rev. ch. 14, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, in Rev. 16:19 it says…THE SAME THING BASICALLY.

Rev. 16:19 And the great city (Jerusalem) was divided into three parts(Earthquake when Jesus lands on Mt. Zion) , and the cities of the nations fell (Babylon or the Nations that gather against God at Armageddon FALL to Jesus/God): great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

So we see that God sees the Armageddon Event as Babylon being destroyed, just like in Rev. ch. 14, where the Wine-press smashes the Wicked via his Wrath, we see the same thing in Rev. 16:19 at the very last vial.

Back to Rev. ch. 15, this is only the Angels in Heaven readying the Seven Last Plagues (Vials of God).

Rev. ch. 16 is the last Seven Vials that God is going to pour out on the wickedness of all mankind. Every man that took the Mark of the Beast will receive grievous sores, the seas become blood and every creature in all the seas die, all the waters are poisoned, the sun scorches mankind, then there is total Darkness that falls over all of Babylon (The Beasts Kingdom).

Lastly, in Vial number Six, three lying spirits are sent forth from the Anti-Christ, False Prophet and Satan and they are shown as Frogs. They lie to mankind and get them to come forth and battle against God/Israel at Armageddon. The Kings of the East come forth, they are Arab Nations not China, the 200 Million are in Rev. ch. 9, not Rev. ch. 16, they are an Angelic Army, these are the Kings of the East or Arab Nations who hate Israel and of course the European Union where the Beast Arises from, amongst other nations that join in. Jesus lands on the Mt. of Olives and with just one command destroys the Beast and his Minions via the Holy Spirit (Without Hand or by the Sword of his Mouth/Holy Spirit).

Rev. ch. 17 is the Great Harlot who rides the Beast. She is ALL FALSE RELIGION, she is destroyed in Rev. ch. 6 when the Anti-Christ becomes the Beast he has no use for her anymore because he desires to be Worshiped as THE ONLY GOD !! The Beast she rides on is the False Governance of Satan over all the World which is called BABYLON by God. Rev.16:19 shows us God sees the nations that come against God and Israel at Armageddon as BABYLON. Thus the Kings in league with the Beast kill off the Harlot. In Rev. 17:18 we are given a clue……Revelation 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

What did John see in his vision? Well the Vision was only three verses, Revelation 17:3–6, the first 2 verses in the chapter were not the Vision and verse 7 was the Angel telling John he was going to explain who/what the Woman and the Beast she rode on was, verses 8–18 is the Angel explaining these things. So the vision was John seeing the Woman/Harlot and that she had four descriptors on her Head. Verses 3–6 was the fullness of the Vision John saw !!

Rev. 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, (COMMA) Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

So its never Mystery Babylon, its MYSTERY (Comma) then Babylon the Great, the word Mystery only means Secret by Gods Silence, so after the Angel tells us the Secret it is no longer a Mystery unto us. Thus its BABYLON THE GREAT, that is the Great City in Rev. 17:18. God sees Babylon the Great as standing for World Governance thus Babylon was the head of Gold of the Statue that will be smashed to smithereens at the end of time by Jesus the Rock cut out of the Mountain !!

Rev. ch. 18 is only Babylon (The World) being hit with the 21 Judgments (Seals, Trumpets and Vials of Gods Wrath). That is why God tells his people to come out of her so you will not suffer in her punishments. So God asks Israel to go into hiding in Petra (Wilderness). God also says in Rev. 18 that Babylon is become a habitation of devils, well that is true, Satan has been cast out of Heaven along with all of his demons (Rev. ch. 12) and the Demonic entities have all been released from the bottomless pit in Rev. ch. 9. So the World is inhabited by many Demons at this time.

Rev.18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

Well of course, with all of these plagues/Seals/Trumpets and Vials hitting the earth the Commerce will be destroyed. Ships being destroyed, Sea Creatures all dying (think Shrimp/Fish/Lobster) trees burning, the Waters poisoned etc. etc. of course the Commerce will be destroyed. But Babylon is NOT ONE CITY, it is all the World, all Governance under Satan’s auspices. Thus Babylon is being hit with all manner of Plagues and the very LAST VIAL (Seventh Vial) is Jesus landing on the Mt. of Olives and destroying the Anti-Christ and all his wicked minions. He then casts him into hell along with the False Prophet.

Rev. 19 covers the full Seven Years of Jacobs Troubles or the 70th Week. The Church is Raptured to Heaven, we marry the Lamb in Heaven, then we come back on White Horses with Jesus Christ and defeat the Anti-Christ/Beast and his minions. We then feast on the Marriage Supper (Carnage) this is why Matthew 24:28 says you will know where the Eagles will be gathered at the Carcass. It means the Church will be at Armageddon feasting (METAPHORICALLY) on the Wicked. We are called fowls in Rev. ch. 19. (Eagles are fowls)

Rev. ch. 20:4 is where we the Bride judges the Beheaded, the Martyrs of the Tribulation, and thus we must also Judge the Anti-Christ and False Prophet because they are cast into hell fire and all men must receive Judgment. This is the end of the First Resurrection, its the resurrection of those under Christ Jesus’ blood. The Second Resurrection will be those dead in Satan or the Wicked Tares, they will be judged along with Satan who is bound in the bottomless pit for 1000 years, then cast into hell where the BEAST and the FALSE PROPHET are in hell awaiting him. (Rev. 20:10).

The rest of Revelation is just telling us about the hereafter, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem coming down.

I do not follow men nor their traditions. I follow the Holy Spirit.
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Dec 20, 2012
United States
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Jerusalem, Israel: Jerusalem's seven hills are Mount Scopus, Mount Olivet and the Mount of Corruption (all three are peaks in a mountain ridge that lies east of the Old City), Mount Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion and the hill on which the Antonia Fortress was built.
No, that one is a clear reference to Rome: Seven hills of Rome - Wikipedia
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comes and goes
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Dec 10, 2003
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And is there any evidence that people said that in ancient times? First, some of those hills don't even have names, and second, in ancient times several of those were outside Jerusalem, so they wouldn't have counted.
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Dec 19, 2017
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If I see someone wrong in 90-95 percent of the things they are speaking on I do not even bother enjoining a debate of ideas with them.

Very unlikely. I am only here for few weeks and have not covered everything. But it does not matter because I will go to refute your doctrine for all to read.

Below a thread I have on this site................

Sorry but your "article" does not make any sense. You have typical carnal and dispensationalism private interpretations in connection to modern national Israel which you theorized that the false government of antichrist will destroy the harlot of all false religion. This is not what God prophesied about!

As for your copy and paste of "one post" commentary on the book of Revelation where you have stated that the white horse of Revelation 6 is the Antichrist who will conquer Jerusalem. Okay, I will stop right here, and I know you are not correct on this. I am not going to respond to your lengthy post here where you have included many different subjects under one post. I prefer to deal with one subject at a time and I got pretty good idea where you come from despite your 30 years of studying.

Please stick to Babylon the Great.

Thank you.
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Dec 19, 2017
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And is there any evidence that people said that in ancient times? First, some of those hills don't even have names, and second, in ancient times several of those were outside Jerusalem, so they wouldn't have counted.

A physical city of Jerusalem is not Mystery Babylon, or Rome, or Iraq, or New York City, or "some flavor of the month" city. She is the corporate New Testament congregation of Israel, the church, who have apostatized from God and gone whoring with the beast.
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Dec 20, 2012
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John interprets the symbolic heads as "Literal Earthly Mountains" now what ya goonna do, turn the Church into literal mountains?
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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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To be fair in his point, Israel and the Jews are very much part of the end times
And in revelation 18:4 God warns His people (Jews) to come out of Babylon unless they suffer the wrath of God.
See Jeremiah 51:45 in relation.
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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Read my posts correctly, the beast is the beast kingdom (satans kingdom)
The beast of the abyss who kills the two witnesses is Satan.
Tell me what the ten horns mean?.
As stated, my study was done years ago when I was young in the faith

I’m very open to correct teaching
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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Surrender to scripture or surrender to your dictation??
We should teach out of love, but all I can hear from you is, cockiness, pride because you seem to know it all and others don’t. If they make valid points, you put them down.
There is no love in your response, why should we believe you??
The Holy Spirit teaches in all truth, but He would never be smart about it.

We are all here because it’s a serious subject to learn, not alone teach. We are here so we are aware of end times.
Instead of being smart, how about you respond something like this.

“Lads, I believe you could be in error saying mystery Babylon is catholism or Muslim. If you go to Old Testament scriptures like Jeremiah 50 it talks more on Babylon”
You can then prove your knowledge and show others in error who Babylon the great actually is.
Knowing knowledge and not sharing it in a loving way is ignorance, please stop it.
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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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That’s what I was taught when we studied it. One of the kings looked like they had been fatally wounded but to everybody’s belief is alive and well.
I’m assuming this will be an assanation of some sort

Revelation 13:18 is clear too lol
The beast is a man
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Revealing Times

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Jun 15, 2016
Clanton Alabama
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The "Fatal Wound" is a Metaphor just like the Seven Headed Beast. You can see it in Daniel ch. 7 and in Rev. 13 if you know what to look for. The Holy Spirit just gave this to me one day while I was in deep study of course. WATCH THIS:

In Dan. 7 we had the Lion, Bear and Leopard in that order, Daniel was looking forward from his time on unto the end-times. Then the Fierce Beast or the Fourth Beast and then the Little Horn 2000 years later, the one that is cast into the burning fire in ( Daniel 7:11 HERE-MAN BEAST )

Gabriel filled Daniel in about the last two Beasts. That makes 5 Beasts in Daniel not 4.

Dan. 7:23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

Notice the Fourth Beast in verse 23 will be diverse from ALL THE PREVIOUS Kingdoms, just like verse 3 stated all the Beasts were different. But in verse 24 the Little Horn will be DIVERSE FROM THE FIRST !! (Diverse from the first Rome Beast, he is the second from Rome) I can prove this is the MORTAL WOUND in Rev. 13. WATCH BELOW:

Rev. 13 Beasts

Rev. 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (Greece), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (Persia), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (Babylon): and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death (Rome); and his deadly wound was healed {Anti-Christ becomes the BEAST Wound HEALED} and all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshipped the dragon(Satan) which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

Notice this seems to be John/Jesus looking backwards in time, the Lion, Bear and Leopard are in REVERSE ORDER !! Then we see Rome who had the Mortal Wound, but why would I say that? What is a Beast in Daniel Chapter (7) Seven? A nation that Conquers, Enslaves or Rules Israel in the Mediterranean Sea Region. So that would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece. Then Rome was ruling or BEASTING over Israel when Israel was dispersed the world over by Rome circa 70 AD to 125 AD. Thus without an Israel there can be no Metaphoric BEAST !!

Thus the Prophecy of Ezekiel is fulfilled, God sees Israel as Dead Men's Bones for almost 2000 years, then in 1948 we saw Ezekiel's prophecy come to pass in full !! Son of Man can these bones live again? Thou knowest oh Lord !! (Good Answer by Ezekiel, LOL). So Israel was seen as Dead Men's Bones, thus they were no more, thus there could be NO BEAST thus Rome suffered the MORTAL WOUND as per the METAPHORIC BEAST.

What happens when the Anti-Christ Conquers Jerusalem? He becomes the BEAST for 42 Months !! The MORTAL WOUND IS HEALED !!

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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Good teaching,
Is it during the first 42 months(3and half years) first part of tribulation that the witnesses prophecy.? Also, in this time is it israel flee because of the persecution from the antichrist?
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Nov 25, 2017
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That is not Scripture evidence that Satan is not the another beast of Rev.13. Rev.12:9 says the "dragon" is another title for Satan. Per Rev.13, they worship the "dragon", which reveals Satan will be the another beast, or little horn of Daniel.
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Dec 20, 2012
United States
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To be fair in his point, Israel and the Jews are very much part of the end times
And in revelation 18:4 God warns His people (Jews) to come out of Babylon unless they suffer the wrath of God.
See Jeremiah 51:45 in relation.
Jerusalem Is The harlot, Mystery Babylon The Great.

1.) Revelation 18:16 "That Great City" Babylon

Revelation 11:8 "The Great City" where our Lord was crucified.

2.) Revelation 18:16 She Wore linen, purple, scarlet, gold?

Exodus 39 Jewish Levitical Priesthood, linen, purple, scarlet, gold.

3.) Revelation 18:24 She's guilty of the "Prophets Blood"

Matthew 23:37 "Jerusalem" Thou That Killest The Prophets.

4.) Revelation 16:12-21 Nations draw to Jerusalem/Israel/Megiddo, Earthquake Destroys "The Great City" Babylon/Jerusalem.

5.) Matthew 23:32 Jerusalem, The Cup of Wrath Is Filled.

Revelation 16:19 The Cup Of Gods Wrath Is Poured Out, "The Great City" Babylon/Jerusalem

6.) Revelation 17:9 The harlot sits on seven mountains/hills.

Jerusalem sits on seven mountains/hills.

7.) Revelation 17:1-4, Revelation 18:9, Mystery Babylon Fornicates with the Kings of the world, playing the Harlot.

Ezekiel 16 Jerusalem fornicates with the Kings of the world, and plays the Harlot.

8.) Revelation 17, The Woman/harlot/Jerusalem rides the Beast/Antichrist/Man Of Sin

Daniel 11:36-37 The Beast/Antichrist/Man Of Sin will be Jeweish/Hebrew in decent. His fathers worshipped the true Hebrew God.

"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers"

Jerusalem Is The harlot Of Revelation, Mystery Babylon The Great.

Jesus Christ Is Lord

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Jonathan Leo

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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Defiantly starting to piece together for me now
Thank you
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Nov 25, 2017
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Concerning the idea of a revived Roman empire, Daniel 2 actually reveals all five pieces of the beast statue being destroyed 'together', at the same time', when it is struck upon it's ten toes and comes tumbling down.

Dan 2:34-35
34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.


That suggests that all... the previous beast kingdoms will be revived together, pointing most likely to today's idea of a "one world government". For this reason, I do not hold the opinion that the Antichrist will be a pope in Rome.

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