Beware of demons.


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Sep 26, 2016
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I meant the graveyard. When was that?
That was about 2 years ago.

Watchman2, nice to meet you.
I'm Catholic and I believe in the faith of the church in exorcisms. What I got online is what I think. I could not do an exorcism or say the exorcism rites without invoking a demon to come and make my life a living hell.
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Karen Reid

May 12, 2016
Marital Status
Dearest Imagican, nice to meet you, first of all.
I can understand what you're saying however, I don't believe my PTSD has anything to do with demonic activity. I was abused, abandoned, neglected and many other things that I won't name on here. An unclean spirit entered a friend and he killed five of my best friends and himself. Are you saying that I need an exorcist because of what others have done to me? Are you saying that people threw their demons at me and that I'm possessed by those demons until exorcised?

I'm really curious to know your reaction. Heather
First of all, please accept my deepest sympathy for what you have suffered. I can truly say I suffer with you, as my own demon-possessed mother, who had worked the Ouija board when I was 11, not only threw me down the stairs in my teens numerous times; many times chased me and my younger sister into the bathroom with a butcher knife and pounded the locked door with a knife; threatened to stab me in the middle of the night so I slept with the dresser in front of the door, then one night when I was 16, she wasn't home, and I locked the doors and went to sleep--without the dresser in front of the door.

I awakened to find a knife-wielding stranger in my room. I screamed, and my dog, which was sleeping at the end of my bed, snarled and lunged for the guy, growling and keeping her body between us the entire time he was there. From the things he said, it was obvious my own mother had hired him. A voice inside (I know it was the Lord) told me to stay calm and agree with everything he said. I did that, and finally told him he'd better leave, as my dog was going to bite him. He left, and I stayed up all night and cried, afraid to call police as I didn't know where my mother was. As a result of all of this trauma, I developed what the world now calls "binge-eating disorder." I did not have a "chemical imbalance," but I was certainly emotionally disturbed. I remember crying and shoving food in my mouth, desperate to kill the pain I was in.

I met the Lord a year later, when I was 17, when someone challenged me to read the book of John. I read that, then the other Gospels, and began to believe. I obtained a GED (I had suffered so greatly I had to drop out of school) and left for college. But I suppose the world would say I had PTSD. Aside from going to classes, I still hid in my room, as that was the only life I'd known the previous years. I was afraid to go anywhere, as I'd been in my teens--and I still binge-ate. Food was my "drug of choice" to kill my emotional pain.

But our Lord is SO MERCIFUL. He meets us where we are. One night, in summer 1973, I was going to college, when my childhood dog died. She was all I had left, and I was devastated. I was mourning over early childhood albums, wanting my old mother back, the mother I had known and loved before she worked the Ouija board. I thought Jesus was so busy running the world and universe that He probably checked in on me once in a while, when I had an awesome amazing dream. I posted it on my Google Plus page, if you're interested in reading it. I believe you'll be blessed by it, as you too have suffered at the hands of Satan as I have.

If you go to Google Plus, it's the "Karen Reid" with 27 followers. Scroll down 7 posts on the right. I had originally posted it with the Selah song, "Before the Throne of God Above," but recently a disgruntled follower of John MacArthur (who despises, mocks and scoffs dreams of Jesus) had the song deleted. He can't delete my post of my testimony however, and others have been blessed by it, and I'm praying as I post this that you'll be blessed as well. It has taken me a lifetime to heal from those horrifying experiences, so be patient with yourself. Stay in the Word and let the Lord lead you to the Scriptures He wants you to hear and be healed and strengthened by. God bless you.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Eastern USA
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Yes. Right .

The Bible says Y'SHUA'S disciples went and cast our demons wherever they were sent, and healed the sick.
They came back REJOICING that the demons were subject to them!
Y'SHUA told them - yes , the sick are all healed, and the demons are subject to you -
but don't REJOICE IN THAT !

Casting out demons (according to SCRIPTURE and YHWH and Y'SHUA) was never a thing to be studied nor for scholars nor for the religious.

It was a simple gift from YHWH in Y'SHUA'S NAME, along with HEALING and SALVATION.
That's very cute, but leave doing exorcisms to those who actually know what they are doing, otherwise you will get yourself badly hurt.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Eastern USA
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That's very cute, but those you are referring to have not told the truth.

They were exposed (search online if you want to know some day) long ago.
You have not a clue, no idea what you are talking about.
Exorcism is not some game for idle "apostle-wannabes". People get hurt, particularly people who are filled with their own pride and assured of their own power. If you are not completely right with God, and very few are, confronting a possessed
person would be more dangerous than walking into the lions enclosure before feeding time at the zoo.

What you hear about in these "deliverance ministries"
where the yokel pastor exorcises the "demons of lust", "alcohol", or "tobacco" are side-shows to fleece the ignorant.
If a real demon was present these people would run for their very lives.

Read Malachi Martins "Hostage to the Devil", it is free online, you will learn something.
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May 14, 2016
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And I'm sure I've offered enough to keep the skeptics coming for days. LOL.
To me, it is utterly apparent that during the time of Christ, those possessed of 'evil spirits' or 'demons' were considered 'insane'. The man who's son fell into fire and water would certainly be considered 'insane' by today's standards of diagnosis. Yet the Bible tells us that the child was possessed of 'evil spirits'.

You really did choose an explosive subject. While I have only read about half of the responses they are about what I expected. I am just wondering if the original 11 were still walking around today what would happen if Peters shadow fell on that person with OCD and they were healed or if Paul prayed someone with ADHD or ADD and they were healed ? How about a person with cancer being prayed for and healed ? Where would be the excuses then. Oh there would still be excuses everywhere even in the believers camp. While I dont know as all things are demonic directly, it is indirectly as we live in a fallen world whose God is Satan. I see what you are saying but everyone wont, but I have watched demons being cast out and it is a hard thing to watch as a new Christian but as I have studied a lot more since then, I have seen a lot more since then, demons just do things to try to scare you into not getting them out of someone but yes even better is to blind people to even believing they can cause any of the things mentioned. Something I can say is I do know a few churches that are bring back the book of Acts per say. They are training disciples, young and old to go out to the streets and pray for people, they are laying hands on the sick and they are healed, and casting out demons, they too are bringing others to Christ and making disciples. These people are not just sitting in church Sunday morning after Sunday morning (sometimes sleeping) and then as service is over right at 11 they hurry out to their cars, almost causing a 20 car pile up to get to the restaurant hoping to get there before the other churches were out.
Well Imagican, I hope you dont get chewed up and spit out.
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Dec 1, 2014
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I'm not here to get into a fight with people. All I'm saying is that admitting you're an exorcist without Papal or Church permission is dangerous.
The RCC and its clergy are not the only ones who deal with the casting out of demons. While you may not be here to get into a fight, your fundamental premise is flawed.
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Sep 26, 2016
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The RCC and its clergy are not the only ones who deal with the casting out of demons. While you may not be here to get into a fight, your fundamental premise is flawed.
It's not flawed. It's not your way of thinking. Something way different.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Eastern USA
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The RCC and its clergy are not the only ones who deal with the casting out of demons. While you may not be here to get into a fight, your fundamental premise is flawed.
The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Lutheran and Anglican churches are the only churches who train clergy to perform exorcisms. Other than the Lutherans and Anglicans, most mainline Protestant denominations do not perform exorcisms at all, and refer cases to the ones who do. I personally knew a Presbyterian minister who did not believe in demons at all, an attitude shared by most in the denomination.
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Sep 26, 2016
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I remember talking to my Methodist priest about me ghost hunting and he about freaked. He said nothing about it and the next thing you knew, the whole town talked about me going into cemeteries. Geez. There are so many people and ministers who refuse to talk about demons and talk about Satan but yet they do nothing to help their sheep until it's too late.
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Karen Reid

May 12, 2016
Marital Status
One man who had been paralyzed from the waist down was receiving bible studies and he became exasperated while studying about how Satan had the world in his power and finally asked if he could appeal to Satan to restore his health. I think it is a big mistake to place that much stress on Satan and his demons and their possible influence in a Christian's life. It can lead a person into paranoiac fear of anything and everything. God alone is to be shown respectful reverence. That is to say, a Christian should walk about secure in the knowledge that God has his back at all times.

1 John 4:4
New International Version
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

John 12:31
Now judgment is upon this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out.

Romans 8:31
What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us!

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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That's very cute, but leave doing exorcisms to those who actually know what they are doing, otherwise you will get yourself badly hurt.

Indeed, remember what the demon said to the priestly brothers: "I know Jesus, and I am aware of Paul, but who are YOU?" And then he attacked them, beat them, ripped their clothes off, and sent them scurrying out naked. The demons know who's boss. And it ain't us!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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I remember talking to my Methodist priest about me ghost hunting and he about freaked. He said nothing about it and the next thing you knew, the whole town talked about me going into cemeteries. Geez. There are so many people and ministers who refuse to talk about demons and talk about Satan but yet they do nothing to help their sheep until it's too late.

When the pedophile priest scandal broke, I was very mad at the Catholic Church, so I went and sat with the Episcopalians for awhile. They are very social, having coffee and talking after their services. And their ministers really make an effort to meet everybody and know what is going on with them - a new experience for me, as Catholic priests, in my experience, don't seek you out, or at least me - I've had to always go to find them.

So, I told this Episcopalian minister about my experiences with angels and demons. He said he would pray for me, and suggested that I would probably be happier back up the street with the Franciscan friars at the Catholic Church. Which was funny. So I went back up there and stayed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Eastern USA
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When the pedophile priest scandal broke, I was very mad at the Catholic Church, so I went and sat with the Episcopalians for awhile. They are very social, having coffee and talking after their services. And their ministers really make an effort to meet everybody and know what is going on with them - a new experience for me, as Catholic priests, in my experience, don't seek you out, or at least me - I've had to always go to find them.

So, I told this Episcopalian minister about my experiences with angels and demons. He said he would pray for me, and suggested that I would probably be happier back up the street with the Franciscan friars at the Catholic Church. Which was funny. So I went back up there and stayed.

Sad story the Episcopal church - death by liberalism.
You're better off with the Franciscans, good bunch. Though I'm partial to the Carmelites myself.

In my experience, speaking of other worldly things will make people nervous, they will think you insane, or worse - that you might be telling the truth - a truth that they do not want to dwell on. I have pretty much given up on discussing these things with normal folks, I get tired of the strange looks and whispers.
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