Beware of demons.


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Sep 26, 2016
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Although I see that you all are in some kind of theological discussion about demons and such, I would throw my personal hat into the ring being a seer and being a ghost hunter. However, I'm pretty darn sure I'll be thought of as a witch or conjurer or something. I don't do such things and I don't go looking for trouble. I just came here to find friendly people of faith that I can talk to.
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Karen Reid

May 12, 2016
Marital Status
I have already discussed my understanding of 'mental disorders' mostly being 'demon' inspired. Not going to go back and talk about it 'again'.

But I will point out that there are more people on 'mental medications' today than any time in history. We are a 'people' of 'mental disorders' today. Not going to quote statistics. Anyone that has an interest, a true interest, already knows what I'm talking about and that what I speak concerning 'numbers' is truth.

But what I want to focus on in this thread is: what about those that 'think' they are mentally competent but in truth are just 'hiding' their mental issues? Not everyone with mental issues are on medication. Not all with mental issues have sought any sort of 'help' from the medical community. So that means that there are 'many' with mental issues no one but themselves and those closest to them are aware of.

To me, it is utterly apparent that during the time of Christ, those possessed of 'evil spirits' or 'demons' were considered 'insane'. The man who's son fell into fire and water would certainly be considered 'insane' by today's standards of diagnosis. Yet the Bible tells us that the child was possessed of 'evil spirits'.

Legion was considered 'insane' as well. Yet we see that after Christ 'cast out the demons', they were seen talking together and Legion was by all accounts, perfectly 'normal'.

So what are 'mental disorders'? Are they really 'medical conditions' or merely foreign influence of one's 'mind'?

Over and over we hear the stories of the mother who says she was 'told by God' to kill her children in order to 'save them'. Not 'one' story. MANY. The legal system and medical community call these people 'delusional' and 'mentally ill'.

I won't deny the diagnosis. But the medical community continually insists that the 'mental disorders' suffered by these people are simply problems with their 'brains'. Is this 'really' the proper diagnosis?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (or syndrome), as of late, has been extensively studied. The information obtained is 'showing' that those that suffer from this disorder have literal 'brain disorders'. That what they were exposed to due to the stress and shock they experienced have literally 'altered' their brains. Their brains when compared to each other show similar patterns of activity that do not exist in others who do not suffer from the syndrome.

This means that we can 'experience' things that can literally 'alter' the way our brains work. Not merely a 'mental condition', but a literal 'altering of the functioning of one's brain'.

Think about this: A person can simply 'experience' intense emotions and that experience has the potential to actually 'alter' the way their brain functions.

What if? What if demons, once one allows them to make a 'place' in their minds and hearts, have the potential, over time, to DO this very thing: Like PTSS, they can literally cause the 'altering' of one's 'brain'? As one 'relinquishes' their own control of their mind, hands it over to a 'demon or demons', those demons have the potential to actually 'alter' their minds and hearts?

We continually hear the stories of those that commit the most atrocious crimes that are almost identical. They start with, "I don't know what happened. It's like I snapped and 'lost control'. Or, 'It was like I was 'outside' my body and I was watching myself pull the trigger'.

Or course, law enforcement would shudder at the mere 'thought' that they may be telling the 'truth'. For if they are ''telling the truth'', they would be considered 'not responsible' for their own behavior. This could cause some major problems in attempting to 'try' them. For how does one find someone 'guilty' of something they have 'no control over'?

The medical community would NEVER consider what I'm offering for there is 'no money' in treating someone with 'demons' instead of insisting that their 'mental issues' are merely a matter of chemistry. Yet no amount of medicine ever 'cures' anyone. The medication merely interrupts electrical signals basically 'cutting off' certain brain functions. Once one 'stops' taking their medication, we often witness that their problems are worse than when they started taking medication.

So what if. What if 'demons' are able to literally alter 'brain chemistry' or 'brain function'? When we witness people that we call 'insane', they are merely under the influence of demons and demons that have the capacity, over time, to literally alter the functioning of the host's brain? Their 'minds' or their 'hearts'?

The Bible tells us that we need to remain continuously on guard against the 'wiles of the Devil'. I find it safe to assume that demons, being minions of the Devil, are merely one functioning 'part' of the 'wiles of the Devil'. That Satan 'uses' his demons to influence those that 'allow' them the opportunity.

And by 'allowing', it means that is through a lack of vigilance that one becomes 'infected', (possessed), by 'evil spirits', (demons), Only when one 'lets down their guard' is it possible to be 'possessed'. But once possessed, one 'must do' certain 'things' in order to rid themselves of these parasites. They 'don't just go away' of their own choice. Not until they have accomplished what they 'came for'. And that is the destruction of the 'host's soul'.

For we are warned that we need not fear those capable of taking our physical lives, but that which is able to destroy our very SOULS. So there is no doubt that our 'souls can be destroyed'. The Bible says so.

And how is one's soul destroyed? By doing something that they cannot forgive themselves for. For we are forgiven as we are able to forgive. And if one is incapable of forgiving, they they cannot be forgiven. That too is what the Bible says.

Many will disagree due to the 'teachings of their churches'. But the Bible states that if you DO NOT FORGIVE, you WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN. The most important part of the plan of Salvation is 'forgiveness'. You cannot practice true love without forgiveness. And you cannot receive Salvation without being able to 'love God and your neighbor'. Christ Himself stated that the 'most important commandment' is to 'love God' and the second is 'love your neighbor'. And He also stated that to 'love God' is to follow His commandments'. The most important 'act' of faith is 'love'. That means that 'saying' you believe means 'nothing'. it's what you DO that matters. What you 'do' that produces the 'fruit' of your faith. Saying you are a believer? Even Satan is a believer in Christ. He hates Him. The demons shudder at His name. Following is the ONLY fruit of the 'Spirit'. It's not what you 'say', that makes you a follower of God through Christ, it's what you "DO".

With these things in mind, what happens when one 'lets down their guard' that they have been instructed to 'keep up at all times'? They basically leave the front door WIDE open. Not only 'unlatched' or 'unlocked', but WIDE OPEN. May as well verbally 'invite them in'. And once in, they are like any other parasite: awful hard to get rid of. For they obviously NEED a host in order to 'survive' or to be 'satisfied' with their very existence.

I know, crazy right? Hmmmm...........If you call accepting what the Bible offers 'crazy'? Then indeed. According to the 'world around us'. Absolutely. But according to the Bible, nothing I have offered contradicts what it offers. In fact, what I have offered is much more Biblical than the idea that people are 'born crazy'.

And think about this: If demons are very difficult to get rid of, what happens if one doesn't even recognize their own demons? Or if society in general is not 'taught' to recognize them? But instead, is encouraged to believe something entirely 'different' than the 'truth'? Oh my. See where this is heading? How would one be 'able' to know what I'm offering if everything that exists in this world is PUSHING to hide it? Influencing all but God's very elect to ignore the 'truth' and follow that which is 'false'.?

Think about this too: Why are there 'so many different denominations'? What is the "INFLUENCE"? Certainly it isn't God influencing men to divide themselves into 'different denominations'. Especially when we can clearly see that many of these denominations are completely and utterly contrary to the 'truth'.

I'm going to let this be digested before continuing any furthers. And I'm sure I've offered enough to keep the skeptics coming for days. LOL.



I am not sure how I'm supposed to reply to this thread (I'm new to the community), but I couldn't agree with you more. It's deeply disturbing to me that the church for the most part agrees with the medical profession that what the Bible calls demon-possession and oppression is a "chemical imbalance." 8 million children in foster care are being prescribed deadly antipsychotics (even babies less than one year old), while their doctors take pharmaceutical kickbacks.

I was horrified and furious when a woman named Shannon Dingle (of A Church for Every Child) spoke at the Global Access conference (Joni Earackson Tada was also a speaker), and claimed that children who were institutionalized at early ages suffer brain shrinkage from "emotional trauma" on MRI. The TRUTH is that the antipsychotics these babies are given SHRINK the brain! The medical profession is also claiming that schizophrenics have "enlarged ventricles," when AGAIN, the TRUTH is the antipsychotics they were given shrink the brain.

It's also disturbing to me that the Scientologists (CCRI) have taken up the mantle against the psychiatric industry, while the body of Christ has been deceived by the enemy that science truly has found "chemical imbalances" in disturbed people (which as you accurately pointed out, the Bible describes as demon-possessed or oppressed), and embraces and supports the drugging of children, the elderly and veterans. CCRI has an excellent documentary though, titled, "Making a Killing the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging," which exposes the fraud of Psychiatry, and I'm hopeful that people on this thread will watch it.

We are commanded in Isaiah 1:17, "Learn to do right, seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the cause of the widow," and in Psalm 82:2-4, the Lord says, "How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

I tried to attend a church recently, but the young girl who sang with the band worked for a child psychiatrist. I asked her if he prescribed Seroquel and Zyprexa to children (two deadly antipsychotics which not only shrink the brain, but also destroy God-created serotonin and dopamine receptors, cause apathy and a "zombie affect," diabetes, high cholesterol and sudden death), and she told me they start on Seroquel and "progress to Zyprexa." I gave her a crash course on the physical consequences of those drugs, then I quoted the above Scriptures to her, and she simply said she "probably wouldn't agree with me," but said we could talk about other things (?).

I emailed an elder in the church about it, also quoting the above Scriptures to him, and tried to get him to watch the CCHR documentary and talk to the girl himself. He emailed me back that it sounded like I "had a personal problem," and he wished me well in my search for another church (!?).

I emailed back that the Lord said in Psalm 94:16, "Who rises up for Me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for Me against evildoers?" Then I added that all I can say to the Lord is, "It sure 'ain't your churches." He never responded, and I am in search of another church.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Eastern USA
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Hopefully I can clear some of this up. I've studied demonology and the occult for 30+ years and have learned a few things.
Demons are fallen angels. The 1/3 of the Host of Heaven cast out with Satan. The only difference between a demon and a devil is that one is labor and the other is management. Their organization is hierarchical with Satan and a few others at the top and is enforced by pure brutality, the strong dominate and abuse the weak.
They are all completely evil and have no purpose other than to despise God and destroy creation in whatever manner they can.
They can and do possess humans, though this is "relatively" rare. They influence humans constantly and much of the bad behavior in the world is directly due to their influence.

BTW depression and other mental disorders can be influenced and worsened by demons but are not generally caused by them. The brain is a very complicated piece of machinery and things can go wrong.

The most obvious sign of real demonic possession is an aversion to Holy (blessed) objects or places.
There is a phenomenon called "perfect possession" in which the subject willfully subjects themselves to the damned. These persons (thankfully extremely rare) are a permanent host to demons as long as they live, and do not show any outward signs of being possessed.
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Basil the Great

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Mar 9, 2009
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I mentioned this discussion today with my devout Lutheran aunt who turns age 90 tomorrow. For what it is worth, she agreed with my analysis that most mental disturbances are not caused by demons. While I understand the thesis presented here, I am somewhat concerned that it could potentially upset some people who have mental disturbances, if they suddenly start wondering if they are being plagued by demons. Even if for the sake of argument we say that the this might be true, I fear that it could cause more harm than good, at least if presented to some individuals who are already the type to be overly fearful and liable to panic attacks.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
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Hopefully I can clear some of this up. I've studied demonology and the occult for 30+ years and have learned a few things.
Demons are fallen angels. The 1/3 of the Host of Heaven cast out with Satan. The only difference between a demon and a devil is that one is labor and the other is management. Their organization is hierarchical with Satan and a few others at the top and is enforced by pure brutality, the strong dominate and abuse the weak.
They are all completely evil and have no purpose other than to despise God and destroy creation in whatever manner they can.
They can and do possess humans, though this is "relatively" rare. They influence humans constantly and much of the bad behavior in the world is directly due to their influence.

BTW depression and other mental disorders can be influenced and worsened by demons but are not generally caused by them. The brain is a very complicated piece of machinery and things can go wrong.

The most obvious sign of real demonic possession is an aversion to Holy (blessed) objects or places.
There is a phenomenon called "perfect possession" in which the subject willfully subjects themselves to the damned. These persons (thankfully extremely rare) are a permanent host to demons as long as they live, and do not show any outward signs of being possessed.

Thank you....that's exactly what I thought.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
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I mentioned this discussion today with my devout Lutheran aunt who turns age 90 tomorrow. For what it is worth, she agreed with my analysis that most mental disturbances are not caused by demons. While I understand the thesis presented here, I am somewhat concerned that it could potentially upset some people who have mental disturbances, if they suddenly start wondering if they are being plagued by demons. Even if for the sake of argument we say that the this might be true, I fear that it could cause more harm than good, at least if presented to some individuals who are already the type to be overly fearful and liable to panic attacks.
It has already upset me a great deal when in fact I'm a godly person. My PTSD was not caused by demonic attacks or such unless you call human people demons. This thread has upset me a little bit because I see how it's flaming around the Sword of St. Michael at every little wrong as being possibly possessed or oppressed. You may have been well read in such things but the one thing I can say is this, "knowledge doesn't equal wisdom".
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watchman 2

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Sep 22, 2016
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The mind of Christ is a fair question. i struggle to get more and more into it with each day, as do we all. None of us is perfect.

As far as what happened, yes, it is personal, and I am too new at this site to take a chance sharing it publicly. I only do exorcisms when I am asked (and it is needed. Like others who have posted, many times the original discernment of the person asking is wrong.) by those who know me. You have heard me insinuate, or more accurately, report what I have learned studying and doing. I do not solicit such ministry, I do not advertise. Exorcisms have been less than a small fraction of a tiny fraction of a percent of my ministry over the years. Those who ask, know my fruit, or they would not ask. You are new here also, and you are from Ohio, so I doubt we would ever meet. If such time occurs as we become friends, or the Lord joins us in ministry, I will be happy to share then. You are welcome to visit my website, where you will see some things that may (or may not) help answer your question.

I checked out your site , i wanted to see your understandings on basic Christianity , but it wasn't clickable.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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I was attacked by a demon but praise God I wasn't scratched or anything like that. I wasn't possessed or even oppressed, I was just attacked.

Me too. God rescued me by flying a bird into my head. These things are so. If you've seen them, you know. Those who haven't, don't know.

Do you know why the demon was attacking you? What was the specific "hook" of sin that the demon was aiming at? Or was it just a direct physical attack whose source you've never discerned?

Did it come back? How did the attack end?
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Sep 26, 2016
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I checked out your site , i wanted to see your understandings on basic Christianity , but it wasn't clickable.

WHOA! TIME OUT! Did Ken Behrens such say he does exorcisms? It is by the Church that are called to do such exorcisms and even that is a VERY HIGH calling.
Here is the webpage that explains exorcists and exorcisms:
I'm not here to get into a fight with people. All I'm saying is that admitting you're an exorcist without Papal or Church permission is dangerous.
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Active Member
Sep 26, 2016
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Me too. God rescued me by flying a bird into my head. These things are so. If you've seen them, you know. Those who haven't, don't know.

Do you know why the demon was attacking you? What was the specific "hook" of sin that the demon was aiming at? Or was it just a direct physical attack whose source you've never discerned?

Did it come back? How did the attack end?

The demon was attacking me because I exhibited pride and into WICCA-that was my hook of sin. I turned from God because of what my "Christian" sister in law said to me about going to Hell and that her Godly words were His law. The physical attack was terrible. I went to visit the mass murderer's grave that is in the town's graveyard and "woke him up". He threw my truck door open and tried to drag me out of a moving vehicle. My arm burned but I got away by yelling at it and closed my door. It was then that I knew that I was wrong and went to the church after getting my truck door fixed. Ironically, the demon was across the street and stared at me in a human guise...I mean, I could go on but I went back to God for penance. I denounced Wicca and became Catholic in faith and haven't stopped. Talking about it makes me cry...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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And the Bible indicates it was not a 'rarity' that men and women were infected by 'demons'. Mary, as far as we KNOW, a normal average woman was infected by SEVEN demons. Christ cast 'seven' demons out of Mary.

When the disciples came back to tell Christ of the 'one demon' that they could not 'cast out', they started by reporting that they HAD ALREADY cast out demons. If it was as uncommon as some here have indicated, how do you suppose that the disciples FOUND those infected with demons that they stated they had 'cast out' of their hosts?

Obvious 'demon possession' was not 'rare' but in fact: common.
Isn't it that way with us as well? We often find ourselves 'doing things' that against our very nature. And after the 'event', we question: "How did that happen? How did I allow myself to do such a thing?"

A thought: the world of Jesus' time was not then filled, 1/3rd of it, with baptized Christians. Baptism and the other sacraments are believed to impart seals and protection and cleansing. With the advent of Christianity, the number of people so protected burgeoned. Our part of the world is mostly filled with them. It is not so unsurprising, then, that our part of the world sees less of that sort of thing than the world did then, when there were maybe 100 Christians in it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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The demon was attacking me because I exhibited pride and into WICCA-that was my hook of sin. I turned from God because of what my "Christian" sister in law said to me about going to Hell and that her Godly words were His law. The physical attack was terrible. I went to visit the mass murderer's grave that is in the town's graveyard and "woke him up". He threw my truck door open and tried to drag me out of a moving vehicle. My arm burned but I got away by yelling at it and closed my door. It was then that I knew that I was wrong and went to the church after getting my truck door fixed. Ironically, the demon was across the street and stared at me in a human guise...I mean, I could go on but I went back to God for penance. I denounced Wicca and became Catholic in faith and haven't stopped. Talking about it makes me cry...

Very good. Your instincts were exactly correct. You fled to what could help you, and it did. Excellent.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2016
Westport, Connecticut
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Haven't mentioned it yet, but I have encountered those possessed on quite a few occasions. Once in a roomful of people and not ONE person in the room recognized what was going on except ME and the demon that revealed itself TO ME. Everyone else witnessed what happened and could actually recall what happened. But not a single person I spoke with afterwards actually UNDERSTOOD what happened. The 'saw' exactly what happened. But it's like trying to accept what happened was simply too difficult for their minds to accept.


What did it look like?

And were you baptized as a baby?
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Sep 26, 2016
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I have a question:

If mental disorders are natural, why do we not 'all suffer'.

It is obvious that the natural state is not 'disorder', but 'order'.

And if it is 'the condition' that everyone seems to favor, why have we 'no cures'?

All we have are medications used to 'shut down' certain functioning of the brain. So far, no repair. No cure.

There has been much research done on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome as of late. They are 'showing' that the brains of those suffering with this disorder have actually been altered. They are also showing promise in being able to 'turn back' the alteration. They are working on the means to literally re-alter the brain to 'fix' such conditions.

When certain 'pictures' of the brains of those suffering are compared, they are often almost identical in the 'activity' of those affected.

But when compared to those that are not affected, the pattern is completely different. So the brain of the infected has obviously been altered from it's natural state. There is promise that the 'state' can be reversed.

So how does anyone 'know' that there is a single case of 'mental disorders' that are 'natural'. How can 'anyone actually say with authority' that "ALL" mental disorders' are 'not' caused by some 'influence'? There are 'no experts' whose words have any more validity than my own. They simply offer a 'different opinion'. Unless someone has actually experienced 'brain damage' from birth or in life, we cannot determine the 'cause' of mental disorders.

Yet we can clearly SEE that if those infected by demons of the Bible at the time of Christ were to be examined 'today', the medical community would insist that those infected were suffering from 'mental disorders' and not 'demons'. We see it every day.

I will accept that there is much 'mental disorder' today. But my point is not whether there is or isn't. My point is 'why'? What is the 'cause'? If a stressful event can cause 'change' in the function of the brain, who can say with certainty that a 'demon', once it finds a host, can't cause similar brain alterations given 'time' and 'circumstances'.

I know how 'hard' this is to digest to those that have simply accepted what the 'medical community' offers. Yet the evidence is there that they don't really 'have a clue' as to the actual 'causes' of mental disorders. They recognize them, can treat them with medication of dubious effect, but they cannot tell us 'why'. They can't 'fix it'.

Yet we 'see' in the Bible Christ 'healing' those that appeared to be 'insane' by simply 'casting out demons'. Not how I want to interpret the Bible. Trust me. At one time in the past I refused to even contemplate the 'reality' of what we have been offered in the Bible.

But at one point I simply chose to 'accept' what we have been offered and 'deal with it'. And the words are there. The accounts are there. It is simply a matter of 'fact' that most do as I once did: they choose to ignore the implications. It's just 'too darned scary' to contemplate so they choose a 'different path'. They choose to place their faith in 'men' instead of God through His word: the Bible.

If what I offer was contrary to the word of God, then by all means, point it out and reveal that I have offered something contrary.

But if my words more closely reflect what we have been offered, why would anyone try and refute them? Makes no sense. Unless there is 'some influence' forcing them to refute what is offered for the sake of trying to 'hide' the truth.

Show me ONE doctor that can 'cure' mental disease. I can show you a group of men that did it on a regular basis. Made those with 'mental disorders' WHOLE again. Cured them.

But not with drugs or surgery or electric shock treatments. They simply 'cast out demons'. That is what the Bible offers. I don't believe that I need to quote the Bible for those that have actually read it. The information is there and it is offered simply. It is not 'hidden' or offered as a mystery. It offered as clearly as Christ being the Son of God.

Christ and His apostles, (disciples. All that did so may not have even been apostles), 'cast out demons' and healed those 'so affected' to the point that after casting out the demons, those that were hosts were ''made whole again": cured of their mental disorders.

And the Bible indicates it was not a 'rarity' that men and women were infected by 'demons'. Mary, as far as we KNOW, a normal average woman was infected by SEVEN demons. Christ cast 'seven' demons out of Mary.

When the disciples came back to tell Christ of the 'one demon' that they could not 'cast out', they started by reporting that they HAD ALREADY cast out demons. If it was as uncommon as some here have indicated, how do you suppose that the disciples FOUND those infected with demons that they stated they had 'cast out' of their hosts?

Obvious 'demon possession' was not 'rare' but in fact: common. We even have Christ stating to Peter: "Satan get behind me". And Judas? Do you believe that Judas was acting on his own behalf when he betrayed Christ? If so, why did he commit suicide after the 'fact'? He was 'influenced by evil'. And once the 'deed was done', he was unable to 'get over it'. He didn't go out and 'blow his ill earned gains'. As soon as he realized what he had done, the tried to take the filthy lucre back to it's source.

Isn't it that way with us as well? We often find ourselves 'doing things' that against our very nature. And after the 'event', we question: "How did that happen? How did I allow myself to do such a thing?"

Isn't it obvious that we often 'do things' and then when honestly trying to face the 'truth', we cannot actually 'say' why we did what we did. The closest we can come is to offer: I snapped. I lost control. I don't KNOW why I did it.

Aren't these answers OBVIOUS? If we cannot 'tell' why we did something, isn't it obvious that there was some sort of 'outside influence'? If we 'say': I 'lost' control. Yet were still functioning in order to 'do' what was 'done', didn't SOMETHING have to have control? And how does one just 'snap'? That makes no sense. What makes MORE sense is that upon certain circumstances we RELINQUISH control and 'something else' takes over. For if we 'really' lost control, we would cease to function. Yet the guy that plans and executes a brutal rape or murder often says: "I just lost control". Lost control to 'what'? For if one 'truly lost control', they wouldn't have been able to "DO" what they "DID".

I am simply trying to point out that the Bible has the answers to most things we can question. But often we don't even want to deal with what we are offered for the fact it's too painful or scary to accept.

And the ONLY rational answer to this question is the obvious 'truth': Why aren't the 'churches' teaching us what I'm offering? The obvious answer is that the 'churches' themselves have been 'taken over' by demons. And the last thing that the demons would do is 'teach' the congregation of their existence and influence. They would 'teach' the congregation to shun the truth and to ridicule anyone trying to offer it.

No different than the 'manner' in which Martin Luther was treated by the Catholic Church. They tried their best to belittle him and convince anyone listening that he was a heretic. Then they tried to make him retract what he had written and then tried to kill him to shut him up.

Isn't that basically where we are today? Almost 'all' churches would treat my words as 'crazy'. Yet most of what I have offered is straight out of the Bible. Why would any 'true church' try and DENY what is written in the Bible? Deny it, ignore it, treat those that mention it as if they are heretics? There can be ONLY ONE REASON that is rational: they have 'something to hide'. They are being influenced to take such a 'stance'. But certainly they aren't being influenced by God's word. If they were they would openly admit that the Bible offers us much information about 'demons' and at least a major portion of that information is indicative of what 'appears to be insanity'. Those infected by demons APPEAR to have 'mental disorders' or be 'absolutely insane'.

Yet when the 'demons' are 'cast out', they return to NORMAL. They are NO LONGER INSANE.

So I leave it to you. What does the Bible offer? I'm not asking what you WANT to believe. I am simply asking you 'what does the Bible say'?



Dearest Imagican, nice to meet you, first of all.
I can understand what you're saying however, I don't believe my PTSD has anything to do with demonic activity. I was abused, abandoned, neglected and many other things that I won't name on here. An unclean spirit entered a friend and he killed five of my best friends and himself. Are you saying that I need an exorcist because of what others have done to me? Are you saying that people threw their demons at me and that I'm possessed by those demons until exorcised?

I'm really curious to know your reaction. Heather
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Karen Reid

May 12, 2016
Marital Status
Is that what you intend and want - for skeptics to post ?
Discernment can only come by revelation from the Holy Spirit.

I would caution you in the use of the term "possessed." It indicates ownership and is biblically inaccurate for most cases. The only instance in the NT of the Greek actually supporting "possession" is the slave girl in acts 16.

The bible has no direct definition of a demon so giving one more than what the bible says is pointless.

What we DO know is that:

They seek to inhabit a body, (meaning apparently they themselves do NOT have bodies).
They are under command of the devil,
Many can attach themselves to (or inhabit) a single person. (ref "Legion")
They have names descriptive of their function: divination, infirmity, deaf, etc.
They have some kind of "pecking order," thus giving rise to the "strong man" of Mark 3.
They can speak thru the person they are attached to.
They can cause physical symptoms and actions.

It requires the gift of discerning of spirits to truly understand what they are doing and how they are attached to every individual.

I would theorize that the many cases of "past lives" may actually be cases of demonic attachment where the unclean spirit puts memories of its own past inhabitations into the mind of the present host. It could also account for some cases of gender dysphoria.
Excellent answer here. I have a dramatic testimony, and it is posted on my Google Plus page if anyone's interested in reading it. It includes my nightmarish experience as a young teenage girl who had a demon-possessed mother, who had worked the Ouija board when I was 11. I did not understand what was wrong with her (although the medical profession told me she had the "disease" of alcoholism), but I suffered such horrors that I had to drop out of school for a couple years and hide in my room from (literally), her numerous attempts to kill me. Now, of course, I understand she became demon possessed from working the Ouija.

When I was 17 someone challenged me to read the book of John, which I read, then the other Gospels, and I began to believe. When I was 19, I was baptized in another town. My mother came (she was sober--her demon didn't manifest itself unless she drank), and I gave her a cross on that day. She put it on--then I never saw it again. Close to her death, and after she'd done many more things to harm me, she told me what happened to that cross. She said she was sleeping in the daytime, and woke up hearing a windstorm in the house. I thought that was significant, as Satan is the "prince and power of the air" (Eph. 2:2); then she felt a "pop" in her breastbone. She said over in the corner sat a frog with red eyes--and it glared at her.

I was stunned, because I remembered the frogs in Revelation 16:13, "Then I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs." My mother said when she looked at the pillow the cross was off her neck and on the pillow--and the chain was STILL LINKED TOGETHER.

ANY involvement in the occult, whether it's the Ouija board, Tarot cards, or something so seemingly "harmless" as astrology, can and will open the door to Satanic influence. If you have any of these in your past or present, even if you just did these things for "fun," confess your sin of divination to the Lord, and ask Him to forgive you, cleanse you, and close the doors you have opened to the enemy. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 6:12).
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watchman 2

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2016
Marital Status
WHOA! TIME OUT! Did Ken Behrens such say he does exorcisms? It is by the Church that are called to do such exorcisms and even that is a VERY HIGH calling.
Here is the webpage that explains exorcists and exorcisms:
I'm not here to get into a fight with people. All I'm saying is that admitting you're an exorcist without Papal or Church permission is dangerous.
WHOA! TIME OUT! Did Ken Behrens such say he does exorcisms? It is by the Church that are called to do such exorcisms and even that is a VERY HIGH calling.
Here is the webpage that explains exorcists and exorcisms:
I'm not here to get into a fight with people. All I'm saying is that admitting you're an exorcist without Papal or Church permission is dangerous.

I would stand on very little of what you can get online.
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