I'm always at my church on Friday evenings to help setup the worship team equipment and set levels for their practice. So it made it easy for me to take over.
You're in a different season and aren't subject to those demands. They'll meet consistently with you at the helm and you have more time to study which may result in better lessons that further their growth. He fears your discipleship and what you're becoming in the process. That's the reason he opposed you.
I'm currently at a crossroads in understanding what my calling is, when it comes to serving God. I've always enjoyed serving from behind the scenes. However, I see God pushing me out into the open now.
There's a period of testing that occurs before it's revealed and it usually happens when you're in the shadows. It allows Him to see your heart in action. Do you pursue big things or serve where needed? Do you volunteer or wait for someone to ask? Are you hungry and eager to learn? Are you willing to try something new? Can you serve different populations? What are you drawn to naturally? Will you do hard or unpleasant tasks? Are you willing to sacrifice the desires of your heart?
He discovers all those things and more during that period. I volunteered for the leadership team for our Precepts bible study. But I also laid out the food and refreshments and replenished them throughout. I took a class on ministering to Muslims and provided refreshments for my class and the prayer meeting across from us. And I don't have the gift of helps.
I started ministering to a homeless man in my neighborhood before I was asked to co-lead a group at Alpha whose demographic included homeless men. I used to take a plate from the synagogue and give it to another homeless gentleman in our area on Friday nights and holidays. I didn't eat my food there I would take it home but when I encountered him I gave it to him instead and continued the practice.
There were numerous instances when I'd overhear a conversation and He'd lay something on my heart and I'd chime in. Without fail it addressed a problem or provided information they lacked and needed to have. I was standing in prayer for someone during this period and had a growing burden for unbelievers.
I took a lot of classes at church in addition to the bible studies. I was in missionary prep to discern if I was called to the mission field and was part of that ministry and supported a missionary in Paris. And I went to a weekend event at a monastery to determine if that was a possibility while desiring to marry.
There was a school in that area I've wanted to attend. I went a few days earlier for sightseeing before heading to the monastery. There was a program I was contemplated enrolling in. I did a tour and walked around the campus and the neighborhood and felt right at home. But as evening approached I realized God might have something else in mind.
I stood in front of the gates. Those infamous iron gates and I laid it down. And I told Him I'd go wherever He wanted. Even divinity school if He wished. I laid down marriage at the monastery. I didn't want to put limits on my service. It was painful but I did it. Before I left He told me He needed me elsewhere. The sisters strengthened me and confirmed what He said and more. They advised me to teach and a month later I was asked.
Things began to speed up afterward. The things I learned and did prepared me for that role. I brought dessert every week at Alpha and stayed afterwards to pray for the group. We had so many breakthroughs. It was incredible. Laboring in prayer for another taught me how to pray and made me conversant in spiritual warfare. I was doing the divine office and lectio divina as well.
I shouldn't have been surprised about the breakthroughs or things taking place in my life. I was surprised because I didn't see myself as He did. I put my head down and served, prayed, studied, etc. But I never looked in the mirror. One day I did and I told Him He made me beautiful.
Don't be surprised He's moving you forward. You're being promoted because you passed the test. It's difficult for Him to put His people in positions of visibility because it goes to their head and the higher they climb the more they compromise. We need David's in this hour. Men and women after the Lord's own heart who won't bend the knee to the world or the devil. And they're hard to find.
Each table had a leader, who is a Christian, to help guide discussions. The leader at the final table wasn't very knowledgeable in answering questions, when it came to one lady, who the course was geared towards. I ended up sharing and answering her questions the best I could. The leader and some of the older people, who were Christians, were surprised, and suggested I should be a table leader in the future.
That's why He sent you. He had a job in mind.
On one of the nights of the course, He gave me a sign. "Empty yourself". As that course is over now, the church is starting a session of Alpha tonight. I originally didn't want to go it either, when my mom asked me during Skeptic. Once again, I didn't see how it would benefit me. After the last Skeptic session, I realized taking Alpha would benefit others. Especially if my home church runs it in the future. So I'm looking forward to it, tonight, and see what God reveals to me, and if He wills to use me in some way there. I guess one clue I have is God is preparing me for some sort of leadership role. I just have to wait for Him to reveal it at His time.
We're vessels for His service and the more we take our hands off the greater our utility. One of the hardest things I've done was volunteer to be a marriage coordinator at church. I was single with no prospects save an unbeliever who wasn't an option. I didn't think twice about offering and imagined I'd enjoy it.
But I'm sure it would have tugged at my heart strings. I wasn't as settled as I am today. The desire to marry was strong and I'd given up the person I cared for. It may have been difficult and He had someone encourage me not to do it (for other reasons).
If you think He's preparing you for leadership feed your gift. Start reading books on the subject every month. Pick up a leadership bible. Find a podcast or two you can learn from. And consider a class as well. You'll know when you hit the mark. The excitement is evident and you can't get enough.
You may want to share your thoughts on the subject too. It's a great way to sink your teeth in a topic and discover your position on different issues.
The instruction I provided for women years ago was the foreshadowing of a development program I'm creating based on Esther. As I wrote those words I said in my mind, you should probably do something similar for Sarah and Proverbs 31. I take no credit for that!
He'll give you lots of ideas including ventures if you're willing. You may want to keep a notebook by your bed or an app on the phone to jot them down. I have that gift and He gave me my business plan and product ideas like above. Get ready for interesting times!
Topics in regards to the human heart, which during my youth wasn't a big issue, compared to the times of today. Leading me to seek God's heart to understand those who are lost and some reasons why they suffer. Rather than just going along with the ideas of men, who are both in faith, and those who are not.
You'll have a bigger impact by doing that. It's easy to follow a narrative but we need His input. Oftentimes He directs us in a manner that's countercultural. You can be at odds with the world and the church.
As for other studies, or topics, suffering is one I'll be starting soon. I'll be giving a devotional at my church's Prayer and Fellowship night, at the end of the month. God put in my heart to go with this topic, and to tie it into prayer. There is also the faith of a mother. I came across two different threads, in different forums, in regards to John 2, where Mary asks Jesus to help with the wine problem. God showed me it was the faith of a mother, that compelled the Father to move and have Jesus perform his first miracle. While Jesus was waiting for the Father's time to do his work, the mother's incredible faith moved the Father's heart. There is always faith involved when Jesus performed a miracle. Studying the measure of faith in each encounter is an interesting study.
The suffering topic is timely. Maybe you can do a thread here on the subject? The faith of the mother is interesting. I'll check it out.