Was Adam Imparted Free Will From The Beginning Of Creation?

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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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Was Adam imparted free will from the beginning of Creation?

The Word of God indicates no based upon both scriptural text and context.

The following is carefully presented proof establishing Adam was formed with intent not endowed with free will.

  1. God issued prophecy about man eating the fruit (Genesis 2:17)
    AT the time God commanded the man, Adam, not to eat of the tree
    AND the consequence of disobedience is declared - that is that death of the man would result in eating from the tree
    YET a command does not convey ability (see also God's Commands Distinguised From Man's Ability)
    BUT the language contains a prophetic construct indicating assurance of occurrence - "for in the day that you eat" - the "for" is promissory
    NOT a conditional logic construct such as "if in the day that you eat"
    IN fact, the English word "for" is translated from the Hebrew word כִּ֗י (ki)
    AND the Hebrew word כִּ֗י™ (ki) contains the meanings of these English words "that", "for", "when" (Strong's Hebrew: 3588. כִּ֗י (ki) -- that, for, when)
    THEREFORE the word "when" fits where the word "for" resides in Genesis 2:17
    THUS the phrase "when in the day that you eat" is an accurate translation for Genesis 2:17
    SO this confirms the promissory nature, the prophecy of man eating the fruit, with the word "for"/"when" in Genesis 2:17
    AND this imposes contextual certainty indicating God's foreknowledge over the matter described in Genesis 2:17
    SO there is no free will indicated for Adam
    AND the firm fact is established
    THAT God reigns in the affairs of man (Daniel 4:34-35)
  2. Attributes/Characteristics Compared And Contrasted
    1. Examining attribute as relating to the purported facility of free will in Adam
      WITH a targeted result of logical deductive reasoning leveraging compare and contrast of attributes/facilities
      SINCE Adam was made in the image according to the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26)
      THEN some persons of the creation (creatures) argue that specific facility was given to Adam
      IN particular God willpowering purported free will into man during the creation of Adam
      THEN Adam could not have used free will to perform evil against God
      BECAUSE God will not use willpower in order to perform evil against God's self (Psalm 5:4, Psalm 92:15, Deuteronomy 32:4)
      THEREFORE it follows that Man could not use free will in order to perform evil against God
      1. The logical extension of free will on this basis results in man possessing expanded facilities beyond God's facilities
      2. God is Creator; on the other hand, man is creature
      3. Largely, I use free will to mean man choosing toward God, emphatically Lord Jesus Christ.
      4. Scripture does not include the mention of endowing Adam with free will
      5. Man's free will is a precept of man (Matthew 15:9)
    2. Adam as part of God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind before the foundation of the world
      SINCE God saw creation was very good on the 6th Day (Genesis 1:31)
      AND God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind is good (Ephesians 1:1-14, Ephesians 2:13)
      THEN a free will Adam could not have been roaming the Garden of Eden with the ability to choose to obey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17)
      SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THUS a free will Adam could have disrupted God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind
      SO God could not conclude with certainty by declaring everything was good on the sixth day with a free will Adam in control roaming the Garden of Eden
      THEREFORE it follows that Adam could not be endowed with the attribute of free will
    3. The timeline of Adam knowing good and evil
      BEFORE Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEN Adam and Eve knew not good and evil
      AFTER Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEN Adam and Eve knew good and evil
      FOR the delineation is clarified when God said "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:22)
      YET based on the Word of God saying "has become" recorded in Genesis 3:22
      THEN Adam did not know good and evil before eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      SO Adam did not know good and evil when God issued the command "from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die!" (Genesis 2:17)
      THEREFORE at the time of eating, Adam listened and followed the last that he heard about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      WHICH Adam heard from Eve
      FOR God said "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'" (Genesis 3:17)
      SO Adam listened to Eve and Adam ate from the tree prior to knowing good and evil
      AND a person does good by obeying God; on the other hand, a person does evil by disobeying God
      SO free will choosing of good or choosing of evil is not the context
      AND action is the context
      SINCE good and evil are not known to Adam prior to eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEREFORE it follows that Adam was not endowed with the attribute of free will
    4. The attribute of "joining" - marriage
      1. Lord Jesus says a topically very profound statement of "from the beginning of creation, [God] made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate." (Mark 10:6-9)
      2. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to Christ and the Bride of Christ
      3. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to marriage between "male and female" (creatures both)
      4. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to Adam and Eve, the man and the woman
      5. God does the joining, while, on the other hand, man and woman are only the joyful recipients
      6. The facility of "joining" is not attributed to man and/or woman
      7. The facility of "joining" is attributed to God

For expanded topic coverage, please see this integral essay
Almighty God's Awesome Creation In Amazing Splendor (not a ChristianForums.com link).

If anyone venture a reply to this thread, I encourage diligent care for it is written "do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar" (Proverbs 30:6).

May the Lord abound mercy and understanding and strength and grace in we His own for the Day approaches rapidly!
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Simul Justus et Peccator
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If anyone venture a reply to this thread, I encourage diligent care for it is written "do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar" (Proverbs 30:6).
So God is the One who wrote this "thread" ;)
...the language contains a prophetic construct indicating assurance of occurrence - "for in the day that you eat" - the "for" is promissory. NOT a conditional logic construct such as "if in the day that you eat". IN fact, the English word "for" is translated from the Hebrew word כִּ֗י (ki) . AND the Hebrew word כִּ֗י (ki) contains the meanings of these English words "that", "for", "when" (Strong's Hebrew: 3588. כִּ֗י (ki) -- that, for, when)
For what it's worth, כִּי is also translated "if" (according to Strong's, and my other lexicons). See below:

3588 כִּי, כִּי עַל כֵּן, כִּי־אִם, כַּמָּה [kiy /kee/] conj. A primitive particle; TWOT 976; GK 3954 and 3956 and 3955 and 4015; 46 occurrences; AV translates as “that”, “because”, “for”, “if”, “surely”, “except”, “yea”, and “doubtless”. 1 that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that, but, then, certainly, except, surely, since. 1A that. 1A1 yea, indeed. 1B when (of time). 1B1 when, if, though (with a concessive force). 1C because, since (causal connection). 1D but (after negative). 1E that if, for if, indeed if, for though, but if. 1F but rather, but. 1G except that. 1H only, nevertheless. 1I surely. 1J that is. 1K but if. 1L for though. 1M forasmuch as, for therefore. ~Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship.
The Bible tells us that God created man "in His own image" .. e.g. Genesis 1:26-27. It also tells us that He "made men upright", but that afterwards, "they sought out many devices" .. Ecclesiastes 7:29.

Aside from all of the above, if Adam had no choice other than to disobey God, on what basis was He able to hold him accountable?


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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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Was Adam imparted free will from the beginning of Creation?

The Word of God indicates no based upon both scriptural text and context.

The following is carefully presented proof establishing Adam was formed with intent not endowed with free will.

  1. God issued prophecy about man eating the fruit (Genesis 2:17)
    AT the time God commanded the man, Adam, not to eat of the tree
    AND the consequence of disobedience is declared - that is that death of the man would result in eating from the tree
    YET a command does not convey ability (see also God's Commands Distinguised From Man's Ability)
    BUT the language contains a prophetic construct indicating assurance of occurrence - "for in the day that you eat" - the "for" is promissory
    NOT a conditional logic construct such as "if in the day that you eat"
    IN fact, the English word "for" is translated from the Hebrew word כִּ֗י (ki)
    AND the Hebrew word כִּ֗י (ki) contains the meanings of these English words "that", "for", "when" (Strong's Hebrew: 3588. כִּ֗י (ki) -- that, for, when)
    THEREFORE the word "when" fits where the word "for" resides in Genesis 2:17
    THUS the phrase "when in the day that you eat" is an accurate translation for Genesis 2:17
    SO this confirms the promissory nature, the prophecy of man eating the fruit, with the word "for"/"when" in Genesis 2:17
    AND this imposes contextual certainty indicating God's foreknowledge over the matter described in Genesis 2:17
    SO there is no free will indicated for Adam
    AND the firm fact is established
    THAT God reigns in the affairs of man (Daniel 4:34-35)
  2. Attributes/Characteristics Compared And Contrasted
    1. Examining attribute as relating to the purported facility of free will in Adam
      WITH a targeted result of logical deductive reasoning leveraging compare and contrast of attributes/facilities
      SINCE Adam was made in the image according to the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26)
      THEN some persons of the creation (creatures) argue that specific facility was given to Adam
      IN particular God willpowering purported free will into man during the creation of Adam
      THEN Adam could not have used free will to perform evil against God
      BECAUSE God will not use willpower in order to perform evil against God's self (Psalm 5:4, Psalm 92:15, Deuteronomy 32:4)
      THEREFORE it follows that Man could not use free will in order to perform evil against God
      1. The logical extension of free will on this basis results in man possessing expanded facilities beyond God's facilities
      2. God is Creator; on the other hand, man is creature
      3. Largely, I use free will to mean man choosing toward God, emphatically Lord Jesus Christ.
      4. Scripture does not include the mention of endowing Adam with free will
      5. Man's free will is a precept of man (Matthew 15:9)
    2. Adam as part of God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind before the foundation of the world
      SINCE God saw creation was very good on the 6th Day (Genesis 1:31)
      AND God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind is good (Ephesians 1:1-14, Ephesians 2:13)
      THEN a free will Adam could not have been roaming the Garden of Eden with the ability to choose to obey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17)
      SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THUS a free will Adam could have disrupted God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind
      SO God could not conclude with certainty by declaring everything was good on the sixth day with a free will Adam in control roaming the Garden of Eden
      THEREFORE it follows that Adam could not be endowed with the attribute of free will
    3. The timeline of Adam knowing good and evil
      BEFORE Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEN Adam and Eve knew not good and evil
      AFTER Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEN Adam and Eve knew good and evil
      FOR the delineation is clarified when God said "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:22)
      YET based on the Word of God saying "has become" recorded in Genesis 3:22
      THEN Adam did not know good and evil before eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      SO Adam did not know good and evil when God issued the command "from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die!" (Genesis 2:17)
      THEREFORE at the time of eating, Adam listened and followed the last that he heard about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      WHICH Adam heard from Eve
      FOR God said "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, 'You shall not eat from it'" (Genesis 3:17)
      SO Adam listened to Eve and Adam ate from the tree prior to knowing good and evil
      AND a person does good by obeying God; on the other hand, a person does evil by disobeying God
      SO free will choosing of good or choosing of evil is not the context
      AND action is the context
      SINCE good and evil are not known to Adam prior to eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
      THEREFORE it follows that Adam was not endowed with the attribute of free will
    4. The attribute of "joining" - marriage
      1. Lord Jesus says a topically very profound statement of "from the beginning of creation, [God] made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together let no man separate." (Mark 10:6-9)
      2. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to Christ and the Bride of Christ
      3. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to marriage between "male and female" (creatures both)
      4. "God has joined together" is a clear reference by Jesus to Adam and Eve, the man and the woman
      5. God does the joining, while, on the other hand, man and woman are only the joyful recipients
      6. The facility of "joining" is not attributed to man and/or woman
      7. The facility of "joining" is attributed to God

For expanded topic coverage, please see this integral essay Almighty God's Awesome Creation In Amazing Splendor (not a ChristianForums.com link).

If anyone venture a reply to this thread, I encourage diligent care for it is written "do not add to His words or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar" (Proverbs 30:6).

May the Lord abound mercy and understanding and strength and grace in we His own for the Day approaches rapidly!
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
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Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response.

Please read this point 2.2. from the original post:

Adam as part of God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind before the foundation of the world

SINCE God saw creation was very good on the 6th Day (Genesis 1:31)

AND God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind is good (Ephesians 1:1-14, Ephesians 2:13)

THEN a free will Adam could not have been roaming the Garden of Eden with the ability to choose to obey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17)

SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

THUS a free will Adam could have disrupted God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind

SO God could not conclude with certainty by declaring everything was good on the sixth day with a free will Adam in control roaming the Garden of Eden

THEREFORE it follows that Adam could not be endowed with the attribute of free will

Nonetheless, this fits in with the entirety of the original post.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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So God is the One who wrote this "thread"

For what it's worth, כִּי is also translated "if" (according to Strong's, and my other lexicons). See below:

3588 כִּי, כִּי עַל כֵּן, כִּי־אִם, כַּמָּה [kiy /kee/] conj. A primitive particle; TWOT 976; GK 3954 and 3956 and 3955 and 4015; 46 occurrences; AV translates as “that”, “because”, “for”, “if”, “surely”, “except”, “yea”, and “doubtless”. 1 that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that, but, then, certainly, except, surely, since. 1A that. 1A1 yea, indeed. 1B when (of time). 1B1 when, if, though (with a concessive force). 1C because, since (causal connection). 1D but (after negative). 1E that if, for if, indeed if, for though, but if. 1F but rather, but. 1G except that. 1H only, nevertheless. 1I surely. 1J that is. 1K but if. 1L for though. 1M forasmuch as, for therefore. ~Strong, J. (1995). Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon. Woodside Bible Fellowship.

The word "for" is used in the NIV, ESV, NASB, KJV, and many others. The word "for" carries the same sense as the word "when" in this context.

On the other hand, the word "if", as an unknown quantity to God, fails for the context.

The original post's point 2.1. and point 2.2. and point 2.3. illuminate that "when" is the context (even with "for" being applicable).

The Bible tells us that God created man "in His own image" .. e.g. Genesis 1:26-27.

The original post's point 2.1. addresses your point.

This proves that if such a thing as free will were infused into Adam, then Adam could NOT have chosen against God's command.

It also tells us that He "made men upright", but that afterwards, "they sought out many devices" .. Ecclesiastes 7:29.

The Ecclesiastic (Ecclesiastes 1:12) wrote "God made men upright, but they have sought out many devices" (Ecclesiastes 7:29).

1) God made men upright, and this sounds a lot like God saw creation was very good on the 6th Day (Genesis 1:31).

3) and that "sought out many devices" sounds a lot like the carnal nature. The carnal nature is opposed to God.

With respect to how this topic relates to Adam, this verse applies to point 2.2. in the original post of this thread.

Therefore, there is no free will indicated for Adam.

God reigns in the affairs of man (Daniel 4:34-35).

Aside from all of the above, if Adam had no choice other than to disobey God, on what basis was He able to hold him accountable?

The original post's point 2.3. addresses your inquiry.

Nonetheless, here is more explanation.

God is God, and God does as God pleases with the inhabitants of the earth (Daniel 4:35).

God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4). God commanded Adam not to do it. Adam did it. God is just, so the punishment for Adam followed.

You ask the question "Why did you make me like this" recorded by the Apostle Paul in Romans 9 (please see Romans 9:18-23), so I encourage you to read the passage.

A fundamental Christian teaching must explicitly be stated which is man's default nature being carnal and unrighteous.

Our merciful and loving God is Benefactor, and we believers are beneficiaries

God is mercifully loving to save any of the rebellious persons, we beneficiaries

FOR the first nature of all men is enmity against God

MOREOVER, that first nature, the default nature, the enemy against God nature is sometimes referred to as the sin nature

AND that is just like the first man, Adam, from the earth, earthy (1 Corinthians 15:47)

FOR through Adam sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men (Romans 5:12)

AND respecting the first nature all people have no choice in the matter, all people enter life with the sin nature (Colossians 1:13-14, Colossians 1:21-22)

YET people in the first nature are incapable of pleasing God (Romans 8:8)

AND people of the sin nature cannot understand spiritual things of God (1 Corinthians 2:14)

SO God's regeneration of men in the renewing by the Holy Spirit results in a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17, Titus 3:5)

AND by the act of God, the old things passed away while the new creature has come (2 Corinthians 5:17)

AND the "old things", the first and default nature, is carnal/darkness/wicked/evil/dead/natural - in/by/of/for man

BUT the "new things", the God imparted nature, is Spirit/Light/righteous/good/life/eternal - in/by/of/for Christ

SO the "new creature" is made holy by the Holy God named Jesus Christ

AND the "new creature" is in Christ, and only the "new creature", we born again by God, are in Christ

AND in Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15:22)

God's merciful and loving actions as Benefactor are beautiful

FOR the Son of God established the Testament (Hebrews 9:16, Luke 22:20)

THUS Jesus the Lord proved His position of Benefactor in the Testament (John 12:31-33)

Our gracious Benefactor produces divine choice of we beneficiaries unto salvation, for the Christ of us Christians says

"you did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16) and "I chose you out of the world" (John 15:19)

SO, clearly, Jesus' words in John 15:16 and John 15:19 state God exclusively chooses us believers by/of/through God

Our gracious Benefactor produces beneficiaries' faith/belief in Lord Jesus, for the Christ of us Christians says

"This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent" (John 6:29)

SO, clearly, Jesus' words in John 6:29 state for us believers to believe in Jesus whom the Father has sent is by/of/through God

Our gracious Benefactor produces beneficiaries' fruit of the Spirit/righteous actions/good works, for the Christ of us Christians says

"he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God" (John 3:21)

SO, clearly, Jesus' words in John 3:21 state fruit in we believers is by/of/through God

Our gracious Benefactor produces beneficiaries' birth by the Holy Spirit, for the Christ of us Christians says

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:5-8)

SO, clearly, Jesus' words in John 3:5-8 state we believers being born again is by/of/through God

We beneficiaries are blessed receivers from the amazingly awesome Benefactor


There is no level that a person can choose Lord Jesus

BECAUSE He said "You did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16) and "I chose you out of the world" (John 15:19)

AND Jesus, Lord and God (John 20:28), did not provide any exception for choosing toward Jesus

AND Lord Jesus speaks to all believers in all time because He also said "I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word" (John 17:20)

AND All these words of Jesus are at the same supper

SO all glory is God's

AND with man, salvation is impossible (Matthew 19:25-26)

AND all glory in the salvation of man is God's (John 15:5, Isaiah 42:8)!
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response.

Please read this point 2.2. from the original post:

Adam as part of God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind before the foundation of the world

SINCE God saw creation was very good on the 6th Day (Genesis 1:31)

AND God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind is good (Ephesians 1:1-14, Ephesians 2:13)

THEN a free will Adam could not have been roaming the Garden of Eden with the ability to choose to obey God's command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17)

SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

THUS a free will Adam could have disrupted God's Plan of Redemption through the Christ for mankind

SO God could not conclude with certainty by declaring everything was good on the sixth day with a free will Adam in control roaming the Garden of Eden

THEREFORE it follows that Adam could not be endowed with the attribute of free will

Nonetheless, this fits in with the entirety of the original post.
Exactly what I thought... And, you're still completely incorrect.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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Exactly what I thought... And, you're still completely incorrect.

Your mention of your "thought" and your accusation of "completely incorrect" are very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's do a quick fact check now that distinguishes truth from deception. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". This reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true.

Your accusation of "completely incorrect" represents your "thought", and your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven false.

The original post to this thread remains true and accurate.
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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The original post to this thread remains true and accurate.
No it doesn't, not even remotely. So many errors it's hard to know where to begin. As to my "thought", which you seem to fancy yourself an expert on... My thought was that you like to see/hear yourself talk. And I still think that.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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No it doesn't, not even remotely. So many errors it's hard to know where to begin. As to my "thought", which you seem to fancy yourself an expert on... My thought was that you like to see/hear yourself talk. And I still think that.

As to your "thought", by definition that includes your accusation of "completely incorrect" about the original post, and you still fail to provide support for your accusation.

Since your "thought" is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "completely incorrect" are very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's repeat the quick fact check now that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". This reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true.

Your accusation of "completely incorrect" represents your "thought", and your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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As to your "thought", by definition that includes your accusation of "completely incorrect" about the original post, and you still fail to provide support for your accusation.

Since your "thought" is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "completely incorrect" are very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's repeat the quick fact check now that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". This reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true.

Your accusation of "completely incorrect" represents your "thought", and your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
My original response was a test. You failed. I mean look at how you flipped out over a one word response! You are not open to hearing what anyone else has to say... just as I thought. Now I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it. You can bloviate all you want, but the original post to this thread and all of you're following post remain untrue, unsound, unfounded and completely incorrect. I could refute it all, but you've shown that would be a waste of time, so thank you for not wasting my time.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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My original response was a test. You failed. I mean look at how you flipped out over a one word response! You are not open to hearing what anyone else has to say... just as I thought. Now I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it. You can bloviate all you want, but the original post to this thread and all of you're following post remain untrue, unsound, unfounded and completely incorrect. I could refute it all, but you've shown that would be a waste of time, so thank you for not wasting my time.
Strike three for topher694. That is your third post to this thread void of scripture, and that is just like your first two posts. You've had plenty of opportunity to make presentation for your position. Your position appears to be that Adam had a free will which under free-willian theology means all men have free will. Since free will theologically has a foundation of shifting sand (Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 7:26-27) that avoids the Word of God (John 15:16, John 15:19), and free will of Adam is unsupported by scripture both textually and contextually, then you can make no scripturally sound argument for free will choice toward Lord Jesus.

Now, you claim to be a prophet by writing "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it". By the way, I addressed St_Worm2's post in this thread, including the passages he presented of Genesis 1:26-27 and Ecclesiastes 7:29.

YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5). Your test was just part of your "thought" - absent of scripture.

You have repeated your unsubstantiated accusation of "completely incorrect" as part of your "thought" in your most recent post.

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's reexamine the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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Strike three for topher694. That is your third post to this thread void of scripture, and that is just like your first two posts. You've had plenty of opportunity to make presentation for your position. Your position appears to be that Adam had a free will which under free-willian theology means all men have free will. Since free will theologically has a foundation of shifting sand (Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 7:26-27) that avoids the Word of God (John 15:16, John 15:19), and free will of Adam is unsupported by scripture both textually and contextually, then you can make no scripturally sound argument for free will choice toward Lord Jesus.

Now, you claim to be a prophet by writing "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it". By the way, I addressed St_Worm2's post in this thread, including the passages he presented of Genesis 1:26-27 and Ecclesiastes 7:29.

YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5). Your test was just part of your "thought" - absent of scripture.

You have repeated your unsubstantiated accusation of "completely incorrect" as part of your "thought" in your most recent post.

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's reexamine the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

In your post #10, you claim to be a prophet by writing "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it", and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10.

In your most recent post you repeat the same single word response as your first post to this this thread, "incorrect".

You repeat your unsubstantiated accusation of "completely incorrect" as part of your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
Last edited:
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

In your post #10, you claim to be a prophet by writing "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it", and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10.

In your most recent post you repeat the same single word response as your first post to this this thread, "incorrect".

You repeat your unsubstantiated accusation of "completely incorrect" as part of your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
You know what is remarkable? You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport. For that reason alone, no one should listen to a word you have to say. However, you also demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of: the prophetic, the nature of God, free will, basic logic and self-control to name a few. There's no need to refute your argument, your methods do that all by themselves.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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You know what is remarkable? You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport. For that reason alone, no one should listen to a word you have to say. However, you also demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of: the prophetic, the nature of God, free will, basic logic and self-control to name a few. There's no need to refute your argument, your methods do that all by themselves.
You attack the messenger. I treat the Word of God with respect and honor and love. I live the Word of God.

You failed to cite the Word of God a single time in this thread, nor have you quoted the Word of God, so this is a clear indication of your position about the Word of God.

Let's enumerate your errors that you committed in this thread.

1) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

2) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

3) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

4) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

5) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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You attack the messenger. I treat the Word of God with respect and honor and love. I live the Word of God.

You failed to cite the Word of God a single time in this thread, nor have you quoted the Word of God, so this is a clear indication of your position about the Word of God.

Let's enumerate your errors that you committed in this thread.

1) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

2) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

3) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

4) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

5) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
"indisputably true" is a dangerous thing to say when you are promoting something that most of the Christian world disagrees with. Such use and insistence when promoting unorthodox views tends to point to such ideas being: indisputably incorrect... as yours are

As I stated before. Why would I waste my time on scripture with you? That would clearly accomplish nothing. I do not view such things as a competition as you seem to do. What basis do you have for anyone to listen to you anyway? What fruit do you have to back up anything you are saying? All I've seen is pride, arrogance, ignorance and slander. That's not good fruit.

I preach scripture and sound doctrine that actually draws people to Jesus and glorifies God each and every week to people who are open to listening and learning. You get all bent out of shape over a single word response and cannot seem to let it go.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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Still, you fail to cite and/or quote the Word of God in your writing.

"indisputably true" is a dangerous thing to say when you are promoting something that most of the Christian world disagrees with. Such use and insistence when promoting unorthodox views tends to point to such ideas being: indisputably incorrect... as yours are

With that, you now assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 is not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In my post to which you replied it contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

You write "most of the Christian world", and you do that without citation of an authoritative source. If you count the Roman Catholic Church as Christian, then we need to start talking about the wide road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13).

Here is THE authoritative source right now, Jesus Christ, the Word of God "you did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16) and "I chose you out of the world" (John 15:19). No man, none. God does the choosing of man unto salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10).

As I stated before. Why would I waste my time on scripture with you? That would clearly accomplish nothing. I do not view such things as a competition as you seem to do. What basis do you have for anyone to listen to you anyway? What fruit do you have to back up anything you are saying? All I've seen is pride, arrogance, ignorance and slander. That's not good fruit.

Merely more attack the messenger.

I preach scripture and sound doctrine that actually draws people to Jesus and glorifies God each and every week to people who are open to listening and learning. You get all bent out of shape over a single word response and cannot seem to let it go.

You make an odd claim for someone that has not cited nor quoted the Word of God in this thread. You fail to see the magnitude of error of your single word response.

Let's enumerate your errors that you committed in this thread.

1) In your post #16, you assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 are not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is you asserting falsehood.

2) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

3) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

4) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

5) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

6) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
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Still, you fail to cite and/or quote the Word of God in your writing.

With that, you now assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 is not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In my post to which you replied it contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

You write "most of the Christian world", and you do that without citation of an authoritative source. If you count the Roman Catholic Church as Christian, then we need to start talking about the wide road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13).

Here is THE authoritative source right now, Jesus Christ, the Word of God "you did not choose Me, but I chose you" (John 15:16) and "I chose you out of the world" (John 15:19). No man, none. God does the choosing of man unto salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Merely more attack the messenger.

You make an odd claim for someone that has not cited nor quoted the Word of God in this thread. You fail to see the magnitude of error of your single word response.

Let's enumerate your errors that you committed in this thread.

1) In your post #16, you assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 are not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is you asserting falsehood.

2) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

3) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

4) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

5) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

6) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
Repeating the same falsehood over and over doesn't make it true... just makes it repetitive. You've proven nothing. Zero. Zilch. You have just provided evidence of poor application and understanding of scripture. That's it. Additionally, you have provided no reason for anyone to take what you say seriously. Especially since it is completely incorrect.
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God is the Potter, and we are the clay.
Feb 10, 2019
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Repeating the same falsehood over and over doesn't make it true... just makes it repetitive. You've proven nothing. Zero. Zilch. You have just provided evidence of poor application and understanding of scripture. That's it. Additionally, you have provided no reason for anyone to take what you say seriously. Especially since it is completely incorrect.

You stand alone in your "thought". You neither cite nor quote the Word of God in this thread- that is zero, zilch of the Word of God. You assert solely by the word of topher694.

Let's enumerate your error prone writings in this thread:

1) In your post #16, you assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 are not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is you asserting falsehood.

2) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

3) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

4) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

5) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

6) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 and #18 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
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Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Go Turtle!
Jan 29, 2019
St. Cloud, MN
United States
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You stand alone in your "thought". You neither cite nor quote the Word of God in this thread- that is zero, zilch of the Word of God. You assert solely by the word of topher694.

Let's enumerate your error prone writings in this thread:

1) In your post #16, you assert that the recorded words in Genesis 2:17 are not the only command carrying a punishment being the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is you asserting falsehood.

2) Since you seem to confuse your words with the Word of God (your post #14), I will clarify this for you. It is your "thought" and your "words" and your writings that I point out as containing error, yet you try to make it sound like your words are the Word of God by your writing of "You treat the word of God like it is a competitive sport", well, that's self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway, that is you claiming that your words are the Word of God. That's a very auspicious claim by someone who has not cited nor quoted the Word of God a single time in this thread.

3) YHWH tests the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 11:5); in contrast, you claim to be the arbiter with your test of a single word reply (identified in your post #10) that appears simply as a response, not a "test" per your "thought" in your post #10, not even a cloaked test; nonetheless, your post #3 of "incorrect" (the so-called "test" of yours) was absent of scripture, and your post #3 is demonstrably wrong by the original post to this thread. By the way, did you notice that my post #4 was a pointedly terse response to your terse response because your single word response appeared to me that you wanted to keep things terse, but you failed to reply with scripture in response to when I wrote "Your lack of scirpture citation demonstrates vacancy in your response" - I was referring to your one word response! Notice that the next paragraph of the post was "Please read this point 2.2. from the original post", and you still failed to come back with scripture.

4) You repeatedly wrote that discussing scripture is worthless, including your words that it would be "a waste of time" in your post #10. Your posts have been replete with your inability to present scripture. Truly, I tell you that I know that you cannot present any in-context scripture as support for free-will.

5) You prophesied about the future when you wrote in definitive terms in the future tense "will" with your writing of "I don't have to waste my time writing a long response to someone who will pay no attention to it" in your post #10, so your asserted definitive claim using future tense is prophecy, and your prophecy was proved false by my reply to your very post #10. Now you complain that your prophesy was exposed as false.

6) Let us recall your "thought" in your post #6 and #10 and #18 asserting the original post to this thread as "completely incorrect", and your posts in this thread lack scriptural and linguistic support for your assertion, so your posts are merely based upon your "thought".

Your "thought" about the original post in this thread is intimitaly tied to your accusation of "incorrect" and more pointedly "completely incorrect" which is very telling about whether you perceive Truth (John 14:6).

Let's revisit the fact check that distinguishes truth from error. Here is the truth check:

The post to which you replied contains "SINCE the only command carrying a punishment was the prohibition upon Adam against eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil".

Since this reference to Genesis 2:17 is indisputably true, then your accusation of "completely incorrect" is proven incorrect.

Rich in the Word of God, the original post to this thread remains true and correct.
1) I asserted no such thing
2) I made no such claim
3) I made no such claim
4) complete misrepresentation
5) I prophesied nothing. You seem to have no idea what prophecy is and is not.
6) You have no way of knowing what I perceive

So in summary, you are a straight up LIAR.

You want scripture so bad, where here is one that finally fits:

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Exodus 20:16
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