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    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt reacted to prodromos's post in the thread praise God! with Like Like. We've had a few threads where people have posted their 'prayer...
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      I have many icons in my home, yes.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      I don’t really have a favorite of either.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      let us know what you think when you go
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt reacted to AlexB23's post in the thread praise God! with Like Like.
      I would like to go to an Orthodox service though, cos it would be cool to worship and take in.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      go for it, let us know what you think
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt reacted to AlexB23's post in the thread praise God! with Like Like.
      That is awesome. The Catholic Church does not pray to the saints that much in service, if at all. We say the Nicene creed, and also pray...
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      I can’t speak for Catholics, but all Orthodox pray to the saints. it’s inescapable in our services.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt reacted to AlexB23's post in the thread praise God! with Like Like.
      Yeah, though, this is a loose definition.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      yes. yes. terrifying and wonderful. I felt exposed and judged, but also loved and embraced.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt reacted to AlexB23's post in the thread praise God! with Like Like.
      Interesting. The Catholics are trying to canonize a saint of digital tech, named Blessed Carlo Acutis. However, both Orthodox and...
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      sure thing, I wasn’t aware St Isodore was the patron of tech, but it makes sense.
    • ArmyMatt
      ArmyMatt replied to the thread praise God!.
      not that I know of, although the angels are invoked with anything that has to do with the air (like planes or electronic communication).
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