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      fhansen reacted to OnePlanPeopleDestiny's post in the thread SALVATION with Like Like.
      The Word of God supports those propositions. However, men over the course of centuries have influenced masses to think one way or...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Faith is a gift of grace originating from God. All should respond to that grace but not all will. And faith is a REAL BIG DEAL. It's...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Of course. That's why his faith was counted as righteousness. (Emphasis mine again).
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      I didn't say it wasn't
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Yes, because it is righteous to believe in the Lord. If we understand that as the basis of God declaration then we agree. I apologize in...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      God's not interested in our pretend righteousness. Yes, sins are forgiven which, as I said, is all that a declared righteousness amounts...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      That's a common enough activity of man-and it's frustrating to me here because it's almost as if one doesn't even wish to consider and...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      It happens at the same time-as a single package. We enter a new life with God as we turn to Him in faith. Within that vital...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      What does a declaration of righteousness mean in your opinion? If it means acquittal, the forgiveness of sin, I never denied that but...
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      I think there’s more to consider, though. Adam & Eve hid from God immediately after they sinned, due to their guilt. But through Him “we...
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      That was good, at least until the last paragraph IMO. Sin separates man from God because by and because of it we prefer not to have any...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      More Scripture ignored. By obtaining it. Right, you've been contradicting Scripture. So now were getting somewhere; we must be holy...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Works of the law count for nothing. Works of grace, of love, count for everything, and fulfill the law by their nature. That's how the...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Actually, one cannot know God if they deny Christ, since He's the only way one can know God. It'd be like seeing God in front of you and...
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      fhansen replied to the thread SALVATION.
      Ok?? So we do receive righteousness after all rather than merely being forgiven and declared righteous? Ok? In any case justification...
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