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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      And we can now be free from that captivity. "When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness. What benefit...
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      It means your hope and trust are in God rather than in yourself or in man. This reverses Adam's distrust of God within us; this is to...
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      It's hilarious to me how "monergists" seem to have an explanation for everything except what salvation has to do with the saved...
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      It’s all been clearly and consistently and repeatedly explained, even if you don’t like the explanation. Man cannot redeem himself, he...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      He's talking about the human fallen condition, that we're now able to triumph over. And this is very obvious as he proceeds to explain...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Paul is describing a struggle and a problem common to all of fallen humanity. And he gives the answer to it in Rom 7-8, the answer to...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      You don't know that. And yet we'll all continue to struggle against sin in this life-but now we can also overcome it. Man was not...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      John also goes on to say in chap 3: "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Ok. While your position would've been absurd to the early church and the early fathers, it is an honest logical extension of the...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      No, it's a simple question. Are you saying that a believer could rape, murder, steal right up to the end of his life and not have those...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Can a believer engage in persistent, wanton sin and still expect to make it to heaven?
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Sin not imputed is sin forgiven for anyone who turns to God in faith. The purpose of sin being forgiven is to make a major "reset" in...
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      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Yes, when we turn to God our past is not counted against us, and our future is made bright as we're empowered to overcome sin now. If we...
    • F
      fhansen replied to the thread 2Cor 5:19.
      Yes, they're forgiven, purged, taken away as we're given new hearts and new spirits, made new creations, now slaves to righteousness...
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      fhansen replied to the thread Irresistable Grace.
      No one is justified by works. That doesn't mean that we're prevented from saying "no" to salvation, "no" to God and His work in us...
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