The church is doing more to keep people single, than to bring them together?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2022
Cincinnati, OH
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I think I recall noticing a woman, sitting by herself in church on a weekly basis, but I'd feel weird approaching her as she leaves to the parking lot

She'd basically come, sit at the service, and leave. No socializing, because obviously she has a social life outside of church in secular circles.

This is what I don't understand. You wake up Sunday morning, get dressed and all that. Then you come to some place for about an hour, and then you leave. If you aren't going to interact with others in a meaningful way, why show up at all? Do these people think going through the motions of church is impressive to God?

If it's preaching she wants, we have YouTube and the Trinity Broadcasting Network for that. Disclaimer: I make no representation regarding the biblical soundness of preachers on either of these platforms. Then again, I would make no such broad representation anyway, regardless of the platform.

I might have approached her just to hear her story - not really because I would want to date her. I'd want to hear her motivations for coming to church.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2022
Cincinnati, OH
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Agreed. Paying attention to the vibe of the place is key. Using discernment based on the situation. That way, we can have a clear conscience if others make false accusations ...

Seeing that kind of attitude toward single Christians, the assumption that we must be sleeping around or whatever, is so unfortunate. I have to wonder if they're projecting what's in their hearts. Revealing more about what's going on in their own minds.

It's sad in a lot of ways. Paul was pretty clear in 1 Cor 7 that there's no special status in being married vs single. Maybe they're stuck in unhappy marriages or something.

I've heard a lot of women complain that some guys want only one thing. I thought I'd share a portion of what I wrote in my OK Cupid profile to alleviate that concern:

I'm not here for casual sex or hookups. Really! I'm not. I respect women, and I respect myself. I understand the value of a real connection ...

(I briefly describe my occupation, what I do with my free time, etc)

I ain't got no nuds to send you. I don't expect you to give me any of them nuds. I guess if I wanted to get me some nuds, I could buy some off them OnlyFans girlies.
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Feb 18, 2024
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Last I checked the role of the church is to make disciples not marriages. The church isn't a dating service. All these complaints people post about what the church isn't doing to help their love lives truly makes me laugh. Show me anywhere in the NT where this is even mentioned. The idea is that in a spiritually healthy and vibrant church there is that close connection and bond among all believers. And, that this fellowship will prompt other believers to naturally seek a partner among their own close knit community. It's easy for believers to connect on all levels when there is real fellowship. Likewise, it's also easy for Christians to get caught up in secular things and look for non-Christian partners when the church they attend isn't really focused on evangelization and reaching others with the gospel. It's really odd to think of the apostles setting up singles nights for their converts. Lol. I'm not sure what the church is supposed to do for singles other than provide them an avenue for fellowship with other likeminded believers. Notice a correlation here: churches today have way more programs than they ever had and way less successful matches. So, maybe more programs does not equal more truly good relationships and marriages. Possibly more focus on NT type of Christianity would. Something to ponder
“Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. “
Hebrews 13:4
It sure seems that the writer of Hebrews was really worried about the purity of Church. So that to say the Church should preach Christ is a half truth. Yes the most important message is the Gospel of Christ. But just reading II Timothy 2:20-26; tells me it is important to be a vessel of honor in the House of God. Verse 22 states flee youthful lusts, in other words in today‘s English by any means possible stay pure IMHO few people have this gift of celibacy the Church preaches so harshly to us SINgles. The Church is the best place for Christian SINgles to meet so as Paul states, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. I Corinthians 7:2.
If Christians are not to meet other SINgles, in church with guidance then where? In those first 9 verses of I Corinthians 7 Paul states that he would that all would be unmarried but never demanded it but stated in verse 9 Better to marry than to burn.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
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Some churches I’ve been to have had lively singles groups where singles meet each other.
Some don’t at all
Some do, the Group just wasn’t a good fit for me.

To posters who think this: how many have you tried? How many have you stuck around w/? You’re probably not gonna meet the man/lady of your dreams Day 1!

The Group I go to now I’ve been going to July. It’s 3/4 single men & women both in my age range & an even split. I really like going. It’s great fellowshipping w/ other Christians & they all believe it the same way I do. I’d like to see it happen w/ one or two, but it’s to no fault of them, me, or even the Group. A relationship is given by God you know.

I think many churches are recognizing they let singles down by not having singles groups but many have either brought them back or started them for the first time.

A big problem I used to run into was the Groups would skew mostly men, where it’d be 12 men & 2 women, but it was all in my head: they don’t ALL skew that way.

So don’t get discouraged or frustrated after one week or 2 churches.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2022
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“Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. “
Hebrews 13:4
It sure seems that the writer of Hebrews was really worried about the purity of Church. So that to say the Church should preach Christ is a half truth. Yes the most important message is the Gospel of Christ. But just reading II Timothy 2:20-26; tells me it is important to be a vessel of honor in the House of God. Verse 22 states flee youthful lusts, in other words in today‘s English by any means possible stay pure IMHO few people have this gift of celibacy the Church preaches so harshly to us SINgles. The Church is the best place for Christian SINgles to meet so as Paul states, Nevertheless, to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. I Corinthians 7:2.
If Christians are not to meet other SINgles, in church with guidance then where? In those first 9 verses of I Corinthians 7 Paul states that he would that all would be unmarried but never demanded it but stated in verse 9 Better to marry than to burn.
Actually, that verse 2 Timothy 2:22 is referring to any sort of passions or indulgences one had preconversion, the things which led them from following after Christ and putting Him first, and putting self first instead. Could be anything, it isn’t just things of a sexual nature.

If we use scripture to interpret scripture, 1 Corinthians 7:9 comes off more as a man and woman have been acquainted and there is something between them, which they cannot control so well. Not just of a sexual nature, but love and passion overall. Seems that is what Paul is referring to in that verse, burning with passion for a particular individual, which indicates 2 people already acquainted. Definitely not this cringy Clown World trend of modern ‘dating’, going with strangers to hipster coffee shops for a ‘job interview’ type scenario, or a first meeting with a probation officer LOL.

‘Temperance’ or ‘self-restraint’ is one of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so sexual desires is something that Christians need to have control over regardless if marriage is in their future or not. Besides, if a Christian meets someone they are into, they will need that restraint while spending time with them getting to know them before marriage.

Interestingly enough, about half the women I was involved with were churchgoers, and was not a Christian in those days. We surely didn’t meet at a religious building. As a Christian, don’t limit yourself to religious buildings to meet women. Even more interesting, it was the non-churchgoing women I was involved with who were the most humble, down-to-earth, warm, giving, caring, agreeable, unselfish, and Proverbs 31esque. Read that part again and think about it. On top of that, I’ve encountered churchgoer women who were very misandrist, and referred to men as ‘pigs’.

Have you considered maybe there is someone for you outside of corporatized building-based religion? Perhaps look into doing work with a volunteer organization. That is what really matters to God, selflessness, BEING the Church. He values that so far above sitting idle on the benches at a religious building. Look at it as service to God, you will meet other selfless people there who value helping others, and are living out their Faith, just like the biblical 1st Century Church described in the Book of Acts. There are many Christians these days who have nothing to do with the weekend building-based religious system..and for very good reason. Religious buildings are not the ‘house of God’. His called out, set apart people are.

“Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?”
—Acts 7:48-49

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”
—1 Corinthians 3:16

On that note, maybe you could start up a group who meets together for fellowship and Bible discussion? See, you do have other options. Don’t rely on the weekend building-based religious system for anything, whether it be doctrine, biblical fellowship, romantic companionship, whatever. God wants us to BE His Church.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
United States
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Some churches I’ve been to have had lively singles groups where singles meet each other.
Some don’t at all
Some do, the Group just wasn’t a good fit for me.

To posters who think this: how many have you tried? How many have you stuck around w/? You’re probably not gonna meet the man/lady of your dreams Day 1!

The Group I go to now I’ve been going to July. It’s 3/4 single men & women both in my age range & an even split. I really like going. It’s great fellowshipping w/ other Christians & they all believe it the same way I do. I’d like to see it happen w/ one or two, but it’s to no fault of them, me, or even the Group. A relationship is given by God you know.

I think many churches are recognizing they let singles down by not having singles groups but many have either brought them back or started them for the first time.

A big problem I used to run into was the Groups would skew mostly men, where it’d be 12 men & 2 women, but it was all in my head: they don’t ALL skew that way.

So don’t get discouraged or frustrated after one week or 2 churches.

The Christian singles groups where I had attended...past tense...they'd last a couple of years, then die off due to lack of attendance or interests. Or sometimes people would couple up and leave.

The last one I attended borrowed a room to use at a church, but the church wasn't sponsoring it. It was...."unofficial", which as strange, as if it comes off sketchy as if they didn't want to have anything to do with keep a low profile of its presence.

The two single people that ran it, well, the guy lead had a little thing for the woman, she friend zoned him, but it was a situation where "She didn't think of him in...'that way'". And he left.

Of course, there's the drama like that to consider. There was also a kind of a Rooster in a hen house scenario I heard of when the person leading the singles ministry told some guy to stop asking a lady out, as it comes off as predatory, but then the person doing the leading was only competing with that guy with a woman they both liked. lol
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United States
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The Christian singles groups where I had attended...past tense...they'd last a couple of years, then die off due to lack of attendance or interests. Or sometimes people would couple up and leave.

The last one I attended borrowed a room to use at a church, but the church wasn't sponsoring it. It was...."unofficial", which as strange, as if it comes off sketchy as if they didn't want to have anything to do with keep a low profile of its presence.

The two single people that ran it, well, the guy lead had a little thing for the woman, she friend zoned him, but it was a situation where "She didn't think of him in...'that way'". And he left.

Of course, there's the drama like that to consider. There was also a kind of a Rooster in a hen house scenario I heard of when the person leading the singles ministry told some guy to stop asking a lady out, as it comes off as predatory, but then the person doing the leading was only competing with that guy with a woman they both liked. lol
The 'singles' group I"m part of is a 1/4 married, including the leaders so it works out. I didn't think I'd like that (b/c I feel like couples typically cling to each other & don't really care to be part of the group) but they do it right here. Even the ones that have 'paired up' stay in the group.

Keep trying if you're frustrated.
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