My Gospel by Paul

Presbyterian Continuist

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I don't think I am saying something different from that, unless you can point it out. God does know who we are who are in Christ, indeed. Making sure we are is something we are yet told to do, some are not there thinking yet that they are. Essential things, like repentance, might be missing, and such remaining as they are won't last with the faith.
Repentance is the first step in receiving Christ as Saviour. It is a one-time event. We don't keep repenting after being born again of the spirit, because all our sins, past present and future are paid for by Christ on the Cross, Therefore there is nothing to repent from in that sense. However, we are instructed to forsake the works of the flesh and to walk in the Spirit. This does not mean that we become sinlessly perfect, because John says that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, and that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We will have the presence of sin with us until we die and are resurrected. At the resurrection, we will leave our sinful flesh in the grave and rise up in our glorified bodies. This the atonement that Jesus achieved for us will be complete.
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Repentance is the first step in receiving Christ as Saviour. It is a one-time event. We don't keep repenting after being born again of the spirit, because all our sins, past present and future are paid for by Christ on the Cross, Therefore there is nothing to repent from in that sense. However, we are instructed to forsake the works of the flesh and to walk in the Spirit. This does not mean that we become sinlessly perfect, because John says that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, and that if we confess our sins, He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We will have the presence of sin with us until we die and are resurrected. At the resurrection, we will leave our sinful flesh in the grave and rise up in our glorified bodies. This the atonement that Jesus achieved for us will be complete.
Repentance is necessary in that first step. It is not over then. One is not ever right to say, I repented back then, I don't need to repent of anything since then. One does not have real repentance with that. Real repentance is from consciousness of sin which separates any from God, who will not just look on sin. Repentance is a state we come to with that consciousness. When we are brought to awareness of any sin still with us, or from us, we are repentant, if we are ones in Christ. There isn't question of whether we have forgiveness or not, that is promised. But we want our being restored to the relationship we should have with Christ, having it with God through Christ. Repentance lasts in us toward all sin, that we are covered for, at real cost.
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