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    • LoveofTruth
      No I was waiting on the Lord as scripture commands and even their gatherings have that waiting understanding. The violation, was that...
    • LoveofTruth
      I have visited a some Quakers before. But I find they are soo far off in sone things it’s difficult to find unity. The original men...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread How do we hear God's voice?.
      Every believer has to be fully persuaded and know the Lord. Jesus said his sheep hear his voice. But the religious men who could speak...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      Ok, well they apply to you and her . And Christ dies not establish organized religion as some see. The church is the body of Christ not...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      The rule is here first… Galatians 6: 15, 16 “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      Acts 1: 5. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” John was part of the...
    • LoveofTruth
      Acts 1: 5. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” John was part of the...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread How do we hear God's voice?.
      Yes, the holy scriptures are given by the Spirit and so anyone knowing anything of God comes from the spiritual life in them first. Then...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      Acts 1: 5. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” Showing the...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      The verse may not be talking about”water” baptism. Jesus didn’t mention water here. Matthew 28: 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      The gospel was preached before unto Abraham. And the gospel was spoken of by Jesus and all the animal sacrifices were types of the...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread My Gospel by Paul.
      Paul simply personalized the gospel as his, or “my gospel”. In the same way we would say “my Lord” although all believers have him as...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread How do we hear God's voice?.
      Reading the scriptures in faith is what we should do and God speaks through our spirit if we hear His word. But Abraham did not have...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread How do we hear God's voice?.
      Yes it does, we see apostles after Christ rose prophets we see apostles like Paul, Timotheus Silvanus, Barnabas, Titus, and prophets...
    • LoveofTruth
      LoveofTruth replied to the thread How do we hear God's voice?.
      You can and should know what is if Hid and what is not and all believers have the unction from the holy one and know all things...
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