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FLAT or ROUND Earth?


He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
United States
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And we're still waiting for that flat earth map.

A comment I heard recently about the flat earth conventions. There is never any discussion about the advances of flat earth cartography or how to go about producing an accurate map of the earth. There are no collaborations to fund high altitude filming of the earth to prove once and for all that "there is no curve", or for an expedition to document the "ice wall of Antarctica". All they do is rehash their same old arguments and pat each other on the back for being the special 'enlightened' people.
In my personal opinion I don’t think this is a matter of ignorance, I believe it’s a matter of honesty.
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Nov 30, 2019
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In 2017, standing in Tennessee and using my own eyes (using proper shades) I watched the moon pass in front of the sun. At first you could see a massive shadow coming down from the sky off in the distance. The shadow got closer and closer, and exactly on schedule, it was twilight at 3 p.m. The sky around me was dark, though there was daylight off in the distance. After a couple of minutes, things started to light up again, exactly on schedule. It's not something you can adequately capture on film, but it was an amazing experience.

Eclipses are not predicted by flat-earthers.

The moon is not a star, and the earth is not flat. I've seen the curvature with my own eyes many times.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
United States
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LA is south of NY, but to your point and for the sake of argument, we will consider the two cities to be at essentially the same latitude, the major component under consideration being their east–west distance. In your example, the tangential velocities are essentially equivalent so that whether the helicopter takes off from LA (flying east) or NY (flying west) it has the same tangential velocity as the (allegedly) rotating earth at that latitude and that tangential velocity is conserved. In other words, even though the helicopter (NY to LA) is flying west, it still has the eastward tangential velocity component of both NY and LA. Hence, the (allegedly) rotating earth would not turn beneath the helicopter. You are comparing apples to oranges in terms of the north–south argument. You really need to think about this. Are you not able to conceptualize the difference? As stated at the end of our article titled, Heliocentrism Refuted: Experimental Proof of a Stationary Earth,

Reader, this is just basic dynamics. It is that simple. Obviously, our educational system (not to mention our popular culture) needs an existential review.

So sorry, no map for you today, but concerning the map issue, you may want to review the following post: WORLD MAPS (PART I).

Concerning the article, Evolution Refuted by the Ribosme, I AM sticking to the topic. As stated on the home page of Plane Geodesy,

PLANE GEODESY exists to provide critical-thinking readers with compelling and definitive, empirical evidence, together with conclusive, supporting analyses, confirming the large-scale structure of the earth’s surface to be planar rather than spheroidal, the singular, inescapable subsumption being the veracity of the traditional Christian doctrine of creation and concomitant vanquishment of the modernist sophistry of naturalism and its current, untenable, scientistic infrastructure as popularly manifested through the many banalities associated with the perditious and false doctrines of cosmological, geological, and biological evolutionism.
This quote is a prime example of why I don’t believe that these people actually believe that the earth is flat because obviously someone with a higher than typical intelligence and education wrote this quote in the bold letters. You can tell just by the wording, yet even the most elementary examples and observations that refute the flat earth theory allegedly escapes them. I don’t believe that for a second because the idea of such a widespread conspiracy and the overwhelming evidence that is stacked against a flat earth is beyond ridiculous. No one with an intelligence and education of this caliber could possibly be so ignorant as to fail to grasp these simple concepts. They’re intentionally being obtuse and dishonest about the whole thing.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
United States
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In 2017, standing in Tennessee and using my own eyes (using proper shades) I watched the moon pass in front of the sun. At first you could see a massive shadow coming down from the sky off in the distance. The shadow got closer and closer, and exactly on schedule, it was twilight at 3 p.m. The sky around me was dark, though there was daylight off in the distance. After a couple of minutes, things started to light up again, exactly on schedule. It's not something you can adequately capture on film, but it was an amazing experience.

Eclipses are not predicted by flat-earthers.

The moon is not a star, and the earth is not flat. I've seen the curvature with my own eyes many times.
Yeah same here. I’ve seen the curvature of the earth several times making long international flights. They claim it’s a bubble effect from the glass but you don’t see any bubble effect when you’re sitting on the ground. All the straight lines on the buildings and poles are perfectly straight.
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Reasonably Sane

With age comes wisdom, when it doesn't come alone.
Oct 27, 2023
United States
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I think the flat earth looks like this, but there are little transporters that beam you across the gaps.

View attachment 339019
Dang! Whenever I fly from Seattle to Kentucky I always thought those big white gaps were just snow. I never understood it when it was July, though.
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
United States
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Dang! Whenever I fly from Seattle to Kentucky I always thought those big white gaps were just snow. I never understood it when it was July, though.
It’s not snow it’s miles & miles of white sheets put there by the government to cover up their lie.
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Reasonably Sane

With age comes wisdom, when it doesn't come alone.
Oct 27, 2023
United States
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It’s not snow it’s miles & miles of white sheets put there by the government to cover up their lie.
I KNEW IT! The conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories, and it turns out to be TRUE!
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He’s a Way of life
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Aug 11, 2017
United States
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I KNEW IT! The conspiracy theory of all conspiracy theories, and it turns out to be TRUE!
Yeah but don’t tell anyone. There’s only about 17 of us who know the truth, everyone else is in on it.
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May 14, 2014
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LA is south of NY, but to your point and for the sake of argument, we will consider the two cities to be at essentially the same latitude, the major component under consideration being their east–west distance. In your example, the tangential velocities are essentially equivalent so that whether the helicopter takes off from LA (flying east) or NY (flying west) it has the same tangential velocity as the (allegedly) rotating earth at that latitude and that tangential velocity is conserved. In other words, even though the helicopter (NY to LA) is flying west, it still has the eastward tangential velocity component of both NY and LA. Hence, the (allegedly) rotating earth would not turn beneath the helicopter. You are comparing apples to oranges in terms of the north–south argument. You really need to think about this. Are you not able to conceptualize the difference? As stated at the end of our article titled, Heliocentrism Refuted: Experimental Proof of a Stationary Earth,

Reader, this is just basic dynamics. It is that simple. Obviously, our educational system (not to mention our popular culture) needs an existential review.
The irony of your post is not only is it wrong with regards to a stationary earth but also contradicts a flat earth by your use of tangential velocities as a central theme.
In case you didn’t know here is an example of tangential velocity and the centripetal force for circular motion.


Using your NY to Bogota example if the earth is flat a plane after it reaches a cruising altitude and speed will be travelling in a straight line, there is no tangential velocity otherwise it will be travelling along a curved flight path with potential disastrous consequences.

We can examine this problem in another way by attaching directional accelerometers on the plane and measuring the radial acceleration due to the centripetal or centrifugal force which would be absent for a straight line trajectory.
The existence of radial acceleration confirms the flight path follows a curve corresponding to a circular arc which means the earth must also be curved in order for a cruising altitude to be maintained.
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Jesus I Trust In You
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May 19, 2018
Neath, Wales, UK
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The irony of your post is not only is it wrong with regards to a stationary earth but also contradicts a flat earth by your use of tangential velocities as a central theme.
In case you didn’t know here is an example of tangential velocity and the centripetal force for circular motion.


Using your NY to Bogota example if the earth is flat a plane after it reaches a cruising altitude and speed will be travelling in a straight line, there is no tangential velocity otherwise it will be travelling along a curved flight path with potential disastrous consequences.

We can examine this problem in another way by attaching directional accelerometers on the plane and measuring the radial acceleration due to the centripetal or centrifugal force which would be absent for a straight line trajectory.
The existence of radial acceleration confirms the flight path follows a curve corresponding to a circular arc which means the earth must also be curved in order for a cruising altitude to be maintained.

You have to remember he is a 'published' person! With over 5 followers!!!
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums

Saber Truth Tiger

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May 7, 2016
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And we're still waiting for that flat earth map.

A comment I heard recently about the flat earth conventions. There is never any discussion about the advances of flat earth cartography or how to go about producing an accurate map of the earth. There are no collaborations to fund high altitude filming of the earth to prove once and for all that "there is no curve", or for an expedition to document the "ice wall of Antarctica". All they do is rehash their same old arguments and pat each other on the back for being the special 'enlightened' people.
I remember when I was in high school many many years ago we had an example of a flat earth map. The original was made in medieval times. They weren't teaching us the earth was flat, they were just showing us a copy of a map of the earth from medieval times. There was a circle and inside the circle was Europe, Africa, the Sinai Peninsula, the Mediterranean Sea, India, China, the Far East, and such. No New World. No Australia. It was not shown to us for us to believe it was accurate but to show us an example of some people in medieval times.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Oct 22, 2013
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So sorry, no map for you today, but concerning the map issue, you may want to review the following post: WORLD MAPS (PART I).

I work in the aviation sector and fly a lot as part of work. Reading that section of your website, these parts are clearly wrong:

"There is virtually no direct air traffic across the South Atlantic Ocean between southern South America and South Africa, or across the Indian Ocean from South Africa to Western Australia, or across the South Pacific Ocean from either Australia or New Zealand to southern South America. Transoceanic flights between cities south of the Tropic of Capricorn typically involve stopover destinations north of the equator."

There is plenty of South Atlantic traffic. Off the top of my head, Ethiopian Airlines, TAAG Angola, South African Airways all operate South America-Africa direct connections. Maybe Kenya Airways too, I know they were planning both Sao Paulo and Perth routes before the start of the pandemic. Then there's all of TAP's routes from Southern Europe into South America.

There is also direct air traffic across the Indian Ocean into Western Australia (and then on to Eastern Australia). I've personally flown on Qantas from Sydney to India and I've also flown from Sydney to Johannesburg. Air India also operates from multiple Indian cities to multiple Australian cities on the east coast and Perth Airport and the WA government have been negotiating to open direct service to Perth.

There is also direct air traffic across the Southern Pacific. Again, I've personal experience. I've flown direct with LAN Chile (now LATAM) from Australia to Chile operating via New Zealand multiple times.

The reason that there's not as much traffic across the South Pacific and Indian Ocean is wealth, history, airline economics, regulation/protectionism from governments for state-own airlines and aircraft safety rules (ETOPS in particular).
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Nov 28, 2003
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The reason that there's not as much traffic across the South Pacific and Indian Ocean is wealth, history, airline economics, regulation/protectionism from governments for state-own airlines and aircraft safety rules
Pretty much the same applies as to why there are no direct undersea cables linking continents in the Southern Hemisphere. There simply isn't the demand to justify the enormous expense of building and maintaining cables between these locations.
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I've been this way ten years to the day...
Aug 19, 2018
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There is also direct air traffic across the Southern Pacific. Again, I've personal experience. I've flown direct with LAN Chile (now LATAM) from Australia to Chile operating via New Zealand multiple times.
Likewise. Direct from Sydney to Santiago with Qantas. Here's some flight details:

This makes no sense whatsoever:

'Finally, Los Angeles or Houston are the stopovers for flights between southern South America and either Australia or New Zealand.'

I must have dropped off when they flew in LAX. And Houston? The one in Texas??

'If the earth were a globe, southern transoceanic flights would be direct and based on great circle geometry, thereby transiting close to or (in some cases) over Antarctica.'

Ooh, look...


Anyone see Los Angeles anywhere. Or Houston? Is there another Houston in Antarctica I don't know about?

And: 'The reader is advised to study commercial air trafic as depicted on a Mercator projection. See for example, the interactive display at Flightradar24.'

I just did, and today's flight from Santiago to Melbourne is very close to that blue flight path. Close enough that you'd probably see the Antarctic coastline. It flies south down the South American coast and then heads out over the ocean. As opposed to...umm...north to ummm...Houston.
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Nov 28, 2003
Sydney, Straya
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This makes no sense whatsoever:

'Finally, Los Angeles or Houston are the stopovers for flights between southern South America and either Australia or New Zealand.'

I must have dropped off when they flew in LAX.
I've posted flights from Sydney to Santiago before. If you plot the flight on the only flat earth model anyone seems to offer, the path takes it almost directly over L.A. The weird thing is that the flight from Sydney to L.A. takes longer than the allegedly greater distance flight to Santiago. Still hearing crickets about that one.

It's weird that the above link shows text from a completely different post in that thread.
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