condition for people to be saved in their last moments


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Nov 14, 2004
I think the below is still true so should be followed. That if one is alive and not martyred one is expected to do good that it makes up for it but to follow christ to risk martyrdom is being most in the will of God as you are preaching gospel and you should also in mean time if not killed to serve christ with money to help people in need as is part of being missionary but that is not necessary except for those not missionary for jesus called all but said for those who fail to make friends of unrighteous mammon and is easiest because you dont risk dying not ready not serving that otherwise people should often help others but not need to help all so one dies ready

The below was

I believe it is mistake that hopefully no one was misled but it is not my fault for one does evil not to do works for one should understand one is not exempt from doing the good one is always able to. One is only asked to do the good that one specially needs from one in the capacity one already can.

Because faith fruit is works if there is time for putting faith into practice leads to works that you have to seek to do works to be saved incase possible for one knows not when one will die and must seek to do if can.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather to teach that works are necessary is wrong that it is not gospel that we should not take risk that we should receive christ as Lord and saviour not to depend on works for bible says we all fall short and justified freely by his grace that the wages of sin is death that our good works do not ignore our wages that we need righteousness of christ imputed otherwise God sees us in our sin. Works are just to be saved on death. Therefore we should receive christ as Lord and saviour to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

I agree one does not go to heaven because he deserved it to earn but does not take away from repentance of sin being necessary for one is not boasting one is made worthy because he already sinned but to turn away from sin is proper response for one seeking forgiveness as such sin is wrong and not seeking to do more works to be made worthy just that sin was wrong so must stop as proper response to one seeking forgiveness. For the bible commands to repent and believe the gospel to watch and says the unrighteous which is the unrepentant will not inherit the kingdom and says in ephesians 5:5-7 the wrath of God comes on them which means not salvation.
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Though one may not need works I think is safe to seek to do works to follow the below that christ understands if you don’t know to follow the below but is easiest to be missionary incase you die when you was not seeking to repent to help others because you are dying in service to God but I suppose not all should be missionaries and preach except those who are prepared who sold much of their possesions to be ready that there is nothing wrong if christ adds again just from working for Him to add because one seeks first the kingdom having sold before as He said whoever leaves lands will have more in this life and if anyone is killed God will save to give chance to repent in the world to come.

The below is that the rich should seek to be rich in good works though one is saved if he has opportunity to repent just seeking to if cant but one does not know if he will die when he is not seeking to. One should often do good works to those who one knows has need and to help those who specially need one help.

I believe still is safe to receive christ as Lord and saviour because still one is justified now by faith but works are expected aftewards of evidence of genuine faith to seek to do and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.
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I believe rather it is right to trust gospel that works are not needed that they are only required to be saved on death for to think needed is also to hinder preaching the gospel which is wrong. So I believe all should receive christ as Lord and saviour to not depend on works to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved. But one should seek to do works to help many and just to take to be saved on death and the harvest is great so is good to be missionary.
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Titus 3:4-7
4 But when the kindness and
the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

Romans 11:5
Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace. 6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.
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I believe I misunderstand billy graham to say works should not be fruit of faith which is not true just not that person can only be saved because he did works is the meaning that he says he is not going to heaven because he preached not to earn to say as though he is better in more worthy state knowing whatever works one does by grace he is still not worthy that they are not good enough alone and any can still be saved that not need to keep doing works but should do to some or there is not fruit from salvation true evidence of living genuine fruitful faith but not need to try to keep doing only to keep doing sometimes but if there is no fruit to not do but to preach is important if there is one in need you know needs just not to do to score points that one can only be saved by works so that a person If a person is in ditch that needs help in any capcacity you can do and do not do it is wrong not having fruit of salvation so should seek to do to some not need to to all to those who you know who are in need and all those who specially need one help but not need to do to all otherwise who are in need.
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Nov 14, 2004
The below post made me think to decide the below

Jesus said clearly it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God but what is impossible with man is possible with God. The safest way to be saved is to assume jesus said to sell all to give away including to your family because can not force they have to do when they are ready to obey jesus not to worry about tommorow. To be dependant only on christ. Christ feeds those who seek first the kingdom. One can accept donation of church because can not force them to obey though they should. Some think you can not work for money but for place to stay and food but im not sure you will find many to do unless one can prove one can for i dont think is wrong to work for money for place to stay and food for your daily needs and even they accept donation for money so must be can work for money just not to lay up treasure on earth that is to have excess not just for some needs of leisure because you can not yet lead too austere life lest you sin

It is not that person gave his money to poor but that person is willing to part with it so that even if one burned his money or left it alone not to touch it as though to leave for himself to possess now which includes to use to live to work to be richer or help him live richer he can be saved.Just you give to poor to have treasure in heaven

So I decided I should give away my possesions to poor seeking first the kingdom and God may give to me again

James 2:5
5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him

The post was

This world is so demonic. When your family disowns you because you leave the catholic church to follow Christ in TRUTH, their love is fake & conditional. They only love you as long as you fall in line, and remain a part of this satanic world. When women fall in love with you, until they realize that you're not into chasing all of Satan's rewards (wealth, possessions, riches and spoils) then leave because chasing God is more important to you than money is, their love is clearly fake & conditional too. They are only there to reward you with kindness and affection when you follow the ways of this satanic world, not when you walk in the direction of Jesus. It's pretty sad when you look back and realize that not one person has ACTUALLY LOVED YOU in any kind of REAL WAY. Mostly sad for them, who's love is reserved exclusively for those who follow the devil. Those people are clearly under his spell & control. The Spirit of Jesus isn't in them. Judas became a traitor because he chose money over Jesus. Yet we look around today and see people who don't ever even give God a thought. Money money money, is all that's on their minds.

(1 John 2:15-16) — Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.

(1 Timothy 6:9) — But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.

(Matthew 6:19-21) — “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.


(1 Corinthians 13:1-3) — If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
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Nov 14, 2004
I dont believe Jesus required to sell all He just means not worry about what may happen tommorow but is right to store for needs till all your needs for today are met to provide daily for future that you can save but not worry to work more for tommorow but to save daily and should be wise to store but one should share much of his possesions he does not need but any can sell all if he thinks is right to be safe.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe actually it is wrong to trust in works as many preachers say we are saved by grace and bible seems to teach that that works is only to be saved upon death. The article below I think means considering he said he does not put his hope in salvation because of his goodness or preaching that he means as he says after you are saved you are commanded to do good but it must mean to not go to christ suffering loss.

So I believe all should trust in christ as Lord and saviour and not trust in works to ensure to be saved and to be raptured if there is and pray if christ shows other christians can be saved. They should do good anyway but not to trust in it.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe is not right to trust in works as none of us by works should think can be worthy that we must only repent because that is to do with things we do as wrong and not doing other works to earn right of approval for doing good
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I realise now such is error that faith without works is dead that it should produce works that one may die without opportunity to repent but if one has opportunity to repent to be alive and cant do works can be saved that living faith should produce works if others are in need not that we need to do works all the time but we should seek to do often so we are always ready not need to too much which seems what the wise virgins meant by saying we are not sure we have enough to keep doing and must help those who specially require your help and also I believe we must preach the gospel as we see the lazy servant was cast where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth that we dont know that one is temporal.

We see lazarus was in dire need that no one else helped so rich man has duty to do what he can

I decided also not to support church divisions that I should trust God being loving is what christ wants from us but I am only going to catholic church to prove it does not know better
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Nov 14, 2004
The problem with not trusting in christ alone is the wages of sin is death that for every sin you must pay that you need total perfection so you must be clothed in christ righteousness to be declared saved now as John says I have written to you that you may know you have eternal life if you are trusting in christ.The bible says we are not saved of works lest any boast but i think that means only that one is not only allowed to be saved if he did works so that if anyone seeks to do works now he can be saved. One should often do works to ensure one is ready but does not need to all the time.

The rich man I think would be saved if he was still alive and repented to wish to do good. True saving faith would desire and seek to do works if there is chance but even if one misses the chance to one is saved. That if one knows if anyone who desperately needs help i suppose that is the only person one must seek to help and they may be desperate not knowing the gospel one must seek to help. But by trusting in christ now one is saved if that is all one can do but otherwise must abide in His teachings when there is need because then your faith is dead for it assumes you are repentant of evil for to him who knows to do good and does not do it is sin for that is the requirement when you can.

So I believe all should trust only in christ as need to be clothed in His righteousness because every sin needs payment and to ensure to be saved and raptured if one is following Him and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.
I decided I will not go to catholic church as is important for me to follow and only not support this if christ shows all christians can be saved.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe this is true that it is mistake to depend on works because how can you be sure you are ready if you did not do enough works before you sleep though at one point he says after you are justified works have a place to be essential I assume he means that it has a part in making you fully fit for entering the kingdom on death.

Repentance is turning away from evil to confess to christ your sins that any can do at anytime which is what is right so is must that it is not the same as doing works to think such is necessary that it makes you worthy which all who do works really are by doing show they think so.

The lazy servant who was cast into outer darkness I think was only cast because he was wicked not wanting people to be saved that he may not even confess christ before men. And even if he was not wicked his laziness would have prevented his reward but it was his wickeness that prevented him from heaven for he would not deposit his money to the bankers that is to declare the truth that others teach as true to confess christ as way of salvation by declaring he receives christ. Gnashing of teeth means wrath and hatred towards God of being rejected before so refers to hell which is where he was cast for being wicked but others who are not fit for being lazy not wicked are not fit to enter the kingdom straightaway to be with God to see eternal life just that they will have it after being temporarily punished for not obeying

The parable of the rich man and lazarus I think is just a parable to convict a person that he ought to care for others outside that it is right not to enjoy others suffering and is a parable about being converted about that to receive christ that the rich man did not even care not that a work is needed but everyone as titus says still should maintain good works that such is profitable to men but not to be saved but to be saved on death.

The below video shows to be raptured then we should not trust what we do though we should do good works or I suppose he may not mean you dont have to obey God for other of his videos seems to say you do but if you only do things without love to God or others does not qualify you.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is wrong to support divisions that love is very important that should trust christ to accept other christians for they even may not know for sure their beliefs are wrong even if they see it could be or wrong about it right to judge people from church who just support it for others sake such as relationship because others think it is wrong to make divisions and offenses to judge others who passed that they are convinced it is right that God would not judge christians who passed convinced about it to think God does not care if accept that belief and not needing to seek to do work and that we can not afford to be wrong to not teach person does not need to seek to do good works to leave judgement to christ if that is not necessary.

For I also think perhaps the servant was condemned for not seeking to preach to be lazy when he can that only required to confess his wrong before he sleeps that is same as repenting before one dies for God allowed one to die that day that is not in his control that it is not time for preaching and good works unless there is one that needs his help that he can help now he should not sleep but it is not time for preaching except online and christ accepts like he would the lazy servant if he supported the truth by accepting gospel and one can support online or if one does not go online to teach others to preach and if God gives another day must do so and often doing good works to ensure to be ready as the wise virgins sought to.
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Nov 14, 2004
I dont believe it is right to take risk that bible says God is seeking those who worship in Spirit and truth to know that God is not bound by place and that one needs to be born again by God that need to personally ask Him to be new creation and that persons need their name in the book of life if they were to die this second so must put trust in christ work alone that one stands justified by faith now that works are only the evidence of repentance that I assume perhaps John Piper meant or if he didnt that works have a place afterwards to be essential as just proof of the new birth that you would not willingly refuse to do good if there is opportunity that God gives.

For one is called to be saved now if one was to die that that is the way christ meant for wages of sin is death that person must die unless clothed in christ righteousness and you need to know you are saved now if you die that that is the way. So I believe all should put trust in christ work to be saved and afterward follow if there is chance to remain in book of life and to be raptured if there is that you stand saved now by grace not by works but when there is some who are in need now you have to do to some that there must be fruit but is not by earning as though by needing to have done to all but it is just fruit of salvation that you would seek to do to many within your affordability not too much .

And one should not sleep so he can ensure to be ready to be saved if you did not do to some charities even if it seems others may help but when you now have ability now and need to be working to be better so you may try to improve your situation to be able to have money to help others or to gain skills to help those you can without money that is different way to help but one is not excused not to work or to not be charitable if have money and atleast you would do to all those who specially need one help that it seems no one may help them in the capacity that you can not to sleep unless you do that you can help so people should and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved.

The point is one needs to trust in christ to ensure to be saved if he dies now but he must have been seeking to do good for the spread of the gospel so should do any type of work for the bible says He came to redeem people zealous for good works but can be any so they are important after saved but also required to help all one knows is in need who it is specially more than others your responsibility to help who you know others will not help to feed the hungry clothe the naked visit the sick you know who need help you can offer and the gospel and who you know so they will receive your company and those in prison and receive a stranger who is brethren in christ for His sake when one becomes aware that certain person definitely needs specially one help now then you must not sleep unless you do.
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From John Macarthur book only Jesus what it really means to be saved

I dont agree with all his views such as that those who follow churches are not christian but the below point is important as many are mislead that person who is christian does not need to keep His commandments while they can to abide in Him incase they have no opportunity to repent to call to christ and do only what is possible to seek even if all is possible is to call on christ if they die while they did not do when they could and one is only required to seek to do what is possible that that is keeping commandments but one may not have opportunity to seek that one dies while it is possible but he did not without repenting to not have opportunity to seek

“The Pharisees lived under the delusion that God approved of them because they made a great show of their religion. The problem was that it was only a show. They were like the son who said he would obey but did not. Their claim that they loved God and kept His law amounted to nothing. Those Pharisees were like many today who say they believe in Jesus but refuse to obey Him. Their profession of faith is hollow. Unless they repent, they will perish. Tax collectors and prostitutes have an easier time than Pharisees getting into the kingdom because they are more likely to recognize their sin and repent of it. Even the worst of sins will not keep a sinner out of heaven if he or she repents. On the other hand, even the most impressive Pharisee who shelters his sin and refuses to acknowledge or repent of it will find himself shut out of the kingdom. There is no salvation apart from the repentance that renounces sin. There are many today who hear the truth of Christ and immediately respond as did the son who said he would obey but did not. Their positive response to Jesus will not save them. The fruit of their lives shows they have never truly repented. On the other hand, there are many who turn their backs on sin, unbelief, and disobedience, and embrace Christ with a faith that obeys. Theirs is true repentance, manifested by the righteousness it produces. They are the truly righteous (1 Peter 4:18).”
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When Jesus said many are called but few are chosen it does not mean not all can be saved and that there will not be many but there are more often sometimes who are not saved. For the bible said so in christ many will be made righteous.The wedding garment may also be that many are called to believe in jesus and just may attend a church for curiousity but never actually accept Jesus or might even want to identify as christian for other reasons but not actually accept Him.

And there are also those who are christian not following christ fully that we have to repent of all sin and do His will which is within our ability that we follow christ during the day as we dont know if we will die during the day to preach and help within our affordabilty many of the needy not too much and help those you know who are hungry naked sick in prison or stranger who specially need your help who you know to seek to while possible even at night.

That that may be enough but I dont know so should also try to do all works you have not done to others also in need you don’t know to visit sick or prisoners during day to always help in capacity you can and seek to work to be able to help more during day to keep seeking to do whether in day or night not to sleep unless you have done each of the matthew 25 works to one persons even if you dont end up being able to do but just to seek to that if you die while seeking to do one work you have not done if that is all you can do if you die is enough as you can only do one work at a time.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe we should trust in christ work alone to receive christ as Lord and saviour is the only way to be saved though works are only to be saved on death. One should not trust in any of one works as that is right as long as you dont delight in others suffering it is right for them to be saved. But christians should do good works that these things are good and profitable to men. We should do trusting it is enough though we must not be lukewarm in our lifestyle according to word of God. So we should and trust in christ to show if others are saved. I am not asking people not to do good works they know they should but it should not be done because one seeks to earn that should say to God that one wants one trust in christ not works though should do.

That should believe the parable of the rich man and lazarus meaning was christ was as Lazarus that Israel had not listened to moses and the prophets to be prepared to receive the messiah which was the basis of their ancient faith or that lazarus was gentiles or other shunned Jews that Israel did know about the messiah to that way be rich even if they did not receive they refused to feed nations with the riches of their heritage of the messiah to speak about the only atonement that takes away sins even though they had been rich in knowledge that they could accept and share.

So I believe all should receive christ as Lord and saviour to trust in christ as saviour to ensure to be saved and raptured if there is and pray if christ shows all christians can be saved and works are necessary to be saved on death and should be done as these things are good and profitable to men.

I received this tract recently from church pastor I visit a new one not this one with number and I believe is right to put trust in christ as saviour for God does not need works that looks at heart if person wants others to suffer but person is not obliged to do because God relationship to all is unconditional grace but necessary to do to be saved on death and to be blessed for even we see any can be saved according to scripture even those who think you need to do works that people get away with not doing just to seek to even if they cant apologise.

I believe the lazy servant refers to people who heard the gospel and refused to accept its conditions to repent while they can that he would never confess christ before men that they may be saved that you can die that way if you dont have opportunity to repent to call to christ.




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I did want to preach that as I was concerned and because I wanted many others not to think I am ok to make salvation harder that I wanted to make it easier for people to accept the message that there is great revivial but I think is a mistake that should leave to christ who alone knows that we should trust Him that He understands if person thinks he needs to do works and is safer way. So others should try to obey christ to atleast help those who you can help now and those who you know who specially need your help because we should not make divisions. I must preach the truth incase is required that that God gets angry for Him to say I did not send you and you did not tell the people to follow Me as the false prophets before did who did not warn people as God will not change His requirements and wants a harvest out of it.
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