Grip Docility

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God's WORD defines sin as breaking any one of God's 10 commandments *1 JOHN 3:4; ROMANS 7:7; JAMES 2:10-11; ROMANS 3:20. "MISSING THE MARK" is not keeping them.

Galatians 4

What was born on Sinai? What is mount Sinai?

Sinai literally means (Sin).

Now more than ever... I ask you... what does “Drive the slave woman out” ....mean?

And if you look up the Hebrew and Greek definition for the word sin, it will say... miss the mark.

Does the Bible not say the ministry of Death engraved in stone? 2 Corinthians 3:7

Death? “Hebrews 2:14”. <~ Ezekiel 28:14

On the ark of the covenant... there were two angels facing one another... this was the “Covering”....

Oh Death! <~ Hebrews 2:14

Where is Thy Sting? (Bite)(Strike)(Poison) ... Serpent Strike!

The Sting Of Death is Sin...

And the STRENGTH of Sin is THE LAW!

Deuteronomy 31:26 ; Zechariah 3:1 ; Revelation 12:1-10
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Hello brother Yarddog, nice post and thanks for some historical background.

It is interesting when we talk about false Gods and idol worship today. Many do not know that JESUS came to magnify the law and make it honourable applying it to our very thoughts and feelings *MATTHEW 5:17-28. This is in fullfillment of ISAIAH 42:21. Unless our righteousness shall exceed the rightouesness of the scribes and pharisees we will not enter into the kingdom of heaven *MATTHEW 5:20.

Applying this to false God's then and Idols (first two commandments) people say I do not worship other Gods and Idols but anything we put before God we can make an Idol of and worship it as a God. So the question we must ask ourselves is who has the heart? who do we love to think about and talk about the most. If it is not JESUS you have found your idol. JESUS came to teach us the salvation is from the INSIDE OUT. Unless our rightouesness exceeds the rightouesness of the scribes and pharisees we shall in not wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts brother.
Righteousness comes from one place. God. Through faith, God grants man righteousness. We are created a new in God's image. We live in God's rest made holy through baptism, alive in the Spirit.

We don't focus on the Law, we focus on God's Holy Spirit who then changes us from within. The Spirit takes away the desire to disobey God's will. No longer looking back on what we left behind but always forward to where the Father leader us. Made perfect through faith in the works of our Lord Jesus.

God bless.
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Historically, there has been great debate among Christians as to whether a believer is secure in their salvation after having received it, or whether their salvation can be lost or forfeited due to sin or the renouncing of one’s faith. Although there are opposing viewpoints on the topic, each with compelling arguments and strong scriptural support, the answer to the question really hinges upon these factors: how salvation is imparted, upon what basis it must be received, and what element must be present for it to be sustained.

Salvation is a free gift of God that is imputed to (and received by) an individual on the basis of faith alone in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ upon the cross. God never forces salvation upon anyone, but neither is it imputed automatically to someone without their personal repentance and faith in Christ. Therefore, salvation is a choice, both on the part of God, and of sinful man.

From the very beginning, God chose to save sinners because of His great love for them. Because God is “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b), and because He “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:3-4), He has accomplished and provided everything that is necessary for their salvation in every aspect, including revealing Himself through creation and conscience, drawing each person to Himself by the Holy Spirit, sending His own Son to pay their sin penalty so they could be forgiven and saved, and providing even the faith necessary for them to believe. God is always ready to impart His saving grace to those who would come to Him in genuine, sincere faith. However, man must also take part in the equation because he has been given free will. He can only receive God’s gift of grace by choosing to turn away from his life of sin (Matthew 16:24) and personally placing his faith in Jesus for forgiveness and redemption (John 3:16). That final step on the part of sinners is, in essence, what completes the salvation transaction. Aside from grace through faith, salvation cannot be obtained through any other means; nor is there any other Savior but Jesus Christ Himself (Acts 4:12).

Because it is impossible for any of us to see into the heart of a person in order to know whether or not they actually possess genuine saving faith, the basic point of debate on this topic really boils down to this: could a person who claimed to be a believer and who exhibited good works over a long period of time ever have possessed genuine saving faith, if they ultimately ended up renouncing their faith later on?

Supporters of the “eternally secure” position argue that such a person never possessed saving faith, but simply offered lip service and modified their external behavior accordingly. They believe that genuine salvation cannot be altered or undone once it is received, since God is the one who keeps a person’s faith intact. Furthermore, they conclude that any verses in Scripture which appear to support the idea that genuine salvation can be abandoned actually refer to people who never “actually” possessed saving faith to begin with.

Supporters of the “not eternally secure” position argue that such a person could possess genuine saving faith at one point (as evidenced by good works, among other proofs) but then willfully choose to reject or deny Jesus later on, forfeiting their salvation. They also argue that all verses supporting “eternal security” are referring to Christians who continue believing and never stop.

Supporters of both views seem to agree on the issue of sin itself within the lives of those who profess to be believers. Both positions assert that when a professing believer sins or even struggles with a particular sin, they do not “lose” their salvation but have merely broken fellowship with God and need to confess their sins to Him in order to have that intimate fellowship restored. On the other hand, if a professing believer habitually and continually practices sin, treating the grace of God as a license to do so, they likely do not possess genuine, saving faith.

Regardless of which position one leans toward when it comes to the security of the believer, the fact remains that personal faith in Christ is a mandatory prerequisite for sinners to receive God’s salvation, and it remains the mode by which God’s salvation is retained or sustained. Whether or not one’s personal faith can ever truly be altered, rescinded or renounced by a genuine believer is really the “uncertainty factor” in the whole equation; and because we do not have viewing-access to the Book of Life, or a current glimpse into heaven or Hades to see who is actually there, we will never know the answer to this uncertainty factor on this side of eternity.

Because every Scripture must always be interpreted in light of all other Scripture, and because there are many verses which can be used to support each of the viewpoints, it is up to each individual believer, together with the leading of the Holy Spirit and the reconciliation of all related Scriptures, to draw their own conclusion.
Great explanation of both points of view.
I understand even the O.T. Jews argued about this.

I just have a comment on your last sentence...I DO agree with it.

The problem, as I see it, is with those you described above that BELIEVE they are saved,,,but continue to live as if they are NOT. And,,,they'll actually tell you they can do this and still be saved.

I've started to view the eternally secure crowd as professing a dangerous concept that will put many souls in danger.

I must say that the early church fathers did not believe in eternal security...they believed faith in Jesus could be lost...or that, yes, a certain lifestyle must be present.
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His student

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Why would you think I deny we are saved by grace through faith? I have only always ever posted on it.
It isn't that you verbally deny that we are saved by grace. All groups give lip service to salvation by grace. Everyone affirms that - from evangelicals to Roman Catholics to Orthodox to Mormons. The difference of course is what they mean by the term.

I'm sure you understand that there is a big difference between, say, the Calvinist's view of salvation by grace and that of an Adventist with the doctrine of soul sleep leading up to the final investigative judgment of all to see whether we took the "mark of the beast" (I.e. worshiped on Sunday instead of Saturday).

It is the doctrine that God Himself is the author of our faith and that He will ultimately complete what He began in us - just as He says He will - that you deny.

* Note the "and" in middle of my sentence which you are responding to.
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The Eternal Security argument comes down to perspective. There is strong scriptural support that would seem to support both sides of the argument as has been stated before. Someone could dig up 20 to 30 scriptures that support either side. God looks at things from an eternal prospective. He knows everything that will happen. One good question would be why would God regenerate (save) someone that He knew would throw it away later? What would be the point? So He could say "Hey, at least I gave them a shot"? If He knows they will end in unbelief then there's really no point in "giving them a shot". But if God knows they will persevere in the faith then it would make sense for God to save them. To God a person's end state (saved or not) is all that is important. If God wants someone to be saved you better believe they will end up that way. That's the destination in predestination.

From a temporal perspective it appears to us that they are saved at one time and falling away at another. According to Hebrews 6 someone cannot be "re-saved" if they do fall away. So the concept of "revolving-door" Christianity cannot be true.

I guess I don't believe a truly born again person can be unborn or end in unbelief because in the end it is God who saves and upholds them.

Isaiah 46:3 “Listen to Me, O house of Jacob,
And all the remnant of the house of Israel,
Who have been upheld by Me from birth,
Who have been carried from the womb:
4 Even to your old age, I am He,
And even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear;
Even I will carry, and will deliver you.
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Your words are noted. Yet only God's WORD is true and you have provided none *ROMANS 3:4
I have given you a number of verses already, none of which you gave a response to. Oh well, people have their agendas.
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Grip Docility

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I guess I don't believe a truly born again person can be unborn or end in unbelief because in the end it is God who saves and upholds them.

Isaiah 46:3 “Listen to Me, O house of Jacob,
And all the remnant of the house of Israel,
Who have been upheld by Me from birth,
Who have been carried from the womb:
4 Even to your old age, I am He,
And even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear;
Even I will carry, and will deliver you.


I believe Israel is the type for the BOC. Thus, this is sensible! Amen!
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His student

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Why do you think it is a strawman argument?
It's a strawman argument to say or insinuate that those who believe in eternal security don't believe we are saved to overcome sin in this life as well as "make it to Heaven".

It is a common charge that we believe that we can go on sinning without consequences - both short term and long. That simply isn't true.
If your once saved always saved then why not go out and live like the devil?
Paul answers that for you. Look it up.

The difference between you and I is that you say that a certain level of obedience is necessary to attain or maintain a justified or "saved" status.

Again - every Christian believes that salvation in the complete sense of the word includes deliverance from sin. Heck - it even includes resurrection from the dead and a new body.

But not every Christian agrees with you that God did not tell us the truth when He told us that He will complete the work He began in us for His glory.
Why do you feel that the scriptures provided are bad logic?
The scriptures themselves are not bad logic. Don't be silly. But your deductions from reading them are often based on bad logic.

Here is an example off the top of my head. Many will quote the scripture which says that those who endure to the end will be saved. Then they incorrectly deduce that "therefore" all of those who do not endure to the end will not be saved but go to Hell. It may well be true. But it is bad logic to deduce it from the scripture statement which says that those who endure to the end will be saved.

It is also bad logic to say that falling away necessarily means loss of salvation.
As posted through the scriptures provided in 2 PETER 2:1-22. These scriptures are WARNINGS to BELIEVERS and show that we can FALL AWAY from the truth of God's WORD and no longer BELIEVE and FOLLOW it. These are God's WORDS brother not mine. What is it that you do not believe and why? The very scriptures you are quoting from are a WARNING from PETER to the BELIEVERS on FALLING AWAY from the truth of God's WORD...
If you chose to not reread the passage - I can't help you much.

The warnings are to those who preach false teachings and not to those who might hear those false teachings.

If anything other than that is to be gleaned from the passage it is that God knows how to and will deliver His people so that they will escape the judgment coming on those who trouble them. He even gives examples of that.

You are also neglecting that Peters admonitions are addressed to Jewish Christians who have believed on Jesus. He is the apostles to the Jews as you should know.

His warnings are to those of the circumcision who have been troubling Messianic Jews by adding works of the law to simple faith.

It is interesting to me that many here are effectively doing that themselves.
Not sure why you do not believe this. It is God's WORD not mine. Thanks for sharing your views though.
It's not that I don't believe it. What I don't believe is your view of who is being warned and who is not.

Again - if you will not reread the passage and reevaluate what you have been saying based on it - I simply can't make you do it nor will I lead you through it when you obviously don't want to do so.
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Kris Jordan

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Why do you think your view has issues? How do you think your view here related to JAMES 1:12?

Absolutely! AMEN :). Thanks for sharing. Look forward to your next reply.

God bless

Well, the "issues" relating to my view have to do with verses that declare that the Holy Spirit is given as a guarantee when we are saved (see below):

  • In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13-14 (NKJV)

  • Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 (NKJV)

Quite honestly, I think this subject is very similar to differing views on the Tribulation in the sense that, each view has very compelling Scriptural evidences for it, but there are problems with all of them, given the apparent contradictory verses on each position.

So the bottom line for me is this: I believe what I stated earlier about this topic in a previous post, but I am open to the reality that I could be dead wrong - LOL!
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This is a long post and I'm not sure how much time I want to devote to it.
So Jesus is not referring to believers in general when he talks about sheep or when he talks about loving your neighbor? Again, the burden of proof is on you to produce Scriptural evidence to prove otherwise.
Who has said otherwise? Why would the burden of proof fall on me when I have said no such thing? :scratch:
9 "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne"......................... So these all nations that are in God's kingdom are believers because they are worshiping God and they are praising His salvation.
You need to read it again. You seem to add things to the scripture passages which are not there. These are not nations before God's throne. They are people from all nations, kindred, peoples, and tongues.

This is a scene that takes place in Heaven and not on the earth. The nations as such will be on the earth - both in the Millennial Kingdom when the Lord will judge and rule them with a rod of iron from His position in Israel and or on the new earth throughout eternity.

You do realize, don't you, that certain nations as well as people who came out of some nations will be rewarded and present in the Millennium and on the new earth to follow (Revelation 21 & 22) and some will not and they will be destroyed from memory?

Some of the sorting will be based on how they did or did not treat Israel and Christians in the present church age and or during the Tribulation period.

Many (Israel, Assyria, Egypt, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia, Edom, Arabia, and Tyre - for instance) are called by name in the scriptures. Many others are conspicuous by their absence.
I take this to mean that He will separate those individuals out of those nations who had helped the poor genuinely as a part of them being believers in Jesus Christ.
I'm quite sure that your take it wrong.

As with your faux pas concerning the people around the throne in Revelation 7 - you seem to see what you want to see and ignore what doesn't fit your theology.

You just don't get to do that and remain a serious theologian in the eyes of others.
After we are saved by God's grace, God’s works (done through us) are also required as a part of the Salvation Process:
No kidding. Has anyone said otherwise?

The difference between you and me is that I see these works flowing out of God's relationship with us through the Holy Spirit with Whom we have been sealed and you see them as being necessary either to gain that justified status or keep that justified status.

I believe that He is the author of my faith and that He will perfect it all through my life through the leading or discipline of His Holy Spirit and that having passed from death to life through faith I will never again come into condemnation. I believe that I am even now seated spiritually on the throne with Christ and ruling by faith in the Kingdom of God.

You believe that you are the author of your faith and that you must maintain it or you will be lost again and come into condemnation. You apparently either don't believe what your status is in the Kingdom of God or you think that you climb up on or down from the throne depending on how you are doing at a particular time in your spiritual life.

One position (mine) is faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ and the other (yours) is a lack of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Whether or not your false beliefs rise to the level of what God calls another gospel (which is no gospel at all) or whether you will simply suffer great loss at the Judgment Seat of Christ for having obeyed Him for the wrong reasons thinking that you were becoming deserving of salvation or earning it somehow -- only time will tell. I hope it's only a loss of rewards that you will experience and not a judgment that you lacked having a justifying trust in Jesus Christ as your only hope of salvation.

As for me - I know Whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against the day of Judgment that is coming to everyone who ever lived.

You and "LoveGodsWord" - not so much.

Say what you want to about the supposed dangers of believing the way I do about His grace and perseverance. But, leaving this life for the next, I wouldn't trade my faith for your lack of faith for all the gold in all the world.
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Kris Jordan

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Great explanation of both points of view.
I understand even the O.T. Jews argued about this.

I just have a comment on your last sentence...I DO agree with it.

The problem, as I see it, is with those you described above that BELIEVE they are saved,,,but continue to live as if they are NOT. And,,,they'll actually tell you they can do this and still be saved.

I've started to view the eternally secure crowd as professing a dangerous concept that will put many souls in danger.

I must say that the early church fathers did not believe in eternal security...they believed faith in Jesus could be lost...or that, yes, a certain lifestyle must be present.

Hi GodsGrace101, (love the name, btw!)

Yes, this subject is a very intricate one and each side has valid points, for sure. We do know from the Word that we shall know them (true believers) by their fruit, so for me -- if there is zero fruit in a person's life who says they are born-again, or if there is zero change of any kind, then I really struggle with that for two reasons:

  1. When I got saved, my life was literally and radically changed overnight. I mean, seriously overnight. I was a lost little 20 year old girl who didn't think my sin was a big deal and was going to heaven because I did more "good things" than I did "bad things." But when I heard the gospel through my boyfriend, I knew I was hell-bound and needed to be saved and commit my life to Jesus by faith. So after the Lord dealt with me for a few months, I got saved one night around midnight, went to bed about 3am or so and woke up the next morning early -- and I KNEW something happened. I felt it. I felt different inside. My outlook had been changed, my desires changed, my wanting to "climb the corporate ladder and make money" changed, and suddenly all I wanted to do was be around my boyfriend's family because the presence of God was so strong among them. So when someone doesn't have any change at all after "getting saved," I struggle to believe they are.
  2. Then I think of this analogy: If a former president of the United States moved into your house or apartment to live with you and there was no change whatsoever to anything in your household, the way it functioned, etc., but just kept operating the same status-quo way it always had, how can that be? Similarly, if God the Holy Spirit personally takes up residence in your heart and life and nothing ever changes...I find that hard to believe He's really in there, you know?

I'm not saying changes need to happen overnight like they did with me, but there has to be something that is different, some sort of evidence that the God of the universe lives inside of a person (even if it's a small seed that begins to grow and the Holy Spirit transforms them), otherwise, I really struggle with that.

But I think I might be getting off topic here... :)
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Nov 15, 2012
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Hi my brothers and sisters. Can a believer become an unbeliever? If so how? I believed we can all fall away from believing and following God's Word because this is what the scriptures teach...

Can you know God and fall away?
Yes, a believer can cease to believe. iow, to fall away from faith.

We know this because Jesus said as much in the parable of the soils.

Luke 8:13 - Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away.

Unfortunately, many think the words "fall away" refers to falling away from salvation, yet Jesus never said that. He was clear: some "believe for a while", and then, because of negative circumstances, they fall away from their belief.

One reason we know that the Bible never describes any "former believer" as an "unbeliever" is what 2 verses tell us.

John 3:18 - Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

2 Thess 2:12 - and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

These 2 verses clearly indicate who will be condemned: those who HAVE NOT BELIEVED.

This cannot describe "former" believers, since they did, at one time, believe. Condemnation is for those who HAVE NOT BELIEVED.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Ok a few problems here. One.. man only sees the flesh God sees the heart OT. You have taken some verses out of context and then some are not that clear. Well take "fallen away". Is that the org meaning of the word? What was Paul talking about before all that? Caught up.. well that word "fallen away"can also mean "departure". People use it for "caught up" others use it the way you did.

Another one is Heb 6. You going to tell me in your walk with Christ.. have you only TASTED? Like going to dinner but all you do is taste.. you then walk way.. why would you go back? I praise my Father of our lords JESUS Christ no man on this plant can answer this.

You left out that fact that NO ONE can see the heart of man. Saved cant be based on SINNING.. John told us we all have sin..if you say you dont you deceive your self and the truth is not in you. And how many die every day that LOVE JESUS and oops forgot to repent.. lost are they? But your talking walk way..fall away. I dont get this from the word of God. There are those that only TASTE that say John 3;16 with there head not there heart.

We have a book of life.. some are blotted out. Is that lost for ever? Is that what book really is? Whats the Lambs book? No one is ever talked about being blotted out of that. I praise GOD only HE sees the heart and then judges on that. Try to find the verse for your question... its not there. All this brings HOPE does it? Peace? No.. fear confusion..

My question is always.. WHO thinks like this? I dont hear form the world ..its Christians.. believers telling other believers your ALWAYS saved or the flip you can fall away for ever. In 58 years.. God Christ.. sweet sweet Holy Spirit have NEVER EVER once put that kind of thought in my heard. When I WANTED to walk away because of all the SIN I see in me and do.. what did He do? He not man.. HE GOD asks me what Righteousness is. Then asks how do you get righteousness. See this through HIS eyes..

He is faithful to what Christ HAS ALREADY DONE! We all sin.. we all have sin.. we have no right to you know how many believers DIE and OOPS never repented..forgot to. Lost are they? We have no say in this.. live in the moment you have right now! What HE has started in you HE will finish.. and your sealed
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Jun 18, 2012
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Thanks brother 3Contendforthefaith, for sharing. What do you think causes someone to fall away from believing and following God's Word in your view?

A misunderstanding of who Jesus Christ is.

He is the Lord God of the scriptures.

The Son of the living God.

Jesus is Lord; YHWH

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Jason0047 said:
So Jesus is not referring to believers in general when he talks about sheep or when he talks about loving your neighbor? Again, the burden of proof is on you to produce Scriptural evidence to prove otherwise.

Who has said otherwise? Why would the burden of proof fall on me when I have said no such thing?

Well, I said what I did because you gave me the impression before that all references to sheep in the New Testament is not referring to believers. Is this true? If so, then this is a problem. While Matthew 25:31-46 refers to the gathering of nations it does not say that the Lord will separate a whole nation on a national level from another nation based on whether that nation helped the poor or not. It simply says:

“...and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:” (Matthew 25:32).​

Scripture must have another testimony to confirm the truth. Where else does the Bible teach the judgement of nations based on whether they helped the poor or not? Does it make logical sense that a nation that does not believe in Jesus but they helped the poor that they would be given a chance to enter God’s kingdom? Is that not salvation by works without God’s grace?

Oh, and my view on Matthew 25:31-46 can be defended with other Scripture verses.

Luke 10:25-37 says that to love God and to love your neighbor is a part of inheriting eternal life (And we learn that loving our neighbor is helping the beat up poor guy on the side of the road).

In the Story of Lazarus and the Rich-man we learn that the reason why the Rich-man was in the torments was because he did not help Lazarus who was poor and in need (Read: Luke 16:19-31, and take note of Luke 16:19-23 as you read it).

Also, the Rich-man begged Abraham for mercy and said,

"I am tormented in this flame."

But Abraham said,

"Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented."

(Luke 16:24-25).

Also, the "Sheep and the Goats Parable" concludes with this:

"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal." (Matthew 25:46).​

So it is referring generally to the righteous who will enter into eternal life, here who are the saints. This is not talking about a particular nation or two entering the Millennial Kingdom (Based upon whether or not they gave to the poor).

You said:
You need to read it again. You seem to add things to the scripture passages which are not there. These are not nations before God's throne. They are people from all nations, kindred, peoples, and tongues.

I am aware of Revelation 7 says, and I have always agreed with this interpretation, as well. I know that it is dealing with individual believers. My reference of Revelation 7 was to refute your wrong thinking on Matthew 25. For just because the word “nations” appear in Revelation 7, does not mean it is referring to nations as a whole like you seem to imply with Matthew 25.

You said:
This is a scene that takes place in Heaven and not on the earth.

Again, I was never in disagreement with you on Revelation 7. I brought it up as a point to refute your view on Matthew 25. Matthew 25 is talking about individuals from out of the gathering of all nations.

You said:
The nations as such will be on the earth - both in the Millennial Kingdom when the Lord will judge the and rule them with a rod of iron from His position in Israel and or on the new earth throughout eternity. You do realize, don't you, that certain nations as well as people who came out of some nations will be rewarded and present in the Millennium and on the new earth to follow (Revelation 21 & 22) and some will not and they will be destroyed from memory?

Some of the sorting will be based on how they did or did not treat Israel and Christians in the church age and or during the Tribulation period.

Many (Israel, Assyria, Egypt, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia, Edom, Arabia, and Tyre - for instance) are called by name in the scriptures. Many others are conspicuous by their absence.

I'm quite sure that your take it wrong.

A topic for another thread.

You said: seem to see what you want to see and ignore what doesn't fit your theology.

I am willing to admit when I am wrong. For example: I admitted that I was wrong about the reference to “nations” in Matthew 25:31-46. So if I see it in the Word of God, I am willing to amend what I believe to fit what the Scriptures say. Have you never made any such mistake before? Are you willing to change based on what God’s Word says?

You said:
You just don't get to do that and remain a serious theologian in the eyes of others.

It was never my intention to be a Theologian in the eyes of others. I am not out to impress men, but I am out to impress the Lord our God.

Jason0047 said:
After we are saved by God's grace, God’s works (done through us) are also required as a part of the Salvation Process:

You said:
No kidding. Has anyone said otherwise?

Many here say otherwise. Many say we are only saved by having a belief on Jesus Christ, and that no works of faith is required as a part of the salvation process. They believe that they can die in unrepentant grievous sin (like lying, lust, or hating, etc.) and still be saved. I sure hope this is not the case in regards to your view of Soteriology.

You said:
The difference between you and me is that I see these works flowing out of God's relationship with us through the Holy Spirit with Whom we have been sealed and you see them as being necessary either to gain that justified status or keep that justified status.

A moment ago you appeared to agree with me that works of God done through us play a part in the salvation process. Now you are disagreeing? Yes, I do see doing certain works as a part of being justified. For James says,

“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” (James 2:24).

You said:
I believe that He is the author of my faith and that He will perfect it all through my life through the leading or discipline of His Holy Spirit and that having passed from death to life through faith I will never again come into condemnation. I believe that I am even now seated spiritually on the throne with Christ and ruling by faith in the Kingdom of God.

So if a believer holds to this view that you have (Not referring to you personally here), what happens to their salvation if they commit a grievous sin (like say lying, lusting after a woman, or hating their brother)? Do they lose their salvation status if they do not get a chance to confess of their sin to the Lord before they die? Or does a believer need to confess sin in order to be forgiven of sin?

I say this because Revelation 21:8 says all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire.

I say this because Jesus said that looking upon a woman in lust will cause one to be cast bodily into hell fire (See: Matthew 5:28-30).

I say this because John says that if one hates their brother they are like a murderer and no murderer has eternal life abiding in them (See: 1 John 3:15).

I say this because John says that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (See 1 John 1:9).

I say this because we have to walk in the light as He is in the light in order for the blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse us from all sin (See: 1 John 1:7).

You said:
You believe that you are the author of your faith

Not true. I believe in Prevenient Grace.

This is the view that God draws men at certain points of time within their life so that they may accept or reject the gospel of their own free will choice. Without this drawing from God, the seed of the Word cannot be sown in their heart and the enemy will quickly take it out from them.

Anyways, the Bible says,

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).

You said:
...and that you must maintain it

Does the Bible teach that we have to keep or maintain our faith?

I would say…. “yes.” It does.

Here are the verses:

“Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (Acts of the Apostles 14:22).

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;” (Colossians 1:23).

Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:” (1 Timothy 1:19).

“Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” (1 Timothy 2:15).

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12).

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” (2 Timothy 4:7).

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).

You said:
or be you will be lost again and come into condemnation. You apparently either don't believe what your status is in the Kingdom of God or you think that you climb up on or down from the throne depending on how you are doing at a particular time in your spiritual life.

The Bible says work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12).
How exactly does that work for you?

You said:
One position (mine) is faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ and the other (yours) is a lack of faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

The true imputation of Christ’s atonement is by walking in the light as He (Christ) is in the light (See again 1 John 1:7). For Jesus is the author of eternal salvation to all who OBEY Him (See Hebrews 5:9).

You said:
Whether or not your false beliefs rise to the level of what God calls another gospel (which is no gospel at all) or whether you will simply suffer great loss at the Judgment Seat of Christ for having obeyed Him for the wrong reasons thinking that you were becoming deserving of salvation or earning it somehow -- only time will tell. I hope it's only a loss of rewards that you will experience and not a lack of having trusted Jesus Christ as your only hope of salvation.

Let’s not make it personal. On the forums, we are not supposed to do that.

It is best to discuss our beliefs in a generic third party kind of way.

Anyways, I believe that without God’s grace, nobody can be saved. All the work in the world cannot save a person without God’s grace. God’s grace is the foundation upon which we stand. God’s grace through faith in Christ and faith in His death and resurrection is how we get initially saved. We stand upon this truth as the basis of our foundation. Jesus is our Savior. If a believer sins, they can confess their sins to Jesus in order to be forgiven again (saved again). For if we are not forgiven by God, how can we be saved? I believe works of faith (i.e. Obedience to the commands in the New Testament, and not the commands in the Old Testament) are a result of all three persons of the Godhead or the Trinity working in a believer.

But without faith or trust in Jesus as our Savior…. we are lost. That is the foundation of our faith.

Jesus. He is our Savior. It is by His grace we are initially and ultimately saved. But His grace is not a license for immorality or a license to sin on any level. This is the danger I see behind a Belief Alone Type Gospel these days.

You said:
As for me - I know Whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against the day of Judgment that is coming to everyone who ever lived.

I am sorry. I just do not see your belief taught in the Bible.
Again, I am curious as to how you interpret Luke 10:25-28, Matthew 19:17-19, and 1 John 3:15.

You said:
Say what you want to about the supposed dangers of believing the way I do about His grace and perseverance. But, leaving this life for the next, I wouldn't trade my faith for your lack of faith for all the gold in all the world.

Ah, 1 Peter 1:7.
I also would not trade in my faith for all the gold in the world, either.
But how exactly do you see your faith going through a trial?
Are not trials like tests?
But you see salvation as a done deal.
There is no need for your kind of faith to be put through any kind of trial or a test with your kind of belief.
You are saved regardless of your actions.
At least, that is the impression I get.

Also, I believe I am able to explain my view of Soteriology with the Bible.
This simply cannot be done with your belief.
I have argued against OSAS or Belief Alone-ism for about 8 years now.
I have even tried to see your belief from my opponents perspective many times, and it just never works in light of what God's Word plainly says.
In addition, your belief cannot be made into a real world example or Parable, either.
Many have committed suicide thinking they would be saved as a result of OSAS.
So I do not see OSAS or Belief Alone-ism as these fun loving wonderful beliefs that you do, my friend.

Anyways, may the Lord’s goodness be upon you (even if we disagree strongly in regards to the topic of Soteriology within the Bible).


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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2015
So what your saying is a person does not have to continue to believe in order to be saved?

Those who do not continue to believe to the end, have believed in vain.

Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:1-3

Those who are “in Christ”, but don’t remain “in Christ”, are cast into the fire and burned.

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. John 15:6

Here’s how we remain “in Him”.

Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us. 1 John 3:24 JLB

Precisely which commandments must one obey (perfectly, as required by God) in order to be saved?
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Jun 18, 2012
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Precisely which commandments must one obey (perfectly, as required by God) in order to be saved?

“In order to be saved”, are your words.

If you want to address what precisely the scriptures say, and form your questions from the language of the scriptures, then we can have a meaningful discussion.

It’s His doctrine and His commandments that are to be obeyed, kept, observed, and maintained if you desire to remain “in Him”, or “have Him”.

He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
1 John 5:12

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May 16, 2010
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Gee, the more I read of this crazy stuff the more I am pushed towards eternal security.

Poor Jesus, too weak a Shepherd to save His sheep, contrary to Scripture...

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. (Joh 6:37-39)

but you do not believe because you are not among my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. (Joh 10:26-28)

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.
(Joh 5:24)

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (Php 1:6)

Salvation is a matter of God holding our hand and not a matter of us holding His. He may have to scourge and discipline us (Heb 12) but He will bring it to completion. Last verse...

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. (Rom 5:10)

Really ponder that one, do not pass it over lightly.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2015
“In order to be saved”, are your words.

If you want to address what precisely the scriptures say, and form your questions from the language of the scriptures, then we can have a meaningful discussion.

It’s His doctrine and His commandments that are to be obeyed, kept, observed, and maintained if you desire to remain “in Him”, or “have Him”.

He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
1 John 5:12 JLB

You are the one who stated that we must keep His commandments to remain in Him. I merely asked for your understanding as to the content of those commandments. Surely you must have formed some idea as to which of the hundreds of commandments in the Bible must be kept, have you not?
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