
  1. G

    Let's see: if Evolutional potential for a place was used up, you would gamble with mutation?

    Hi there, So the hypothetical here is: the potential for Evolution being used up - as in all resources for Evolution being taken up - you would gamble with mutation, to motivate a change in locale? The luck you got from the gamble (with mutation) would be your best bet? Like you don't even...
  2. G

    The Dove, will ascend to higher heights - but will not reveal Himself doing so

    Hi there, So this is a Word for this hour, in the Church: the Dove will ascend to higher heights - but will not reveal Himself doing so. We will have to follow after Him, until we are in Him, at that higher point. This is what is meant by meeting the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17), but...
  3. G

    You have a choice: more madness, or less?

    Hi there, So I have been struggling with schizophrenia for almost 18 years and I have finally reached an understanding: that puts my schizophrenia in context. That understanding, is that we all have a choice, as our lives progress: to welcome more madness, or less. What does that mean? It...
  4. G

    I've got it! I know what Evolution is missing and I'm not going to tell...

    Hi there, So I know what I have been looking for all this time, all the reasoning, all the wrangling - about Evolution. But you know what? I'm not going to tell you. Jesus, specifically said "don't throw what is holy to the dogs, lest they turn on you and tear you in pieces" (Matthew 7:6). My...
  5. G

    Lawlessness will abound, but not in Spirit

    Hi there, So for context where I live now has never had any problems with riots - I truly am blessed. However, I was looking at a video about "lawlessness abounding" and I was truly humbled. The way out of the dark is there for the world, if they need it: but they have to trust Jesus. That's...
  6. G

    Men fear public speaking more than death, because they don't respect the dead's words before them

    Hi there, So just to share an insight based on what Jesus said: Men fear public speaking more than death, because they don't respect the words of the dead before them. As Jesus said, "if they persecute Me, they will persecute you. If they obeyed Me, they would obey you" (John 15:20), why...
  7. G

    Christianity has all manner of kinds - is that Evolution's goal also?

    Hi there, This is basically an "if not, why?" sort of thread. The point is, Christianity differentiates different themes of different kinds, so as to try to capture as much nuance of faith in Jesus' words, as possible. This is clearly a deeply rooted and successful strategy in disseminating...
  8. G

    Given no new selection pressures, the peak adaptation of a species need not provoke change

    Hi there, So it seems evident that there is a massive unknown, here: what if there are no "new" selection pressures? What if the driving force behind change, is answered? Would you say 'no, Evolution needs to invent selection pressures, to provoke itself with'? What would be the sense of that...
  9. G

    What if I share, as a rule? It really makes no difference, what I could share with you?

    Hi there, So I am not doing more than corner "a premise" and seeing if that acts as a success, in relation to your assessment of what it means. The premise is that "sharing is a constructive addition to Evolution" (subtext: the more Evolution shares, the better it is) and I am cornering it, by...
  10. G

    A change has to be actionable, targeted and reachievable, if it is to secure "Evolution"...but?

    Hi there, So yes I am showing extreme caution at this point, because I am literally translating "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me" into "change has to be actionable, targeted and reachievable; the exercise of Evolution can only be secured in the manner...
  11. G

    Is your religion, an empty whale?

    Hi there, I got this idea by combining Jesus words that "greater than Jonah is here" and "remember Lot's wife": resulting in the words "is your religion, an empty whale?" since we can remember Jonah's whale, the same way we remember Lot's wife, but we can also question whether our recollection...
  12. G

    Enter the Mystery - not the words

    Hi there, So I have been studying the word, week to week, for some time now - trying to memorize as much of it as possible. Not to boast (I certainly don't want to do that) but I have even tried visualizing words, that I think Jesus might have said - with a little help from the Holy Spirit. But...
  13. G

    I make too little meaning, out of too many words

    Hi there, So this is a bit of a turning point, for me: I have come to the conclusion that I make too little meaning, out of too many words. In other words, I say a lot, for no reason. Or in other words again, I like to think I'm funny, but my comic timing is awful. All these things add up and I...
  14. G

    A telling "Ngram": fight, future, tradition, God

    Hi there, So yes it is interesting to see how words clash, over the centuries - sometimes it is very interesting. I couldn't wait to show you this one: "fight, future, tradition, God". The fight is clearly with God and it is our tradition not our future, that holds us back. Whereas God...
  15. Samuel Preston

    Scripture / Editing Software for Microsoft Word?

    Has anyone come across good scripture focused editing software that works with Microsoft Word? I found two and am curious if anyone has any reviews of them? 1. PerfectIt 1b. Review of it by a Christian writer. 2. And a broader list of options. 3. And Bibliedit?
  16. G

    For observation to be of discreet changes in a species, observation itself must self-constrained

    Hi there, So something that will help me, even if it doesn't mean I am a star at translating human to post-human evolution, is that the nature of observation, is that it has to be educated. Observation has to be educated, because if it is observation at random, the observations made will never...
  17. G

    "Evolution", word. "Sexual selection", two words.

    Hi there, EDIT: I know my wording can be a little formidable to understand, at times - skip to the last line, if you just want to give a take on the concept I am working with. So this might seem banal, to make a comparison on a numeric basis,, of a broader theory, but also its being...
  18. G

    Write: "Writing is about to fall, about to fall"

    Dear Friends, The Holy Spirit has come to bring all things to rememberance - this is the command behind His Writing. This gave Him character, that the chosen of the faith be emboldened - they (those words) are for the faithful soul. Now is the time for the needless words (pointless words -...
  19. N

    Feel free to use this video in your online Easter Sunday service

    Hi folks, I'm a Christian who lives and works (as a videographer) here in the UK. Back in Feb we shot/produced an inspiring spoken word Easter video for a mainstream UK church organization called Evangelical Alliance. Whilst the video turned out great (IMHO) the most rewarding aspect for me was...
  20. GospelS

    Sin, Unbelief, And At War With Yourself?

    If yes, can I encourage you to keep on reading the word of God because, For the word of God is living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 This...