relationship problem

  1. Jadegb

    Seeking Dating Advice: Are We Unequally Yoked?

    I've been with my boyfriend for about three months now. We're both in our early 20s and are sincerely on the same page about so many important values and goals. He is kind, considerate, and genuinely listens to me. Nevertheless, I wonder if I agreed to be in a relationship with him sooner than I...
  2. K

    Dating a Lukewarm boyfriend

    Hello, I am new in this forum, hoping to hear advice from fellow God-loving women. I (27F) take my relationship with God very seriously. I'm currently dating my 28 yo boyfriend. He is a very good man. Very gentle, treats me with a lot of respect. I also noticed that he also treats other...
  3. senjoy

    how to deal with a lukewarm boyfriend?

    Hello all, I'm new here and found this site in search of advice on Christian relationships. I'm sorry if this is not the right thread to post a topic like this, but I honestly don't have anyone to talk about it with so I am asking all of you or those who may care to read this. I'm 18 (I know...
  4. D

    Confusing aspects of dating a European girl

    Please don't judge me to be a homophobe, I certainly am not. Even so, I think I’m completely losing all feelings for a girl after she told me she was questioning her sexuality, maybe even a bit emasculated too. Please excuse any ignorance towards lgbt in this post from being raised in a very...
  5. Archy

    Should I break up or stay with my atheist boyfriend?

    I started the relationship in May 2018, and later on accepted Christ in December 2018. He seldom talked about religion, and after accepting Christ, I learnt that it was because he hates God. I've been trying to show him the real God whom I love, but it's hard cause I've only just began my...
  6. A

    Messed it up - again

    I have messed it up again with my wife. Just before she was going on a retreat I messed up my last phone call with her. I have messed up recently in other aspects of my relationship with her, by doing the Aspie thing and needing things to be totally clear and explicit. She is patient and...
  7. ChristianGirl_96

    Prayers requested

    To cut a long story short last year I learned that my twin sister was in the hospital fighting for her life after a bathroom accident at work. That was seven months ago back in the fall of 2018 before I joined this website. Recently I asked for a update and she now is signing her divorce papers...
  8. I

    Am I committing a sin to leave my church to attend his?

    I am faced with one of the most heart-wrenching decisions of my life. Even as I type this I feel the sharp stabs of anxiety with every intake of breath. I belong to a fellowship of believers that carry fundamental values. We split from a group of believers in the 70's that was very extreme and...