
  1. Job 33:6

    More on Radiometric Dating

    Gutsick Gibbon released another video on radiometric dating. It was pretty well detailed:
  2. Job 33:6

    Polystrate Fossils (Again)

    Just saw this brief video by gutsick Gibbon on polystrate fossils, it had me laughing a bit and seemed to be a worthwhile share.
  3. Job 33:6

    The Ark Encounter Geology

    So I was peeling through some photos of Ken Hams ark encounter displays and I stumbled across an honorable mention: So this is a classic case of a really problematic anti-scientific position that is YECism. The presentation basically suggests that dense and hardened rocks break when they are...
  4. Job 33:6

    The Ark Encounter Geology

    So I was peeling through some photos of Ken Hams ark encounter displays and I stumbled across an honorable mention: So this is a classic case of a really problematic anti-scientific position that is YECism. The presentation basically suggests that dense and hardened rocks break when they...
  5. S

    Continental Building : Scientific Belief vs Reality

    [Sticky] Continental Building : Scientific Belief vs Reality Science: Climate Changes Can Wear Down Mountains Faster Than They Are Built "The researchers spent over a decade drilling into these sediments to get a better picture of how erosion rates changed through the mountains' history."...
  6. Ophiolite

    The Black Sea Flood

    Several of you will be familiar with the suggestion that the flooding of the Black Sea basin several millenia ago, when a seaway to the Mediterranean through the Boshporus was established, may have given rise to the tales of a global flood as recounted in the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh and in...
  7. Job 33:6

    We Believe In Dinosaurs

    I saw this video on TV just recently, Stream WE BELIEVE IN DINOSAURS on PBS The PBS documentary "we believe in dinosaurs" focuses on can hams "the ark encounter". I figured I would share for those who are interested in this subject.
  8. Job 33:6

    The ark encounter museum

    I saw this video on TV just recently, Stream WE BELIEVE IN DINOSAURS on PBS The PBS documentary "we believe in dinosaurs" focuses on can hams "the ark encounter". I figured I would share for those who are interested in this subject.
  9. G

    Why do fellow creationists use natural explanations to unnatural events?

    The big creationist explanation for the rock layers are semi-natural. I use to agree with this. But after looking for myself.... this is not what my eyes are telling me. Why are we looking for a natural explanation to an event we know to NOT be natural??
  10. Job 33:6

    Old Earth Geology Part 3 (Green River Formation)

    Figured I'd post over here for additional commentary. I've been wanting to make this post for awhile after being inspired by other discussions here in Christian Forums. In continuation of: Old Earth Geology Part 1 and Part 2 I wanted to make a brief post about the green River formation. As...
  11. Job 33:6

    Old Earth Geology Part 3 (Green River Formation)

    I've been wanting to make this post for awhile after being inspired by other discussions here in Christian Forums. In continuation of part 1: Old Earth Geology And part 2: Old Earth Geology Part 2 (The Grand Canyon) I wanted to make a brief post about the green River formation. As most of you...
  12. Job 33:6

    Old Earth Geology Part 1 and Part 2

    By popular demand, I decided to bring my posts from the Christians only section to another part of the forum accessible to non Christians as well. Old Earth Geology Old Earth Geology Part 2 (The Grand Canyon) I figured I would open an area of dicussion here for non Christians and YECs of...
  13. Job 33:6

    Old Earth Geology Part 2 (The Grand Canyon)

    I enjoyed Old Earth Geology (Part 1) Old Earth Geology Old Earth Geology Part 1 was written as a challenge to young earthers. I requested some sort of feasible explanation from a young earth point of view for the geologic qualities seen in New York. Young earthers were unable to explain the...