Did Abraham observe the Sabbath day?

Yeshua HaDerekh

Men dream of truth, find it then cant live with it
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Might be is about how I concluded not having put much thought into it. The info re: the poor also crossed my mind. I did note the Hebrew for the gleaning can mean remnants and the Greek basically means to fall. I did also note that in Ruth she was gleaning behind the reapers and Boaz set things up, so she came away with an ephah - so about 30lbs as seems to be the measure. May or may not be any help for Matt12. Seems a side-track to the greater issue and context of Matt12 anyway.
They were definitely NOT gleaning behind reapers because it was on Shabbat.
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God called it a commandment and identifies them as a unit as “My commandments” i.e. the commandments of God Exo 20 Exo 20:6 and was personally written with His own finger like He did all His other commandments in this unit of Ten. This is God’s work His testimony that no one is above Exo 32:16 Exo 31:18. God placed the Ten inside the ark of the covenant, not outside so your argument is not with man.
Besides using "My commandments" too narrowly, this is kind of boilerplate and repetitive and doesn't answer my question.

God's Laws included commandments for what some call ceremonies that many to most say are not applicable for those in Christ. At best they're optional.

I've attended Messianic Seders in the past. I've also essentially lived for years attending a Sabbath assembly in which we also went through teachings and even some participations on traditional practices during any of the Jewish Holy Days. All of this can be very enlightening, and IMO are special experiences at times. It's not that I don't understand what you seem to derive from your Sabbath observance. I was probably closer to the Jewish version than might be experienced under SDA, though I've never attended SDA. I have had somewhat close SDA acquaintances who I enjoyed discussions with even though I could sense and even see the judgmental expressions sneak through at times.

My question boils down to something I've already mentioned to some extent. Since each of the 10 Words/Statements are seen in Jewish thought as a general mitzvah in which each of all the additional commandments is included, is the 4th ceremonial in which the other ceremonial commandments are included? BTW, FWIW, this concept of the 10 being headings under which all the other "My commandments" are included, is shared by the Church to some - maybe large - degree.

At this point I see no thinking on this thread or elsewhere that fully convinces me that the 4th is included in God's Eternal Righteous Character He requires of humanity - IOW morality. Between you and me, I also see no argument that convinces me I'm not a Christian indwelt by God's Spirit.
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I'm surprised anyone would consider Mat 12 an issue- I know the Pharisees did, but Jesus said clearly they were guiltless Mat 12:7- this really should be the end of the discussion if we are to believe His Word. Jesus did not go on to say we do not need to keep the Sabbath commandment- Jesus said If you love Me- keep My commandments which of course includes the Sabbath commandment He wrote and He spoke and said was made for mankind and will be kept by the saints until He comes back Rev 14:12 and for all eternity Isa 66:22-23 says our Lord and Savior. Amen!
An issue in what sense? I think you've made every verse about Sabbath an issue for discussion.

Jesus did not go on to say His Ekklesia must keep the Sabbath either. So, you continue to make NC Scriptures an issue, including Matt12, and then say this should be the end of discussion. This goes well with your aversion to what you referred to as millions of questions or something similar. Aren't you in the wrong place to expect to limit discussion and questions to your liking?
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This is a good place to at least let you know that I see no reason to respond to your posts.
thanks for letting us know
Skimming past the details of Scripture is not my normal practice.
I look forward to seeing that.
The wiser thing would probably be to cease even the skimming of them. We'll see...
you have free will and can ignore any details that you wish.
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They were definitely NOT gleaning behind reapers because it was on Shabbat.
True -- but then that would be "details"... and details apparently need to be ignored when one has a certain POV.
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God called it a commandment and identifies them as a unit as “My commandments” i.e. the commandments of God Exo 20 Exo 20:6 and was personally written with His own finger like He did all His other commandments in this unit of Ten. This is God’s work His testimony that no one is above Exo 32:16 Exo 31:18. God placed the Ten inside the ark of the covenant, not outside so your argument is not with man.
Amen -- the details point to that very fact.

So also Deut 5:22 which demands that the TEN be considered as included in the "Commandments of God"

So then Jer 31:31-34 makes it clear that the TEN are included in the Law of God written on the heart.

And of course Heb 8:6-12 informs us that JESUS is the one speaking THE TEN at Sinai.

All of which are "just more details to be ignored" when someone holds to a certain POV opposing the Bible Sabbath.

Thank God we do not need to ignore those Bible details
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Besides using "My commandments" too narrowly, this is kind of boilerplate and repetitive and doesn't answer my question.
Well, I guess you will have to take your grievances to the One who personally wrote and spoke the Ten Commandments and added no more. Deut 5:22 I do not think it's wise, when God defines something, like He did with the Ten calling them "My commandments" to think it doesn't include all Ten and means something else after God so clearly defined it. Exo 20, Exo 20:6 Exo 32:16 Exo 31:18 Deut 4:13 Exo 34:28 My faith is in His Word. He could not be more clear- He personally wrote it and spoke it and its the one scripture that is both written and spoken personally by God alone and sad how so many Christians argue against it.
God's Laws included commandments for what some call ceremonies that many to most say are not applicable for those in Christ. At best they're optional.
Where does it say commandments are optional. The very definition disagrees with you. You keep talking about weak arguments, but yet keep using your words and not Gods as if that is a good argument. The commandments God placed inside the ark of the covenant and called them My commandments compared to all other laws, statues ordinances, were placed outside the ark. Can you point the scripture where God's commandments are optional or multiple choice? Jesus quotes from this unit of Ten often saying we should not break or teach others to break the least of these commandments Mat 5:19-30 but I suppose Jesus forgot to mention that doesn't include the Sabbath commandment that He blessed, made holy, said was made for us and told us to Remember and also kept as our example to follow as well as His followers Luke 4:16 John 15:10 1 John 2:6 Acts 18:4, Act 13:42, Acts 13:44 Luke 23:56 and so many others.
My question boils down to something I've already mentioned to some extent. Since each of the 10 Words/Statements are seen in Jewish thought as a general mitzvah in which each of all the additional commandments is included, is the 4th ceremonial in which the other ceremonial commandments are included?
You would need a Text before we start calling one of God's commandments ceremonial. Our words are not equal to God's. Once God blesses something like He did with the Sabbath commandment- man can't reverse Num 23:20 so you would need a thus saith the Lord for that. Most of the Sabbath scripture telling us to keep the Sabbath day holy Exo 20:8, the Sabbath was made for man Mark 2:27, the Sabbath is holy, blessed and sanctified by God Exo 20:11, the Sabbath is My holy day Isa 58:13, the Sabbath of the Lord thy God that is on the seventh day Exo 20:10, the day to honor God Isa 58:13 the Sabbath is a sign that shows God sanctifies us Eze 20:12 the Sabbath is a sign between God and His people Eze 20:20 everyone who does not defile the Sabbath join themselves unto the Lord Isa 56 and will continue for worship for all eternity Isa 66:22-23 all has a thus saith the Lord attached to these references and is a commandment of God. Thats some big shoes to fill to countermand so much of God's very own Words. Paul does not have authority to do this either and he didn't which is why there is a warning in scripture so many twist his words to their own destruction 2 Peter 3:16 and why Paul reinforces what Jesus said and told us keeping the commandments of God is what matters 1 Cor 7:19 and the Sabbath is a commandment of God
At this point I see no thinking on this thread or elsewhere that fully convinces me that the 4th is included in God's Eternal Righteous Character He requires of humanity - IOW morality. Between you and me, I also see no argument that convinces me I'm not a Christian indwelt by God's Spirit.
We are allowed to have any opinion we want. God gives us free will.

The only commandment that God used the words "holy" and "blessed" is the Sabbath commandment. God identifies the Sabbath as MY holy day, the day to honor Him in easy-to-understand scripture Isa 58:13 we are told all of God's commandments are righteous Psa 119:172 and Truth Psa 119:151 and God never separated the Sabbath the way man does from His unit of Ten kept inside the ark shown to be in heaven Rev 11:19 as this is the law that defines sin Rom 7:7 and God does not want us to sin because we would be serving a different master Rom 6:16 1 John 3:7-10 God said Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy-said it was made for man Mark 2:27 to bless us Isa 58:13-14 and sanctify us Eze 20:12 and so we know we are worshipping the God of Creation Eze 20:20 Exo 20:11, the same God of Judgment Rev 14:7 man says forget- its an easy choice for me, as I stated we all have free will and hope it works out well for you.
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An issue in what sense? I think you've made every verse about Sabbath an issue for discussion.

Jesus did not go on to say His Ekklesia must keep the Sabbath either. So, you continue to make NC Scriptures an issue, including Matt12, and then say this should be the end of discussion. This goes well with your aversion to what you referred to as millions of questions or something similar. Aren't you in the wrong place to expect to limit discussion and questions to your liking?
I am referring to obeying God.

When God commanded Noah to build an ark- he didn't ask a million questions, he obeyed
When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac he didn't ask a million questions he obeyed
When Jonoah was commanded to preach to Nineveh he didn't obey and ended up in a belly of a whale.

The point is we should trust God and know what He asks of us is for our own good, including Sabbath-keeping, because God just wants to spend time with His children on the day He set aside, blessed and made for holy time to sanctify us, because we cannot sanctify ourselves, we need God. Eze 20:12
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Re: some of the discussion in this thread:

Not being stuck in a camp-based doctrinal box provides some freedom to look around and read what others think. No longer being affiliated with any denomination and honestly no longer being that impressed with the extensively divided interpretations of the Bible in the as-called Christian Church, I'm open to researching from many sources. The following is excerpted from a longer article at the jewfaq.org website. The bold highlighting is mine:

But what about the so-called "Ten Commandments," the words recorded in Exodus 20, the words that the Creator personally wrote on the two stone tablets that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai (Ex. 31:18), which Moses smashed upon seeing the idolatry of the golden calf (Ex. 32:19)? In the Torah, these words are never referred to as the Ten Commandments. In the Torah, they are called Aseret ha-D'varim (Ex. 34:28, Deut. 4:13 and Deut. 10:4). In rabbinical texts, they are referred to as Aseret ha-Dibrot. The words d'varim and dibrot come from the Hebrew root Dalet-Beit-Reish, meaning word, speak or thing; thus, the phrase is accurately translated as the Ten Sayings, the Ten Statements, the Ten Declarations, the Ten Words or even the Ten Things, but not as the Ten Commandments, which would be Aseret ha-Mitzvot.​
The Aseret ha-Dibrot are not understood as individual mitzvot; rather, they are categories or classifications of mitzvot. Each of the 613 mitzvot can be subsumed under one of these ten categories, some in more obvious ways than others. For example, the mitzvah not to work on Shabbat rather obviously falls within the category of remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. The mitzvah to fast on Yom Kippur fits into that category somewhat less obviously: all holidays are in some sense a Sabbath, and the category encompasses any mitzvah related to sacred time. The mitzvah not to stand aside while a person's life is in danger fits somewhat obviously into the category against murder. It is not particularly obvious, however, that the mitzvah not to embarrass a person fits within the category against murder: it causes the blood to drain from your face thereby shedding blood.​
This is what the article says about the 4th Word. The underlined bold highlighting is mine:

4. Observance of Sacred Times This category is derived from Ex. 20:8-11, beginning, "Remember the Sabbath day..." It encompasses all mitzvot related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time.​
So, a few questions for the Church:
  • Do we agree that the 10 Words are actually 10 categories of commandments?
  • Do we agree that the 4th Word encompasses all commandments related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time?
  • If we agree with this classification concept, and if we agree with what the 4th Word encompasses, then:
    • If we observe the weekly Sabbath, then would we be obligated to observe the Holy Days?
    • If we are not obligated to observe the Jewish sacred times, then:
      • Does the 4th Word stand on its own and simply no longer act as a classification for sacred times?
      • Does the 4th Word stand on its own and the only mitzvot that applies is the mitzvot not to work on Shabbat?
      • Does the 4th Word exist in the Law of Christ if there are no active mitzvot in the category required of us?
  • Do we see anything in this classification that looks like God's Eternal Righteous Character - Morality - required of His Ekklesia?
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I am referring to obeying God.
Some disagree with your opinion re: what we are required to obey while not disagreeing with the need to be obedient, which is Love, which is also Faith, among other Biblical terminology and concepts.

Can you accept this and not automatically question their being in Christ in Spirit?
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Some disagree with your opinion re: what we are required to obey while not disagreeing with the need to be obedient, which is Love, which is also Faith, among other Biblical terminology and concepts.
I accept the biblical definition of sin- which is breaking God's law 1 John 3:4 and Paul points to the unit of Ten to define which law that is Romans 7:7 the same law that James says we will be Judged by James 2:10-12 and Jesus Matthew 5:19-30 and the He who said thou shalt not covet and thou shalt not murder also said Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, which is on the seventh day Exo 20:10. The Sabbath is a commandment of God and God's people keep His commandments through faith Romans 3:20 and love 1 John 5:3 Rev 14:12 which of course includes the Sabbath commandment. I think there are many fooling themselves that we do not need to keep this commandment and is included in the least commandments (not that its least, it was made holy and blessed by God) Jesus tells us to keep and not to break or teach others to break the least if the commandments and Jesus and His followers kept the Sabbath as our example to follow. I think it's a matter of doing our will over God's will and I don't understand why people do not want to spend time with God on the day He set aside to do so to bless and sanctify us, I don't understand what could be more important and why this is even a debate with absolutely no scripture stating we can break one of God's commandments including the Sabbath commandment. I think there is a counterfeit to every genuine thing God gave us, and the only way we stay on His narrow path is through His Word Psa 119:105 Jesus warns us of following mans traditions over obeying the commandments of God quoting directly from this unit of Ten and calls it false worship. We see true worship as a counter to worshipping the beast as keeping the commandments of God. Rev 14:11-12 There is the spiritual war going on and we are told the devil deceives the whole world, which has been happening since the garden. We need to trust God- He is trustworthy therefore His commandments are trustworthy that He personally wrote and spoke and added no more.
Can you accept this and not automatically question their being in Christ in Spirit?
Romans 8:7-8 answers this question. We need to trust God's Word He tells us a head of time because He loves us and hopes we will obey Him because we love Him. John 14:15. It's easy to say Lord Lord, its another to do His will. Mat 7:21-23 Rev 22:14
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This is a good place to at least let you know that I see no reason to respond to your posts. Skimming past the details of Scripture is not my normal practice. Skimming through your posts for something meaningful IMO is simply some wisdom. The wiser thing would probably be to cease even the skimming of them. We'll see...
Most here post subjective filler. Which only equates to their opinion about what was said to them or the topic at hand. @BobRyan posts generally his opinion and then the verses he sees that back it up. All you been doing for the most part is trying to control the narrative. The root of the issue is Heb 7 for you which Bob tried to address. And you choose to ignore for an answer that can only be subjective.

Beyond being a sign of the temporary and now replaced Mosaic Covenant, was the weekly Sabbath what is called by some who categorize laws a ceremonial law?
So you would just glean over the fact that in the giving of the Sabbath God's very Words from His own mouth said it was because He rested on the Seventh?
The Seventh day Sabbath is a sign of the covenant? Where you get that from, I am not aware. And What is this Mosaic Covenant that you speak of?
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Yes it refers to any Sabbath, any special day, even your favorite one.

Its rather simple. And it is very much like the "Sermon on the Mount" in Matthew.
The kingdom people should be strict towards themselves yet merciful towards others.

The kingdom people should realize to whom thier ultimate accountability is -to Christ.

Who are you who judge another’s household servant? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will be made to stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.(Rom. 14:4)


Do not judge, that you be not judged.
For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you.(Matt. 7:1,2)

It doesn't matter where the Torah instructed or the Torah did not instruct.
This is forcing something into Paul's advice to artificially convey your own preferences.

Your practice in diet,- be persuaded in your own heart and receive in the church life others who may differ in practice.
The same principle applies to keeping a special day - whether Torah based or non-Torah based.

That is right. In the assembly life, like a family, there will be some stronger in faith and some weaker.
All should be GROWING. Not all are at one time at the same level of strength of faith.
So the churching people must be loving, tolerant, and non-judgmental of each other.

As I said before. To establish the principle Paul uses two representative examples.
One of diet is given. And another of special days is given.

"Context of fasting " arguments and "But the Torah didn't say this or that" arguments are SDA's own flimsy rationales.
The first one to suffer because of this special munipulating of the text, is yourself.
I am not an sda and you posted nothing objective in your post that proves anything. Take care…
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Sheila Davis

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No, when reading scripture the Sabbath wasn't mentioned as a day Abraham observed or Isaac or any of his 12 children. The laws wasn't given until the time of Moses.

Now I'm quite sure Abraham set aside a day or some days dedicated to the Lord but to be identified as a Sabbath no.
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Re: some of the discussion in this thread:

Not being stuck in a camp-based doctrinal box provides some freedom to look around and read what others think. No longer being affiliated with any denomination and honestly no longer being that impressed with the extensively divided interpretations of the Bible in the as-called Christian Church, I'm open to researching from many sources. The following is excerpted from a longer article at the jewfaq.org website. The bold highlighting is mine:

But what about the so-called "Ten Commandments," the words recorded in Exodus 20, the words that the Creator personally wrote on the two stone tablets that Moses brought down from Mount Sinai (Ex. 31:18), which Moses smashed upon seeing the idolatry of the golden calf (Ex. 32:19)? In the Torah, these words are never referred to as the Ten Commandments. In the Torah, they are called Aseret ha-D'varim (Ex. 34:28, Deut. 4:13 and Deut. 10:4). In rabbinical texts, they are referred to as Aseret ha-Dibrot. The words d'varim and dibrot come from the Hebrew root Dalet-Beit-Reish, meaning word, speak or thing; thus, the phrase is accurately translated as the Ten Sayings, the Ten Statements, the Ten Declarations, the Ten Words or even the Ten Things, but not as the Ten Commandments, which would be Aseret ha-Mitzvot.​
The Aseret ha-Dibrot are not understood as individual mitzvot; rather, they are categories or classifications of mitzvot. Each of the 613 mitzvot can be subsumed under one of these ten categories, some in more obvious ways than others. For example, the mitzvah not to work on Shabbat rather obviously falls within the category of remembering the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. The mitzvah to fast on Yom Kippur fits into that category somewhat less obviously: all holidays are in some sense a Sabbath, and the category encompasses any mitzvah related to sacred time. The mitzvah not to stand aside while a person's life is in danger fits somewhat obviously into the category against murder. It is not particularly obvious, however, that the mitzvah not to embarrass a person fits within the category against murder: it causes the blood to drain from your face thereby shedding blood.​
This is what the article says about the 4th Word. The underlined bold highlighting is mine:

4. Observance of Sacred Times This category is derived from Ex. 20:8-11, beginning, "Remember the Sabbath day..." It encompasses all mitzvot related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time.​
So, a few questions for the Church:
  • Do we agree that the 10 Words are actually 10 categories of commandments?
  • Do we agree that the 4th Word encompasses all commandments related to Shabbat, holidays, or other sacred time?
  • If we agree with this classification concept, and if we agree with what the 4th Word encompasses, then:
    • If we observe the weekly Sabbath, then would we be obligated to observe the Holy Days?
    • If we are not obligated to observe the Jewish sacred times, then:
      • Does the 4th Word stand on its own and simply no longer act as a classification for sacred times?
      • Does the 4th Word stand on its own and the only mitzvot that applies is the mitzvot not to work on Shabbat?
      • Does the 4th Word exist in the Law of Christ if there are no active mitzvot in the category required of us?
  • Do we see anything in this classification that looks like God's Eternal Righteous Character - Morality - required of His Ekklesia?
What makes a commandment? Quite simply words. And the Ten words are commanded. "Thou shalt not" is a tall tale sign they are commandments. Interestingly enough Exodus 20 can be understood also as "thou will not" rather than "thou shalt not". Contemplate that for a second. And doing so Have Deut. 30:10-14 in mind.
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No, when reading scripture the Sabbath wasn't mentioned as a day Abraham observed or Isaac or any of his 12 children. The laws wasn't given until the time of Moses.

Now I'm quite sure Abraham set aside a day or some days dedicated to the Lord but to be identified as a Sabbath no.
The Law was understood by all because humanity was made in God's image and likeness. They did not have to be commanded they understood because it was part of them being made in His image and likeness.
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What makes a commandment? Quite simply words. And the Ten words are commanded. "Thou shalt not" is a tall tale sign they are commandments. Interestingly enough Exodus 20 can be understood also as "thou will not" rather than "thou shalt not". Contemplate that for a second. And doing so Have Deut. 30:10-14 in mind.
There's also a reason certain words are used. Do a search on the phrase "ten command*" and see how many times it comes up. Then read the Greek and Hebrew and see what word is used for "command*" Note how some English versions translate more accurately.
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Jun 27, 2007
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You mean God. God wrote the Ten Commandments Exodus 31:18, this is His works Exodus 32:16 that no man can improve upon as this is God eternal law, that defines sin when broken. Romans 7:7 Jesus teaches us to not break or teach others to break the least of the commandment again quoting from this eternal law Matt 5:19-30 that cannot be edited Deut 4:2 no adding no subtracting because man is not above God.
This has nothing to do with this conversation.
This is where many seem to get a bit lost. Rest does not always means the seventh day Sabbath.
We are talking about the rest as the new covenant speaks in the Book of Hebrews.
Inheritance rest Joshua gave to the Israelites was their rest into Canaan, not the seventh day Sabbath rest which is one of God’s commandments, which means it’s not a suggestion.
No it is not. It clearly speaks of the rest of dwelling safely in their inheritance. It was a shadow of the of God's sabbath rest from all the works he created on the seventh day. It is the "Another day later spoken of in David......
Hebrews 4 is contrasting the Israelites and their disobedience which is rebellion Hebrews 3:15, Hebrews 95:7-8 Hebrews 3:7-8 and we are told not to follow their same path of disobedience to receive our rest Hebrews 4:6, Hebrews 4:11 (not the Sabbath rest).
The Israelites profaned the Sabbath commandment Eze 20:13, Eze 20:21 and it clearly tells us not to follow the same path of disobedience as the Israelites who broke one of God’s holy commandments and which is why the Sabbath rest (Hebrews 4:9 NIV) remains for God’s people. Again, the greek word here literally translates into Sabbath keeping.

God did not command Himself to give us rest, this is a false teaching leading people down the wrong path. Jesus is not a day, a commandment or is rest, He’s the Creator, not creation. He gives us rest and in His rest there is no rebellion to Him or His commandments, just peace Isaiah 48:18. Unrest are for those who worship in vain Rev 14:11 and Jesus defines this as keeping man’s rules above the commandments of God Matthew 15:3-9. which we see as the antidote for not worshipping in vain (false worship) is keeping the commandments of God (true worship) and faith in Jesus. Rev 14:12. We are called to worship Him in Truth and Spirit John 4:23-24. We are not God, so it’s not up to us how to define sin, or what we should keep or not keep if we want to be a follower of Christ. Jesus kept the Sabbath Luke 4:16 and all of the commandments of God John 15:10 and told us to as well and not to break or teach others to break the least of the commandments quoting from this same until of Ten Matt 5:19-30

You quote a lot of scripture that does not have context to this subject and do not interact with the scriptures that do. You want to put God’s eternal law in a box at Mt Sinai but that’s not an accurate view of God’s holy commandments, which is why there are all throughout the entire OT and NT, James saying if we break of these commandments again quoting from the Ten we break them all. James 2:10-12. The commandments define what sin is Romans 7;7 and without law there is no sin Romans 4:15 which means God’s law has always been and will always be Rev 11:19 along with the Sabbath that God hallowed Exodus 20:11 and all His saints will continue for worship for all eternity Isaiah 66:22-23. One of the last scriptures in the Bible before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Rev 22:14-15 and scriptures tells us if we do not keep His commandments there is no truth in us 1 John 2:4 we should keep His commandments, not based on feelings, but based on faith In Jesus. He came not just to save us from our sins Matthew 1:21 (breaking God’s law) but lived to be the perfect example for us. 1 John 2:6. Jesus kept the Sabbath, He kept all of His Fathers commandments and we are to follow Him and not do what our first parents did or the Israelites Hebrews 4:11 Eze 20:13 and expect a different result. Which is why we have God’s Word so we can make better decisions. Psalms 119:105
Im not stuck on earthly worldly shadows, nor is Hebrews
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