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Would you marry a woman who was a former stripper or X-rated star if she turned into a Christian ?


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Feb 5, 2002
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Women are usually picky shoppers and men just usually grab what they need
Or try to live by the flesh or what they simply want sexually. I’ve heard of men going to strip joints on the pretense of witnessing. :rolleyes:

It could work out I suppose but it depends on the sincerity of the two individuals involved. Many like to plant one foot firmly in the world and the other not so firmly on their faith without having to give up anything they fantasize about. That only lasts so long.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Or try to live by the flesh or what they simply want sexually. I’ve heard of men going to strip joints on the pretense of witnessing. :rolleyes:

It could work out I suppose but it depends on the sincerity of the two individuals involved. Many like to plant one foot firmly in the world and the other not so firmly on their faith without having to give up anything they fantasize about. That only lasts so long.
That gave me the thought: Is a former sex worker who confesses, repents, professes, and intends to lead a new life necessarily a worse bet as a mate than a man who professes but has no intention of giving up pornography?
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That gave me the thought: Is a former sex worker who confesses, repents, professes, and intends to lead a new life necessarily a worse bet as a mate than a man who professes but has no intention of giving up inappropriate contentography?
The one who repents is the best option. The one that has no plans to give up anything or repent is the worst. No matter who you are. Sincerity and honest commitment is a must. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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Proverbs 10:2 . A wise man heart is at his right hand, but a fool heart at his left hand.
Yes, a heathen can convert to christianity and repent. Salvation is open to everyone, including gentiles.

In gospel of Matthew. Jesus forgave sins of woman, at house of pharisees. The pharisee was repulsed by Jesus interaction with sinner.
Simon the pharisee didn't learn damn thing.

Proverbs 31:10. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is above rubies.
HAYIL in Hebrew means = strong in all moral qualities.

Bottom line is. Were all sinners.

1 Peter 1:22. Seekng you have purified your souls in OBEYING the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that Ye love one another with pure heart fervently.

If God wills individual to be called out of darkness. There must be repentance and submission to God.

2:25. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned to the Shepherd and bishop of your souls.

If woman Sincerely and diligently loves God and studies the bible. Sound doctrine !!.
As long as she doesn't impede on your spiritual growth or compromise your values and beliefs. Get the picture.

False brethren use churches as smoke screen. Avoid them.

Use common sense and spirtual discernment.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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My past can affect my future, by being an example of what is not loving; and my past wrongs can be reminders of how I need to constantly submit to God and depend on Him to do with me all He wants, so I grow in how He has me loving in sharing with Him and His people. And I can use my past things to help others also to see what is anti-love, so they too can learn from my past and see how there is hope for God to change us out of any evil.

Another item > Satan's evil spirit can try to get me to do what I used to do in Satan's kingdom. And he can bring back memories in order to fool me into supposing those things of my past are still my problem, when they are not but they are Satan's spirit attacking me.

And with God I can refuse to give in to how Satanic thinking and feelings would try to get me back into past evil behaviors. God can share His almighty immunity with me, against any and all anger, frustration, unforgiveness, cruel and dominating drives, and tempting pleasure feelings.
All true - and the issues I brought up in my spoiler would remain for those who had the kind of past that OP asked about. Marry them, and you marry those leftover problems. I don't want to do that.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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1. If old habits have not fully gone after a person has professed Christianity, it shows that they have not yet been fully converted to Christ. Conversion to Christ does not come automatically. One has to earnestly seek God until the transformation is complete. Although it will not be fully complete in our lifetime, it doesn't mean that we rest on our laurels and think that we have arrived. Seeking God to develop our sanctification is a lifetime quest. Paul says that it is like a race in which we ran as hard and fast as we can to reach the final finish line.

2. We give every professing Christian the benefit of the doubt, and leave the judgment to Go whether they are sincere or hypocritical. We can see only on the outward appearance, and these are deceptive. God sees the heart, and we could make the mistake of negatively judging a person whom God sees as pure in heart.

3.It is not up to us to say whether a professing Christian is saved or unsaved based on what we see on the outside. Faith in Christ trusts God's promises involving salvation. If a person says they have faith and shows it through their behaviour and conduct, then we have no basis for condemnation or bringing charges against them.

4. If a couple becomes friends and bonds together to the point where they decide that they want to be together for life, and they believe that God is blessing their union, then who are we to judge otherwise?
I see you are using "conversion" where you should be using "sanctification." Since we agree that this is a lifetime project that will not be fully completed in our lifetimes, that means that our sinful pasts are still with us to an extent. This means that no one we marry will be fully sanctified. This also makes those with certain pasts particularly bad risks, including but not limited to former sex workers. And sanctification levels really don't do much about most of the issues I posted in my spoiler tag. If two people are aware of this and want to get together anyway, I won't get in their way, but that's not what I would choose for my own life, and it's not what I would recommend to people.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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I see you are using "conversion" where you should be using "sanctification." Since we agree that this is a lifetime project that will not be fully completed in our lifetimes, that means that our sinful pasts are still with us to an extent. This means that no one we marry will be fully sanctified. This also makes those with certain pasts particularly bad risks, including but not limited to former sex workers. And sanctification levels really don't do much about most of the issues I posted in my spoiler tag. If two people are aware of this and want to get together anyway, I won't get in their way, but that's not what I would choose for my own life, and it's not what I would recommend to people.
Conversion to Christ is the total transformation of the heart and spirit of a person. This can come only through the power and work of the Holy Spirit. A person can say the sinners prayer and receive Christ as Saviour, but that is just the first step. If the person is honest and sincere, God justifies the person right away. But there is another step where the Holy Spirit transforms the heart of the person.

If we take the account of the penitent thief on the cross, we see that he said, "Remember me when you come into your kingdom". That is the equivalent of the sinners prayer. Jesus saw that the criminal was sincere, and so His response was, "Today you shall be with Me in Paradise." The response is equivalent to the Holy Spirit doing the transformation of the heart and spirit of the person.

Therefore in the act of Justification, there is the sinner's plea, and God's response. The problem with many who pray the sinners prayer is that they assume that they are saved without waiting for and seeking God's response. Joseph Alleine, the most well known Puritan evangelist, who wrote "An Alarm to the Unconverted" taught that full conversion to Christ needed to be earnestly sought for, and involved a total transformation of the heart and spirit of the person. Once that happens, then the person is on the road to developmental sanctification.

But sanctification doesn't start until full conversion takes place. Conversion happens in the heart and spirit of the person; sanctification develops in the person's behaviour and conduct as a response to the conversion. A person who tries to be holy without being converted ends up merely as self-righteous and has a "holier than thou" attitude, which is basically hypocrisy. It is having the outward appearance of religion with the heart and spirit still unchanged.

If we view the ordinary church member, we would have no idea whether they are genuinely converted to Christ or not. There are only two people who know for sure: God who has done the conversion through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the person who knows that his heart and spirit has been totally transformed. Everyone else can see only the outward appearance, so we all have to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and refrain from being judgmental if we see someone who doesn't appear to be living up to our expectation of what a Christian should be.

Conversion can happen in an instant of time when the Holy Spirit does it, and the person doesn't have to make a guess about it. He knows that he has been born again. But sanctification can take a whole lifetime because there a many life lessons that have to be learned; many mistakes made, shortcomings and failures overcome. This is why fellowship is important, and that we should encourage one another to grow in grace and faith before the Lord.
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Actually one more view to the subject is that does it bother you? Not everything is for everyone. It would not bother me but if it bothers you then maybe it is something you should not go for? We are all different and that is perfectly fine.
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Mar 14, 2023
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If an attractive women that was a former sex-worker becomes a Christian woman would you date her and consider marriage with her ?

This gets into questions on the topic of what "marriage" is.

I would be careful to separate what it is that creates a lifelong bond,
that the Apostle Paul identifies with the "marriage" passage in Genesis.
Paul is saying that ANY heterosexual sex (in Corinthians) creates that
lifelong bond that we identify with the genesis passage about marriage.

If this is true (I believe that it is), then all who have had any heterosexual
sex, are no longer "single" (in American lingo). This would mean that there
are very few adults in America, who are "single" as Paul would think of

Admittedly, many American Christians do not believe this.

If you DO believe Paul, then the answer depends on whether the person
you are interested in marrying, has had heterosexual sex. If so, and their
partner(s) are still love, then they are not "single". And if you married
them legally, you would be engaging in an abnormal form of marriage,
in Paul's understanding.
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There are those who believe that the secular state defines what legal marriage
is. And that THAT defines what Christian marriage is. This has never been an
acceptable view of "marriage" in Christianity. In Roman culture, husbands and
wives could agree to divorce each other, and then be considered "single". This
is forbidden by Jesus, in the gospels. He forbids a man divorcing his wife, or
marrying a divorced woman.
---------- ----------
There are those who join the concept of "joining" to a Christian marriage
ceremony, which also includes other (good) vows. They see Christian
marriage as different than pagan marriage. I think that this position lumps
multiple topics together, and does not deal with the separate topic of
what causes the lifelong bond. Paul would say heterosexual sex. But this group
would argue that it is a Christian marriage ceremony (that creates this bond).
I don't know how this group would view "living together" (which many state
systems of law would call "common law marriage").

Also, I don't think that this group can properly explain how the Old Testament
considers polygyny to be an acceptable form of marriage, but not advisable.
Note that the Old Testament treats the children of polygynous marriages
as "legitimate". Many of the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel, fall into
this category.

I don't see how this group can accept Paul's command that already married
hetero couples, when one becomes a Christian, can remain married, if the
other spouse will agree to live as a Christian.
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Note that the ancient Christian bishoprics have the concept that some of
the offices in a congregation should be filled only by men with at most
1 wife, or men who are celibate. And by "at most 1 wife" they are referring
to a lifetime. This would exclude some men who are put into these offices,
by congregations or denominations that are using a different understanding of
what "marriage" is.
---------- ----------

This may seem like a long answer. But I think that North American Christians
need to carefully reconsider what they are calling "marriage".
---------- ----------

23 That night, however, Jacob arose, took his two wives, with the two maidservants and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. 24 After he got them and brought them across the wadi and brought over what belonged to him, 25 Jacob was left there alone. Then a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Ge 32:23–25.

32 But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Mt 5:32.
[Note that the Catholic translation understands that a marriage document, can be illegal according to God's law.]

15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take Christ’s members and make them the members of a prostitute? Of course not! 16 [Or] do you not know that anyone who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For “the two,” it says, “will become one flesh.”
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), 1 Co 6:15–16.

31 “For this reason a man shall leave [his] father and [his] mother
and be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.”
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Eph 5:31.

The topic of "marriage" in the Bible, should not be confused with popular American
lingo, that asserts what a "marriage" is.

To the married, however, I give this instruction (not I, but the Lord): A wife should not separate from her husband 11 —and if she does separate she must either remain single or become reconciled to her husband—and a husband should not divorce his wife.
12 To the rest I say (not the Lord): if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she is willing to go on living with him, he should not divorce her; 13 and if any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he is willing to go on living with her, she should not divorce her husband. 14 For the unbelieving husband is made holy through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy through the brother. Otherwise your children would be unclean, whereas in fact they are holy.
15 If the unbeliever separates, however, let him separate. The brother or sister is not bound in such cases; God has called you to peace. 16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband; or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), 1 Co 7:10–16.
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Aug 14, 2022
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One thing about this came to mind. i know for a fact that watching lots of porn breaks something from inside of you which makes it very difficult to commit to one person. I would imagine being on the other side of camera is not easier in this sense either, on the contrary it may wreak havoc on these people’s ability to be intimate. I would prepare myself for a lengthy period of recovery with lots of patience and companionship.

I know that this is the case with prostitutes as I know some of them. But God and Gods love channeled through us heals people and many beautiful people are waiting in surprising places.
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Nov 15, 2016
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Absolutely not. It is human nature for men to want virgins. All men, not just Christian men. There is science behind the affects of multiple partners on the potential for a future marriage to last and be happy. The more partners a woman has, the less likely the chance for a woman to bond with a futher partner for a long period of time. However, if you do not have a high status in the dating market, one may have to settle for what they can get. There is nothing wrong with dating one or marrying one....but it is not something I would do, nor would I suggest to a family member or friend.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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Absolutely not. It is human nature for men to want virgins. All men, not just Christian men. There is science behind the affects of multiple partners on the potential for a future marriage to last and be happy. The more partners a woman has, the less likely the chance for a woman to bond with a futher partner for a long period of time. However, if you do not have a high status in the dating market, one may have to settle for what they can get. There is nothing wrong with dating one or marrying one....but it is not something I would do, nor would I suggest to a family member or friend.
If we're talking strictly about genetics and such, it's not so much a requirement for virginity as it is a desire for fertility and confidence in fidelity. As a matter of social structure, that has come to mean "virginity" as a practical combination of the two, but not necessarily.
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Aug 14, 2022
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Absolutely not. It is human nature for men to want virgins. All men, not just Christian men. There is science behind the affects of multiple partners on the potential for a future marriage to last and be happy. The more partners a woman has, the less likely the chance for a woman to bond with a futher partner for a long period of time. However, if you do not have a high status in the dating market, one may have to settle for what they can get. There is nothing wrong with dating one or marrying one....but it is not something I would do, nor would I suggest to a family member or friend.
Bonding happens when 2 persons match sufficiently on emotional level and there forms a mutual understanding in areas that are not always expressible by words. It is built on very deep friendship with matching needs. No matter virgin or not there will not be bonding unless the emotional understanding matches enough OR the couple is ready to really work for their relationship and submit to/respect each other's differences. But it becomes very hard where you cannot level with other persons tears or laughs.

Status of virginity or the opposite gives different starting positions to the previously mentioned but will not make or break a prospering marriage. With broken person just need to be ready to work harder and be flexible with your needs in this area. Definitely not for everyone.

One more point. On the contrary to today's cliche movie ideas about love would emphasize the meaning of friendship in a relationship. It goes way deeper than any physical or romantic attraction. The need for sex is greatly overemphasized in today's world because that is the climax of secular life and that's all there is to it. I think Paul said something like you don't need sex but if you cannot control yourself then better you go marry. Similarly if you don't feel sex is that big of a deal then you may get a perfect life companion from someone with a history.
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Nov 15, 2016
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If we're talking strictly about genetics and such, it's not so much a requirement for virginity as it is a desire for fertility and confidence in fidelity. As a matter of social structure, that has come to mean "virginity" as a practical combination of the two, but not necessarily.
Yes I was going to mention this as well....but didn't see the relevance. Men in history perfered virgins for the perceived paternal confidence. For this day in age...we have science that shows the chemical release and the bonding affects they have with your partner. This is reduced to almost none after the 4th or 5th partner. Studies show that the chances of divorce increase and the chances of a happy marriage decreases as the number of partners, on the woman side, increase.

The question is....if a man has options....who would choose the born again virgin, over the actual virgin......everything else being equal.

Who, because of holiness, stops trying to obtain the best they can have and go with the first that arrives because of forgiveness and forgetting everyone's past?
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Nov 15, 2016
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Bonding happens when 2 persons match sufficiently on emotional level and there forms a mutual understanding in areas that are not always expressible by words. It is built on very deep friendship with matching needs. No matter virgin or not there will not be bonding unless the emotional understanding matches enough OR the couple is ready to really work for their relationship and submit to/respect each other's differences. But it becomes very hard where you cannot level with other persons tears or laughs.

Status of virginity or the opposite gives different starting positions to the previously mentioned but will not make or break a prospering marriage. With broken person just need to be ready to work harder and be flexible with your needs in this area. Definitely not for everyone.

One more point. On the contrary to today's cliche movie ideas about love would emphasize the meaning of friendship in a relationship. It goes way deeper than any physical or romantic attraction. The need for sex is greatly overemphasized in today's world because that is the climax of secular life and that's all there is to it. I think Paul said something like you don't need sex but if you cannot control yourself then better you go marry. Similarly if you don't feel sex is that big of a deal then you may get a perfect life companion from someone with a history.
What you say sounds good, but is not rooted in reality. The more partners a woman has, the harder it is for them to bond with new people and be happy long term with them. Try to research and look up facts and studies....and forget about emotions and feelings.

This former prostitute is not broken....when God fixes something, or someone, how can you call them broken after? If they are changed....forget about their past and look forward..

The bonding I'm talking about has nothing to do with friendships and getting to know one another by choice. I'm talking about the chemical release in the body that happens during intimacy that affect the brain and the body unconsciously. This is why we should not fault people who stay in bad situations longer than they should and don't know why they can't just leave..... this is why it is easier to divorce the 2nd and 3rd time than it is the first. When the number of partners increase this subconscious connection decreases......the desire to stay through anything(sickness and health) decreases. This is hard to hear for people who aren't virgins, or who have reached the count science says that subconscious bonding is gone, but it is still reality....and we should instruct others on the best path....and not sugar coat it based on personal situations.

Facts...most divorces are started by women statistically. The likihood of divorce increases the more partners a woman has.....statically.

We can ignore this and go by what we feel should happen.....but it will be to our detriment and all those who follow our words.
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