Who is Gog of the land of Magog?


Feb 13, 2015
"I see the dispensational breach, but I don't see it in Daniel's statue."

It has to be there .... there are no contradictions in the visions of the prophets .... and if you study the other related visions of the prophets you will find the very same breaching .... they are all silent between the ending of the 69th week decreed for Israel and the beginning of the 70th week still pending .... herein lies the breaching

Suggest that you study the 70 weeks of years prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 if you do not know about it .... then you will be able to have the correct timing for interpreting the prophetic scriptures

The early "land" of Magog and his brothers in northwestern Mesopotamia [the location of Mosul Iraq today [Nineveh Province]] was overrun by the Assyrians and the original settlements were driven out and over the Caucasus divide about 500 years after the flood

Then the Assyrians ruled most of the Middle East from Nineveh for nearly 1300 years

Then neo-Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar over threw the Assyrian kings and ruled even a greater Middle East

Then the Medes and Persians over threw Babylon and ruled even a greater Middle East

Then Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, but never ruled the Middle East [because of his early death]

Then came the two divides of the rivals of his conquerings, one north and one south of Israel .... the two bronze thighs of the image [the northern Seleucid and southern Ptolemaic]

The two legs of iron are next .... two rivals, one north and one south of Israel .... this was not Rome or the subsequent historical rulers of the Middle East [Arabian, Mongol, Ottoman, and British] up until this day

Check the history records about these Middle Eastern Empires, time lines, etc.

So there is a breach in the image that parallels the scope of the other visions of the prophets .... no contradictions

Today the Middle East is fragmented and populated by the adherents of Islam

So the two iron legs of the image have not completely come into view on the earth .... this is because we are living in the same breach and still on this side of the unfulfilled portion of the prophecies

However, the stage is setting up for the coming tribulation period, same as the 70th week decreed for Israel just out in front of us

The kingdom of the south of the two iron legs is in place [Egypt]

The kingdom of the north is in the factional divides of war as we speak [Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran] .... this theater will produce the coming little horn of the north seen in Daniel 7; 8; 11:36-45; 12:7 ... the same as Satan's man of Lawlessness [2 Thessalonians 2:3-8]
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Aug 23, 2016
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I know Daniel 9 pretty well. What you are suggesting is inconsistent with history and scripture. The breach occured in 30 AD (or 33 AD factoring in Varro's error), when Judea rejected Christ. This occured while Rome was in control of Judea, long after the Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms faded away.

But lets continue with your idea. If the Legs of Iron represent the future Antichrist kingdom, then what are the Feet of Iron and Clay???
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Thank you, that was very informative. I went from Roman Antichrist to Assyro-Babylonian, then to Nimrod. Now I realize that the Antichrist can only be Abaddon. I'm trying to determine if he was an Antediluvian Angelic king of some kind.
.....you, as most Christians, are looking at the person in a too simplistic way by calling him "the Antichrist". Everybody does it, so it is just not you. Which is why they don't understand the end times bible prophecies.

The "Antichrist" is the role of the person only when he becomes the King of Israel - instead of Jesus the rightful King of Israel. Which will be for a period of approximately 3 years 4 months. The person is the Antichrist only while he is King of Israel.

Christ(transliterated) is greek for messiah (mashiach) which means anointed, which pertains to the kings and priests in the Tanach times, (old testament times). And "the" Christ, "the" messiah, which is Jesus, is the promised great King of Israel, to lead the Jews, Israel, and the world into the messiah age of peace, harmony, safety, and universal knowledge of the one true God. Mark 15:32 - "Christ the king of Israel". John 4:25 I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: "Anti" is a prefix which means both against and instead of.

After he betrays the Jews and the Mt. Sinai covenant, as the revealed man of sin - and is subsequently rejected by the Jews as continuing as their King of Israel, ending his time as the "Antichrist" - he becomes the beast, after God has him killed and brought back life. "The beast" does not equal" the Antichrist".

In Revelation 13, the person is no longer in the role of the Antichrist, but the beast. An analogy would be that John F. Kennedy, as the president of United States - was no longer in the role of senator of Massachusetts. Not a perfect analogy for sure, but hopefully gets the point across.


Nimrod is most likely the person, the actual beast, in the bottomless pit back in John's day, and is there now as we currently speak. He is there as a disembodied spirit. When the future revealed man sin is killed and brought back to life, he will be possessed by the disembodied spirit of the beast ascending out of the bottomless, pit, making the man of sin - the beast.

Abaddon is not anyone, but Abaddon, an imprisoned angel in the bottomless pit, who is in command of the tormenting locust. He is not there in the bottomless pit, without a body, because he had not died, as angel do not die physical deaths. The actual beast is someone who died and was associated with Babylon. Which, if it is Nimrod, would have become a nephillim as he matured.

Revelation 17:8(a) The beast that thou sawest was (alive), and is not (alive now); and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:

The end times person, the man of sin, who will be killed and brought back to life, is in...

Revelation 17:8(b) and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was (alive), and is not (has died), and yet is (has come back to life).

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Feb 13, 2015
'But lets continue with your idea. If the Legs of Iron represent the future Antichrist kingdom, then what are the Feet of Iron and Clay???"

There is no breach as you suggest .... your view of this was actually in the breach of a much longer period of time .... 2000 years and counting

The legs are two rival kingdoms in the Middle East, one north and one south of Israel during the coming 70th week decreed for Israel .... the tribulation period

The leader of the kingdom of the south will push at the human little horn ["antichrist"] and this king of the north will rush upon him, take his kingdom, and add it to His greater Middle Eastern kingdom [Daniel 11:36:40; 36:42]

The toes of the feet represent his divided kingdom with 10 other kings
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And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Aug 10, 2015
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Thank you, that was very informative. I went from Roman Antichrist to Assyro-Babylonian, then to Nimrod. Now I realize that the Antichrist can only be Abaddon. I'm trying to determine if he was an Antediluvian Angelic king of some kind.

You're welcome.

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Nov 23, 2015
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"I do agree with you that Islam will be brought together by the possessed `little horn,` & that his power base will be in Syria/Iraq.

However I do not agree that `gog,` the chief prince of Mesheck & Tubal is Satan. God`s word gives us Satan`s names -
- the great dragon, the serpent of old, the Devil, (Rev. 12: 9) the destroyer, (Rev. 9: 11) the Prince of the power of the air, (Eph. 2: 2) who holds sway over the whole world, (1 John 5: 19)

God also tells us that the land of Magog is in the far north - the uttermost, extreme parts of the North, the Northern quarter."

Nothing above the Caucasus mountain range is in view in scope of Ezekiel's vision .... the north quarters of the region are Togarmah and Gomer [Ezekiel 38:6] .... the mapping today would be Turkey, Armenia, and northern Iran .... the Lord is pointing to the ancient lands of the post flood populations to designate a broader region of today's northern extents

And it is the central and core of the region today of Syria/Iraq where Satan's beast ["anti-christ"] in the little horn of Daniel's visions will arise

He is symbolically called the "Assyrian" [Micah 5:5-6] in scripture pointing to the location of his rising .... the capital of the Ancient Assyrian Empire, Nineveh on the Tigris River .... the Mosul, Iraq region today .... this same region was called the "land" of Magog in the early days after the flood

This one is the same who will confederate the Middle Eastern Muslims into his Middle Eastern Kingdom, the same one in Ezekiel's vision of the attack upon Israel resulting in the battle of Armageddon and the ending of Satan's beast, the little horn, and his followers [Ezekiel 39; Revelation 19:11-21]

The human little horn that is coming and who will attack Israel is Islam's 12th Imam .... the one that the Muslims are looking for today, and when he appears both major factions of Sunni and Shiite will worship him as a "god", .... Allah is a fictitious pagan"god" who does not exist

Allah is a cover for Satan [gog] .... the Muslims are actually worshiping Satan and do not know it .... the instigator of all of this, who will then be sent to the abyss for 1000 years after his defeat at the hands of the Lord at the battle of Armageddon [Revelation 20:1-3]

The Lord addressed Satan as "gog" and points the ancient "land" of Magog which is still the same today, but just renamed [Magog is symbolic for human rebellion against the Lord]

And when Satan [gog] is released from the abyss after the 1000 years he will again muster a human rebellion [Magog] against the Lord and His millennial kingdom centered in Israel [Revelation 20:7-9]

"Gog" must be Satan for creating two different human rebellions against the Lord 1000 years apart .... only a fallen angel can live as long .... Russia's Putin is not "gog" as some think

Straightshot, I believe you are right in seeing the dual application of the language in Ezekiel 38 and 39 to the post-millennial period, but I would qualify that in the first instance (in Ezekiel 38 and 39), Gog is in fact Satan in the person of the Antichrist.

There are numerous reasons why Gog and the Antichrist are the same within Ezek. 38-39:

Proceeding in order of the passages, I concur with you that Gog is the "chief" prince of Meschech and Tubal. Again, this language allows for the versatility of application of these verses to a post-millennial context involving Satan.

Vs. 8: speaks of a people who have been brought back from the nations after a long period and are living securely
- the Assyrian & Babylon exiles don't qualify as nearly as long as the millennia-long exile since 70 AD
- so, does 1948 qualify as this restoration in vs. 8?
***In attempting to answer this question, a preliminary question to be answered is, what kind of peace is this in vs. 8? Is it the Messianic peace? Obviously not, because it is about to be destroyed by Gog's invasion. When Messiah reigns in Jerusalem, there will be permanent peace.

Therefore, the peace Israel is enjoying in vs. 8, is a temporary, man-made, false peace.

Next question: since 70 AD, when has Israel enjoyed peace in the land of Israel? You could argue only since 1948, but since '48, they were involved in the Suez conflict in 1956, the 6-day war in 1968, Yom Kippur War in '73, the war in Lebanon in '82, 1st Intifada in the early 90's, 2nd Intifada in early 2000's, several wars with Hamas, war with Hezbollah in 2006, the recent "stabbing" intifada....this does not qualify as "lying down in peace and safety, with no one to make them afraid" (Ezek. 39:26).

So, the time of Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:4) lies ahead, because at the end of THAT time, (not necessarily in this order) the Deliverer comes out of Zion and removes ungodliness in Jacob (Rom. 11:26), the Spirit is poured out (Isa. 32:12-18), the nation is born in a day (Isa. 66:8), there is unprecedented repentance (Zech. 12:10-14), Israel lies down in permanent peace and safety (Ezek. 38:26), as the nations are greatly humbled and judged (Joel 3:19-21, Matt. 25:31-46).

For these reasons, the Nazi period and the Holocaust was not Jacob's trouble. Save for the fact that Israel is back in the land, none of the other prophesied results attended that period. The Day of the Lord never came.

38:17: God asks, "Are you the one I spoke about...?" And the answer is unmistakably YES in the prophets. Orthodox Jews believe that a time of great tribulation immediately precedes the coming of Messiah. They call it "he footsteps of Messiah".

The prophets speak of Pharaoh, the Assyrian, the king of Tyre, the king of Babylon, all types of the final Gentile aggressor, the antichrist, that 4th dreadful beast of Daniel (Dan.7:7).

Gog and the antichrist are the same person, because the endpoint of their careers is the Day of the Lord and the attendant results I have listed above. As well, Israel finally KNOWS THE LORD "from THAT DAY onward" (Ezek. 39:22). And the nations finally KNOW the meaning of God's historic dealings with Israel (Ezek. 39:23)

In this man, the revelation of the mystery of iniquity is a Divinely ordained judgement that will come to full flower in human flesh, just as the mystery of godliness was Divinely ordained salvation in the person of the incarnate Son of God (2 Thess. 2:7, 1 Tim. 3:16), and the age is then brought to a close by the Day of the Lord.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Gog and the antichrist are the same person, because the endpoint of their careers is the Day of the Lord and the attendant results I have listed above. As well, Israel finally KNOWS THE LORD "from THAT DAY onward" (Ezek. 39:22). And the nations finally KNOW the meaning of God's historic dealings with Israel (Ezek. 39:23)
Hi Numernorian, welcome to this forum.

Better check Ezekiel 39:22 again. In fact a review of all of Ezekiel 39. The part of Ezekiel 39 dealing with Gog and his army are in verses 1-16. That is the end of the Gog/Magog account. It concludes with saying how the land is cleaned up of all the dead bodies.

Ezekiel 39:17-20 is seven years later. It is the Armageddon feast. And in verse 21 Jesus has returned and is ruling over the heathen nations. The feast on Gog's army, however, is 7years earlier, and is in Ezekiel 39:4.

The end point of the little horn/Antichrist/revealed man of sin/the beast person is the day that Jesus returns.
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Nov 23, 2015
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Hi Dougg,

Do you view Gog and Antichrist as two different people?

As I began to say in my last post, you have to reckon with the issue of the peace (38:10-11, 14, 39:26). We know when the Messianic peace begins, and Israel has really not known a lasting peace for more than 40 or 50 years throughout her history.

Now if you assume that Gog's invasion comes 7 years prior to Antichrist's, this poses several problems.

1. You have to have two periods of peace BEFORE the Messianic peace.

Now if Gog comes 7 years before the Antichrist, as some scholars teach, this presupposes a peace of sorts is already in existence (see above Scriptures in Ezek. 38). This is the first peace. Then there will be peace after Gog is destroyed because the Scriptures say so (Ezek. 39:26). Then there must be a peace when Antichrist brokers one during the first half of Daniel's 70th week.

So Gog comes down, and gives Israel hardly a glancing blow, because God intervenes. Then the mop up begins for 7 months and seven years. This war encourages Israel toward a future peace agreement with Antichrist.

I submit that Israel's current situation is going to reach the point that she goes to war and wins decisive control over Temple Mount, and will be in a position to "call the shots", but as she did in 1968, in her humanism, she will try and share control through a peace arrangement that she will enter into, but it will be what Isaiah calls "a covenant with hell and death".

Under this arrangement, she will be allowed to rebuild her temple, and restore the sacrifices as per Daniel's prophecy. She MUST have significant control in order for this to be permitted. In today's context, this simply cannot happen, as you know. Temple Mount is a powder keg right now.

I suggest that the current intractable situation will continue until one comes with a proposal that will seem to secure a peace for Israel that is recognized, at least on the surface, internationally. Israel will not know peace until she is crowded to the one peace, the false peace brokered by Antichrist, before Jesus returns.

Israel is being crowded to the only peace she will find before the Messianic peace. Here again, her trust in Man is on ultimate display, but what she will get is a treaty with the devil. And God will destroy it through His puppet, the Antichrist.

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man." Jer. 17:5

Now the Scriptures say in 38:17 that Gog comes against the land of Israel, as had been prophesied for many years. But you do find mention of kings and tyrants that I have listed, and associated prophecy about the Day of the Lord), it is the time of God's mighty revelation to the nations. We're talking the Day of the LORD, the cornerstone of biblical prophetic perspective.

2. Using the harmonization of Scripture, the great earthquake of Ezek. 38:19-20 clearly corresponds with other references in its magnitude and its Day of the Lord context. The Day of the Lord begins when God intervenes in fury against Gog. It is the same man in view - Gog/Antichrist because the same day is in view.

Taking this perspective of Ezek. 38:17 arbitrarily breaks up the passage by asserting two feasts. But this flies in the face of the common language in Ezekiel and Revelation. What should be harmonized in the same event is made to refer to two different points in time.

If you take these verses at face value, they are speaking about the same unprecedented seismic event on the day when Gog is destroyed. There is not two feasts, but one. The prophetic scriptures often oscillate, even in a chapter or verse, between a more distant future, and then return to a nearer future, and back again.

The great earthquake is a decisive time marker in the Scriptures:

“I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood;”. Revelation‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭

“Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne, saying, "It is done." And there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder; and there was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty.” Revelation‬ ‭16:17-18‬ ‭

“In My zeal and in My blazing wrath I declare that on that day there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. The fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep on the earth, and all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My presence; the mountains also will be thrown down, the steep pathways will collapse and every wall will fall to the ground.” Ezekiel‬ ‭38:19-20‬ ‭

For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. You will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with Him!”
‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭14:2-5‬ ‭

I have given some wider context here, and because of it, I don't believe it is tenable to slice between the narrower context of Ezek. 38 and 39. I am aware that this will cross up people's presupposed views of how the seals, trumpets, and bowls play out, but I believe there is overlap and some synchronization in their occurrence. But the Day of the Lord is the crux interpretum that keeps us oriented here. The Gog and Magog passages are just prior to the Day of the Lord. The harmony of language and the results of God's intervention are decisive in pointing to that day.

"Behold, it is coming and it shall be done," declares the Lord GOD. "That is the day of which I have spoken.”
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭39:8‬ ‭

Here are the results of God's battle with Gog, who is the Antichrist, the great tyrant that the earlier prophets speak of:

- the last Gentile aggressor is vanquished, demonstrated by the fact that....
- Israel lies down in permanent peace and safety (39:26)
- the nations who came against Israel are greatly judged and humbled (38:18-23, 39:21)
- the nations and Israel KNOW THE LORD, which presupposes that they did not before this day (although Israel will know God by the Spirit in that day - Zech. 12:10 - whereas the nations will know Him as at Sinai) Ezek. 38:16,23, 39:6-7, 22-23, 28 --> 64 times in Ezekiel, by my count, God uses this expression: "and then _____ will know that I am the Lord".
- Israel beholds the face of God forever (Ezek. 39:29)

So, in order to properly understand Ezekiel 39, we have to interpret it in the narrow context of 38, but both chapters refer to the larger prophetic corpus.

Gog is none other than the Antichrist. To divide the passage as referring to 2 different people at two creates problems both in the narrower and wider context of Scripture.

In your comment to me above, you encouraged me to read Ezek. 39:22
again, and then you led with statements of your belief, which may at this point, be presuppositions concerning the Gog and Magog passages. Your prior theological commitments may be determining what you see in these passages.

I hope I have shown that there is a lot more that needs to be brought to the table to properly interpret Ezekiel 39 (and 39:22 is a key part; the nation is going to be "born in a day" Isa. 66:8!) Now perhaps you could check out the passages I have included.
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Feb 13, 2015
My comment

Satan is addressed as "gog" in Ezekiel 38 [Ezekiel 38:17]

His "antichrist" is this one [Revelation 9:11; 11:7; 17:8-18]

The human little horn of Daniel's visions is a man inhabited by Abaddon/Apollyon [2 Thessalonians 2:3-12]

Satan and his "antichrist" are not human

Ezekiel's vision contains two parts

Satan's ploy to attack Israel at the middle of the 70th week decreed for the nation

Then the battle of Armageddon 1260 days [42 months] later

The prophet does not see the 42 month rule over the holy land between

These details of the 42 months are given in other prophetic visions
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
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Hi Dougg,

Do you view Gog and Antichrist as two different people?

Yes, definitely. Gog, I am not 100% sure that I could pin a tangible identity on him yet. He may be the leader of Russia, of Turkey, or Iran - whoever is the most dominant personality in organizing that invasion. We'll know better as the time approaches.

The Antichrist, on the other hand, I have that person dialed in. He has to be a Jew. Meaning his mother is a Jew. And his religion must be Judaism for the Jews to embrace him, thinking he is long awaited messiah, the promised great King of Israel. Outwardly, he will have a stern facial expression - when he gets angry possibly - I don't know about all the time.

As I began to say in my last post, you have to reckon with the issue of the peace (38:10-11, 14, 39:26). We know when the Messianic peace begins, and Israel has really not known a lasting peace for more than 40 or 50 years throughout her history.

Yes, being at peace, that is one of the arguments for Gog/Magog taking place in the middle part of the seven years. Hal Lindsey suggested it back in his book the Late Great Plaent earth. I differ with that point of view. I have been at this for a long time, since my early twenties, I am now 67. So I am pretty familiar with the various views.

The other condition is a land of unwalled cities. Which I was listening to Perry Stone (who I like as a person, but disagree on a lot of points) said that right now Israel is a land of unwalled cities as you can drive right through all of the cities through the road system, which made sense to me.

On the peace issue, I look at the comparision of Israel right before coming out of the nations - what was the conditions? Well, the main driving force following WWII was that the holocaust sent them through a time of persecution. So, albeit the peace over there is not ideal and tentative, they are living in a state of relative peace. Kids go to school, people so shopping, go to sporting events, etc. So I was say that is a state of peace.

Now if you assume that Gog's invasion comes 7 years prior to Antichrist's, this poses several problems.

Either I did not communicate well. Or you misunderstood me. It is not 7 years prior to the Antichrist. But immediately before the Antichrist. Gog/Magog takes place; then right after, maybe thirty days or so, the Antichrist begins his time as King of Israel.

Allow me to clarify, factoring in the Antichrist person - in the order of events laying before us.

Europe reorganizing into a government having a ten leader hierarchy - with one person over them and everyone - the little horn. That's the guy. But he is not yet the Antichrist.

The little horn will be leader of Europe for a little while, and Gog/Magog appears about to happen. So under the pretense of keeping peace and assuring Israel well being - he stages his EU army in Greece (north and west of Israel, in one of the former breakup kingdoms territories Daniel 8:9) as a deterrent, show of force.

The Gog/Magog invasion happens anyway, and God supernaturally destroys the muslim armies and most of the Russian armies (assuming they are part of the invaders). That our Ezekiel 38 -39:16 passage.

In the meantime, the little horn has moved his army into the middle east, gobbling up all the oil territories - which the Europeans would dearly love to have. So he's their guy.

Irsael, following God's miraculous destruction of her enemies, think okay we are the doorstep of the messianic age. And look, God has sent us the messiah - who intended to fight the battles of God in defending us (you may not be aware but one of the criteria the Jews have for their messiah is that he fights the battles of God in defending them), so that we would have peace. And he is a great politician (another one of the Jews expectations). So they think the little horn person is their messiah, to begin the messianic age. Or as Daniel 9 calls him, the prince who shall come. Which coming from the EU is the right part of the world.

The person, the little horn, has an unmatched ego. This can be gotten from Daniel 8 and Ezekiel 28:1-10. So he thinks of himself - that he is indeed the messiah. So he starts playing the part. The first thing he does is confirms the Jews expectations - and renews the Mt. Sinai covenant by confirming it for the 7 years stipulated in Deuteronomy 31:9-13.

The actual action is that the Mt. Sinai covenant is commemoratively read to the nation of Israel. And part of the requirement is that it has to be read from the place of God's choosing - which Jews take to be the temple mount.

So that what's going to happen. And most likely at the same time, the false prophet - likely claiming to be Elijah - will anoint the person, the King of Israel. It is at that point the person offically becomes "the Antichrist".
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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I have given some wider context here, and because of it, I don't believe it is tenable to slice between the narrower context of Ezek. 38 and 39. I am aware that this will cross up people's presupposed views of how the seals, trumpets, and bowls play out, but I believe there is overlap and some synchronization in their occurrence. But the Day of the Lord is the crux interpretum that keeps us oriented here. The Gog and Magog passages are just prior to the Day of the Lord. The harmony of language and the results of God's intervention are decisive in pointing to that day.
Numenorian, you referred to Revelation 16:17-18. But before that in Revelation 16:16 the gathering of the armies at Armageddon. That takes place in the sixth bowl of wrath. So Israel is definitely not living in a state of peace at that time, at the height of the great tribulation, which in turn does not meet the criteria of Israel living in peace when Gog/Magog takes place.
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Satan is addressed as "gog" here [Ezekiel 38; 39] .... and here 1000 years later [Revelation 20:1-3; 20:7-10]

His profile is clearly defined and one must understand this precept for any further and correct rending of the prophetic scriptures
The Gog of Ezekiel 38/39 is not Satan. How could he be, as he is killed and buried after his attack onto the Lord's people, then living in all of the holy Land. Ezekiel 39:11
Balaam was one of the ancient prophets referred to in Ezekiel 38:17. He prophesied against those assembling from the North...Numbers 24:23-24....they will perish utterly. REB
It is clear from the many times that Ezekiel says: Then, you will know I the Lord, am with you, that this attack happens before the Return of Jesus for His Millennial reign.
The final attack, led by Satan, Revelation 20:7-10, is different in many ways and Gog/Magog is simply mentioned as a type of a massive attack. Just as the hordes of Genghis Khan were referred to as Gog Magog by the mediaeval people.
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I happen to agree with this.
Thank you Douggg.
Now, maybe we can get to a correct rendering of the prophetic scriptures and less of wild guesses and the promotion of unbiblical agendas.
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Feb 13, 2015
"The Gog of Ezekiel 38/39 is not Satan. How could he be, as he is killed and buried after his attack onto the Lord's people"

For the forum

The devil's profile is given with his next rebellion recorded in Revelation 20

Satan will not be destroyed until after the second

It is his adventure recorded in Ezekiel that is destroyed at the battle of Armageddon .... his entire ploy with his beast and the human little horn and his followers who will be destroyed and buried .... and the devil will be sent to the abyss for 1000 years

This is Satan [Ezekiel 38:17] .... the Lord's advesary
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The devil's profile is given with his next rebellion recorded in Revelation 20
Satan will not be destroyed until after the second

It is his adventure recorded in Ezekiel that is destroyed at the battle of Armageddon .... his entire ploy with his beast and the human little horn and his followers who will be destroyed and buried .... and the devil will be sen to the abyss for 1000 years
This is Satan [Ezekiel 38:17] .... the Lord's advesary
You are wrong in thinking the Gog of Ezekiel 38/39 is Satan. It is plainly stated that he is killed along with all his horde.
BTW, please spell check your posts. And your style of posting is confusing to read.
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Nov 23, 2015
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Satan is addressed as "gog" here [Ezekiel 38; 39] .... and here 1000 years later [Revelation 20:1-3; 20:7-10]

His profile is clearly defined and one must understand this precept for any further and correct rending of the prophetic scriptures
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Nov 23, 2015
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Straightshot, before the Day of the Lord, you must acknowledge that this is Satan manifest in human form that is destroyed by "the breath of His mouth" "at the appearance of Hos coming". This is "the lawless one", the Antichrist, fulfilling God's purpose of disciplining "those who dwell on the earth" by giving them the king that is fitting for them. This revelation of "the mystery of lawlessness" MUST occur before Jesus returns.

At the end of the Millenium, it is not necessary for Satan to manifest in human form.

Satan is addressed as "gog" here [Ezekiel 38; 39] .... and here 1000 years later [Revelation 20:1-3; 20:7-10]

His profile is clearly defined and one must understand this precept for any further and correct rending of the prophetic scriptures
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