Unbiblical teachings from the church.

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
Marital Status
My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building. It is so easy to tell a lie, twist Scripture, 2 Pet 3:16, or teach something out of context but it often takes much time and effort to debunk a lie. But all throughout Scripture many of the key figures also had to correct false teaching. In order for believers to live righteously, according to what Scripture teaches, they have to know what is presented in Scripture, not live their lives based on what preachers say.
I won't mention names because if you like a preacher I was to name, you would ignore or discount what I say. I will just show and give examples of false teaching. This way allows you to recognize when you are hearing a lie or being exposed to false teaching.
The three main reasons for the Reformation were to denounce the unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church, to protest all of the unbiblical things that the Catholic Church was teaching, and to give the common people the ability and right to read Scripture in their native language. For the previous 1000 or so years, otherwise known as the dark ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in matters concerning the bible, faith, serving God, etc. The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible. Many of the Reformers started off in the Catholic Church and they knew the Catholic Church was misrepresenting Scripture and they wanted the practice to stop. Thus, one of their main themes was "Sola Scriptura," which means, Scripture Alone! One of the main tenets of the Catholic Church, then and now, is that the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church are superior to Scripture and when a Catholic Church's teaching contradicts Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic church supersedes Scripture. One of the Catholic Church's favorite sayings is, " The Church can stand without the Bible, the Bible cannot stand without the Church."
Since Scripture is God's word to believers, when you are going to teach Scripture, you need to stick with what is in Scripture. When you claim to teach from Scripture, you need to show in Scripture, book, chapter, and verse, where Scripture says such and such. God gave clear command to not add or take away from His word:
Deut 4:2, 12:32
Pro 30:5-6
Rev 22:18-19.
Notice in Proverbs, Scripture states if you add to God's word, you are a liar. This ungodly practice, men adding to or taking away from Scripture has been going on since Old Testament times. This study focuses on adding to God's word, teaching things that sound biblical, but are not found anywhere in Scripture. All of the things taught, but not found in Scripture fall under the category of what is called the "traditions of men." Scripture warns against following the traditions of men or the ignorant things ungodly men say:
Isa 29:13
Mat 15:1-3, 6-9
Mk 7:1-13
Col 2:8
1Tim 6:20
1Pet 1:18

I am now going to list many of the statements made from pulpits and believed by those in the pews that are not found anywhere in Scripture, not found in any translation or version of the bible nor in any Greek manuscript. Most of you will recognize some of these sayings, having heard your own preachers proclaim them. You can search, but you won't be able to locate them.

People have a hole in their hearts or a God-shaped hole in their hearts.
You have a void in your life.
You have a vacuum in your life.
Share the love of God/Jesus.
Share your faith.
Pass your faith on to your children.
Leave a spiritual heritage, legacy
Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Accept Christ.
Invite Jesus into your heart, life.
Make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.
Admit you are a sinner.
Give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit control of your life.
Surrender to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
You are God's masterpiece.
Lift up the name of Jesus.
Plead the blood.
There is power in the blood.
The work of the cross.
Sinners' prayer.
Praying for another or the lost to "get saved."
Pray for the lost.
Meek means "strength under control.'
Love the unlovable.
Broken people, world.
Those who God uses.
Make yourself available to God.
Let God use you.
Give God permission to work in you, through you.
God is your biggest fan.
God hurts when you hurt.
God won't waste your pain.
Don't put God in a box.
God wants to...
God allows...
Deathbed confession.
Church planting.
Music minister.
Music ministry.
Praise/worship leader.
Praise and worship band.
Radical faith.
Random acts of kindness
Practice the presence of God.
How big is your God?
God is in control.
Affect/change society, culture or the world.
Wilderness period.
Mountaintop/valley experience.
The storms in your life.
The giants in your life.
God will meet you where you are at.
Jesus will change your life.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer walk.
Prayer warrior.
Prayer wall.
Prayer allows God to work in your life.
God will use the adversity in your life.
Sold out to God/Jesus.
Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Leading people to Christ.
The heart of God/Jesus.
Prayer room.
God has a wonderful plan for your life.
You're going to do great things.
God is going to use you in a mighty way.
There is a great move of God coming.
Stretch your faith.
Standing on the word, promises of God.
Where God guides, God provides.
The God of the second chance.
God loves you so much.
Cheap grace
God is so into you.
Fall in love with God/Jesus.
Fall in love with Jesus.
Giving money allows God to work.
Giving money is a form of worship.
Angels singing.
Let God...
Giving money allows God to work
Giving money shows you aren't greedy.
Believers today are under the tithe.
Jesus is the answer.
An attitude of gratitude.
Stinking thinking.
Anointed singing, preaching.
I see the anointing on so and so.
Powerful preaching, sermon.
Your identity in Christ.
Christian sexuality, masculinity.
Christians living in shame, fear, and guilt.
Jesus massaged your heart.
Blessed means happy.
Discover God's will/plan for your life.
How to discover your spiritual gift.
Treasure in heaven is money you sent ahead.
All in.
Different ministries to reach different groups.
Youth, children's ministry.
Sunday school
Musical groups travel around to perform.
Christian singers or musicians.
Divine appointment.
Senior, lead pastor.
Parking ministry.
Who God created you to be.
We are here to worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Image bearers.
Church planting.
Minister of dance, dancing.
Personal relationship.
Accept God's love.
Christian statesman, thinkers.
Changed lives.
God will take away your desires to sin.
All that God has for you.
Prayer journal.
Spread, advance the kingdom.
God loves you so much.
Reading something from the bible and asking, 'How does this apply to me?"
God gave His all.
You can't outgive God.
God is winsome.
Altar call.
With every head bowed and eyes closed.
Somebody saying to another, "You have something I want."
Seed means money.
"I'm believing God for..."
Life coach.
God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there.
Change agents.
Making an investment into the kingdom.
Help us reach the world.
I'd like to invite you to accept Christ.
God asks, "Why should I let you into heaven, what did you do with Jesus, what did you do with the money, and gifts I gave you?
Jesus invaded Earth.
Jesus was a revolutionary.
A preacher saying, "I think or I believe.'
God adores you.
Trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Jesus came with a message of love.
The bible is God's love letter to us.
The lover of my soul.
The enemy of my soul.
Satan hates believers.
This year is going to be the best year of your life.
Are you teachable?
Have you submitted your will to God?
Faith in your faith.
Baby Jesus.
Whomsoever may come.
How big is your faith?
God pursues people.
God is the hound from heaven.
Spiritual failure.
God has a special love for children.
Opening yourself for possession.
Influenced by demons.
Satan whispers in your ear or puts thoughts into your mind.
Satan talks to you.
Applauding the preacher.
The congregation buys gifts for the preacher and his wife.
Long, drawn-out prayers.
God told me...
Personal stories from the preacher.
Caught, not taught.
Tell people how much God loves them.
Step into your destiny.
Preachers giving advice on mental health issues.
Hearing God.
Till the whole world hears.
The wooing of the Holy Spirit.
"I receive that."
Speaking into people's lives.
Surrender your life and possessions to God.
Give God your pain.
Forgive God.
Spiritual soul mate.
Ask God who you should marry.
Paul was a terrorist.
Jesus came to change the world.
God knows your potential.
The last thing to get saved is a person's wallet.
Prayer posture.
Go tell people about me and how they can come to know me.
Claiming territory for God.
Asking God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to show up in a church service.
Church service.

I could add more. The point is if you hear any of these statements made, I would ask your preacher to show you where Scripture teaches this. All preachers are accountable for what they say. If something isn't found in Scripture, then it isn't biblical and should not be taught, period! If it isn't in Scripture, it is a lie, it is false teaching!
I am aware that some will disagree with me that these statements are not biblical. And that is okay with me. I'm not here to have people "believe" me or try to persuade people to believe what I say. The only important thing is that Scripture is believed. If a statement is not found in Scripture, then it isn't Scripture. If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error. Otherwise, it is just your personal opinion or belief, which doesn't mean anything to me.

John 21:25
But there are also many other things which Jesus did, which, if they were written in detail, I expect that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written.

Scripture does not contain everything the Jesus said or did.

Does this mean the things not recorded in scripture are lies ?

How long have you been studying scripture ?
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The Librarian
Site Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
United States
Marital Status
I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building... If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error.

You just need the right search tools.
What Does the Bible Say About Admit You Are A Sinner?

Admit you are a sinner.
Luke 18
But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’

Jesus came to change the world.

John 12:47
If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.

John 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

1 Corinthians 15:51
Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

Psalm 55:19
God will give ear and humble them, he who is enthroned from of old, Selah because they do not change and do not fear God.

Share the love of God/Jesus.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.
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Senior Veteran
Site Supporter
Nov 28, 2003
Sydney, Straya
Eastern Orthodox
Marital Status
The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible.
I'm not Catholic, but the above claims are false. The Catholic Church has fully endorsed the translation of the Scriptures into the vernacular in many countries over the centuries, plus I don't recall any time in the history of the Catholic Church where the Church could condemn anyone to death.

Posting falsehood such as the above completely undermines any other claims you make.
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
Site Supporter
Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
Marital Status
Where does in Scripture say everything has to be in Scripture? That's just a supposition from you.

Indeed, Galatians 1:8-9 and 2 Thessalonians 2:15 firmly refute the concept of nuda scriptura (Sola Scriptura, as understood by the Magisterial Reformers of the Lutheran, Anglican and Reformed schools, can survive these verses, as it retains a respect for tradition, indeed, even Calvin was highly traditional, seeking to find the consensus patrum, he merely disagreed with the Roman church on what tradition was correct, since everyone prioritizes scripture in one form or another).
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
Site Supporter
Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
Marital Status
I'm not Catholic, but the above claims are false. The Catholic Church has fully endorsed the translation of the Scriptures into the vernacular in many countries over the centuries, plus I don't recall any time in the history of the Catholic Church where the Church could condemn anyone to death.

Posting falsehood such as the above completely undermines any other claims you make.

Indeed, the Auto da Fe, although conducted in partnership with the Dominican and Franciscan inquisitors, was an execution performed by the Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal respectively. Likewise the death penalty in the Papal States or in Malta was not actually performed by the Catholic Church but rather by the civil governments of territories which happened to be ruled by the Pope and the Knights of Malta respectively.

And it is a complete myth unworthy even of a Jack Chick tract that the ownership of vernacular Bibles was punishable by death.

It was accurately stated a few years ago that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable form of bigotry. Unfortunately since that time with the emergence of woke culture we have seen the emergence of many new and equally vile forms of bigotry, but Roman Catholicism is still discriminated against fiercely.
  • Agree
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Vegan Pro life Mom
Mar 19, 2022
West Coast USA
United States
Marital Status
My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building. It is so easy to tell a lie, twist Scripture, 2 Pet 3:16, or teach something out of context but it often takes much time and effort to debunk a lie. But all throughout Scripture many of the key figures also had to correct false teaching. In order for believers to live righteously, according to what Scripture teaches, they have to know what is presented in Scripture, not live their lives based on what preachers say.
I won't mention names because if you like a preacher I was to name, you would ignore or discount what I say. I will just show and give examples of false teaching. This way allows you to recognize when you are hearing a lie or being exposed to false teaching.
The three main reasons for the Reformation were to denounce the unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church, to protest all of the unbiblical things that the Catholic Church was teaching, and to give the common people the ability and right to read Scripture in their native language. For the previous 1000 or so years, otherwise known as the dark ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in matters concerning the bible, faith, serving God, etc. The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible. Many of the Reformers started off in the Catholic Church and they knew the Catholic Church was misrepresenting Scripture and they wanted the practice to stop. Thus, one of their main themes was "Sola Scriptura," which means, Scripture Alone! One of the main tenets of the Catholic Church, then and now, is that the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church are superior to Scripture and when a Catholic Church's teaching contradicts Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic church supersedes Scripture. One of the Catholic Church's favorite sayings is, " The Church can stand without the Bible, the Bible cannot stand without the Church."
Since Scripture is God's word to believers, when you are going to teach Scripture, you need to stick with what is in Scripture. When you claim to teach from Scripture, you need to show in Scripture, book, chapter, and verse, where Scripture says such and such. God gave clear command to not add or take away from His word:
Deut 4:2, 12:32
Pro 30:5-6
Rev 22:18-19.
Notice in Proverbs, Scripture states if you add to God's word, you are a liar. This ungodly practice, men adding to or taking away from Scripture has been going on since Old Testament times. This study focuses on adding to God's word, teaching things that sound biblical, but are not found anywhere in Scripture. All of the things taught, but not found in Scripture fall under the category of what is called the "traditions of men." Scripture warns against following the traditions of men or the ignorant things ungodly men say:
Isa 29:13
Mat 15:1-3, 6-9
Mk 7:1-13
Col 2:8
1Tim 6:20
1Pet 1:18

I am now going to list many of the statements made from pulpits and believed by those in the pews that are not found anywhere in Scripture, not found in any translation or version of the bible nor in any Greek manuscript. Most of you will recognize some of these sayings, having heard your own preachers proclaim them. You can search, but you won't be able to locate them.

People have a hole in their hearts or a God-shaped hole in their hearts.
You have a void in your life.
You have a vacuum in your life.
Share the love of God/Jesus.
Share your faith.
Pass your faith on to your children.
Leave a spiritual heritage, legacy
Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Accept Christ.
Invite Jesus into your heart, life.
Make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.
Admit you are a sinner.
Give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit control of your life.
Surrender to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
You are God's masterpiece.
Lift up the name of Jesus.
Plead the blood.
There is power in the blood.
The work of the cross.
Sinners' prayer.
Praying for another or the lost to "get saved."
Pray for the lost.
Meek means "strength under control.'
Love the unlovable.
Broken people, world.
Those who God uses.
Make yourself available to God.
Let God use you.
Give God permission to work in you, through you.
God is your biggest fan.
God hurts when you hurt.
God won't waste your pain.
Don't put God in a box.
God wants to...
God allows...
Deathbed confession.
Church planting.
Music minister.
Music ministry.
Praise/worship leader.
Praise and worship band.
Radical faith.
Random acts of kindness
Practice the presence of God.
How big is your God?
God is in control.
Affect/change society, culture or the world.
Wilderness period.
Mountaintop/valley experience.
The storms in your life.
The giants in your life.
God will meet you where you are at.
Jesus will change your life.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer walk.
Prayer warrior.
Prayer wall.
Prayer allows God to work in your life.
God will use the adversity in your life.
Sold out to God/Jesus.
Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Leading people to Christ.
The heart of God/Jesus.
Prayer room.
God has a wonderful plan for your life.
You're going to do great things.
God is going to use you in a mighty way.
There is a great move of God coming.
Stretch your faith.
Standing on the word, promises of God.
Where God guides, God provides.
The God of the second chance.
God loves you so much.
Cheap grace
God is so into you.
Fall in love with God/Jesus.
Fall in love with Jesus.
Giving money allows God to work.
Giving money is a form of worship.
Angels singing.
Let God...
Giving money allows God to work
Giving money shows you aren't greedy.
Believers today are under the tithe.
Jesus is the answer.
An attitude of gratitude.
Stinking thinking.
Anointed singing, preaching.
I see the anointing on so and so.
Powerful preaching, sermon.
Your identity in Christ.
Christian sexuality, masculinity.
Christians living in shame, fear, and guilt.
Jesus massaged your heart.
Blessed means happy.
Discover God's will/plan for your life.
How to discover your spiritual gift.
Treasure in heaven is money you sent ahead.
All in.
Different ministries to reach different groups.
Youth, children's ministry.
Sunday school
Musical groups travel around to perform.
Christian singers or musicians.
Divine appointment.
Senior, lead pastor.
Parking ministry.
Who God created you to be.
We are here to worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Image bearers.
Church planting.
Minister of dance, dancing.
Personal relationship.
Accept God's love.
Christian statesman, thinkers.
Changed lives.
God will take away your desires to sin.
All that God has for you.
Prayer journal.
Spread, advance the kingdom.
God loves you so much.
Reading something from the bible and asking, 'How does this apply to me?"
God gave His all.
You can't outgive God.
God is winsome.
Altar call.
With every head bowed and eyes closed.
Somebody saying to another, "You have something I want."
Seed means money.
"I'm believing God for..."
Life coach.
God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there.
Change agents.
Making an investment into the kingdom.
Help us reach the world.
I'd like to invite you to accept Christ.
God asks, "Why should I let you into heaven, what did you do with Jesus, what did you do with the money, and gifts I gave you?
Jesus invaded Earth.
Jesus was a revolutionary.
A preacher saying, "I think or I believe.'
God adores you.
Trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Jesus came with a message of love.
The bible is God's love letter to us.
The lover of my soul.
The enemy of my soul.
Satan hates believers.
This year is going to be the best year of your life.
Are you teachable?
Have you submitted your will to God?
Faith in your faith.
Baby Jesus.
Whomsoever may come.
How big is your faith?
God pursues people.
God is the hound from heaven.
Spiritual failure.
God has a special love for children.
Opening yourself for possession.
Influenced by demons.
Satan whispers in your ear or puts thoughts into your mind.
Satan talks to you.
Applauding the preacher.
The congregation buys gifts for the preacher and his wife.
Long, drawn-out prayers.
God told me...
Personal stories from the preacher.
Caught, not taught.
Tell people how much God loves them.
Step into your destiny.
Preachers giving advice on mental health issues.
Hearing God.
Till the whole world hears.
The wooing of the Holy Spirit.
"I receive that."
Speaking into people's lives.
Surrender your life and possessions to God.
Give God your pain.
Forgive God.
Spiritual soul mate.
Ask God who you should marry.
Paul was a terrorist.
Jesus came to change the world.
God knows your potential.
The last thing to get saved is a person's wallet.
Prayer posture.
Go tell people about me and how they can come to know me.
Claiming territory for God.
Asking God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to show up in a church service.
Church service.

I could add more. The point is if you hear any of these statements made, I would ask your preacher to show you where Scripture teaches this. All preachers are accountable for what they say. If something isn't found in Scripture, then it isn't biblical and should not be taught, period! If it isn't in Scripture, it is a lie, it is false teaching!
I am aware that some will disagree with me that these statements are not biblical. And that is okay with me. I'm not here to have people "believe" me or try to persuade people to believe what I say. The only important thing is that Scripture is believed. If a statement is not found in Scripture, then it isn't Scripture. If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error. Otherwise, it is just your personal opinion or belief, which doesn't mean anything to me.

There's so much wrong in your post I don't know where to begin! Lord have mercy!
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Vegan Pro life Mom
Mar 19, 2022
West Coast USA
United States
Marital Status
My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building. It is so easy to tell a lie, twist Scripture, 2 Pet 3:16, or teach something out of context but it often takes much time and effort to debunk a lie. But all throughout Scripture many of the key figures also had to correct false teaching. In order for believers to live righteously, according to what Scripture teaches, they have to know what is presented in Scripture, not live their lives based on what preachers say.
I won't mention names because if you like a preacher I was to name, you would ignore or discount what I say. I will just show and give examples of false teaching. This way allows you to recognize when you are hearing a lie or being exposed to false teaching.
The three main reasons for the Reformation were to denounce the unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church, to protest all of the unbiblical things that the Catholic Church was teaching, and to give the common people the ability and right to read Scripture in their native language. For the previous 1000 or so years, otherwise known as the dark ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in matters concerning the bible, faith, serving God, etc. The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible. Many of the Reformers started off in the Catholic Church and they knew the Catholic Church was misrepresenting Scripture and they wanted the practice to stop. Thus, one of their main themes was "Sola Scriptura," which means, Scripture Alone! One of the main tenets of the Catholic Church, then and now, is that the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church are superior to Scripture and when a Catholic Church's teaching contradicts Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic church supersedes Scripture. One of the Catholic Church's favorite sayings is, " The Church can stand without the Bible, the Bible cannot stand without the Church."
Since Scripture is God's word to believers, when you are going to teach Scripture, you need to stick with what is in Scripture. When you claim to teach from Scripture, you need to show in Scripture, book, chapter, and verse, where Scripture says such and such. God gave clear command to not add or take away from His word:
Deut 4:2, 12:32
Pro 30:5-6
Rev 22:18-19.
Notice in Proverbs, Scripture states if you add to God's word, you are a liar. This ungodly practice, men adding to or taking away from Scripture has been going on since Old Testament times. This study focuses on adding to God's word, teaching things that sound biblical, but are not found anywhere in Scripture. All of the things taught, but not found in Scripture fall under the category of what is called the "traditions of men." Scripture warns against following the traditions of men or the ignorant things ungodly men say:
Isa 29:13
Mat 15:1-3, 6-9
Mk 7:1-13
Col 2:8
1Tim 6:20
1Pet 1:18

I am now going to list many of the statements made from pulpits and believed by those in the pews that are not found anywhere in Scripture, not found in any translation or version of the bible nor in any Greek manuscript. Most of you will recognize some of these sayings, having heard your own preachers proclaim them. You can search, but you won't be able to locate them.

People have a hole in their hearts or a God-shaped hole in their hearts.
You have a void in your life.
You have a vacuum in your life.
Share the love of God/Jesus.
Share your faith.
Pass your faith on to your children.
Leave a spiritual heritage, legacy
Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Accept Christ.
Invite Jesus into your heart, life.
Make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.
Admit you are a sinner.
Give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit control of your life.
Surrender to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
You are God's masterpiece.
Lift up the name of Jesus.
Plead the blood.
There is power in the blood.
The work of the cross.
Sinners' prayer.
Praying for another or the lost to "get saved."
Pray for the lost.
Meek means "strength under control.'
Love the unlovable.
Broken people, world.
Those who God uses.
Make yourself available to God.
Let God use you.
Give God permission to work in you, through you.
God is your biggest fan.
God hurts when you hurt.
God won't waste your pain.
Don't put God in a box.
God wants to...
God allows...
Deathbed confession.
Church planting.
Music minister.
Music ministry.
Praise/worship leader.
Praise and worship band.
Radical faith.
Random acts of kindness
Practice the presence of God.
How big is your God?
God is in control.
Affect/change society, culture or the world.
Wilderness period.
Mountaintop/valley experience.
The storms in your life.
The giants in your life.
God will meet you where you are at.
Jesus will change your life.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer walk.
Prayer warrior.
Prayer wall.
Prayer allows God to work in your life.
God will use the adversity in your life.
Sold out to God/Jesus.
Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Leading people to Christ.
The heart of God/Jesus.
Prayer room.
God has a wonderful plan for your life.
You're going to do great things.
God is going to use you in a mighty way.
There is a great move of God coming.
Stretch your faith.
Standing on the word, promises of God.
Where God guides, God provides.
The God of the second chance.
God loves you so much.
Cheap grace
God is so into you.
Fall in love with God/Jesus.
Fall in love with Jesus.
Giving money allows God to work.
Giving money is a form of worship.
Angels singing.
Let God...
Giving money allows God to work
Giving money shows you aren't greedy.
Believers today are under the tithe.
Jesus is the answer.
An attitude of gratitude.
Stinking thinking.
Anointed singing, preaching.
I see the anointing on so and so.
Powerful preaching, sermon.
Your identity in Christ.
Christian sexuality, masculinity.
Christians living in shame, fear, and guilt.
Jesus massaged your heart.
Blessed means happy.
Discover God's will/plan for your life.
How to discover your spiritual gift.
Treasure in heaven is money you sent ahead.
All in.
Different ministries to reach different groups.
Youth, children's ministry.
Sunday school
Musical groups travel around to perform.
Christian singers or musicians.
Divine appointment.
Senior, lead pastor.
Parking ministry.
Who God created you to be.
We are here to worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Image bearers.
Church planting.
Minister of dance, dancing.
Personal relationship.
Accept God's love.
Christian statesman, thinkers.
Changed lives.
God will take away your desires to sin.
All that God has for you.
Prayer journal.
Spread, advance the kingdom.
God loves you so much.
Reading something from the bible and asking, 'How does this apply to me?"
God gave His all.
You can't outgive God.
God is winsome.
Altar call.
With every head bowed and eyes closed.
Somebody saying to another, "You have something I want."
Seed means money.
"I'm believing God for..."
Life coach.
God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there.
Change agents.
Making an investment into the kingdom.
Help us reach the world.
I'd like to invite you to accept Christ.
God asks, "Why should I let you into heaven, what did you do with Jesus, what did you do with the money, and gifts I gave you?
Jesus invaded Earth.
Jesus was a revolutionary.
A preacher saying, "I think or I believe.'
God adores you.
Trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Jesus came with a message of love.
The bible is God's love letter to us.
The lover of my soul.
The enemy of my soul.
Satan hates believers.
This year is going to be the best year of your life.
Are you teachable?
Have you submitted your will to God?
Faith in your faith.
Baby Jesus.
Whomsoever may come.
How big is your faith?
God pursues people.
God is the hound from heaven.
Spiritual failure.
God has a special love for children.
Opening yourself for possession.
Influenced by demons.
Satan whispers in your ear or puts thoughts into your mind.
Satan talks to you.
Applauding the preacher.
The congregation buys gifts for the preacher and his wife.
Long, drawn-out prayers.
God told me...
Personal stories from the preacher.
Caught, not taught.
Tell people how much God loves them.
Step into your destiny.
Preachers giving advice on mental health issues.
Hearing God.
Till the whole world hears.
The wooing of the Holy Spirit.
"I receive that."
Speaking into people's lives.
Surrender your life and possessions to God.
Give God your pain.
Forgive God.
Spiritual soul mate.
Ask God who you should marry.
Paul was a terrorist.
Jesus came to change the world.
God knows your potential.
The last thing to get saved is a person's wallet.
Prayer posture.
Go tell people about me and how they can come to know me.
Claiming territory for God.
Asking God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to show up in a church service.
Church service.

I could add more. The point is if you hear any of these statements made, I would ask your preacher to show you where Scripture teaches this. All preachers are accountable for what they say. If something isn't found in Scripture, then it isn't biblical and should not be taught, period! If it isn't in Scripture, it is a lie, it is false teaching!
I am aware that some will disagree with me that these statements are not biblical. And that is okay with me. I'm not here to have people "believe" me or try to persuade people to believe what I say. The only important thing is that Scripture is believed. If a statement is not found in Scripture, then it isn't Scripture. If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error. Otherwise, it is just your personal opinion or belief, which doesn't mean anything to me.

Everything you have posted is a bunch of anti-Catholic lies you have been fed and then just regurgitated on this webpage. You're doing the very exact thing you claim you are fixing.
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
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Nov 26, 2019
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Everything you have posted is a bunch of anti-Catholic lies you have been fed and then just regurgitated on this webpage. You're doing the very exact thing you claim you are fixing.

I am considering going through each item on the list and offering a rebuttal, if the interest is there.
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The Righterzpen

Jesus is my Shield in any Desert or Storm
Feb 9, 2019
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Where does in Scripture say everything has to be in Scripture? That's just a supposition from you.

Can you support this position from Scripture please.

Both of these statements are correct. There are a lot of factual truths we know that aren't in Scripture. Scripture never predicted that archeologists would dig up dinosaur bones; but they do.

Scripture also never describes details about the laws of physics, or things about medicine, or how the human body works that we know know.

Even "secular knowledge" can be true and not in Scripture.
"There was fraud in the 2020 US presidential election."
That statement is true.
"Ivermectin if given early enough cures Covid".
That statement is also true.

Yet none of those types of examples are in Scripture. All information we discover as true, does ultimately come from God; even if it isn't written in the Scripture. To say otherwise is silly.
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Senior Veteran
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Oct 30, 2006
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Thought about going item by item also but doubt there is any interest from the OP.

What is an unbiblical teaching is that repenting of sin after salvation isn't necessary. There's numerous verses but Rev 2 & 3 clearly states otherwise.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Good grief did it take you 5 years to write this? I knew as soon as I started reading this:

My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building

That this would be an "interesting" post. But very few are going to get anywhere near the end of it.

You can be sure if this, anyone implying to have a sole revelation from God that most of the church is in error is probably not getting that revelation from God.
Where did you get that Bob implies having a sole revelation from God? And yes, most the church is in error, in one way or another.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Both of these statements are correct. There are a lot of factual truths we know that aren't in Scripture. Scripture never predicted that archeologists would dig up dinosaur bones; but they do.

Scripture also never describes details about the laws of physics, or things about medicine, or how the human body works that we know know.

Even "secular knowledge" can be true and not in Scripture.
"There was fraud in the 2020 US presidential election."
That statement is true.
"Ivermectin if given early enough cures Covid".
That statement is also true.

Yet none of those types of examples are in Scripture. All information we discover as true, does ultimately come from God; even if it isn't written in the Scripture. To say otherwise is silly.
Isn't it pretty obvious that the OP wasn't about the mundane, nor about technical physics?

Bob is correct in that there are way too many 'Christianese' sayings, and I add to what he says: many of these sayings, while perhaps well meant, have taken the place of scripture, some of them even as doctrine. Many of them are supposedly logical results or logical summaries of scripture's teaching, but somehow they have become the norm instead of the scripture they supposedly are extracted from.

I'll add some to the list:
"God can't do his will in us unless we allow him to." Or like it,
"God can't save us unless we allow him to." Or the non-sensical,
"God can't accomplish his plan unless we are obedient."
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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I was about to say what your doing isn't any different than what other Reformation teachers have done... until I got to the giant list of unbiblical sayings....

lol and here I thought you would just go after stuff like the prayer of Jabez, and WOF and Apostolic Reformation stuff that Justin Peters goes after. But I guess that was actually in the Bible.... The problem with your mega list is lots of stuff in their could be argued for based on modern idiom and biblical principles, while you can have certain other things based on an actual verse like Jabez that are give much more importance that anybody previously ever did in the Bible or Church History and are much less orthodox than the former.

Another problem with your list and phronema is that important Christian concepts found in the Nicene Creed would also qualify. Things like Trinity, full divinity of Christ, hypostatic union etc. Do you consider those things heretical or unbiblical? If so your days here are numbered because of the TOS. But if you are a true Calvinist you should be OK with that stuff, but your post sounds like some pretty extreme type of Sola Scriptura, like to the Solo / Nude Scripture degree.

The OP writer is busy chatting on another thread.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let
every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remission of sins; and you shall receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit.
1 Co 12:3
Therefore I make known to you that no one
speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and
no one can say that Jesus is Lord except
by the Holy Spirit.
Notice, the "invite" and the "make" part. That is not what Scripture says.
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Jesus is YHWH

my Lord and my God !
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Dec 15, 2011
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My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building. It is so easy to tell a lie, twist Scripture, 2 Pet 3:16, or teach something out of context but it often takes much time and effort to debunk a lie. But all throughout Scripture many of the key figures also had to correct false teaching. In order for believers to live righteously, according to what Scripture teaches, they have to know what is presented in Scripture, not live their lives based on what preachers say.
I won't mention names because if you like a preacher I was to name, you would ignore or discount what I say. I will just show and give examples of false teaching. This way allows you to recognize when you are hearing a lie or being exposed to false teaching.
The three main reasons for the Reformation were to denounce the unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church, to protest all of the unbiblical things that the Catholic Church was teaching, and to give the common people the ability and right to read Scripture in their native language. For the previous 1000 or so years, otherwise known as the dark ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in matters concerning the bible, faith, serving God, etc. The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible. Many of the Reformers started off in the Catholic Church and they knew the Catholic Church was misrepresenting Scripture and they wanted the practice to stop. Thus, one of their main themes was "Sola Scriptura," which means, Scripture Alone! One of the main tenets of the Catholic Church, then and now, is that the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church are superior to Scripture and when a Catholic Church's teaching contradicts Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic church supersedes Scripture. One of the Catholic Church's favorite sayings is, " The Church can stand without the Bible, the Bible cannot stand without the Church."
Since Scripture is God's word to believers, when you are going to teach Scripture, you need to stick with what is in Scripture. When you claim to teach from Scripture, you need to show in Scripture, book, chapter, and verse, where Scripture says such and such. God gave clear command to not add or take away from His word:
Deut 4:2, 12:32
Pro 30:5-6
Rev 22:18-19.
Notice in Proverbs, Scripture states if you add to God's word, you are a liar. This ungodly practice, men adding to or taking away from Scripture has been going on since Old Testament times. This study focuses on adding to God's word, teaching things that sound biblical, but are not found anywhere in Scripture. All of the things taught, but not found in Scripture fall under the category of what is called the "traditions of men." Scripture warns against following the traditions of men or the ignorant things ungodly men say:
Isa 29:13
Mat 15:1-3, 6-9
Mk 7:1-13
Col 2:8
1Tim 6:20
1Pet 1:18

I am now going to list many of the statements made from pulpits and believed by those in the pews that are not found anywhere in Scripture, not found in any translation or version of the bible nor in any Greek manuscript. Most of you will recognize some of these sayings, having heard your own preachers proclaim them. You can search, but you won't be able to locate them.

People have a hole in their hearts or a God-shaped hole in their hearts.
You have a void in your life.
You have a vacuum in your life.
Share the love of God/Jesus.
Share your faith.
Pass your faith on to your children.
Leave a spiritual heritage, legacy
Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Accept Christ.
Invite Jesus into your heart, life.
Make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.
Admit you are a sinner.
Give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit control of your life.
Surrender to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
You are God's masterpiece.
Lift up the name of Jesus.
Plead the blood.
There is power in the blood.
The work of the cross.
Sinners' prayer.
Praying for another or the lost to "get saved."
Pray for the lost.
Meek means "strength under control.'
Love the unlovable.
Broken people, world.
Those who God uses.
Make yourself available to God.
Let God use you.
Give God permission to work in you, through you.
God is your biggest fan.
God hurts when you hurt.
God won't waste your pain.
Don't put God in a box.
God wants to...
God allows...
Deathbed confession.
Church planting.
Music minister.
Music ministry.
Praise/worship leader.
Praise and worship band.
Radical faith.
Random acts of kindness
Practice the presence of God.
How big is your God?
God is in control.
Affect/change society, culture or the world.
Wilderness period.
Mountaintop/valley experience.
The storms in your life.
The giants in your life.
God will meet you where you are at.
Jesus will change your life.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer walk.
Prayer warrior.
Prayer wall.
Prayer allows God to work in your life.
God will use the adversity in your life.
Sold out to God/Jesus.
Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Leading people to Christ.
The heart of God/Jesus.
Prayer room.
God has a wonderful plan for your life.
You're going to do great things.
God is going to use you in a mighty way.
There is a great move of God coming.
Stretch your faith.
Standing on the word, promises of God.
Where God guides, God provides.
The God of the second chance.
God loves you so much.
Cheap grace
God is so into you.
Fall in love with God/Jesus.
Fall in love with Jesus.
Giving money allows God to work.
Giving money is a form of worship.
Angels singing.
Let God...
Giving money allows God to work
Giving money shows you aren't greedy.
Believers today are under the tithe.
Jesus is the answer.
An attitude of gratitude.
Stinking thinking.
Anointed singing, preaching.
I see the anointing on so and so.
Powerful preaching, sermon.
Your identity in Christ.
Christian sexuality, masculinity.
Christians living in shame, fear, and guilt.
Jesus massaged your heart.
Blessed means happy.
Discover God's will/plan for your life.
How to discover your spiritual gift.
Treasure in heaven is money you sent ahead.
All in.
Different ministries to reach different groups.
Youth, children's ministry.
Sunday school
Musical groups travel around to perform.
Christian singers or musicians.
Divine appointment.
Senior, lead pastor.
Parking ministry.
Who God created you to be.
We are here to worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Image bearers.
Church planting.
Minister of dance, dancing.
Personal relationship.
Accept God's love.
Christian statesman, thinkers.
Changed lives.
God will take away your desires to sin.
All that God has for you.
Prayer journal.
Spread, advance the kingdom.
God loves you so much.
Reading something from the bible and asking, 'How does this apply to me?"
God gave His all.
You can't outgive God.
God is winsome.
Altar call.
With every head bowed and eyes closed.
Somebody saying to another, "You have something I want."
Seed means money.
"I'm believing God for..."
Life coach.
God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there.
Change agents.
Making an investment into the kingdom.
Help us reach the world.
I'd like to invite you to accept Christ.
God asks, "Why should I let you into heaven, what did you do with Jesus, what did you do with the money, and gifts I gave you?
Jesus invaded Earth.
Jesus was a revolutionary.
A preacher saying, "I think or I believe.'
God adores you.
Trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Jesus came with a message of love.
The bible is God's love letter to us.
The lover of my soul.
The enemy of my soul.
Satan hates believers.
This year is going to be the best year of your life.
Are you teachable?
Have you submitted your will to God?
Faith in your faith.
Baby Jesus.
Whomsoever may come.
How big is your faith?
God pursues people.
God is the hound from heaven.
Spiritual failure.
God has a special love for children.
Opening yourself for possession.
Influenced by demons.
Satan whispers in your ear or puts thoughts into your mind.
Satan talks to you.
Applauding the preacher.
The congregation buys gifts for the preacher and his wife.
Long, drawn-out prayers.
God told me...
Personal stories from the preacher.
Caught, not taught.
Tell people how much God loves them.
Step into your destiny.
Preachers giving advice on mental health issues.
Hearing God.
Till the whole world hears.
The wooing of the Holy Spirit.
"I receive that."
Speaking into people's lives.
Surrender your life and possessions to God.
Give God your pain.
Forgive God.
Spiritual soul mate.
Ask God who you should marry.
Paul was a terrorist.
Jesus came to change the world.
God knows your potential.
The last thing to get saved is a person's wallet.
Prayer posture.
Go tell people about me and how they can come to know me.
Claiming territory for God.
Asking God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to show up in a church service.
Church service.

I could add more. The point is if you hear any of these statements made, I would ask your preacher to show you where Scripture teaches this. All preachers are accountable for what they say. If something isn't found in Scripture, then it isn't biblical and should not be taught, period! If it isn't in Scripture, it is a lie, it is false teaching!
I am aware that some will disagree with me that these statements are not biblical. And that is okay with me. I'm not here to have people "believe" me or try to persuade people to believe what I say. The only important thing is that Scripture is believed. If a statement is not found in Scripture, then it isn't Scripture. If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error. Otherwise, it is just your personal opinion or belief, which doesn't mean anything to me.
Bob I appreciate your zeal and there are some things that ring true in your OP. But I will say just 2 things that will show how your argument is fallacious.

1-If you are a Trinitarian and I believe you are the " Trinity " is not found in the Bible either, that word is absent on the pages of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.

2- You mentioned the " Reformation " and if you are a " Reformed " christian you will also notice like the Trinity and the rest of your list that " T.U.L.I.P. is not found in the Bible and neither are the letters in that acronym. Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints are not found in the Bible and are not biblical terms in scripture. These are known in theology as "dogma" from ones Systematic Theology. And Systematic Theology varies from one denomination or era to another. There are " essentials " of the "Faith" that most Protestants are in agreement on regarding salvific doctrines/truths one cannot deny and remain a believer.

hope this helps !!!
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I am considering going through each item on the list and offering a rebuttal, if the interest is there.

I thought briefly about doing that, but then there is so much in that list that is directly rebuttable from scripture without interpretation--which I know that so many people in these forums would also immediately grasp--that I didn't see a need.

All it takes is recognizing one of those errors to prove the OP is in error and doesn't really know scripture.
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Jesus is YHWH

my Lord and my God !
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Dec 15, 2011
United States
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I thought briefly about doing that, but then there is so much in that list that is directly rebuttable from scripture without interpretation--which I know that so many people in these forums would also immediately grasp--that I didn't see a need.

All it takes is recognizing one of those errors to prove the OP is in error and doesn't really know scripture.
The reality is when a person is seeing the bible through a lens like " calvinism" as bob does you will only see things like election, predestination, dead, inability, sovereignty to an extreme. no free will, double predestination where God elects people to hell before creation just as He does the elect for salvation etc.......

The person is unable to read or learn anything outside of that systematic. You only view scripture in that way and defend those doctrines you have been taught, not the ones you discovered on your own. I know because I was a staunch calvinist for over 40 years and that is just how it works and you place God into that box.

I'm in the process for the past year or so of deconstructing those beliefs. It all began with seeing God as Love since Scripture declares God is Love and within the Godhead love is an essential character/attribute within Gods own nature/Being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So I questioned the whole wrath from Father towards Son on the cross which is what PSA( penal substitution atonement theory ) teaches and began to question it and search the scriptures and compare them to what I had been taught and told. So I took many notes, read many scriptures and things from the other point of view and have come to a belief that there can be a penal aspect to the atonement that does not involve wrath from the Father to the Son in the atonement. I'm currently working on a paper that I have a few pastors reviewing and 2 theologians/scholars I know looking it over that I will be turning into a blog. I'm reconstructing the calvinist beliefs I once held in light of the Trinity and who God is in relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit- The Tri-Unity and Oneness of God based upon the perfect relationship at its core which is Love. So that is the premise I'm working from which I believe all Theology should flow from at its Top/ Center. After-all Theology is the study of God and if we get God right our theology will follow. if we get God wrong there will be aberrant teachings that flow from that misconception.

And I can say this with all honesty and integrity. I have my first love back in full force now and reading the Bible is fresh/new and I'm learning new things all the time now since I;m no longer locked into a systematic. It has been very freeing and whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Amen !

hope this helps !!!
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
United States
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Where did you get that Bob implies having a sole revelation from God? And yes, most the church is in error, in one way or another.

"My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building"

Anyone claiming to speak for God outside of the church is not speaking for God. Most of this individual's "unbiblical" theses have been disproved already anyway, not even difficult to do so.
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
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Nov 26, 2019
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Or like it,
"God can't save us unless we allow him to."

You know how much I love you, but on this point I have to disagree as an Arminian and an adherent of Patristic theology. The early church always maintained that people could refuse salvation, and indeed would refuse salvation by default without thr grace of the Holy Spirit enabling them to respond, if it is their will, to God’s call.

Of course, as I have said before, it is also my view that neither Calvinism nor Arminianism can be proven on a Sola Scriptura basis, and I myself have shifted between them. Recently thanks to our friend @hedrick I have also learned some interesting new things about Calvin that I was previously unaware of.

This all being said, I like your idea of a thread criticizing or debunking what we might call pious sounding platitudes and nominally Christian commercialized cliches. However, considering the OP criticized virtually every aspect of Christian life without explanation, I propose this is not the best thread in which to do it.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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My goal is not so much to simply teach Scripture. I also intend to correct much of the false teaching that is prevalent in almost every church building. It is so easy to tell a lie, twist Scripture, 2 Pet 3:16, or teach something out of context but it often takes much time and effort to debunk a lie. But all throughout Scripture many of the key figures also had to correct false teaching. In order for believers to live righteously, according to what Scripture teaches, they have to know what is presented in Scripture, not live their lives based on what preachers say.
I won't mention names because if you like a preacher I was to name, you would ignore or discount what I say. I will just show and give examples of false teaching. This way allows you to recognize when you are hearing a lie or being exposed to false teaching.
The three main reasons for the Reformation were to denounce the unbiblical practices of the Catholic Church, to protest all of the unbiblical things that the Catholic Church was teaching, and to give the common people the ability and right to read Scripture in their native language. For the previous 1000 or so years, otherwise known as the dark ages, the Catholic Church was dominant in matters concerning the bible, faith, serving God, etc. The Catholic Bibles were all in Latin and things read from the bible were read in Latin. The problem was that only the Catholic Clergy and a small number of educated men could read and write Latin. Common people didn't understand Latin. The Catholic Church had outlawed any other translation of the Bible in another language. It was a crime for a commoner to own a Bible. For a period of time, it was the death penalty for an unauthorized person to be in the possession of a bible. Many of the Reformers started off in the Catholic Church and they knew the Catholic Church was misrepresenting Scripture and they wanted the practice to stop. Thus, one of their main themes was "Sola Scriptura," which means, Scripture Alone! One of the main tenets of the Catholic Church, then and now, is that the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church are superior to Scripture and when a Catholic Church's teaching contradicts Scripture, the teaching of the Catholic church supersedes Scripture. One of the Catholic Church's favorite sayings is, " The Church can stand without the Bible, the Bible cannot stand without the Church."
Since Scripture is God's word to believers, when you are going to teach Scripture, you need to stick with what is in Scripture. When you claim to teach from Scripture, you need to show in Scripture, book, chapter, and verse, where Scripture says such and such. God gave clear command to not add or take away from His word:
Deut 4:2, 12:32
Pro 30:5-6
Rev 22:18-19.
Notice in Proverbs, Scripture states if you add to God's word, you are a liar. This ungodly practice, men adding to or taking away from Scripture has been going on since Old Testament times. This study focuses on adding to God's word, teaching things that sound biblical, but are not found anywhere in Scripture. All of the things taught, but not found in Scripture fall under the category of what is called the "traditions of men." Scripture warns against following the traditions of men or the ignorant things ungodly men say:
Isa 29:13
Mat 15:1-3, 6-9
Mk 7:1-13
Col 2:8
1Tim 6:20
1Pet 1:18

I am now going to list many of the statements made from pulpits and believed by those in the pews that are not found anywhere in Scripture, not found in any translation or version of the bible nor in any Greek manuscript. Most of you will recognize some of these sayings, having heard your own preachers proclaim them. You can search, but you won't be able to locate them.

People have a hole in their hearts or a God-shaped hole in their hearts.
You have a void in your life.
You have a vacuum in your life.
Share the love of God/Jesus.
Share your faith.
Pass your faith on to your children.
Leave a spiritual heritage, legacy
Be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Accept Christ.
Invite Jesus into your heart, life.
Make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior.
Admit you are a sinner.
Give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit control of your life.
Surrender to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit.
You are God's masterpiece.
Lift up the name of Jesus.
Plead the blood.
There is power in the blood.
The work of the cross.
Sinners' prayer.
Praying for another or the lost to "get saved."
Pray for the lost.
Meek means "strength under control.'
Love the unlovable.
Broken people, world.
Those who God uses.
Make yourself available to God.
Let God use you.
Give God permission to work in you, through you.
God is your biggest fan.
God hurts when you hurt.
God won't waste your pain.
Don't put God in a box.
God wants to...
God allows...
Deathbed confession.
Church planting.
Music minister.
Music ministry.
Praise/worship leader.
Praise and worship band.
Radical faith.
Random acts of kindness
Practice the presence of God.
How big is your God?
God is in control.
Affect/change society, culture or the world.
Wilderness period.
Mountaintop/valley experience.
The storms in your life.
The giants in your life.
God will meet you where you are at.
Jesus will change your life.
Prayer changes things.
Prayer walk.
Prayer warrior.
Prayer wall.
Prayer allows God to work in your life.
God will use the adversity in your life.
Sold out to God/Jesus.
Ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life.
Leading people to Christ.
The heart of God/Jesus.
Prayer room.
God has a wonderful plan for your life.
You're going to do great things.
God is going to use you in a mighty way.
There is a great move of God coming.
Stretch your faith.
Standing on the word, promises of God.
Where God guides, God provides.
The God of the second chance.
God loves you so much.
Cheap grace
God is so into you.
Fall in love with God/Jesus.
Fall in love with Jesus.
Giving money allows God to work.
Giving money is a form of worship.
Angels singing.
Let God...
Giving money allows God to work
Giving money shows you aren't greedy.
Believers today are under the tithe.
Jesus is the answer.
An attitude of gratitude.
Stinking thinking.
Anointed singing, preaching.
I see the anointing on so and so.
Powerful preaching, sermon.
Your identity in Christ.
Christian sexuality, masculinity.
Christians living in shame, fear, and guilt.
Jesus massaged your heart.
Blessed means happy.
Discover God's will/plan for your life.
How to discover your spiritual gift.
Treasure in heaven is money you sent ahead.
All in.
Different ministries to reach different groups.
Youth, children's ministry.
Sunday school
Musical groups travel around to perform.
Christian singers or musicians.
Divine appointment.
Senior, lead pastor.
Parking ministry.
Who God created you to be.
We are here to worship God and enjoy Him forever.
Image bearers.
Church planting.
Minister of dance, dancing.
Personal relationship.
Accept God's love.
Christian statesman, thinkers.
Changed lives.
God will take away your desires to sin.
All that God has for you.
Prayer journal.
Spread, advance the kingdom.
God loves you so much.
Reading something from the bible and asking, 'How does this apply to me?"
God gave His all.
You can't outgive God.
God is winsome.
Altar call.
With every head bowed and eyes closed.
Somebody saying to another, "You have something I want."
Seed means money.
"I'm believing God for..."
Life coach.
God loves you the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there.
Change agents.
Making an investment into the kingdom.
Help us reach the world.
I'd like to invite you to accept Christ.
God asks, "Why should I let you into heaven, what did you do with Jesus, what did you do with the money, and gifts I gave you?
Jesus invaded Earth.
Jesus was a revolutionary.
A preacher saying, "I think or I believe.'
God adores you.
Trust in Jesus for your salvation.
Jesus came with a message of love.
The bible is God's love letter to us.
The lover of my soul.
The enemy of my soul.
Satan hates believers.
This year is going to be the best year of your life.
Are you teachable?
Have you submitted your will to God?
Faith in your faith.
Baby Jesus.
Whomsoever may come.
How big is your faith?
God pursues people.
God is the hound from heaven.
Spiritual failure.
God has a special love for children.
Opening yourself for possession.
Influenced by demons.
Satan whispers in your ear or puts thoughts into your mind.
Satan talks to you.
Applauding the preacher.
The congregation buys gifts for the preacher and his wife.
Long, drawn-out prayers.
God told me...
Personal stories from the preacher.
Caught, not taught.
Tell people how much God loves them.
Step into your destiny.
Preachers giving advice on mental health issues.
Hearing God.
Till the whole world hears.
The wooing of the Holy Spirit.
"I receive that."
Speaking into people's lives.
Surrender your life and possessions to God.
Give God your pain.
Forgive God.
Spiritual soul mate.
Ask God who you should marry.
Paul was a terrorist.
Jesus came to change the world.
God knows your potential.
The last thing to get saved is a person's wallet.
Prayer posture.
Go tell people about me and how they can come to know me.
Claiming territory for God.
Asking God/Jesus/Holy Spirit to show up in a church service.
Church service.

I could add more. The point is if you hear any of these statements made, I would ask your preacher to show you where Scripture teaches this. All preachers are accountable for what they say. If something isn't found in Scripture, then it isn't biblical and should not be taught, period! If it isn't in Scripture, it is a lie, it is false teaching!
I am aware that some will disagree with me that these statements are not biblical. And that is okay with me. I'm not here to have people "believe" me or try to persuade people to believe what I say. The only important thing is that Scripture is believed. If a statement is not found in Scripture, then it isn't Scripture. If you think I am wrong and seek to prove me wrong, you must use Scripture and Scripture alone to show any error. Otherwise, it is just your personal opinion or belief, which doesn't mean anything to me.

You forgot a couple:

"There are 66 books in the Bible" and
"The Bible alone"

Now, don't get me wrong, as a Lutheran I subscribe to principle of Sola Scriptura; but the difference between Sola Scriptura and what you are advocating is that you are advocating for Nuda Scriptura, not Sola Scriptura.

Sola Scriptura is not, itself, in the Scriptures. Because it's not a biblical teaching, it's a methodology that also accepts the historic standards of the Christian faith, e.g. the Ecumenical Creeds and the received and historic teaching of the Christian Church. What Sola Scriptura accomplishes is it provides us with a final court of appeal: That which is contrary to Scripture is unacceptable, and Scripture is the chief rule of faith. Or what we call in Lutheranism the Norma Normans, Latin for "The Norm that norms" or "the Unnormed norm": Scripture sets the norm and is not ruled by anything else (in contrast to the Creeds, Confessions, and historic Christian statements of faith which are Norma Normata, the norms which are ruled over by Scripture. Ergo, Scripture is authoritative because it is divinely inspired, the Creeds are authoritative because they faithfully affirm what Scripture has already said.

Using your Nuda Scriptura methodology, how do you even get to the place where you can confess Scripture is holy and divinely inspired? The collection of books that we call the Bible didn't fall out of the sky, there's no divinely inspired appendix that says, "These books and no others". Instead the Bible is the result of the long tradition of Christians receiving and accepting these books, and not others. Which is also why there continues to be disagreements over some books, namely the Deuterocanonicals.

Example: Why accept Esther as Scripture but not 1 Maccabees?

I have Bibles that have 1 Maccabees in them. Is this wrong, why or why not?

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