the Second Coming like a Thief in the Night


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Dec 28, 2009
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I have largely retired from sounding the alarm, as the Lord has had me do this these past ten some odd years. For my efforts I have received extraordinary trouble from those who could have done something, and from those who are most guilty.

I have had a number of severe dreams, visions, and miracles leading up to what is coming and has already started. Others have to, but this is at a juncture where I have finally exhausted all other possibilities. I do not write this so much for the posters of this list as for others who read it more quietly.

I will only partially reiterate this, so the message stays on topic: the core dream showed events plunging ahead without stop, and then the Second Coming happening. It was like a nuclear blast of pure light. There was nothing which could be done to delay it.

I know well there are some people who want nothing more then for the Day of the Lord to come. I do not know what God has put them through to want this so badly they would sound no alarms and do nothing. My belief is God has put over them a blanket of comfort and blindness to hide their eyes from the horror that is coming.

I do not say that in condemnation, but as a friend.

We have all probably seen bad things in our lives. We have all seen how things can get horrible here. Most of us have felt that sense of wrongness when we have seen the evil people have done at some time in our lives: that sense that a great wrong has been done and the punishment must be coming.

Many, many people who believe they are completely safe nevertheless are walking around loaded down by guilt.

They do not yet have the fear that goes with that guilt because their tables have been loaded up so they may feast and feast.

It does not take much for the fear to come when one is loaded down by guilt. Once it does - and that guilt is vast - they begin to see there is no way out. They begin to sense the upcoming doom, the horror of impending judgment.

I have heard it described as they feel like the ground will open up beneath their feet. We have all seen how villains have faced such days in the past. With indescribable horror and certainty. With dread and paranoia because of their vast guilt.

They become wracked with nightmares of their own damnation.

They see all of their life about to crumble before them, and unlike as many hoped, they also see that after death there is not escape. No escape at all.

It is the sense the guilty get when they really get close to death. Though they lived in unbelief, once that train comes around the bend... they know where they are going.

If you are one of those people and believe this, knowing what heavy guilt you are carrying, I can only ask you, "Please come to your senses and repent. Not just repent in word, as I see many guilty parties do, but show the deeds of repentance. You repent in your hearts and talk to God, but you show you have not truly repented for your hands are empty."

People are lacking mercy for others in their heart. They would have this if they genuinely repented.

Their repentance in their heart is fake. It is a lie they tell themselves to live with the guilt.

We all see how people live with their guilt. It piles on and piles on and they keep reassuring themselves until one day it breaks.

This message of certain end has been going out for over forty years now. It is not new. It is loud. It is across all quarters of the globe. The signs are everywhere. People were not saying this like this in the 1940s even when Hitler and Stalin were making hell on earth. It has gone out as a repeated message again and again.

Many have said, "Oh, I am saved", but have not made their salvation sure. When tested by the fire, it will not show up. They did not really believe. We can tell from their actions.

Remember, John the Baptist and Jesus preached repentance to Israel and they did not listen. After some years, Jesus was crucified and rose again on the third day, finally ascending to the Right Hand of the Father. Forty years after that all of Israel was destroyed. The next several hundred years in Israel was a nightmare. All of Israel was ruthlessly abandoned and the Jews scattered through the entire planet, being horribly persecuted by strange people.

This was the furthest thing from their minds they could have imagined.

We imagine happy families. Generations in the land. Somehow, peace and a better tomorrow, even though it seems events are coming and have been coming which speak of doom.

But underneath all of that has been a deep, dark wickedness. A complicity.

Surely, though, what is coming will spare believers, though who wants to see anything horrible happen to anyone? Surely those good at heart through Christ Jesus will have reward.

Surely, the Kingdom of God and the coming Millennium will make better the horror we are about to face.

Perhaps, in the face of final justice, we will not mourn the punishment of the wicked, so glorious will our faces be. So deeply desired and longed for this day of making right, what has been for so long so horribly wrong.

And for those who have suffered so deeply in their souls that only Jesus, God, and the angels truly know... finally, finally you will have rest.

But, then, this is no surprise to you.

People get inured to this saying, "How can there be any surprise when this is the talk of the world". But, consider, how many houses are broken into, despite warnings? How many computers are hacked despite knowledge of the danger? Could there have been better preparations? Yes. It is one thing to mouth the words as if simply mouthing them offer protection, but something else to truly know it... and to know that what comes is as a surprise.
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We all struggle with our feelings of the end. There are so many that don't know the Lord and others who believe their name is in the book of life, but don't take the time to know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As for me I try to not spend much time contemplating what believers and their families may suffer. The possibilities of countries being overtaken by the more powerful, famine, riots, the harrassment or that chilling knock on the door. I do at times tell people we cannot dwell on it, but we do need to be prepared as the flesh can be very difficult to ignore.

I believe that I am in good company when even John who has seen and heard beyond our comprehension and actually followed Jesus on earth still said "Even so Lord Jesus come". We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow.
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We all struggle with our feelings of the end. There are so many that don't know the Lord and others who believe their name is in the book of life, but don't take the time to know beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As for me I try to not spend much time contemplating what believers and their families may suffer. The possibilities of countries being overtaken by the more powerful, famine, riots, the harrassment or that chilling knock on the door. I do at times tell people we cannot dwell on it, but we do need to be prepared as the flesh can be very difficult to ignore.

I believe that I am in good company when even John who has seen and heard beyond our comprehension and actually followed Jesus on earth still said "Even so Lord Jesus come". We do not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow.

I do not think this certain knowledge bothers strong believers in the slightest. That is part of the fabric of their faith. They live everyday with God searching their heart and keeping them on the right path.

Faith in these things matter. It has to do with trust, and trust has to do with love. Further, the Spirit in them "tells them all things" (that they need to know).

It does not come from what the eyes see or what the ears hear, but from the heart.
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I think sometimes my only saving grace, is that I know my spiritual poverty, and the Lord has given me a heart for the downtrodden. Other than that I have been an abysmal Christian.

Doing something for the downtrodden is more important then rituals. But, the heart is deceptive above all else.

I always ask myself, "Do I really love", and look for hard evidence of that before I am satisfied.

On lying:

Acts 5

Ananias and Sapphira

1Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2With his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles' feet. 3Then Peter said, "Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied to men but to God."
5When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened. 6Then the young men came forward, wrapped up his body, and carried him out and buried him.
7About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. 8Peter asked her, "Tell me, is this the price you and Ananias got for the land?"
"Yes," she said, "that is the price."
9Peter said to her, "How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out also."
10At that moment she fell down at his feet and died. Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events.
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