• With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.

Jun 26, 2003
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Exactly. Being single and celibate is so much more fulfilling than being stuck in a lustful "relationship."
Oh but it is promoted as something to be desired. I heard a comedian once say that Single is an acronym that stands for stay intoxicated nightly get laid everyday, and the audience laughed, imagining that would really happen and they would enjoy it.

Sin dulls the mind and promotes hatred for God in those that commit it. They imagine that God wishes to deprive them of pleasure, but sin isolates the soul and he is hungry for more validation, so they sin more to show that it’s fun and win the approval of men, but the more they do it, the more lonely they become.

Take the example of Bon Scott, the singer for AC/DC, who famously sang that he was on a “Highway to Hell”. He thought that he would be with his friends in hell. The lyrics read as follows:

Don't need reason
Don't need rhyme
Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do
Goin' down
Party time
My friends are gonna be there too
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell

No stop signs
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around
Hey satan
Payin' my dues
Playin' in a rockin' band
Hey mumma
Look at me
I'm on the way to the promised land

What happened to him? Did he have fun? He thought he did, but he went out with who he thought were friends, and he became overly intoxicated and died alone in the back of a car. Was it alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide, hypothermia? We don’t know, but all those friends left him alone to die

The demons are the same way. They can influence your emotions and will give you a profound sense of fun while you sin mortally, but in the end, you die alone and in hell they are no longer your friends but will torment you for eternity

The demons also like to portray the saints as the no fun league. We do have fun and enjoy the life God has given us, but we sacrifice it to show our love for Him. Pleasure is fleeting, no more fleeting than an instant.

The just man has intense pleasure in the marital act, he does not view it as dirty or disgusting, but is has its proper place in building a marriage and a family.

It is more pleasurable to obey God and have bliss for eternity. God gives good gifts to His children and does not lead us to misery as falsely charged. Sure the Christian life is hard and you will be hated and scorned. That does not feel good, but God promises to strengthen you to see the futility of sin and persevere to the end to reach the beatific vision. Unlike Satan, God will not abandon you
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Apr 14, 2019
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And considering Bishop Strickland was deposed despite having done nothing wrong, surely the bishop of Lexington should be deposed, and indeed ideally replaced by Bishop Strickland. That would be an appropriate conciliatory move.

I don't agree with the claim he did nothing wrong. First, as I understand it, there were various criticisms of his management of the diocese. Unfortunately I cannot remember offhand where I read about them, but they didn't seem to be strictly complaints about him being conservative or anything like that.

But the bigger issue is his attitude towards Francis. If it were just criticizing him, that would be one thing; other bishops have done so and have retained their dioceses. But he was doing things like promoting a video that made statements like "Rome and Pope Francis have lost teaching authority" and in a speech, reading out loud a letter he said was from a friend declaring "Would you now allow this one who has pushed aside the true Pope and has attempted to sit on a chair that is not his define what the Church is to be. ‘As for the beast, it was and is not. It is an eighth but it belongs to the seventh, and it goes to destruction.’" (all but declaring Francis to not only be a false pope, but also the Beast of Revelation) Maybe the things he's promoting don't perfectly encapsulate his own thoughts, but he's promoting them.

Given that you're Orthodox and not Catholic, perhaps you don't have an issue with such attacks and might even agree with them. But we're talking about an actual bishop of the Catholic Church promoting such ideas. If Strickland wants to be endorsing such things, then he should honestly just quit his job and maybe join up with an organization that's in better agreement with them. But doing so while being a bishop in charge of a diocese is a very different matter. If anything Francis seems to have been rather patient with him.
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Angels Team
Feb 10, 2013
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Oh but it is promoted as something to be desired. I heard a comedian once say that Single is an acronym that stands for stay intoxicated nightly get laid everyday, and the audience laughed, imagining that would really happen and they would enjoy it.

Sin dulls the mind and promotes hatred for God in those that commit it. They imagine that God wishes to deprive them of pleasure, but sin isolates the soul and he is hungry for more validation, so they sin more to show that it’s fun and win the approval of men, but the more they do it, the more lonely they become.

Take the example of Bon Scott, the singer for AC/DC, who famously sang that he was on a “Highway to Hell”. He thought that he would be with his friends in hell. The lyrics read as follows:

Don't need reason
Don't need rhyme
Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do
Goin' down
Party time
My friends are gonna be there too
I'm on the highway to hell
On the highway to hell

No stop signs
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around
Hey satan
Payin' my dues
Playin' in a rockin' band
Hey mumma
Look at me
I'm on the way to the promised land

What happened to him? Did he have fun? He thought he did, but he went out with who he thought were friends, and he became overly intoxicated and died alone in the back of a car. Was it alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide, hypothermia? We don’t know, but all those friends left him alone to die

The demons are the same way. They can influence your emotions and will give you a profound sense of fun while you sin mortally, but in the end, you die alone and in hell they are no longer your friends but will torment you for eternity

The demons also like to portray the saints as the no fun league. We do have fun and enjoy the life God has given us, but we sacrifice it to show our love for Him. Pleasure is fleeting, no more fleeting than an instant.

The just man has intense pleasure in the marital act, he does not view it as dirty or disgusting, but is has its proper place in building a marriage and a family.

It is more pleasurable to obey God and have bliss for eternity. God gives good gifts to His children and does not lead us to misery as falsely charged. Sure the Christian life is hard and you will be hated and scorned. That does not feel good, but God promises to strengthen you to see the futility of sin and persevere to the end to reach the beatific vision. Unlike Satan, God will not abandon you
I agree. I'd rather stay single and celibate than have mindless sex. That only degrades a person.
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Striving to win the prize...
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Oct 17, 2013
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Just curious, how much of the Catholic church do you suppose is bothered by this?

Do Catholics have any remedy for addressing and correcting errors like this without walking away from the church itself?
The Catholics who actually practice their faith are very bothered by this. This is scandalous to both Catholics and non-Catholics.

I will not walk away. Christ is the head of this Church. Every pope is supposed to be His representative on earth, not a Judas-like betrayer.

I believe we Catholics should continually pray that, if it be God's will, that this pope will receive his own Saul-like encounter so that he will learn that he must teach as God desires him to teach and to govern as God desires him to govern. No pope will ever be given the authority from God to change the doctrines of His Church.

Acts 26:14 When we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It hurts you to kick against the goads.’

1 Timothy 2:1-3 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,

Acts 23:5 Then Paul said, “I did not know, brethren, that he was the high priest; for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’
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The Liturgist

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Nov 26, 2019
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@chevyontheriver @Hazelelponi @RileyG @Jan001 and @boughtwithaprice , I really appreciate your feedback as I am increasingly feeling disoriented by the change in the landscape brought about by Fiducia Supplicans. I now find myself having heated debates more frequently with members who are either liberal Catholics or ardent supporters of Pope Francis, than with Seventh Day Adventists, Pentecostals and other members of denominations that I believe contain serious doctrinal errors, whereas in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, as I have often said, had Pope Benedict not resigned, or had Pope Francis not departed from the path set by Pope Benedict, I probably would have joined. So I really feel disoriented by this. In particular, members who I used to regard as friends now relentlessly criticize my posts and are also increasingly hostile to the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox communities despite the fact that since I joined the site five years ago, I have continually defended their churches from unfair criticism by Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Calvinists and other non-liturgical Protestants. And it is deeply depressing.

To be clear, I don’t expect, or want, Catholics to just abandon their faith. On the contrary, what I would hope for is a vigorous defense of the faith of Pope St. John Paul II, and Pope Benedict, and Pope St. Pius X, and St. Dominic Guzman, and Pope St. Gregory the Great, and St. VIncent of Lerins, and St. Isidore of Seville, and St. John Cassian and St. Augustine of Hippo, and of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. Bruno, St. Columbus and St. Bernardus, and St. Francis of Assisi (I previously mentioned St. Dominic, who I particularly admire), and St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Thomas of Canterbury, and St. Thomas Moore, and St. Alphonsus Ligouri, the great moral theologian, and St. Vincent Ferrer, and St. Charles Borromeo the great defender of the legacy of St. Ambrose in Milan, and of St. Philip Neri the founder of the Oratorian movement, and of course St. Theresa of Avila and St. Catharine of Sienna, and more recently St. Theresa of Calcutta, to name just a few Roman Catholics I regard as venerable.
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Sep 29, 2015
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@chevyontheriver @Hazelelponi @RileyG @Jan001 and @boughtwithaprice , I really appreciate your feedback as I am increasingly feeling disoriented by the change in the landscape brought about by Fiducia Supplicans. I now find myself having heated debates more frequently with members who are either liberal Catholics or ardent supporters of Pope Francis, than with Seventh Day Adventists, Pentecostals and other members of denominations that I believe contain serious doctrinal errors, whereas in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, as I have often said, had Pope Benedict not resigned, or had Pope Francis not departed from the path set by Pope Benedict, I probably would have joined. So I really feel disoriented by this. In particular, members who I used to regard as friends now relentlessly criticize my posts and are also increasingly hostile to the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox communities despite the fact that since I joined the site five years ago, I have continually defended their churches from unfair criticism by Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Calvinists and other non-liturgical Protestants. And it is deeply depressing.

To be clear, I don’t expect, or want, Catholics to just abandon their faith. On the contrary, what I would hope for is a vigorous defense of the faith of Pope St. John Paul II, and Pope Benedict, and Pope St. Pius X, and St. Dominic Guzman, and Pope St. Gregory the Great, and St. VIncent of Lerins, and St. Isidore of Seville, and St. John Cassian and St. Augustine of Hippo, and of St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. Bruno, St. Columbus and St. Bernardus, and St. Francis of Assisi (I previously mentioned St. Dominic, who I particularly admire), and St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Thomas of Canterbury, and St. Thomas Moore, and St. Alphonsus Ligouri, the great moral theologian, and St. Vincent Ferrer, and St. Charles Borromeo the great defender of the legacy of St. Ambrose in Milan, and of St. Philip Neri the founder of the Oratorian movement, and of course St. Theresa of Avila and St. Catharine of Sienna, and more recently St. Theresa of Calcutta, to name just a few Roman Catholics I regard as venerable.
Catholicism is in turmoil now, with damage done in the last ten years that will take decades to undo. It's a sad reality. There are some Catholics who are as liberal as the mainstream (oldstream) Protestants. These are mostly 70 and 80 year olds at the zenith of power in dioceses and the Vatican. Then there are the plain old believers, the ones who have read their Bible and their Catechism and believe and pray. I put each of those groups at about 10%. So there is the 80% that aren't flaming liberals or old fashioned believers. SOmetimes they go to church, sometimes they pray, sometimes they vote Democrat and sometimes Republican, They more or less go along with the tide.

Fiducia supplicans has run a buzz saw through the unity of the Catholic Church. That 80% may not have figured it out yet. The rest of us are trying to figure out the changed landscape. For me it's how to be in union with a pope who calls me names like 'hypocrite' and 'backwardist' and all the other names he uses for people he doesn't like. In the mean time.

As to how we might view the Orthodox, that's a complex thing. I spent a lot of time in college reading the Church Fathers. Lots of Greek Fthers. And so I thought that Orthodoxy would be somewhat like the Greek Fathers. I still am at home with the Greek Fathers. But I'm not at home with contemporary Orthodoxy. Some of it is the perception that contemporary Orthodoxy doesn't much like me or my kind. Of course lots of orthodox don't want to have anything to do with other Orthodox, so it's not just me. Nonetheless I try to respect Orthodoxy as much as I can. It isn't always easy as it seems most often a one way street.

We SHOULD be on the same side. That is the plain old faithful Catholics and their Orthodox counterparts (and evangelical and traditional Christians). We need each other more than ever. For example, Kirill commissioned a study of Fiducia supplicans and it came up with an unsurprising conclusion just two days ago that FS is a significant change in moral teaching. Is that supposed to be a statement of truth (which it is) or a slam on Catholics in general (I hope not). We risk hanging separately because we don't hang together. I see little desire to hang together. We are prone to spin apart. Whoever thought ten years ago the Catholic Church would be a fractured mess under pope Francis? Who thought ten years ago Orthodoxy would be a fractured mess because of Kirill and a war in Ukraine? Who thought ten years ago the Southern Baptists would have a sexual abuse disaster?

I don't know where we go from here. I am not an optimist. All I can do is be faithful with what I have been given.
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Jun 26, 2003
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Catholicism is in turmoil now, with damage done in the last ten years that will take decades to undo. It's a sad reality. There are some Catholics who are as liberal as the mainstream (oldstream) Protestants. These are mostly 70 and 80 year olds at the zenith of power in dioceses and the Vatican. Then there are the plain old believers, the ones who have read their Bible and their Catechism and believe and pray. I put each of those groups at about 10%. So there is the 80% that aren't flaming liberals or old fashioned believers. SOmetimes they go to church, sometimes they pray, sometimes they vote Democrat and sometimes Republican, They more or less go along with the tide.

Fiducia supplicans has run a buzz saw through the unity of the Catholic Church. That 80% may not have figured it out yet. The rest of us are trying to figure out the changed landscape. For me it's how to be in union with a pope who calls me names like 'hypocrite' and 'backwardist' and all the other names he uses for people he doesn't like. In the mean time.

As to how we might view the Orthodox, that's a complex thing. I spent a lot of time in college reading the Church Fathers. Lots of Greek Fthers. And so I thought that Orthodoxy would be somewhat like the Greek Fathers. I still am at home with the Greek Fathers. But I'm not at home with contemporary Orthodoxy. Some of it is the perception that contemporary Orthodoxy doesn't much like me or my kind. Of course lots of orthodox don't want to have anything to do with other Orthodox, so it's not just me. Nonetheless I try to respect Orthodoxy as much as I can. It isn't always easy as it seems most often a one way street.

We SHOULD be on the same side. That is the plain old faithful Catholics and their Orthodox counterparts (and evangelical and traditional Christians). We need each other more than ever. For example, Kirill commissioned a study of Fiducia supplicans and it came up with an unsurprising conclusion just two days ago that FS is a significant change in moral teaching. Is that supposed to be a statement of truth (which it is) or a slam on Catholics in general (I hope not). We risk hanging separately because we don't hang together. I see little desire to hang together. We are prone to spin apart. Whoever thought ten years ago the Catholic Church would be a fractured mess under pope Francis? Who thought ten years ago Orthodoxy would be a fractured mess because of Kirill and a war in Ukraine? Who thought ten years ago the Southern Baptists would have a sexual abuse disaster?

I don't know where we go from here. I am not an optimist. All I can do is be faithful with what I have been given.
The straight and narrow path is marked by poverty, contempt, and humility

We all want a Catholic Church that we can be proud of, but isn’t pride a deadly sin?

No I don’t want a messed up faith and yes I want clear teaching, but God said you will seek me and you will find me when you search with all your heart

There is only one body of Christ. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. There is no other.
When faced with adversity we tend to want to blame others, but have we looked at ourselves?
Are we involved in our parishes or do we just go to Mass for the Eucharist and come here to complain? Anyone here involved in spiritual warfare? Do you say binding prayers over your family?
Do you have devotions? Are you hungry for God enough to deny yourself and seek Him on your own with all your heart? Or do we cry because the faith is not spoon fed to us?

I hate what is going on now, but I am like Richard Gere in officer and a gentleman. I got nowhere else to go!!! There is no where else

We stay, we fight, we pray. My priest was just arrested for DUI right before the Super Bowl now he is suspended. I know how he feels because 10 yrs ago I went through it. I just wanted to take to him and say dude you are taking a hit from the stress of the world. Don’t despair. Take the humiliation. Gird up your loins and press on

Job 5 blessed is the man whom God chastises. Do not reject the punishment of the almighty. He wounds but he binds up. He smites but His hands give healing (paraphrase from memory)

Let’s go, the Christian life is hard, but he who endures to the end will be saved. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life

Do you really want to give up when we are so close?
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The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
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Nov 26, 2019
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The straight and narrow path is marked by poverty, contempt, and humility

We all want a Catholic Church that we can be proud of, but isn’t pride a deadly sin?

No I don’t want a messed up faith and yes I want clear teaching, but God said you will seek me and you will find me when you search with all your heart

There is only one body of Christ. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. There is no other.
When faced with adversity we tend to want to blame others, but have we looked at ourselves?
Are we involved in our parishes or do we just go to Mass for the Eucharist and come here to complain? Anyone here involved in spiritual warfare? Do you say binding prayers over your family?
Do you have devotions? Are you hungry for God enough to deny yourself and seek Him on your own with all your heart? Or do we cry because the faith is not spoon fed to us?

I hate what is going on now, but I am like Richard Gere in officer and a gentleman. I got nowhere else to go!!! There is no where else

We stay, we fight, we pray. My priest was just arrested for DUI right before the Super Bowl now he is suspended. I know how he feels because 10 yrs ago I went through it. I just wanted to take to him and say dude you are taking a hit from the stress of the world. Don’t despair. Take the humiliation. Gird up your loins and press on

Job 5 blessed is the man whom God chastises. Do not reject the punishment of the almighty. He wounds but he binds up. He smites but His hands give healing (paraphrase from memory)

Let’s go, the Christian life is hard, but he who endures to the end will be saved. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life

Do you really want to give up when we are so close?

I myself am obviously Orthodox, so I have come to believe that Orthodoxy represents the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, but I see the Roman Catholic Church as separated brethren, the same way Roman Catholics see us, which is why I will receive the Eucharist in Eastern Catholic parishes and also in Traditional Latin Masses if I am close to one of them, and unable to reach an Orthodox parish, as is allowed by the code of canon law of the Eastern Catholic churches (however, most Orthodox bishops do not cooperate in this, unfortunately; of the “separated brethren” where limited intercommunion is permitted, only the Assyrian Church of the East and the Ancient Church of the East will give the Eucharist to Roman Catholics, and also partake of the Eucharist in Chaldean parishes, without much hesitation; indeed the Assyrian Church of the East will communicate anyone who believes in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
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Jun 26, 2003
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I myself am obviously Orthodox, so I have come to believe that Orthodoxy represents the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, but I see the Roman Catholic Church as separated brethren, the same way Roman Catholics see us, which is why I will receive the Eucharist in Eastern Catholic parishes and also in Traditional Latin Masses if I am close to one of them, and unable to reach an Orthodox parish, as is allowed by the code of canon law of the Eastern Catholic churches (however, most Orthodox bishops do not cooperate in this, unfortunately; of the “separated brethren” where limited intercommunion is permitted, only the Assyrian Church of the East and the Ancient Church of the East will give the Eucharist to Roman Catholics, and also partake of the Eucharist in Chaldean parishes, without much hesitation; indeed the Assyrian Church of the East will communicate anyone who believes in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

I love and admire the Orthodox. I am amazed the they did not go the way of the Anglicans that have changed so many teachings that their orders are no longer valid, although they started out as ordained priests and bishops.
The orthodox have maintained sacred liturgy and reverence for God. My caution toward them is scriptural and theological, not based on personal bias or boasting of my own Church.
The Catholic Church is in crisis at this point, but is it not what Our Lord prophesied when He told the parable of the wheat and the tares? Lord you have sown a beautiful field of wheat, but your enemy has come in and sown tares amongst the wheat. Shall we uproot the tares? The Lord said no, let them both grow until the harvest, else you may damage the wheat.

Jesus had 12 disciples, yet He said to Simon bar Jonah, thou art Peter and on this rock I will build my Church. He did not tell the Apostles, you are my council and on this council, I will build my Church. It was on Peter.
There are quite a few tares in the Catholic Church at this point, and it is pointless to argue from a position of “oneupmanship” saying my church is better than yours because you have so many problems and we are pure.
Christ built His Church on Peter, and the Psalms say, unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Does the presence of tares in God’s Church, that were clearly put there by Satan, authorize us to abandon God’s Church and build a new one, thinking we can do better?
Scripture does not teach us to do that.

The theological differences are subtle but I believe it is an effort by the Orthodox to distance themselves from the Catholic Church, rather than godly wisdom.
Orthodox have told me that they do not believe in Original Sin, which then affects the Immaculate conception and Christ’s words about John the Baptist. They don’t believe in Purgatory. They don’t believe in the Filioque, which then alters the Trinity, are they coequal and coeternal, or does God have a hierarchy within Himself? Which would then make Him polytheistic and beg the question, who is God?

If I have erred, I am sure my Orthodox friends will correct me, and clarify their position, but those are my reasons for remaining Catholic and not becoming Orthodox. Where Peter is, there is the Church
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Aug 2, 2020
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This incident demonstrates how Fiducia Supplicans is already being abused to perform what are obviously liturgical blessings, exactly like what the Church of England recently decided to do. This represents, in the case of Fiducia Supplicans, what I think my traditional Catholic friends such as @chevyontheriver @Michie and @RileyG , among others, have been fearing would happen, and is why other traditional Catholics such as Fr. Zuhlsdorf, Fr. Hunwicke and Dr. Peter Kwasniewsky, along with Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Cardinal Sarah, Raymond Cardinal Burke and so on are doing everything in their power to fight this.
That is not an abuse of Fiducia Supplicans - that is an example of how it is meant to be used. Which reflects extremely badly on Bergoglio and the other enablers of this garbage.

Bergoglio is a disgrace to the Papacy. At least other morally worthless occupants of the See of Peter did not allow their immorality to pervert their judgements as Popes. Peppa Pig would be a better Pope than Orgoglio. How very appropriate that Christ should call St Peter "satan", and that He should tell satan to get behind Him.
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in the case of the Roman Catholic Church, as I have often said, had Pope Benedict not resigned, or had Pope Francis not departed from the path set by Pope Benedict, I probably would have joined.
I can empathize with this, right now I'm trying to decide between Orthodoxy and Catholicism and this pontificate has made it very difficult to continue considering Catholicism as an option. If it weren't for the local SSPX chapel and the idea that I could have "medieval piety" and just go there and ignore the headlines, focusing on my own family's sanctification, I probably would have become Orthodox by now. That's the only place in my area where I can be sure that Fiducia Supplicans will be rejected.
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