Peanut Gallery Lessons from The Book of Proverbs


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Walking In His Ways
Prov 20:20-30

20 Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be snuffed out in utter darkness.

Cursing a father or mother was a capital offense under the law of Moses (Ex 21:17; Lev 20:9; Matt 15:4). Since God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, we can assume that in His eyes it has not changed. To curse the instruments of your being is wickedness.

I think there are many ways we can curse our parents, such as the way we talk about them. Do we refer to them as crazy, or ignorant, or lazy, or any number of other descriptions that are derogatory? Be careful with your words regarding your parents. The way we talk to them. Do they make us angry and then we lash out with hateful, spiteful words? Learn to control your anger and your tongue. Literally, your life depends on it. (Eph 6:2; Ex 20:12) Even if they are/were abusive and did horrible, horrible things to you, be careful with your words and actions of them and toward them.

21 An estate acquired quickly in the beginning will not be blessed in the end.

Money and titles gotten by unjust means may be sweet at the beginning, but in the end, will turn rotten to the bones. You may cheat your way in, but the whole shenanigan will be cursed by God.

22 Do not say, “I will pay back evil!” Wait for Adonai, so He may deliver You.

Do not seek to exact revenge on anyone who has purposely hurt you, God will do that for you.

23 Unbalanced weights are detestable to Adonai, and dishonest scales are wicked.

Here's those unbalanced scales again :) We are not to deal dishonestly with others. Be upfront with our dealings. If you're selling a used car or bicycle, or whatever, be honest about what, if anything, is wrong with it.

24 A man’s steps are directed by Adonai. How then can anyone understand his own way?

How in the world can we trust our own evaluation of things? The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. (Ps 37:23)

25 It is a trap for one to say rashly, “It is holy!” and only afterward to consider his vows.

It's foolish to promise something, and then after promising it, check out to see if you can actually do it. A promise is a holy thing before God, breaking it is not taken lightly.

26 A wise king winnows out the wicked. He turns a threshing wheel over them.

A good leader is able to separate the good people from the wicked. Yeshua will do this when we stand before him (Matt 25:31-46)

27 The spirit of man is the lamp of Adonai, searching all his inmost being.

God has given each of us a mind that is enlightened by God when we seek HIM with all our heart, mind, and soul. We have everything we need in order to tell the difference between what is good and what is evil.

28 Lovingkindness and truth preserve the king, but his throne is upheld by lovingkindness.

A good leader is led by lovingkindness and truth. Deal kindly with people, even if they don't deserve it.

29 The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is gray hair.

When we're young we glory in our strength and beauty and rely upon that to get us through whatever, but when we are older, it is our gray hair/oldness, that shows that we have (hopefully) gained insight and wisdom from the errors of our youth.

30 Blows that wound scour away evil, and beatings purge the innermost being.

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible
Note, 1. Many need severe rebukes. Some children are so obstinate that their parents can do no good with them without sharp correction; some criminals must feel the rigour of the law and public justice; gentle methods will not work upon them; they must be beaten black and blue. And the wise God sees that his own children sometimes need very sharp afflictions. 2. Severe rebukes sometimes do a great deal of good, as corrosives contribute to the cure of a wound, eating out the proud flesh. The rod drives out even that foolishness which was bound up in the heart, and cleanses away the evil there. 3. Frequently those that most need severe rebukes can worse bear them. Such is the corruption of nature that men are as loth to be rebuked sharply for their sins as to be beaten till their bones ache. Correction is grievous to him that forsakes the way, and yet it is good for him, Hebrews 12:11.
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Adonai Weighs the Heart
Prov 21:1-6

1 A king’s heart is like a stream of water in the hand of Adonai; he directs it wherever He wants.

The hearts of the leaders are guided according to God's plans. They have choices and can plan and scheme, but God's plans are never thwarted by what they decide. See Rom 8:28-30; Phil 2:12-13; Eph 1:7-12; Jms 1:16-18; Eph 2:8-10; 1 Cor 10:6-13; Rom 8:12-17; Jon 16:12-17; Matt 6:31-34; 2 Tim 1:8-10; Phil 1:3-8.
2 All a man’s ways seem right in his own eyes, but Adonai weighs the heart.

We all think we're doing what seem's right to us, but Adonai see's our heart and see's whether we are planning good or evil. He knows our intent behind all that we do. See Matt 5:8; Heb 4:11-13; Matt 12:34-37; Matt 15:16-20: 1 Tim 1:3-7; 1 Pet 3:1-7; Phil 4:4-7; Jms 4:13-17.

3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to Adonai than sacrifice.

It's is better in Adonais's eyes that we do what HE says is right and just over making sacrifices to try and appease Him when we've done wrong. When we knowingly do the wrong thing, and think we can do a bunch of nice things to make up for it, it is not satisfactory to God. He wants us to do what He's said. See Rom 12:14-21; Rev 19:11; Matt 23:23-24; Rom 3:21-26; Gal 6:6-10; 2 Cor 6:14-18; Rom 13:1-7.

4 Haughty eyes and a proud heart— the lamp of the wicked is sin.

It is wickedness to think we are better than someone else. God hates pride and arrogance. If you see this trait in yourself, get before God quickly and let Him work it out of you. See 1 Jon 2:15-17; Phil 2:1-5; Matt 18:2-5; 1 Jon 2:3-6.

5 Plans of the diligent surely lead to gain, but all who are hasty come only to loss.

Be deligent and faithful at your goal and you will gain, but if you get in a hurry, cut corners, get sloppy and are mean and rude it will only be a loss for you. See Gal 6:6-10; 1 Cor 15:56-58; 2 Pet 1:3-11; 2 Tim 2:14-21; Jms 1:12-15.

6 Getting treasures by a lying tongue is like a fleeting vapor for those who seek death.

When you get money and things by lying, it is death to your soul. Lying to gain riches is wickedness. See Col 3:5-11; Eph 4:25-32; Rev 21:6-8.

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The Violence and Ruin of The Wicked
Prov 21:7-11

7 The violence of the wicked sweeps them away, because they refuse to act justly.

I'm reminded of Haman and how he had carefully laid out plans to destroy the Jewish people but everything he tried against Mordecai backfired. In the end, he was hung by his own gallows that he had built to hang Mordecai on. See Est 7. The Story of Esther.

Bottom line: the plans of the wicked will backfire, if not upfront, in the end.

8 The way of the guilty is crooked, but the conduct of the pure is upright.

A wicked persons plans are crooked and go in all sorts of directions in order to set other people up and entrap them. A righteous person though, is straight-forward and to the point. As born-again believers we are to walk in honesty and sincerity, not in deceit and lies. See 2 Cor 1:12-14; 1 Pet 2:1-5; Rom 12:9-13; Tius 2:6-8.

9 It is better to live on a corner of a roof than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.

Ladies, don't be quarrelsom. If you don't agree then take it to the Lord. Husbands, don't just tell your wife what is happening, discuss it with her. Listen to her views and consider them, taking it to the Lord. If she is dead-set against something then maybe consider and pray about for a longer period of time. Depend on God to do His changing of her and/or his mind. Making your home a misrable place to live, whether you're husband or wife, is not the answer and will destroy your family. See Eph 5:21-33; 1 Cor 7:1-16.

10 A wicked soul craves evil—his neighbor finds no favor in his eyes.

A wicked person seeks out bad things about others. "Inquiring minds want to know" is more like "evil minds want to know". If you are not part of the problem, or the solving of the problem, it's none of your business.

11 When a mocker is punished, the naïve become wise. When a wise person is instructed, he gains knowledge.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible
The simple may be made wise by punishments on the wicked, and by instructions to those who are willing to be taught.
IOW Pay attention and learn from the errors of others and be agreeable to learn from those whom walk in wisdom themselves. See Phil 4:8-9; 1 Cor 4:6-16; 1 Cor 11:1; Phil 3:17-19; 2 Thess 3:6-9; 1 Tim 2:8-11; 2 Tim 3:14-17.
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Learning The Walk
Prov 21:12-16

12 The righteous one considers the house of the wicked, throwing the wicked down to their ruin.

Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
This proverb states that a wise man, living after God's commandments, may, by his own personal observation of what happens all around him, be able to see all the proof he needs that wickedness is a tragic disaster to all who adopt it as their life-style.
It is good to observe and learn from the errors and the righteous successes of those around us in the world, not to judge and condemn but to know what "To Do" and what NOT" to do".So many rich and powerful people and their families are in failure. Some are deep in illigal activity and bring evil to themselves and their families while others are hard workers and successful and do good.

All the events, good and bad, written for us in the scriptures is to learn what is good and what is evil and to know what the right direction for us to go is: 2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for restoration, and for training in righteousness, 17 so that the person belonging to God may be capable, fully equipped for every good deed.

13 Whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, will also cry out but not be answered.

This seems pretty straight forward. Whatever means you have to help the poor, help. If you have money, give money. If you have food, give food. If you are able bodied, serve food in a soup kitchen, or make blankets, or whatever. See 2 Cpr 8:1-15.

14 A gift in secret soothes anger, and a bribe given secretly, fierce rage.

When we give gifts, especially in an attempt to appease someone's anger, we should not do it with great grandeur but in secret.

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments
Proverbs 21:14. A gift — Bestowed on a person offended and angry with us, as the following words show; in secret — That is, given in secret, which makes it more acceptable; for gifts openly given savour of ostentation in the giver: and cause some shame to the receiver; pacifieth anger — Removes all resentment, and conciliates love; and a reward in the bosom — Secretly conveyed into the bosom; strong wrath — Will extinguish that wrath which was thought implacable.

15 Doing justice brings joy to the righteous, and terror to those who do evil.

The righteous are joyful when justice is done, however, to those who do evil, it is a display to the utter ruin of evil.

16 Whoever strays from the path of wisdom ends up in the congregation of the dead.

We all have an obligation to follow God's instructions. In choosing wickedness over righteousness we show where our heart is. If we have truly repented of our sins and turned from our wicked ways, we desire to do what is right. If your attitude is, "Yeshua/Jesus forgave me, and I can live as I please and still go to heaven", you have hugely missed the boat. A person who has truly repented, desires to do what is right and while they know they will never attain perfection, they still aim for it. The person who does not care about hitting the mark, shows comtempt for what Yeshua did on the cross for us and I would venture to say is not really born-again. See Heb 6:4-8.

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Treasures of God
Prov 21:17-21

17 Whoever loves pleasure becomes poor. Whoever loves wine and oil will not be rich.

Whoever ignores the responsibilities of life and seeks only to party and have fun will soon not be able to afford such a life-style. They will be depleted both physically and spiritually. While we are not to be worried where our keep comes from, we are to also not be lazy and fritter away our time and our money on pleasures that serve only ourselves. See Col 3:23-25.

18 The wicked is a ransom for the righteous and the faithless for the upright.

God frequently gets in the way of the wicked, thwarting their plans to hurt the righteous and as in the case with Haman in the Book of Esther, the bad guy who was planning to hang the good guy ended up being hanged on his own gallows. See the Book of Esther.

19 It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome, worrisome wife.

Here's another verse on a quarrelsome and worrying. It doesn't just apply to women though. Men can be just as quarrelsome and worrying as anyone else. Just don't be quarrelsome. Get rid of the whiney voice. You'll chase all your friends away. You'll make everyone in your home, even the dog and cat miserable. See Phil 2:14-16; 2 Tim 2:14-15.

20 Precious treasure and oil are in a wise person’s dwelling, but a foolish person devours all he has.

A wise person is always prepared in word and deed. A foolish person spends everything he has when he gets it, on stuff that isn't even of any lasting value to him. The foolish have nothing to give in word or deed. See Hos 10:12; Matt 24:42-44; Matt 25:1-13; Rom 13:11-14; 1 Cor 16:13-14; Col 4:2; 1 Thess 5:1-12; 1 Pet 4:7-11; 1 Pet 5:6-11; Rev 3:2-3.

21 Whoever pursues righteousness and mercy finds life, prosperity and honor.

Go after the things of God, they are the real treasures in life.

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What To Do
Prov 21:22-26

22 A wise person scales the city of warriors and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.

Wisdom is better than brute strength. See 2 Cor 10:3-6.

John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
"A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty,.... Which makes good what is elsewhere said, that "wisdom is better than strength", Ecclesiastes 9:16; and sometimes more is done by prudence and wisdom, by art and cunning, by schemes and stratagems, than by power and force; especially in military affairs, and particularly in besieging and taking fortified cities; when one wise man, by his wisdom, may so order and manage things, as to be able, with a few under his command, to mount the walls of a city and take it, though defended by a mighty garrison in it."

23 Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul out of troubles.

Learning to keep quiet is not always easy. Not to say that we should not defend injustice, we should, but a know-it-all and nosy retort is not the best either.

The Biblical Illustrator
Keeping the tongue

"When trouble is brewing, keep still. When slander is getting on its legs, keep still. When your feelings are hurt, keep still till you recover from your excitement, at any rate. Things look differently through an unagitated eye. Silence is the most massive thing conceivable sometimes. It is strength in its very grandeur. It is like a regiment ordered to stand still in the mid fury of battle. To plunge in were twice as easy. The tongue has unsettled more ministers than small salaries ever did, or lack of ability."

24 A proud and haughty man —Mocker is his name—acts with overbearing pride.

A person who is proud and haughty is almost always talking. They always have something to say about everything, even when it's none of their business.

25 A slacker’s craving will kill him, because his hands refuse to work. 26 All day long he craves greedily, yet the righteous one gives and does not hold back.

The cravings of a lazy person is generally getting something for nothing. It will be the death of them. The righteous person though, does not withhold any effort to earn a living and to freely share it with others.
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Faithful Where God Puts You
Prov 21:27-31

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination—how much more when he brings it with evil intent?

We see examples of this in scripture a few times.

  1. One is Lev 10:1-7 where two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, took a duty upon themselves that was not their's to do, and disrespectfully offered up incense tp God.
  2. There was also the rebellion of Korah (Num 16). Korah believed he was just as gifted as Moses and got a group of others to join in his uprising.
  3. Another example would be King Saul (1 Sam 13:1-14) when he offered up sacrifices when it was not his place to do so. There are several other examples in scripture but you can do the research :)

When God calls a person to a position, HE sets them into the position. They don't have to scheme and connive their way in. It's wicked for anyone to try and usurp the position that God has appointed to another person, therefore, your sacrifices and offerings are not only meaningless to God but they are refuse, dung. They stink...litterally. Remember, HE is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just because we now have the blood of Yeshua to cover us does not mean it's ok to go against what HE says and not reap the repercussions of disobedience.
28 A false witness will perish, but a man who hears will speak forever.

A truthful witness (someone who actually heard and saw the event first hand) will not be forgotten. But someone who says they witnessed but actually only heard it from someone else will lose face. A basic good rule I think is to not repeat things as true that you yourself have not witnessed.

29 A wicked man puts on a bold face, but the upright man considers his ways.

A wicked person ignores what he see's about himself and puts on a happy face and just continues on his way. A righteous person will see his ways, his tendencies of rebellion and steadfastly stay in line with God and HIS ways, putting total dependance on HIM. See James 1:21-25. Don't be like that person who looks in a mirror and see's dirt on their face but walks away without washing it off.

30 There is no wisdom, there is no understanding, there is no counsel—against Adonai.

If you disagree with God, it's you who's wrong.

Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
"There is no wisdom nor understanding Nor counsel against Jehovah."

"Intelligence, skill, strategy - none can avail against the Eternal."[32]

Both the beginning and the end of this chapter feature two verses stressing the power of God. How foolish are men who vainly suppose that they may set their puny and partial wisdom against the intelligence of God Himself! The tragic story of Zedekiah, the last king to rule in Jerusalem, is a sufficient illustration of this.

31 A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory comes from Adonai.

If God is against you, no matter how prepared you are, you will not win.

Adam Clarke Commentary
The horse is prepared against the day of battle - Horses were not used among the Jews before the time of Solomon. There was a Divine command against them, Deuteronomy 17:16; but Solomon transgressed it; see 1 Kings 10:29. But he here allows that a horse is a vain thing for safety; and that however strong and well appointed cavalry may be, still safety, escape, and victory, are of the Lord. Among the ancient Asiatics, the horse was used only for war; oxen labored in the plough and cart, the ass and the camel carried backloads; and mules and asses served for riding. We often give the credit of a victory to man, when they who consider the circumstances see that it came from God.

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God's Riches
Prov 22:1-6

A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth, and grace rather than silver or gold.

It's better to be known for good character than for having lots of money. Take the tale of Scrooge for instance. He was a man of great wealth, but also he was a man who was quite stingy with his wealth. Even with his family and his business partners, he never helped them when they were in need, and he could have. Everyone knew Scrooge, he was a man who was stingy and mean, and cranky. Nobody liked him.

When God blesses us with more than we need for ourselves we are to share with others. Sometimes we can learn to get by with less if there is someone we see who has none. Much like the widow woman who had just enought flour and olive oil to make a meal for her and her son, but she managed to make some for Elijah and shared it with him as well. See 1 Kngs 17:7-16.

Be kind, be generous and your good name will exceed all riches. Atcs 20:32-35; 2 Cor 9:10-14; Lk 6:31-34; Eph 4:25-32.

2 Rich and poor have this in common—Adonai is the Maker of them all.

God is the Creator of us all: rich, poor, weak, and strong. We all have that one thing in common.

3 A crafty person sees danger and hides, but the naïve keep going and suffer for it.

The word crafty, which generally gives the impression of deceitfulness, also means skillful and ingenious. Other versions use the word "prudent" which I think is understood a bit differently. A prudent person is aware of the voice of the Holy Spirit and will hear his vioice when he warns them of danger and the prudent person will take the necessary steps to protect himself. However, someone who does not listen for the Spirit generally just plunges right in and they suffer for it. See Matt 7:24-27; Eph 5:15-20; Jmes 3:17-18; Jmes 1:2-8; Col 4:2-6.

4 The reward of humility and fear of Adonai is riches, honor and life.

The reward we receive for humbling ourselves before God and respecting Him in awe are riches in spirit. I don't believe that this is a promise of physical riches like gold, silver, and precious jewels and piels of money. While God does bless many with those things, I personally think that when He does, it is not expected that we horde them to ourselves and flaunt ourselves around, showing-off how much God has blessed us and if we give enough to them and believe we can be just as blessed. It seems that a great many of them, have no sense of God's ways. Just my opinion of course. :) 1 Pet 5:5-6; Jmes 4:7-10; Col 3:12-14.

John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible
By humility and the fear of the Lord,.... Some render it, "the reward of humility, which is the fear of the Lord"F18; so the Targum; an humble man is blessed with it. Jarchi's note is,

"because of humility, the fear of the Lord comes;'

humility leads on to the fear of the Lord; he that behaves humbly towards man comes at length to fear the Lord, and be truly religious: though these are rather to be considered as the graces of the Spirit of God, which go together where there is one, there is the other; he that is humbled under a sense of sin, and his own unworthiness, fears the Lord; and he that fears the Lord, and his goodness, will walk humbly before him; they both flow from the grace of God, are very ornamental, and attended with the following happy consequences;

are riches, and honour, and life; spiritual riches, the riches of grace and glory; honour with God and men now, and everlasting life in the world to come.

5 Thorns and snares are in the path of the perverse, but one who guards his soul stays far from them.

One who walks outside of God's will and ways encounters many obsticles. Contrary to some popular opinions, just because we want it, coes not mean that God want's us to have it. We are to seek HIM and conform ourselves to His will and ways, staying away from trying to walk our own path.

6 Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not turn from it.

Train up your children in the ways of the Lord. This is done by YOUR example as well as speaking it. If the child wants to be a dancer, then train them in how to be a godly dancer. If the child wants to be a great ball player, then train them in how to be a godly ball player.

Adam Clarke Commentary
Train up a child in the way he should go - The Hebrew of this clause is curious: דרכו פי על לנער חנך chanoch lannaar al pi darco, "Initiate the child at the opening (the mouth) of his path." When he comes to the opening of the way of life, being able to walk alone, and to choose; stop at this entrance, and begin a series of instructions, how he is to conduct himself in every step he takes. Show him the duties, the dangers, and the blessings of the path; give him directions how to perform the duties, how to escape the dangers, and how to secure the blessings, which all lie before him. Fix these on his mind by daily inculcation, till their impression is become indelible; then lead him to practice by slow and almost imperceptible degrees, till each indelible impression becomes a strongly radicated habit. Beg incessantly the blessing of God on all this teaching and discipline; and then you have obeyed the injunction of the wisest of men. Nor is there any likelihood that such impressions shall ever be effaced, or that such habits shall ever be destroyed.

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God Guards and Guides
Prov 22:7-12

7 The rich rule over the poor, the borrower is a slave to the lender.

I totally understand that sometimes one needs to borrow in order to get ahead, however, more often than not I think, it becomes an even greater burden to the borrower in paying it back when things don't go as expected. When we owe people we are a slave to them...especially when it's the bank or a loan company, or some other lender that required your home, or your car, or some other valuable item to go to them if you could not pay what you borrowed. It's just better if you make do with what you got and don't borrow. See Matt 5:38-42.

8 One who sows injustice will reap trouble, and the rod of his fury will perish.

We reap what we sow (See Gal 6:6-10). If we sow good things generously, we will reap generously. If we sow injustice, we will reap injustice. What goes up must come down. If we are stingy, we will reap stinginess.

9 One with a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.

The one who sees the needs around him and generously gives as much as he is able will in turn be blessed. Why? Because he's not stingy and hoardy and shares, not withholding for a "rainy day". Not that it's bad to save for a rainy day but seeing others in need and not sharing out of what you have because you don't want to dip into your savings is wicked. See Heb 13:15-16; Act 20:35; Phil 2:1-4; Lke 6:38.

10 Throw out a scoffer and strife will go out, quarreling and disgrace will cease.

There will always be disagreements among people, however, there is a type of person who is always causing contention. They are always disrupting the meetings, or the family, or the friendships. As much as you are able, don't allow this to happen, if possible give them the boot until they can learn to behave themselves.

11 One who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.

Our Father God, King of the universe, loves the one of pure heart, the one who seeks to know what HE desires and rushes to do it...that's who the KING is friends with.

12 The eyes of Adonai guard knowledge, but He undermines the words of the faithless.

Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible
"This first clause says that God oversees and protects the man who knows God and walks in his ways, and uses his means and abilities for the good of others."[14] The second clause means that, "God frustrates the intentions of the treacherous man by turning them in another direction
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Living Right
Prov 22:13-17

13 The slacker says, “There’s a lion outside! I’ll be killed in the streets.”

A lazy person will come up with all sorts of excuses, even immaginary ones, in order to get out of work. Now, in some instances, depending on where you live, there might really be a lion in the street and you should probably not go out there, but as an every day, all year round rule, stop with the excuses and do what you need to do.

14 The mouth of a seducing woman is a deep pit—into it will fall one with whom Adonai is angry.

Getting caught up in sexual perversion is a deep, deep hole. Sex is a holy activity between a man and woman who are married to each other. It is a celebration of holiness between them and God.

Sexual perversion is anything that has perverted God's natual way of sexual behavior. There is nothing holy about it. Men with men and woman with women is perversion. Adults with children is perversion. Adultery is perversion. Sex outside of marriage is perversion. Sex with animals is perversion. There is nothing holy about such activity.

It doesn't matter what some pastor somewhere told you, if they are telling you something that is the opposite of what God says, they are deceived and deceiving you and you need to get away from them as quickly as possible. Adonai is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He hated such activity then, He still hates it and if we are caught up in such perversions, we need to seek Him out, repent, and depend on Him to help us out of such perversion. God always accepts the repentant heart. See 1 Cor 6:18-20.

15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but a rod of discipline will drive it far from him.

It's important to direct our children in regards to the right way to live. That begins with teaching and example. When there is disobedience, correction that they won't soon forget is necessary, however, it is my opinion that it should not include beating so badly that the child is severely hurt and needs medical care. Correction should be done in love and not in anger.

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible
We have here two very sad considerations: - 1. That corruption is woven into our nature. Sin is foolishness; it is contrary both to our right reason and to our true interest. It is in the heart; there is an inward inclination to sin, to speak and act foolishly. It is in the heart of children; they bring it into the world with them; it is what they were shapen and conceived in. It is not only found there, but it is bound there; it is annexed to the heart (so some); vicious dispositions cleave closely to the soul, are bound to it as the cion to the stock into which it is grafted, which quite alters the property. There is a knot tied between the soul and sin, a true lover's knot; they two became one flesh. It is true of ourselves, it is true of our children, whom we have begotten in our own likeness. O God! thou knowest this foolishness. 2. That correction is necessary to the cure of it. It will not be got out by fair means and gentle methods; there must be strictness and severity, and that which will cause grief. Children need to be corrected, and kept under discipline, by their parents; and we all need to be corrected by our heavenly Father (Hebrews 12:6, Hebrews 12:7), and under the correction we must stroke down folly and kiss the rod.

16 The one who oppresses the poor to increase his own gain, and the one who gives to the rich—both end in poverty.

This seems pretty straight forward. If one pressures the poor in order to make themselves richer, such as loans with high interest rates AND the one who gives to the rich, such as bribing them in order to get from them, it will only bring poverty in the end.

17 Incline your ear and listen to the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge.

Listen to those who have gone before you and are successful at their indevers and know the ins and the outs and know what will cause you to stumble and fall and what won't. Yiou don't have to do everything they say but at least listen, and take it to the Lord and walk in His ways.
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Listen To The Wise
Prov 22:18-23

18 For it is delightful if you keep them within you, ready on your lips. 19 So that your trust may be in Adonai, I made them known to you this day, even you. 20 Have I not written to you thirty sayings of admonition and knowledge, 21 to show you true and reliable words, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you?

These verses seem to be a continuation of verse 17..."Incline your ear and listen to the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge". Solomon is telling his son to "listen" to his words of wisdom. Understand that he has learned these things first hand. Listening and following brings light that is needed to walk steadily along life's path.

Keep wisdom close and at hand always. Apply yourself to understand wisdom so that you may have the knowledge you need at the time you need it. Understand the ways of God so that you will not trip and fall.

22 Do not rob a poor person because he is poor, nor crush the needy at the gate,
23 for Adonai will plead their case, and rob life from those who plunder them

Don't take advantage of those who have less than you and are struggling in life. Don't make it harder for them to support themselves. God takes notice of those who do such things, and in turn HE will make sure they themselves are plundered for it.

When you give money to a poor person, hand it to them, don't throw it on the ground (as I've seen some do) for the poor person to have to pick it up. Treat them with respect, as you would want to be treated. It does not matter how the poor act in return, you do the respectuful thing.

As much as possible, give in secret. Don't make the person feel obligated to you. Don't make a show of your giving, it's humiliating to the receiver. Don't make them come to you, you go to them. Be kind.

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Guard Yourself
Prov 22:24-29

24 Do not be friends with one given to anger or associate with a hot-tempered person, 25 lest you learn his ways, and entangle your soul in a snare.

Whomever we associate with, whomever we spend lots of time with, there is a tendency for our spirits to take on their spirits and their's ours. Unless the hot-tempered one is wanting to change their ways though, their hot-temperedness will quite likely be the stronger of the personalities and cause the calmer of them to become more hot-tempered. The point of the saying is to keep a good person from becoming a bad person by the company they keep. Spending time with someone who is hot-tempered and see's no problem with it will more likely rub off on you instead of you on them. Hang around people you want to be like.

26 Do not be one who shakes hands or puts up security for debts. 27 If you do not have enough to pay, why should your bed be taken from under you?

Do NOT put up your own stuff to help someone pay their debt unless you have all the money right then and there to cover it. In that case, just pay it for them, otherwise you may lose everything when they can't pay it and neither can you.

28 Do not move an ancient boundary stone which your fathers set up.

Unless the neighbors are in agreement with it as well, do not change the agreements made between your family and your neighbors.

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible
1. We are here taught not to invade another man's right, though we can find ways of doing it ever so secretly and plausibly, clandestinely and by fraud, without any open force. Let not property in general be entrenched upon, by robbing men of their liberties and privileges, or of any just ways of maintaining them. Let not the property of particular persons be encroached upon. The land-marks, or meer-stones, are standing witnesses to every man's right; let not those be removed quite away, for thence come wars, and fightings, and endless disputes; let them not be removed so as to take from thy neighbour's lot to thy own, for that is downright robbing him and entailing the fraud upon posterity. 2. We may infer hence that a deference is to be paid, in all civil matters, to usages that have prevailed time out of mind and the settled constitutions of government, in which it becomes us to acquiesce, lest an attempt to change it, under pretence of changing it for the better, prove of dangerous consequence.

29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings. He will not stand before obscure people.

Always do your best at whatever you do. Don't be satisfied with "good enough". Take pride in yourself and what you are offering to others. Others will take notice.
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Advice About Appetites
Prov 23:1-5

1 When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what is set before you, 2 and put a knife to your throat if you possess a large appetite. 3 Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.

Table manners are important. When we are invited to eat, espeically at the table of the well-to-do we should not be ravenous and eat everything in sight as if we've been starving. Verse 2 is not telling us to cut our own throats, it is telling us if we are inclined to gluttony we are to get a grip on it and cut it short. Learn to party with control.

Contrary to some popular doctrines it is not OK to eat whatever we want without suffering the consequences of ignoring what God has told us in relation to what is safe and what is not safe to eat. Just because we can chew on it and swallow it does not mean it's good for us. Here's a study on God's Dietary Laws that it would be good to start a study. The Israielites were not told to not eat "pig" because they didn't have refrigeration and proper cooking habits..the Isralites ate cows, goats, sheep, and many other animals and managed to eat them safely. God instructed them on eating those animals so why would He also not instruct them on pig, if it was truly ok to eat? Just a thought.

Don't crave the things of the heathen, whether it's their food or their things. The old saying, "When in doubt, do without" might be good saying to fall upon here. If you're without doubt then eat away, but then if you're sick, you might want to take a look at what you're eating.

Hey, I'm preaching to myself too.
4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich. Be wise enough to restrain yourself. 5 When you cast your eyes on riches, it is gone; for it surely sprouts wings and flies off into the sky like an eagle.

Don't spend all your time working to make money. Be wise and know when you need to rest. Even God rested on the seventh day and gave us that day as a special refreshment time between HIM and us. Don't be so caught up with money that you spend all your time going after just flies away into the sky like an eagle
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Obligations to Others
Prov 23:6-11

6 Do not eat the food of a stingy person, or desire his delicacies. 7 For as he thinks within himself, so is he. “Eat and drink”, he says to you, but his heart is not with you.
8 You will vomit up the morsel you ate, and will waste your pleasant words. 9 Do not speak in the ears of a fool, for he will disdain the wisdom of your words.

adjective, stin·gi·er, stin·gi·est.
reluctant to give or spend; not generous; penurious: He's a stingy old miser. scanty or meager: a stingy little income.

It is a bad idea to accept anything from a stingy person. Why? Because then they expect something from you in rturn. They use their giving to you as an obligation of you and expect you to do things that could be uncomfortable and immoral for you. Trying to reason with such a person will only bring disdain for you and your attempt to honor God.
10 Do not move an ancient boundary stone, or encroach on fields of the fatherless, 11 for their redeemer is strong. He will plead their case against you.

Again, we are told to not up and change agreements previously made between those who've gone before you and the neighbors. (See chapter 22:28) Especially when the changes you make are in your own favor and at the expense of the other. Our neighbor is a person living beside us, or our enployees, renters, etc.. We see this happen many times I think when a person dies or sells their business or their property and the up and coming person steps in and takes away all the priviledges that the employees or in this case the neighboring land dwellers had and puts them n a rough spot. It's not ok to gain at the expense of others who will be brought down by your gain.
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Demonstrating How To Live
Prov 23:12-19

12 Apply your heart to discipline and your ears to words of knowledge. 13 Do not withhold correction from a child. If you strike him with a rod, he will not die. 14 Punish him with a rod, and deliver his soul from Sheol.

One really must diligently seek the face of God when it comes to disciplining our children. First I believe that we must be applying discipline to our own lives too, not just doing what we please then punishing our children when they immitate what they see us demonstrating with our lives. When after evaluationg ourselves we should not only be honest with ourselves and God but be honest with our children when we come to them with discipline. We should never just allow them to do what they will, because what they will generally is bad behavior and if we fail to correct it when they are young, when they are older, they will be uncontrolable.

I don't think that God wants us to actually "take up a physical rod" and hit our kids with it...they actually might die. I'm not sure of Solomon's mindset here nor what "beating them with a rod" actually looked like in Solomon's day, but I don't remember reading any situations in the Bible where anyone's kid dies because his parents beat him to death. I know there is that scripture in Deut 21:18-21 but I've read that that is not reference to a "young child" but to an older, grown-up off-spring who continues to bring shame and rebellion on their family, disrupting and being out of control adults.

Demonstrate for them how to live from the beginning, that will teach way more than a whipping will after the bad behavior has become really bad. I'm reminded of an old song by Stuart Hamblin, "Don't Send Your Kids To Sunday School".

15 My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart also will be glad.16 Yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.

A good parent is blessed when their children display wisdom. A child who practices wisdom makes the parent looks good. :)

17 Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be in the fear of Adonai. 18 For surely there is a future, and your hope will never be cut off. 19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and guide your heart in the right way.

Don't allow your heart to be envious of sinners...their money, clothes, cars, houses, boats, etc.. Whether you have any of that stuff or not, always honor and give reverence to God, which is HIS due. Be wise and guide your heart to do what the right way is. There is nothing richer than that.

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Bring Joy
Prov 23:20-25

20 Do not join those drinking too much wine or gorging on meat, 21 for both drunkards and gluttons will be impoverished—grogginess will clothe them with rags.

Don't hang around with people who are extravigent in their appetites, whether they be for drinking, eating, spending money on themselves, wasting time partying, or any other excessive behavior that keeps one's attentions on themselves instead of the business at hand. There is a time for everything, and those who are excessive in any behavior have fallen off the track.:locomotive:

The business at hand for a believer in Yeshua is the Kingdom of God and spending our lives doing and speaking what brings others in and keeping ourselves observent and always ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us.

Being over-gourged with anything improverishes us in the things of God. We do have a say in the way things turn out for us. While we may not be rich in "stuff", we can be rich in wisdom and lead our families in the way of the Lord. We can choose to be strong and not weak, sturdy and not falling apart at every turn. We are weak, but HE is strong so Who better to depend on than the King of the Universe Who gives us all that we need.

22 Listen to your father who begot you and do not despise your mother when she is old.

Even if you did/do not have good parents there are still things you can learn from them, so watch and listen. Learn from their failures and their successes. Don't despise their weaknesses. Show them the honor due them as the one's who gave your life to you. Yes, God is the One who breathed life into you, but working together with your parents worked in you the DNA that makes you, you. Don't talk badly about them, don't be rude to them, don't treat them with contempt. Be respectful for who they are to you..the one's who gave you life. Our behavior should never be contingent on the behavior of others toward us.

23 Acquire truth and do not sell it, acquire wisdom, instruction and understanding. 24 The father of a righteous one rejoices greatly. Whoever fathers a wise child delights in him.25 Let your father and your mother be glad, let she who bore you rejoice!

Truth and wisdom don't just show up uninvited at your doorstep. You have to purposefuly search for it. Search, get, and walk in truth and wisdom. In doing so, you bring joy to your parents (even though they may never reveal it to you) and you make them look good by your wise behavior.
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Our Thought Life
Prov 23:26-28

26 My son, give your heart to me and let your eyes observe my ways. 27 For a prostitute is a deep pit, an adulterous woman is a narrow pit. 28 Indeed, she lies in wait like a robber, and increases the unfaithful among men.

This is mainly addressing sexual issues however, I think it applies to our whole life. Keep guard over what you allow your eyes to see and your ears to hear, and your mind to think about. In this day and age it can seem nearly impossible to not see and hear and keep our minds and hearts on the things of God. Things that are out to distract us are everywhere...on billboards, car advertisements, food advertisements, grocery stores, dept stores, TV, just walking through the park, at work, even at church, it seems inescapable.

I'm reminded of the old saying, "You can't keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair". More and more we need to seek God and through our reading of His word, and our time spent with Him observing His ways. When we become overwhelmed with thoughts that should not remain in our heads we can throw ourselves on His grace and mercy and force ourselves to gaze into Him and allow Him to bring our focus into the right place. It's the only way to remain faithful to HIM and to our spirit, thought, and deed.

I like the way the Complete Jewish Bible translates Is 26:3
"A person whose desire rests on you you preserve in perfect peace, because he trusts in you".
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Prov 23:29-35

29 Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has fights? Who has complaining? Who has bruises for no reason? Who has red eyes? 30 Those who linger long over wine, who go looking for mixed wine. 31 Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it glides down smoothly. 32 In the end it bites like a serpent
and stings like a viper. 33 Your eyes will see strange things. Your heart will utter perverse things. 34 Then you will be like one lying down in the heart of the sea,
or sprawled on the top of a mast. 35 “They hit me! But I was not hurt. They beat me up! But I did not feel it. When will I wake up? I will look for another drink.”

I believe here we are being given a description of someone who is drunk. Here again, we are instructed on self-control. Just like the person who is overweight and diabetic and has no self-control with potato chips and onion dip should not have potato chips and dip at their disposal whenever they want it neither should the person who has no self-control over drinking because they cannot control it.

If you are addicted to it, don't even look at it. The longer we look at things that are enticing to us and in excess will harm us, the more likely we are to fall prey to it. There is no dishonor in staying away completely if there is no control of it once you start. If you hang around people who ridicule you because you stay totally away from things that are harmful then it's time to get new hangouts, they are not friends.
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Choosing Wisdom
Prov 24:1-6

1 Do not envy evil people, or desire to be with them, 2 for their hearts contemplate violence, and their lips speak mischief.

Don't be envious of others period, much less those who are evil. Those who get their gain by thievery and violence will not have a happy ending when they stand before God. Desire instead holiness and righteousness, mercy, and kindness. Be happy where you are and make the most of what you have. As I heard a man named Sam Collier, pastor of Hillsong Atlanta say on a TV show last night, "It doesn't matter the cards you've been dealt, it's how you play the hand." Love and fear God, worship Him and keep His commands and you will be successful in all that matters to God. Not necessarily rich in the things of earth but in the things of God's Kingdom.

3 By wisdom a house is built, by understanding it is prepared, 4 and by knowledge its rooms are filled with every rare and pleasing treasure.

A house built on understanding God's ways has more richness than the biggest castles and mansions. One does not gain admiration and true respect from their riches, but how they treat others, how they make others feel, their kindness, their generosity in whatever they do and their walking in God's righteousness. When the rains come and the winds blow, their house will withstand. See Matt 7:24-27.

5 A wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge becomes even stronger. 6 For with wise advice you wage war and in many counselors there is victory.

Having God's wisdom and knowledge makes us stronger and able to withstand all the evil's coming against us. We can be wise and knowledgable in things of the world, but they do not even begin to compare to the knowledge of God and His ways. A wise general does not wage war without getting council from many who are wise and knowledgable in the ways of war. He does not send the troops just charging in without knowing what kind of terrain it is, what the enemy looks like, and the enemy's strategies, neither should anyone tackle their way thorugh their life in this world without searching and finding the ways of God. Our enemy cannot be defeated any other way.

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Being A Rescuer
Prov 24:7-12

7 Wisdom is unattainable for a fool—he does not open his mouth at the gate.

In the cities, the wise men gathered at the gates and shared their wisdom, but a fool has no wisdom to share with anyone. All he has is foolishness in the ways of gaining riches and in comparison with what all the wise men gathered share his words are dust, he has no wisdom to share.

8 One who plots evil will be called a schemer. 9 A foolish scheme is sin,
and people detest a mocker.

A schemer does not search out the right way, he finds ways to plough over everything and everyone and get what he wants however he has to. Foolishness is sin and everyone detests those who get their way by evil means.

10 If you falter in a day of adversity, your strength is small.

When in a time of trouble, you have not taken all the necessary steps to being able to stand strong and conquer you are a weakling. It is not because you are not capable of doing what is right it is because you did not listen to what God says and build up your strength to withstand. Don't give up though, start building your house on the Rock, and train your spirit to be stronger in God's word and in obedience.

11 Rescue those being dragged off to death, hold back those stumbling to slaughter.

Stand up for what is right. Don't cower in the corner when you see the innocent being dragged off to death. When you see somone being blamed for something you know they did not do, stand up for them. You don't have to stand on street corners and hold signs and march, but in some way, the righteous must speak up. Be that righteous witness and do what you can to save the innocent.

12 If you say, “Look, we didn’t know this.” Won’t He who weighs hearts perceive it?
Won’t He who guards your soul know it? Won’t He repay each one according to his deeds?

God knows our hearts. We will not be judged for what honestly was not known. Those who try and use "I didn't know" when they did or it was freely available to them to find out, but they didn't, won't be able to use "I didn't know" as an excuse. God is just.
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