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"Legend of Korra", Eastern Views, T.V & Ethics: What Can Christians learn from Anime?

Gxg (G²)

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I can see that happening. They already established the Queen is a corrupt tyrant. Then they introduce Su with a history of rebellion who now has access to power and resources. Making up with Lin means the "law" is sympathetic which would help justify a revolution. Toph returns and is finally pleased that her daughters are working together.
Yeah - and as twisted as that is, that'd be intense...and it'd make sense. Big change indeed..
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Gxg (G²)

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I can see that happening. They already established the Queen is a corrupt tyrant. Then they introduce Su with a history of rebellion who now has access to power and resources. Making up with Lin means the "law" is sympathetic which would help justify a revolution. Toph returns and is finally pleased that her daughters are working together.
It would be a big shocker if realizing that how Su created her city was not all it was seeming to be.


Someone said it best when stating the following:

In another thread someone mentioned that somebody sent the bandits to rob the tax collectors (Korra and Asami) who were collecting taxes for the Earth Queen. Perhaps Suyins metalbending city survives on piracy from other citys. The city itself is just a shell, a utopia no one is visibily working. Suyins kids were reading, playing sport and sculpting only one street vendor was visible. Perhaps just how metal steals what it wants from earth, Zaofu steals what it wants from Ba Sing Se. We know Suyin has connections with pirates, she is a metal bender and gold is also a metal. Why else would the city need such great defences as seen when the "petals" of the city close at night? Along with the infertility theory I think this gives more reason for Lin to hate suyin and especially the kids for being products of theft. Perhaps Suyin sees herself and justifies herself as a Robin Hood figure considering all the money would just go to the Empress anyway. "You're the one who tore our family apart" could mean that Suyin is the one who cut Trohs kids out of inheritance (or perhaps being half siblings they were cut out).
I'm with you on the suspicion that Zaofu seems too good to be true. But I doubt that the entire city is based on thievery.

During dinner, Suyin expresses a fundamental philosophy of hers: "Sure Varrick's made a few mistakes in his past, but that doesn't mean he should pay for it for the rest of his life. My chef was a pirate, but now he's a culinary master. People change.". To me, this implies that Suyin has a very clear moral concept of right and wrong. She believes in the good side of people and in second chances. This would clash with the idea of stealing from other cities in order to finance her utopia.

If she were to steal the taxmoney of surrounding towns and cities before it could be collected for the Earth Queen, she would just collect more taes and the people of said towns and cities would suffer as a consequence. Unless of course, the stealing would continue indefinitely and some of the stolen money would be returned to the citizens of said town or city. The Earth Queen would probably not tolerate this and in the end, the citizens would suffer again. This hardly sounds like something Suyin would willingly accept.

You do bring up an interesting question: how does Zaofu's economy work? Being the utopia that we saw briefly in the last episode, it might very well be that it is very different from, say, Republic City - or any other city for that matter.
In a classic economy, every individual or entity has some money and strives to get more money by exchanging goods and services with other members of the economy who need them. They strive to make profit. Money basically exists because neither party trusts the other.

Maybe Zaofu has done away with money for internal use. Maybe the entire community is built upon the concept of honesty and empathy and doesn't rely on money for the exchange of goods and services within the city. If one entity can provide a service for another entity in Zaofu, they do it for free in the knowledge that in the reverse case, the same will be true. Goods are handled similarly. Nobody takes advantage of this system because of the Truth-Seers like Aiwei, who would be able to detect dishonesty and greed.
Money would still be used for the trade with outside sources. Or how else did Suyin's chef get his hands on wild Kyoshi elephant koi? But again, this money is used by the entire community of Zaofu and not individuals to bring in external wares for internal consumption.

More can be found in The Legend of Korra: The Metal Clan | FanFare

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Gxg (G²)

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Gxg (G²)

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This is the official one:

Not sure why he has clothes
Well, at one point, Pabu did have clothes



Of course, it'd be nice if they were able to come up with a Pabu in special edition mode who looked like this:

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Just watched 6 and 7.

Halfway through the season and it seems like Korra's story arc rather minimal. .
Unfortunately, Legend of Korra may be cancelled soon in the future - sad to hear on the dynamics. For more, one can go here to http://www.hypable.com/2014/07/24/the-legend-of-korra-season-3-final-episodes-online/ or to the following:

Legend of Korra News - Season 3 On Standby #LOK - YouTube
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Maybe a digital route is the way to go. The show has a pretty bad time slot as it is and there was too much time in between book 2 and 3 so I'm sure some of the audience fell away. I'd love to hear more about the friction in the production crew, though.
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Gxg (G²)

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Maybe a digital route is the way to go. The show has a pretty bad time slot as it is and there was too much time in between book 2 and 3 so I'm sure some of the audience fell away. I'd love to hear more about the friction in the production crew, though.
Thankfully, they did try to explain more on the digital route..


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Gxg (G²)

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They already established the Queen is a corrupt tyrant. Then they introduce Su with a history of rebellion who now has access to power and resources. Making up with Lin means the "law" is sympathetic which would help justify a revolution. Toph returns and is finally pleased that her daughters are working together.
Speaking of Toph, I don't know if you knew about it....but they actually have a new comic out from the creators of Avatar which is very amazing.


As said elsewhere on the issue in scans_daily | Avatar: The Rift - Toph's Issue With Her Parents (for an excerpt):
In the new season of Legend of Korra (which is VASTLY improved over the previous two, by the by), they're exploring the family of Toph Bei Fong, and as such, I thought that I'd post some stuff from the recent Rift mini-series from the interquel comics from between Airbender and Korra.

Spoilers for the Rift and Korra season three

In the first section, we have Aang taking some of his Air Acolytes (converts to his religion and culture, who he initially was mad at for cultural appropriation, but got over it when he found they were sincere in wanting him to teach them) to some land which was sacred to his people after the last Air Nomad Avatar appeared to him and tried to tell him something.

Aang accidentally also gives her the definition of what a "trigger" is in regards to Toph's horrible childhood.

For those new to the series, Toph was born without the ability to see, which lead to her already strict, traditionalist family being even more rigid in how they dealt with her as a means of keeping her "safe". When it's revealled that she trained herself how to earthbend to the point where even her teacher admitted she was one of the most powerful earthbenders in the world... he decided that this meant they'd let her have too much freedom, and tries to actively lock her up to keep her from being alone in the future.

Naturally, Toph decided to just leave at this point and runs off with Aang and his friends to teach him earthbending, which Toph's dad assumed was actually a case of Aang (who he knew was the Avatar, the incarnation of the spirit of order and harmony) had kidnapped her. So naturally had sent two bountyhunters to go and bring her back.

Now, two years on, a 13 year old Toph bumps into her dad working as co-owner of a mine and factory on the aforementioned formerly Air Nomad land. He takes his daughter's reappearance... not entirely well.


Yeah, I can see why older Toph would get the idea that never marrying and letting her two kids just do what they liked would be preferable to her own family life.

Glad they are doing a follow-up with what happened in Toph's childhood that shaped her into who she became in the future.

That said, after watching Episode 8 last night on "The Enemy Within" and seeing the ways that Su had her Truth Seer betray the Metal Clan to Zaheer, I have to agree with another who noted the following - as seen in Crackies theories for TLOK :



After watching 308 (Spoiler Warning), I am more convinced of this than ever. The true leader of the Red Lotus is none other than
Toph Beifong.

Yes, Toph Beifong. It all makes sense now doesn't it. Why the hints that we might see her this season. Why she left years ago in search of "enlightenment" in a way similar to how Zaheer seeks the to "enter the void" and the "righteous path". Why no one has seen her in so many years since she left. Why we get these key pieces of information from Ai Wei, who we now know to be a key member of the Red Lotus conspiracy, and from Su Yin, who's reactions to Ai Wei's defection paint her in a suspicious light. Why Toph protected Su Yin from jail and sent her away, where she did not end up with her grandparents, but somehow ultimately traveled the world. Why she didn't help in the capture of Zaheer's group 13 years ago, and why she retired from the being chief of police only a year after Su Yin's scandal. Why Zaheer's group consists of unique benders, including one that is handicapable, much like Toph herself. She is the leader of the Red Lotus, the true face behind the conspiracy. Something must have happened between her and Aang just before his death. She disappeared from the world and is now pulling the strings from within the shadows. Her co-conspirators include Ai Wei, Su Yin, Zaheer's group, and the creation of the utopian Zao Fu is just part of their master plan. Ba Sing Se and the Earth Queen are being played by none other than its greatest critic. Opal is the promised child, Guru Laghima reborn, sent to destroy the unrighteous airbenders of the Northern Air temple. Toph killed Sokka, who is her baby daddy, because Sokka found about something he should not have. The timeline works. Toph Beifong is the ultimate enemy Korra and the gaang must face at the end of this season. What could possibly be more surprising than our own esteemed Toph Beifong being the true antagonist of Book 3? Why else would Korra and Bolin need to learn metalbending by the end of the season? What else could possibly cap off Lin's character arc this season better than realizing the monstrous change of her own sister and mother? Who other than the greatest earthbender who ever lived could possibly be a worth successor to Book 1's Amon the psychic bloodbender, and Book 2's world ending manifestation of evil itself? Only the blind can see within the Void. It's the dawning of a new age, and the Blind Bandit will rise again to impose her vision of a new world order on us all.
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Gxg (G²)

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Digital Distribution makes sense in this day and age but hopefully the show doesn't get ignore because its vanished from TV.
Seeing those who feel Avatar is the best thing to hit Western Animation within the Anime world, the fans will still follow it faithfully as it is with other animes. They did a good job explaining why things are going the route they are at Comic-Con...as said in http://io9.com/creators-of-the-legend-of-korra-explain-the-shows-not-c-1611119124 :

o obviously there's been a big shakeup. We wanted to address that quickly but we don't want to take too much time because we're here to have fun and we have stuff you guys haven't seen yet. But pulling it off the channel and moving it to digital exclusively is part of the huge sea change in the whole industry. I'm sure you've seen articles about cable numbers and streaming and companies doing their own content and all sorts of stuff. So obviously we're in the middle of a huge change. And things have changed just for us since we did in Avatar in 2005-2008 and then when we came back in 2012. And when Book 1 of Korra came out it did pretty good on TV but its online presence was just insane. Not only the chatter from all the fans but the actual numbers in terms of digital downloads and streaming, it's just been huge. And as the show's gone along, by Book 2, the numbers in the digital streaming greatly outweighed the channel .

...It's no secret that Avatar, especially Korra, is not typical Nickelodeon fare. And so they've had kind of a hard time fitting it into their programming. But basically the Book 2 finale, the numbers were insane when they streamed it, when it went on Nick.com. It was the biggest event they had that year. And that show, digital downloads for that season was amazing. And, as you've seen, not so much on the channel. So it's just part of this shift over.

It definitely caught us by surprise and it wasn't necessarily done in the smoothest way and that was upsetting to many of you and us as well.

So, we're moving over to digital. It's actually a plan that was in place earlier and it changed course and then went back in a bit of a messy way. But thanks for sticking with us.

And with this current season, the direction they are going in is amazing..:)

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Gxg (G²)

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Just watched 6 and 7.

Halfway through the season and it seems like Korra's story arc rather minimal.
Episode 8 seemed to develop her a bit more and push things forward. I'm glad she's now officially the first Metal-Bending Avatar ever....and it seems that she's being prepared somehow for something greater..





And with where things are going, it's probably going to be a direction where the enemy and those Korra is against may end up being a shade of grey more so than pure evil. Unless, of course, Vaatu comes back and manages to rise again. We know she'll be back in the Spirit World again at some point..


But at the end of the day, we'll see what happens. The motivations of Zaheer and his attempts of his gang were stellar - and seeing who helped him, it seems bigger than him and his supporters.

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Gxg (G²);66057340 said:
After watching 308 (Spoiler Warning), I am more convinced of this than ever. The true leader of the Red Lotus is none other than Toph Beifong.

Just watched 8 and I'd say the pieces fit. They went through enough trouble to tell Toph's story, suggested the gang isn't working alone, and she's the only one who hasn't made an appearance with only 5 episodes left for the reveal.

I never did like Toph's character very much but I wonder how the fans will feel to find out a member of Aang's Team Avatar fell so far. So if Zaheer could have killed Korra while she was sleeping, why does Toph want her alive?

Also, the lava bending is pretty cool but I really like the metal benders. Whipping around steel cables like that is really terrifying.
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Just watched 8 and I'd say the pieces fit. They went through enough trouble to tell Toph's story, suggested the gang isn't working alone, and she's the only one who hasn't made an appearance with only 5 episodes left for the reveal.
If they begin to reveal things over time with the characters and what happened to them, that'd be amazing - and with Toph, her return would take a lot of people off guard if they did not suspect that she was the enemy.
I never did like Toph's character very much but I wonder how the fans will feel to find out a member of Aang's Team Avatar fell so far.
It would definitely take the show in a different direction..
So if Zaheer could have killed Korra while she was sleeping, why does Toph want her alive?
Wanting the Avatar alive IS necessary when it comes to seeing a change philosophy
Also, the lava bending is pretty cool but I really like the metal benders. Whipping around steel cables like that is really terrifying.
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