Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.


Confessional Lutheran
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I don't necessarily disagree. Could you be more specific as to what those sources are?

IMO, What we know as mainstream culture in the United States, is no longer moral, and especially not Christian. A practicing Christian, is a part of today's counterculture.

That depends on what one means by mainstream culture.

I am unsure of how to offer specifics without this exploding.

Instead perhaps I could offer a question: What would say the most important virtues a Christian should have? I'm not asking for a specific list, just anything, anything you view as a virtue and you'd place at the top of a hierarchy of virtues which a Christian should exhibit. As a follow up, what would you argue are three essential core values that a Christian should have?

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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I made a post about this very thing, and I think it is getting more ritualistic nowadays. But, that being said, at the same time, it's natural for us to be concerned about the moral direction of society and the influence of sin and evil in the world. However, rather than focusing on the signs of the times or the increase in demonic activity, we are called to live out our faith in practical ways, through acts of love, service, and witness to the world around us. :)

So while there may be evidence of moral decay/spiritual darkness in our world, as Christians we are called to respond with hope and faith, trusting in God's sovereignty and continuing to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us. Ultimately, it is up to each person to seek a deeper understanding of God's word and to live out their faith.

Post: Demonic activity in the 2020s from the entertainment industry
Yes I tend to agree. No amount of condemning or judging others will get the message across about the Gospel. But in living out the gospel in Christ we become beacons in that spirtual darkness.

But I also think in doing that we will provoke some, perhaps many to defy and deny that truth and it will also be a spiritual battle against forces that want to shut that down. This is the practical reality that will happen to those who stand for Christ in a falling world. But its the holding onto that faith in the midst of conflict that will shine the brightest.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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They are not the same thing. One might almost describe them as incompatible.
Oh ok. But I am not pushing just Western Christianity. I was highlighting the Christian Truths we as a western culture took on as a result of our Christian roots. As opposed to say Muslim, Communism or whatever other truth belief.

Christian Truths like 'weare all created in Gods image', the sacredness of sex and marriage, the natural order or man and women and family. The idea of sacrifice for another, the value of human life from conception, that we are sinners ect.

It is these Truths that become eroded when we also reject God and replace this with human made ideas about how we should order humans, nature and the world within our societies.

I would preach about the value of human life being made in Gods image against any ideology that denies this just as much as I would preach that sin leads to death or that repentance and faith leads to life.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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We did? When, where, and how?
In the recent past even pre mid 20th centry we had low divorce, low abortion for example. Thats because we respected Gods order for marriage and human life. We sacrificed self desires for a greater truth. But we now believe in individual desires over all else.

That has seen a massive rise in abostions and a breakdown in families and society.

Even 30 years ago we were united under one belief moreso and now divided by identity politics as belief in GOd deminishes. Even 20 odd years ago we respected Gods order of man and women becoming one flesh in marriage before SSM laws. Even 10 years ago we repected Gods order in biological sex before society now believes there is none and sex is interchangable as opposed to Gods nature.

Human made ideologies based on assumptions about nature, that everything is a social construction where humans are the gods who can recreate nature.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I could probably respond to this point better if I was clearer what questions Christianity is interested in. I hope I am on the right track with some assumptions about them.

There have been many occasions here and elsewhere when non-religious moral frameworks have been compared to of Christianity. It turns out that they are very similar. Principles of justice, charity towards others and the brotherhood mankind are not unique features of any world view.
For western societies the principles of Justice, charity, brotherhood were Christian ideas. These principles are universal in nature so of course they will be reflected in all worldviews in some way. But they were the principles that were best reflected in Christianity when it became the belief of western civilisation.
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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
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Oh ok. But I am not pushing just Western Christianity. I was highlighting the Christian Truths we as a western culture took on as a result of our Christian roots. As opposed to say Muslim, Communism or whatever other truth belief.

There are other aspects to "Western civlization" that do not come from Christianity like democracy and what we could call "scientific rationality". In fact they go back to the pre-Christian roots of Western civilization.

If I might summarize your posts to date: you want all of "the West" to follow the moral precepts of a religion that all do not follow. And to that I respond, why should we?
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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There are other aspects to "Western civlization" that do not come from Christianity like democracy and what we could call "scientific rationality". In fact they go back to the pre-Christian roots of Western civilization.

If I might summarize your posts to date: you want all of "the West" to follow the moral precepts of a religion that all do not follow. And to that I respond, why should we?
No I am saying we should get back to our Christian roots. That is what destingusihes us in that ideas like universities, hospitals, charities helping the needy (social justice) came as a result of Christian beliefs. The welfare state is based on Christian ideas.

The idea that sex and marriage is between a man and women and a life long commitment or that all were equal under God and made in His image was the foundation for Human Rights and nation constitutions from which democracy rose.

Therse were different even to Greco Roman worldview wherre people were made inferior due to their status of free or slave or that women were inferior and males could have multiple partners including young males. The Christian values radically changed the Greco Roman worldview and was the birth of the many truth principles we live by today or at least use to up until recently.
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Nov 4, 2013
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Recalcitrant Procrastinating Ape
Nov 12, 2008
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Which is basically the idea that humans themseves are weak and fallible and need something beyond themselves which is uncorruptable to guide us. When we move away from this we start to believe in our own feelings and desires as being god.
An alternative idea is that individually humans tend to be weak and fallible, but through shared goals and cooperation they can become strong and successful. This is achievable without requiring belief in a god. And following the alternative I have outlined, one balances ones feelings and desires against the feelings and desires and needs of the cooperative group one is part of, whether it be a bird watching society, a business, a nation, or the world community at large.
I note in passing that the attempts to adress the problems of global warming have been hampered in part by the climate deniers among certain denominations of Christianity. That is an instance where distancing ourselves from religion would produce positive benefits.
Now most nations are pasing the 50% against God
This seems to be a common misunderstanding among some Christians. The 50% of non-believers are, for the most part, not interested in the concept of God, certainly not the God of the traditional religions. I appreciate that it can be motivating to think one is battling against and attack. You aren't. Your battle is against indifference.
Keep in mind that the atheists and agnostics on this forum are exceptions. They are interested in Christianity for a wide variety of reason, but the rest of "us" really don't care.
Yes that is the fundemental question behind how we should order society and one people keep debating or even arguing about. But I think at the most fundemental this comes down to Gods order or humans order and that is the battle we are having now in society because we did follow Gods order up until recently for the most part.
I challenge you on that with a single example. Believing they were doing God's work, bringing civilisation to the natives the British subjugated about 25% of the world, and while some benefits did come from that for native peoples, there was also much death, destruction, pillaging and de facto slavery. I suggest the world is in a better place today than it was then.
I would disagree with this. There is an effort to undermine Christianity at an ideological level. But it's not coming from "the secular", from atheists, or the non-religious, etc. It's coming from the religious, from Christians.
There are some active, aggressive atheists who attack religion. But as I suggest above these are a tiny minority and the vast majority genuinely don't care. Are you thinking in terms of the differences, some profound, some trivial, that exist between different denominations? Differences that have made it necessary for the forum adminstrators to forbid asserting that a fellow member is "not a real Christian".
The Christian values radically changed the Greco Roman worldview and was the birth of the many truth principles we live by today or at least use to up until recently.
But not all of those "truth principles" are thought true by non-Christians, nor - as per my remarks above to ViaCrucis - by other fellow Christians. @Hans Blaster nailed it when he said "you want all of "the West" to follow the moral precepts of a religion that all do not follow."

In summary, I agree with you there are many things wrong with the world today. Where I disagree with you is what some of them are, whether or not it is getting worse, and what the solution is.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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An alternative idea is that individually humans tend to be weak and fallible, but through shared goals and cooperation they can become strong and successful. This is achievable without requiring belief in a god. And following the alternative I have outlined, one balances ones feelings and desires against the feelings and desires and needs of the cooperative group one is part of, whether it be a bird watching society, a business, a nation, or the world community at large.
The problem I see with this idea that without some external source that is beyond human ideas about how society should be ordered to be strong and successful will inevitably decend into tribalism as we are seeing today with identity politics.

As humans are different culturally and ideologically we inevitably fall into forming identity groups if there is nothing uniting us beyond identity. Under the idea that 'all are created equal and in Gods image with natural rights' means we are all the same regardless of identity such as race, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, education, personal wealth, celebrity, station in life be it King or peasant.

It was a foundational Truth we lived by based on the Biblical Truths that on our own we are weak in nature and will decend in chaos at our own hands and that we weremore than the sum of our physical bodies and all belongs to something more greater and transcendent that united us.

That is undermined when we take God out of the picture and hense we end up with what we see today where we not only have sex wars but division along an increasing number of ways to differentiate ourselves from each other often with conflicting results.

Even to the point that the same western nation that values human life to fight for it against Hitlers extermination of the Jews is being re imagined in identity group politics where one group is calling for the extermination of another based on their ethnicity and belief. Long held Rights are being wound back and not expanded.
I note in passing that the attempts to adress the problems of global warming have been hampered in part by the climate deniers among certain denominations of Christianity. That is an instance where distancing ourselves from religion would produce positive benefits.
Yes and the greatest threat to God is the rise of secular Churches who become to world like that its hard to tell the difference. Its not really about climate change but a fundemental war between those who want to continue their lifestyle and those who are willing to sacrifice their life for the betterment of others.

That can and should be done across all areas of life. If we had applied this principle 50 years ago and thought more about others than indulging we would not be in such a mess.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding among some Christians. The 50% of non-believers are, for the most part, not interested in the concept of God, certainly not the God of the traditional religions. I appreciate that it can be motivating to think one is battling against and attack. You aren't. Your battle is against indifference.
Keep in mind that the atheists and agnostics on this forum are exceptions. They are interested in Christianity for a wide variety of reason, but the rest of "us" really don't care.
I am not sure but I would say the younger generation are not that interested as they have grown up in a generation that was less interested as well. The further you go back the more interested people were in God and Christianity. Thats just an evolution of how society has become more secular in its thinking.

But I don't really think people have become less interested in metaphysics and meaning of life and the morals that go with that. They have just taken on a different religious worldview which is 'no religion' or its an 'ideological outlook that has all the hallmarks of religion but is basedon human ideas about what is moral and meaning.

There seems to be an innate aspect of humans that needs spirituality ofg some sort and no one can exist purely in the physical and material dimension.
I challenge you on that with a single example. Believing they were doing God's work, bringing civilisation to the natives the British subjugated about 25% of the world, and while some benefits did come from that for native peoples, there was also much death, destruction, pillaging and de facto slavery. I suggest the world is in a better place today than it was then.
Yes the church did even greater injustices and harm even before this. But still we were more in tune with the basic Christian values despite not adhering to them due to corruption of those Truths. Ithink it was just prior to that time the church was meddling in politics and had become more worldly as far as power and colonialism is concerned.

But I am not sure we have become a better society. I mean obvious wrongs like dispossing land and culture was destructful to Indigenous peoples but also civilisation brought many benefits like you say. Much of that was born our of Christianity like schools and medicines and later hospitals.

But there is a form of dispossion and harm still going on by what many would call secular society and even in the name of science and the protection of peoples rights. Its just a new modern way of harming people with a new ideology.

But the core truths that Christianity brang of caring for the needy, sacrifice of life for others, all being equal under God and valuing human life are what endured up until recently since we have completely rejected God out of the public square.
There are some active, aggressive atheists who attack religion. But as I suggest above these are a tiny minority and the vast majority genuinely don't care. Are you thinking in terms of the differences, some profound, some trivial, that exist between different denominations? Differences that have made it necessary for the forum adminstrators to forbid asserting that a fellow member is "not a real Christian".
No its not anything radical but rather more a normative worldview that has come over secular society. They may not care to explicitly talk about God but thats because they are busy talking about alternative beliefs and ideas about the world, meaning of life, morality ect. But if you were to push them on the issue about belief in God they would come up with a dozen reasons why there is no God.

Some maybe many depending on the latest tends may believe in alternative metaphysical ideas that are usually grounded in human qualities. But they don't or its rare that they believe in Christ as savior and the creator God. They may have ideas about Christ being a great phrophet or moral teacher but no different to Mohummad and Bhuddah.

So I don't think their completely uninterested in God but just that they have been socialized with different ideologies that have taken the replace of God.
But not all of those "truth principles" are thought true by non-Christians, nor - as per my remarks above to ViaCrucis - by other fellow Christians. @Hans Blaster nailed it when he said "you want all of "the West" to follow the moral precepts of a religion that all do not follow."

In summary, I agree with you there are many things wrong with the world today. Where I disagree with you is what some of them are, whether or not it is getting worse, and what the solution is.
Yes that is the fundemental worldview difference between how Christians and non Christians see the world. Its summed up for Christians in the bible when it says some will look but not see and will listen and not hear. So of course there is going to be a difference in what constitutes 'getting worse'.

But there are also many overlaps between Christian beliefs in Gods order that permeate in nature and reality if God is also the Creator of nature and reality. It is these truths I think that western societies use to believe in which are now being undermined since God is rejected from the public square.

So when God is rejected some of the core truths about the order of things is also rejected and replaced by human made ideas. I look at this as the measure for how society is heading down the road to S&G and not necesarily the danger, or crime stats or the good or bad society has done. These are just symptoms of an underlying deterioration which is more fundemental spiritually.

This tells us about the state of the mind and soul, the thinking and how far its strayed from Gods order and truths and how we have turned ourselves into gods or made worldly things our gods. Today we are further away from those core beliefs and truths that we were 100 years ago. Whether this is closer than further away from a complete fall is something we don't know exactly.

Societies rise and fall but it seems each time we get back to God just like the Isrealites did. Maybe there will be some sort of revival coming. But I think there are more signs about being closer to the end that there were even 20 years ago, even 10 years ago. Its the accumulation of these deteriorating aspects that will converge into a bigger problem in the end.

Maybe we are beginning to see the death thows of the end in what is happening today in the world with the Middle East, Russia, and the other conflicts happening throughout especially Western societies whose democracies and stability is being undermined.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Yes I tend to agree. No amount of condemning or judging others will get the message across about the Gospel. But in living out the gospel in Christ we become beacons in that spirtual darkness.

But I also think in doing that we will provoke some, perhaps many to defy and deny that truth and it will also be a spiritual battle against forces that want to shut that down. This is the practical reality that will happen to those who stand for Christ in a falling world. But its the holding onto that faith in the midst of conflict that will shine the brightest.
Yep, the world is in a spiritual battle. Just look at the news, all these wars, the trans stuff, etc. We have to be careful and spread the Good News.
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Dec 8, 2018
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Yep, the world is in a spiritual battle. Just look at the news, all these wars, the trans stuff, etc. We have to be careful and spread the Good News.
There are certainly wars and conflicts. Some of them are certainly ideological and religious rivalry seems to be at play in some areas. There is nothing new about any of that.

I think they are irrelevant to the thread's topic - modern secular society's putative slide to sinfulness.
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Aug 11, 2023
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There are certainly wars and conflicts. Some of them are certainly ideological and religious rivalry seems to be at play in some areas. There is nothing new about any of that.

I think they are irrelevant to the thread's topic - modern secular society's putative slide to sinfulness.
Yeah. War has always been a part of history, such as during the crusades in the 11-13th centuries, which should have never happened in my opinion. But the thing that is really strange is that a decade ago (say, early to mid-2010s), no one talked about the trans stuff compared to today (I'm a bi guy), but I feel that the trans movement should not be tied with the lesbians, bi and gay folks.
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Dec 8, 2018
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Yeah. War has always been a part of history, such as during the crusades in the 11-13th centuries, which should have never happened in my opinion. But the thing that is really strange is that a decade ago (say, early to mid-2010s), no one talked about the trans stuff compared to today (I'm a bi guy), but I feel that the trans movement should not be tied with the lesbians, bi and gay folks.
I think that all this 'woke' rubbish is just a way for certain people to express their hatred and disdain for people. It is the language of bigotry and is always intended to be insulting and hurtful. The word is recent but the sentiment is not. It is just the current buzz word for the intolerant. I am not a Christian but I admire the Christian virtue of forebearance.
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I think that all this 'woke' rubbish is just a way for certain people to express their hatred and disdain for people. It is the language of bigotry and is always intended to be insulting and hurtful. The word is recent but the sentiment is not. It is just the current buzz word for the intolerant. I am not a Christian but I admire the Christian virtue of forebearance.
Awesome. It is cool that you respect others, and have tolerance as an non-Christian (many Christians do not). Same here. I will not judge those who become trans for instance, but I do not support their movement. If a person wants to change their gender, ideally wait until age 18 or 21, but just don't do it as a kid. :) Once a person hits 26, brains are fully developed, and one can make better decisions.

And yeah, I dislike the term "woke". Bunch of far-right folks (ahem, Donald Trump and his lackeys) in the US came up with that term. If anything shows the times, it is the deep political polarization in the US. In the 2000s, both the left and right shook hands. Now, the two parties can not seem to get along with anything. I don't want to judge the two parties, but both parties need to take a step back and think through the situations like civilized folks.
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Sep 3, 2021
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That depends on what one means by mainstream culture.

I am unsure of how to offer specifics without this exploding.

Instead perhaps I could offer a question: What would say the most important virtues a Christian should have? I'm not asking for a specific list, just anything, anything you view as a virtue and you'd place at the top of a hierarchy of virtues which a Christian should exhibit. As a follow up, what would you argue are three essential core values that a Christian should have?

I have been reading Matthew 5, which I believe are the basics, for following Christ. Many say the ten commandments are, but to me the commandments are "a plumb line against a crooked wall" ( J. Vernon McGee), that show us how unattainable that is, without The Lord.

The virtues we need (and that the Holy Spirit makes available to us)are humility, teachable spirit, and allowing Christ's Love to work through us.

Values are what's important to us; responsibility, courtesy, and respect.

"Mainstream culture" once tried to emulate those virtues, but now they ridicule them.
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Sep 3, 2021
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. In the 2000s, both the left and right shook hands. Now, the two parties can not seem to get along with anything
The constitution is to be the guide of both right and left. Neither side has any regard for it, today. Both have a winner take all mentality.
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Recalcitrant Procrastinating Ape
Nov 12, 2008
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The problem I see with this idea that without some external source that is beyond human ideas about how society should be ordered to be strong and successful will inevitably decend into tribalism as we are seeing today with identity politics.

As humans are different culturally and ideologically we inevitably fall into forming identity groups if there is nothing uniting us beyond identity. Under the idea that 'all are created equal and in Gods image with natural rights' means we are all the same regardless of identity such as race, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, education, personal wealth, celebrity, station in life be it King or peasant.

It was a foundational Truth we lived by based on the Biblical Truths that on our own we are weak in nature and will decend in chaos at our own hands and that we weremore than the sum of our physical bodies and all belongs to something more greater and transcendent that united us.

That is undermined when we take God out of the picture and hense we end up with what we see today where we not only have sex wars but division along an increasing number of ways to differentiate ourselves from each other often with conflicting results.

Even to the point that the same western nation that values human life to fight for it against Hitlers extermination of the Jews is being re imagined in identity group politics where one group is calling for the extermination of another based on their ethnicity and belief. Long held Rights are being wound back and not expanded.

Yes and the greatest threat to God is the rise of secular Churches who become to world like that its hard to tell the difference. Its not really about climate change but a fundemental war between those who want to continue their lifestyle and those who are willing to sacrifice their life for the betterment of others.

That can and should be done across all areas of life. If we had applied this principle 50 years ago and thought more about others than indulging we would not be in such a mess.

I am not sure but I would say the younger generation are not that interested as they have grown up in a generation that was less interested as well. The further you go back the more interested people were in God and Christianity. Thats just an evolution of how society has become more secular in its thinking.

But I don't really think people have become less interested in metaphysics and meaning of life and the morals that go with that. They have just taken on a different religious worldview which is 'no religion' or its an 'ideological outlook that has all the hallmarks of religion but is basedon human ideas about what is moral and meaning.

There seems to be an innate aspect of humans that needs spirituality ofg some sort and no one can exist purely in the physical and material dimension.

Yes the church did even greater injustices and harm even before this. But still we were more in tune with the basic Christian values despite not adhering to them due to corruption of those Truths. Ithink it was just prior to that time the church was meddling in politics and had become more worldly as far as power and colonialism is concerned.

But I am not sure we have become a better society. I mean obvious wrongs like dispossing land and culture was destructful to Indigenous peoples but also civilisation brought many benefits like you say. Much of that was born our of Christianity like schools and medicines and later hospitals.

But there is a form of dispossion and harm still going on by what many would call secular society and even in the name of science and the protection of peoples rights. Its just a new modern way of harming people with a new ideology.

But the core truths that Christianity brang of caring for the needy, sacrifice of life for others, all being equal under God and valuing human life are what endured up until recently since we have completely rejected God out of the public square.

No its not anything radical but rather more a normative worldview that has come over secular society. They may not care to explicitly talk about God but thats because they are busy talking about alternative beliefs and ideas about the world, meaning of life, morality ect. But if you were to push them on the issue about belief in God they would come up with a dozen reasons why there is no God.

Some maybe many depending on the latest tends may believe in alternative metaphysical ideas that are usually grounded in human qualities. But they don't or its rare that they believe in Christ as savior and the creator God. They may have ideas about Christ being a great phrophet or moral teacher but no different to Mohummad and Bhuddah.

So I don't think their completely uninterested in God but just that they have been socialized with different ideologies that have taken the replace of God.

Yes that is the fundemental worldview difference between how Christians and non Christians see the world. Its summed up for Christians in the bible when it says some will look but not see and will listen and not hear. So of course there is going to be a difference in what constitutes 'getting worse'.

But there are also many overlaps between Christian beliefs in Gods order that permeate in nature and reality if God is also the Creator of nature and reality. It is these truths I think that western societies use to believe in which are now being undermined since God is rejected from the public square.

So when God is rejected some of the core truths about the order of things is also rejected and replaced by human made ideas. I look at this as the measure for how society is heading down the road to S&G and not necesarily the danger, or crime stats or the good or bad society has done. These are just symptoms of an underlying deterioration which is more fundemental spiritually.

This tells us about the state of the mind and soul, the thinking and how far its strayed from Gods order and truths and how we have turned ourselves into gods or made worldly things our gods. Today we are further away from those core beliefs and truths that we were 100 years ago. Whether this is closer than further away from a complete fall is something we don't know exactly.

Societies rise and fall but it seems each time we get back to God just like the Isrealites did. Maybe there will be some sort of revival coming. But I think there are more signs about being closer to the end that there were even 20 years ago, even 10 years ago. Its the accumulation of these deteriorating aspects that will converge into a bigger problem in the end.

Maybe we are beginning to see the death thows of the end in what is happening today in the world with the Middle East, Russia, and the other conflicts happening throughout especially Western societies whose democracies and stability is being undermined.
I posted a lengthy response to your earlier post, where I scrutinised each point you had made. You have responded with an even lengthier post, responding to each point I made. I had started on what would have become an improbably long post responding to each point you made, but I stopped myself in time. Instead I'll try to give a more general, but still comprehensive reply. :)

First a comment to underpin what follows. Forgive me if I categorise you, but I have placed you in a group which I'll call "People whom I disagree with on many (most) things, but whose posts I find interesting and organised, and whom I respect."

I agree with you that tribalism, in its many guises, has been a part of humanity for a long time. (I would say from before we became human.) Identity politics is one of its current expressions. One could make an argument that tribalism lies at the heart of all the major problems we face, though I think that would likely be an oversimplification. Nevertheless, it is big issue.

However, we differ in that I think we do not need an external "guide" to enable us all to lead productive, valued lives (however those are defined). If there were a God, like the New Testament Christian God that would be no bad thing, I just don't think such a benevolent entity exists, so we are thrown back on our own resources. I don't really know if they areadequate to the task, but if we don't try, we certainly won't succeed.

Now you proposal is that we - all of us, the population of the whole world - adopt the beliefs of a sub-set of humanity, in order to provide an external reference. That is a classic example of tribalism. Perhaps you are not suggesting imposing this on the world, but you are urging the rest of workd to accept your set of beliefs, saying "My tribes ideas are better than your tribes ideas". I don't hink that is going to work.

Another area where I differ from you is in regard to the claim - things are getting worse. You have supported this with nothing more than opinions and anecdotes. Those are valueless. I have no idea whether things are getting worse, or getting better, or staying about the same. I do know that millenia people have been saying things are getting worse despite the fact that some things are clearly getting better and - depending upon how you define better - a lot of things are getting better.

To a degree I don't actually care. I do know that things could be better and should be better and making it so should be our goal.

So when God is rejected some of the core truths about the order of things is also rejected and replaced by human made ideas.
I address this one specific statement. Not all the core truths that you claim are lost this way would be considered core truths by others. Human made ideas for humans seems like a remarkably sensible approach, with the caveat that it should provide ideas for all people; not the ideas of subset whose internal divisions are so great that some groups will not recognise another and whom in total are a minority on the planet.

In the effort to keep this of manageable length I have not addressed several of your comments. If there are any you would like me to respond to let me know.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
Pacific Northwest
United States
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In Relationship
In the recent past even pre mid 20th centry we had low divorce, low abortion for example. Thats because we respected Gods order for marriage and human life. We sacrificed self desires for a greater truth. But we now believe in individual desires over all else.

So slavery, segregation, genocide of indigenous people, are all part of God's order for society?

That has seen a massive rise in abostions and a breakdown in families and society.

I hate to break it to you, but abortion was pretty common pre-20th century.

Could you expand on the idea of the breakdown in families? Would you consider, for example, an arranged marriage something normal and attractive? How about one or both parties in the arranged marriage having extra-marital affairs? Because that was pretty common.

Now, of course, cheating wasn't considered socially acceptable then--just as it isn't considered socially acceptable now. But this is why it is helpful if you explain what you're talking about.

As far as a break down in society, that's a big statement--one that I don't disagree with. But I don't know what you are referring to when you say this.

Even 30 years ago we were united under one belief moreso and now divided by identity politics as belief in GOd deminishes. Even 20 odd years ago we respected Gods order of man and women becoming one flesh in marriage before SSM laws. Even 10 years ago we repected Gods order in biological sex before society now believes there is none and sex is interchangable as opposed to Gods nature.

I don't know how old you are, I'm in my early 40's. But what you're talking about here doesn't comport with my own lived observations and experiences of the past several decades.

So you're upset that non-straight people are treated the same under the law as straight people, am I correct in that assessment?

Human made ideologies based on assumptions about nature, that everything is a social construction where humans are the gods who can recreate nature.

It appears to me that you lack basic knowledge on a good many things, and so you have created an imaginary world that never existed in your own mind. And so you appear to be blowing gas out of something.

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