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Hebrews Sabbath rest, how do you read it?


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Jun 26, 2016
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Brother you do know that HEBREW 3-4 is talking about those who rebelled against God in the wilderness right? It is not talking about those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD not entering his rest. Those that did not enter God's rest were all those who sinned against him (broke his commandments) and did not believe his Word *HEBREWS 3:12-19. His rest as shown in the post # 9 linked that you refuse to read shows these scriptures refer to God's rest as being the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH of creation that he made for mankind *GENESIS 2:1-3; MARK 2:27-28; HEBREWS 4:1-5; 9.

So God kept the disobedient Jews in the wilderness from observing the 7th day sabbath? No he didnt, so the sabbath rest he is referring to is another sabbath. Correct?
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God's WORD says that if we are knowingly breaking any of God's Commandments we do not enter God's rest, neither do we know God *JAMES 2:10-11; 1 JOHN 3:4.
You cant obey Gods sabbath rest. Its something God gives us.
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Im not denying that God gave mankind Sabbath, im only interpreting it differently than you.

How can you interpret it any differently than how it is written in God's WORD which is it is one of God's 10 commandments that give us the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL; SIN and RIGHTEOUSNESS *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7; 1 JOHN 3:4; PSALMS 119:172, that show us our need of Christ that we might be forgiven by faith *GALATIANS 3:22-25?
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So God kept the disobedient Jews in the wilderness from observing the 7th day sabbath? No he didnt, so the sabbath rest he is referring to is another sabbath. Correct?

Where have I ever posted to you that God kept the disobedient JEWS in the wilderness from observing the 7th day Sabbath? Why make up something that I have never said? I posted the scriptures to you from HEBREWS 3:12-19 showing that those in the wilderness did not enter into God's rest because they did not BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD. This does not say that God does not have a people that BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD or it would not be written in HEBREWS 4:9 SO THEN, IT REMAINS FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD TO KEEP THE SABBATH.
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You cant obey Gods sabbath rest. Its something God gives us.

We cannot obey any of God's commandments unless we abide in Christ and are born again to walk in God's Spirit. *GALATIANS 5:16; ROMANS 3:31. If we are continuing in known unrepentant sin however we do not know him who calls us in love to love another. *1 JOHN 2:3-4.
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Where have I ever posted to you that God kept the disobedient JEWS in the wilderness from observing the 7th day Sabbath? Why make up something that I have never said? I posted the scriptures to you from HEBREWS 3:12-19 showing that those in the wilderness did not enter into God's rest because they did not BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD. This does not say that God does not have a people that BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD or it would not be written in HEBREWS 4:9 SO THEN, IT REMAINS FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD TO KEEP THE SABBATH.
Peace, im out. Happy holidays LGW
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ace of hearts

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You need to define what evil works are and the conditions of walking in God's SPIRIT. Evil works are defined in God's WORD as breaking God's commandments.

God's 10 Commandments give us the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL; SIN and RIGHTEOUSNESS *ROMANS 3:20; ROMANS 7:7; 1 JOHN 3;4; PSALMS 119:172. If we KNOWINGLY break any one of God's commandments we stand guilty before God of sin *JAMES 2:18-20; 26. If we walk in God's SPIRIT we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh *GALATIANS 5:16. None have God's SPIRIT while contiuing in known UNREPENTANT SIN (breaking any of God's Commandments - 1 JOHN 3:4; JAMES 2:10-11) *ACTS 2:38. God's people in the wilderness did not enter into God's REST because of SIN and UNBELIEF; HEBREWS 3. God's REST of HEBREWS 4 is God's SABBATH REST.
I want to know just 2 things here. Have you read Rom 7:1-6 and would you please comment on those 6 verses?

Next I want to know why you seem to resort to so much condemnation trying to institute fear.
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ace of hearts

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Hmm you responded to this post already and thanked me for keeping it short in your post # 12. Anyhow brother, that is not an excuse for not looking at the scriptures that disagree with you. Why are you trying to say that the Sabbath is only for JEWS when JESUS says it is for all mankind *MARK 2:27-28?
Are you really saying that your verses are being ignored or that there's disagreement? I think you're upset because no one is taking your position as theirs, meaning converting.
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I want to know just 2 things here. Have you read Rom 7:1-6 and would you please comment on those 6 verses?

Hello brother AOH,

YES I have read ROMANS 7:1-6. These scriptures should be read in connection and context of ROMANS chapters 6 and chapter 8. Romans Chapter 6 is about dying to sin and usind BAPTIZM as a symbol of dying to the old mans life of sinful human living and being reborn in Christ. The OLD man is crucified with Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin.

Romans 7 is about the OLD man or living in the flesh (σάρξ; sarx means carnal mind or sinful human nature) without Christ before death. v1-7 continues from Romans chapter 6 this time using the metaphore of marriage and death and being free to re-marry. While we are married to the old man we have to stay with the old man (sinful human nature). Once the OLD man dies we are free to marry another - Christ. These are all symbols of law and Spirit. This is the continued theme throughout the rest of the Chapter 7 and 8. The over all theme here is similar to GALATIANS 3:22-25 and show the role of God's LAW and how it leads us to Christ by faith to walk in his Spirit so we no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh *GALATIANS 5:16.

God's LAW gives us the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL; SIN and RIGHTOEUSNESS *ROMANS 7:7; ROMANS 3:20; 1 JOHN 3:4; PSALMS 119:172. It makes nothing perfect but it shows us that we are all sinners in need of a Saviour *ROMANS 3:19-20; MATTHEW 9:12-13. It leads us to the foot of the cross with no excuses were there we realise that there is nothing that we can do to save ourselves from not only the sins that we have done but from our very nature because sin is in our very nature. Here and ONLY here we are free to see JESUS and the free GIFT of God's dear son where we are only left with the promises of God's WORD alone through faith, because there is nothing we can do to save ourselves. It is only here that we can lay hold of the promises of God's WORD and by faith we are born again to become free from sin to walk in God's SPIRIT and live in NEWNESS of life *GALATIANS 5:16; JOHN 8:31-36; JOHN 3:3-8; 1 JOHN 3:3-9; ROMANS 6.

ROMANS 8 continues showing that of the NEW man the one who lives by FAITH and walks in God's SPIRIT. Sin (known) no longer has dominion over him as he abides in Christ and walks in his Spirit. He has been FORGIVEN by FAITH in God's WORD. God's SPIRIT has freed us from the power of the sins we KNOW about and it's condemnation by faith in God's WORD. *ROMANS 8:1-4; 1 JOHN 1:9

Next I want to know why you seem to resort to so much condemnation trying to institute fear.

Brother, it is not my intent or purpose or do I desire or resort to as you say condemn and institute fear. My purpose is only to share God's WORD as my duty of LOVE to my fellow man and my duty of LOVE to God because it is only in God's WORD that we find JESUS and that is where I must point all. I do not judge you or anyone else here. If you feel condemned by the scriptures shared with you then this is between you and God alone. As this is the work of God's SPIRIT *JOHN 16:7-11. If you love God's WORD you will hear his voice

God's sheep hear his Voice (the Word) and BELIEVE and FOLLOW him who calls them in LOVE to LOVE nother.

God bless.
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Are you really saying that your verses are being ignored or that there's disagreement? I think you're upset because no one is taking your position as theirs, meaning converting.

For me, he must increase and I must decrease. I only point all to the Word of God because it is there we find the one who loves us that we may love him. I know him and am known by him. All that he shows me I see and must show to all because I am blind. He tells me it is those that say they see that do not see. These are they that have once known him or do not know him. There is only life in the living Word. These are his Words and not my own. Freely I give because freely I have received. I must speak in the light and what I hear preach in the housetops. Many will not hear because they do not know Him. He is the Word of God and those that believe him are those that he has chosen. They follow him because they love him and are loved by him. Many are called but few are chosen. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgment day.
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Brother you do know that HEBREW 3-4 is talking about those who rebelled against God in the wilderness right? It is not talking about those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW God's WORD not entering his rest. Those that did not enter God's rest were all those who sinned against him (broke his commandments) and did not believe his Word *HEBREWS 3:12-19. His rest as shown in the post # 9 linked that you refuse to read shows these scriptures refer to God's rest as being the SEVENTH DAY SABBATH of creation that he made for mankind *GENESIS 2:1-3; MARK 2:27-28; HEBREWS 4:1-5; 9.

Hello LGW.

Your quotation from the scripture.

Which version are you quoting from?

You seem to switch the translation you use in your posts, to fit your church teaching.

I only know of one translation that says, 'keep the Sabbath', and that's the Aramaic translation.
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Hello LGW.

Your quotation from the scripture.

Which version are you quoting from?

You seem to switch the translation you use in your posts, to fit your church teaching.

I only know of one translation that says, 'keep the Sabbath', and that's the Aramaic translation.

Hi David, I use many translations when studying God's WORD and look at the GREEK and HEBREW. Most translations of Hebrews 4:9 you still get the same outcome.

Parallel translations of HEBREWS 4:9

New International Version
There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;

English Standard Version
So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God,

Berean Study Bible
So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

Berean Literal Bible
So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

New American Standard Bible
So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

Christian Standard Bible
Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God's people.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
Therefore, a Sabbath rest remains for God's people.

International Standard Version
There remains, therefore, a Sabbath rest for the people of God to keep,

NET Bible
Consequently a Sabbath rest remains for the people of God.

New Heart English Bible
There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
So then, it remains for the people of God to keep the Sabbath.

New American Standard 1977
There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

American Standard Version
There remaineth therefore a sabbath rest for the people of God.

Darby Bible Translation
There remains then a sabbatism to the people of God.

English Revised Version
There remaineth therefore a sabbath rest for the people of God.

Weymouth New Testament
It follows that there still remains a sabbath rest for the people of God.

World English Bible
There remains therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God.

Young's Literal Translation
there doth remain, then, a Sabbatic rest to the people of God,

Hope this helps.
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Lots of talk about the Sabbath versus God’s rest, but if we aren’t keeping the 7th day holy as commanded, how can we truly expect to enter into God’s rest?

Break 1 commandment, break them all. That’s like saying we can be adulterers and murderers and enter into God’s rest. It doesn’t work like that.
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ace of hearts

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Hello brother AOH,

YES I have read ROMANS 7:1-6. These scriptures should be read in connection and context of ROMANS chapters 6 and chapter 8. Romans Chapter 6 is about dying to sin and usind BAPTIZM as a symbol of dying to the old mans life of sinful human living and being reborn in Christ. The OLD man is crucified with Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that from now on we should not serve sin.
Are you trying to say that I'm taking Rom 7:6 out of context? If so, how?
Romans 7 is about the OLD man or living in the flesh (σάρξ; sarx means carnal mind or sinful human nature) without Christ before death. v1-7 continues from Romans chapter 6 this time using the metaphore of marriage and death and being free to re-marry. While we are married to the old man we have to stay with the old man (sinful human nature). Once the OLD man dies we are free to marry another - Christ. These are all symbols of law and Spirit. This is the continued theme throughout the rest of the Chapter 7 and 8. The over all theme here is similar to GALATIANS 3:22-25 and show the role of God's LAW and how it leads us to Christ by faith to walk in his Spirit so we no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh *GALATIANS 5:16.
The old man in chapter 6 is married a husband in chapter 7. The husband is represented as the law in chapter 7. The husband (the law) dies and we're allowed to be married to another because we're not bound by the dead husband (the law). You seem to illustrate the same point as truth. So you defeat your own argument about being bound to the law. Yes if you were the wife of that husband (the law) the before his death. After the husband's death you're free to marry.

What does Galatians 3, say?

21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.

24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

How do we attain righteousness? Verse 21 says it isn't the law. verse 24 clearly says the law is our school master. Verse 25 clearly says we're no longer under that school master (the law).

Verse 26 says we're children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. There's nothing found to include keeping the covenant given to Israel (the law - aka famous 10 called the school master) as part of the requirement to be children of God.
God's LAW gives us the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL; SIN and RIGHTOEUSNESS *ROMANS 7:7; ROMANS 3:20; 1 JOHN 3:4; PSALMS 119:172. It makes nothing perfect but it shows us that we are all sinners in need of a Saviour *ROMANS 3:19-20; MATTHEW 9:12-13. It leads us to the foot of the cross with no excuses were there we realise that there is nothing that we can do to save ourselves from not only the sins that we have done but from our very nature because sin is in our very nature. Here and ONLY here we are free to see JESUS and the free GIFT of God's dear son where we are only left with the promises of God's WORD alone through faith, because there is nothing we can do to save ourselves. It is only here that we can lay hold of the promises of God's WORD and by faith we are born again to become free from sin to walk in God's SPIRIT and live in NEWNESS of life *GALATIANS 5:16; JOHN 8:31-36; JOHN 3:3-8; 1 JOHN 3:3-9; ROMANS 6.
Isn't it your claim not keeping the law can condemn and take away our salvation? Rom 8:1 says no.
ROMANS 8 continues showing that of the NEW man the one who lives by FAITH and walks in God's SPIRIT. Sin (known) no longer has dominion over him as he abides in Christ and walks in his Spirit. He has been FORGIVEN by FAITH in God's WORD. God's SPIRIT has freed us from the power of the sins we KNOW about and it's condemnation by faith in God's WORD. *ROMANS 8:1-4; 1 JOHN 1:9
Yes and it shows we're free from "the law of sin and death." This is the law as Paul shows us in chapter 7.

8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.

9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.

10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.

11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
Brother, it is not my intent or purpose or do I desire or resort to as you say condemn and institute fear. My purpose is only to share God's WORD as my duty of LOVE to my fellow man and my duty of LOVE to God because it is only in God's WORD that we find JESUS and that is where I must point all. I do not judge you or anyone else here. If you feel condemned by the scriptures shared with you then this is between you and God alone. As this is the work of God's SPIRIT *JOHN 16:7-11. If you love God's WORD you will hear his voice

God's sheep hear his Voice (the Word) and BELIEVE and FOLLOW him who calls them in LOVE to LOVE nother.

God bless.
Your clear purpose here is to bring Christians under the law through fear of losing their salvation.

Yes God's sheep hear His voice.
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ace of hearts

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For me, he must increase and I must decrease. I only point all to the Word of God because it is there we find the one who loves us that we may love him. I know him and am known by him. All that he shows me I see and must show to all because I am blind. He tells me it is those that say they see that do not see. These are they that have once known him or do not know him. There is only life in the living Word. These are his Words and not my own. Freely I give because freely I have received. I must speak in the light and what I hear preach in the housetops. Many will not hear because they do not know Him. He is the Word of God and those that believe him are those that he has chosen. They follow him because they love him and are loved by him. Many are called but few are chosen. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed come judgment day.
My only comment here is why would want to follow a blind man and also fall in the ditch.

Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch
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ace of hearts

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Lots of talk about the Sabbath versus God’s rest, but if we aren’t keeping the 7th day holy as commanded, how can we truly expect to enter into God’s rest?

Break 1 commandment, break them all. That’s like saying we can be adulterers and murderers and enter into God’s rest. It doesn’t work like that.
How then can those who kept the sabbath no enter into God's rest?
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How then can those who kept the sabbath no enter into God's rest?
Unbelieving and disobedient people have never entered into God’s rest. The Israelites didn’t keep the Sabbath, and they didn’t enter God’s rest - why would we think we could enter it by being unbelieving and disobedient?
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ace of hearts

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Unbelieving and disobedient people have never entered into God’s rest. The Israelites didn’t keep the Sabbath, and they didn’t enter God’s rest - why would we think we could enter it by being unbelieving and disobedient?
Since Christians aren't obligated to the covenant given to Israel alone, they can't violate it. There's no sin (violation).
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Since Christians aren't obligated to the covenant given to Israel alone, they can't violate it. There's no sin (violation).
The new covenant is made with Israel alone - where does the Bible say that the new covenant is with Christians who no longer need to obey God’s commandments?
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