Few friends


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2014
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Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this. I've been struggling with this issue for a few days now. It's not really going away so I thought I'd get your guises opinions on how to maybe solve it. I've written about this in the past but hopefully I can get some new insight on it now.

I came from a really messed up past. I had to get rid of all my friends and start over. Over the last few months I've been going to a young adults group at my church. It's helped me a lot in my social skills and starting to rebuild my life again. I enjoy talking to people there and everyone is really friendly. My past has made me become a shy person and I struggle to get to a deeper level with people. I do this because I don't like to talk about my past and the brokenness I was in. I'm very thankful that people are so friendly because they invite me to social events outside of church. The problem I'm having is making deeper friendships with people. In the the time I've gone to church I feel like I've only made one actual friend. I feel like I can be open to him and he has been open to me. I'm thankful for his friendship but I want to start making more friends. I hang out with my sister and her boyfriend sometimes. He is a great guy and really nice to me to. I don't feel like I can fully call him my friend though because outside of my sister he doesn't really talk to me. I've been struggling a lot with the thought that I only have one friend. Everyone in church is always talking about hanging out with people and all there old friends. I don't have much of a history with anyone yet everyone is new to me. With my past and my lack of friendship I sometimes don't feel whole as a person.... I'll be honest with you guys here. I'm at an age were you start to think about relationships. The struggle I mentioned is making me afraid to open myself up to a relationship with a girl. It makes me nervous to want to bring a girl into my life right now while it's still a mess. I'm not sure what I should do? I'll end it there everyone. Hopefully this makes sense. Thank you everyone for your help.


Seed Planter
Jul 19, 2011
My room
Calvary Chapel
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Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this. I've been struggling with this issue for a few days now. It's not really going away so I thought I'd get your guises opinions on how to maybe solve it. I've written about this in the past but hopefully I can get some new insight on it now.
I came from a really messed up past. I had to get rid of all my friends and start over.
*Pretty much what I had to do as I had grown tired of "sunshine friends"-- the kind who only come around when things are going good for you, they don't come around
when things are bad--so you can't count on
them for support/encouragement.

Over the last few months I've been going to a young adults group at my church. It's helped me a lot in my social skills and starting to rebuild my life again. I enjoy talking to people there and everyone is really friendly. My past has made me become a shy person and I struggle to get to a deeper level with people. I do this because I don't like to talk about my past and the brokenness I was in. I'm very thankful that people are so friendly because they invite me to social events outside of church. The problem I'm having is making deeper friendships with people. In the the time I've gone to church I feel like I've only made one actual friend. I feel like I can be open to him and he has been open to me. I'm thankful for his friendship but I want to start making more friends. I hang out with my sister and her boyfriend sometimes. He is a great guy and really nice to me to. I don't feel like I can fully call him my friend though because outside of my sister he doesn't really talk to me. I've been struggling a lot with the thought that I only have one friend.

*You have more than one friend, Jesus and all who claim Him as Lord and Savior are your "family" also. You will learn that "family" don't always stay chummy.
You will find, like the Lord found that his
followers/friends/those who claim to love
him would abandon him when things got
"too hot to handle."

As I recall David had one real friend, Jonathan...David had many "hanger ons"
but those people weren't on the same level
of friendship as Jonathan.

Proverbs 12:26

"The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads
them astray."

Everyone in church is always talking about hanging out with people and all there old friends. I don't have much of a history with anyone yet everyone is new to me. With my past and my lack of friendship I sometimes don't feel whole as a person.... I'll be honest with you guys here.

*It ain't friends that make you feel whole,
it's your relationship with the Lord that
will lead to real fulfillment.
Focus on your faith
walk with Jesus--
in short...seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I'm at an age were you start to think about relationships. The struggle I mentioned is making me afraid to open myself up to a relationship with a girl. It makes me nervous to want to bring a girl into my life right now while it's still a mess.

*Work on your "mess" get it dealt with,
submit all of that to the Lord, ask Him to
work it out and do a work in your heart
(forgiving those who offended you, healing
your deep wounds, bring about restoration.)

I'm not sure what I should do? I'll end it there everyone. Hopefully this makes sense. Thank you everyone for your help.

*Psalm 34:18
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit."

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and
He will make straight your paths."

John 15:13-15
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.
Instead, I have called you
for everything that I learned

from my Father I have made known
to you"

There's a word about having
many friends/companions--
Proverbs 18:24

"A man of many companions may come to
ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer
than a brother."

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Broken but loved
Jan 16, 2013
Marital Status
Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this. I've been struggling with this issue for a few days now. It's not really going away so I thought I'd get your guises opinions on how to maybe solve it. I've written about this in the past but hopefully I can get some new insight on it now.

I came from a really messed up past. I had to get rid of all my friends and start over. Over the last few months I've been going to a young adults group at my church. It's helped me a lot in my social skills and starting to rebuild my life again. I enjoy talking to people there and everyone is really friendly. My past has made me become a shy person and I struggle to get to a deeper level with people. I do this because I don't like to talk about my past and the brokenness I was in. I'm very thankful that people are so friendly because they invite me to social events outside of church. The problem I'm having is making deeper friendships with people. In the the time I've gone to church I feel like I've only made one actual friend. I feel like I can be open to him and he has been open to me. I'm thankful for his friendship but I want to start making more friends. I hang out with my sister and her boyfriend sometimes. He is a great guy and really nice to me to. I don't feel like I can fully call him my friend though because outside of my sister he doesn't really talk to me. I've been struggling a lot with the thought that I only have one friend. Everyone in church is always talking about hanging out with people and all there old friends. I don't have much of a history with anyone yet everyone is new to me. With my past and my lack of friendship I sometimes don't feel whole as a person.... I'll be honest with you guys here. I'm at an age were you start to think about relationships. The struggle I mentioned is making me afraid to open myself up to a relationship with a girl. It makes me nervous to want to bring a girl into my life right now while it's still a mess. I'm not sure what I should do? I'll end it there everyone. Hopefully this makes sense. Thank you everyone for your help.

well, it is good they invite you to social events outside church

this is the first time I personally have seen it.
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Oct 7, 2005
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Friendship is definitely a variety of positive and negative life experiences where circumstances can make friendship either permanent or temporary. Circumstances that pressure aged-mature individuals to make wise choices to travel elsewhere for suitable employment and affordable home accommodation:.
Christ's Second Coming future victory return will make sure friendship will become an all-positive eternal life experience, as well as being permanently depression-proof and anxiety-proof,
once we as new brothers and sisters of Christ receive our new genius-intelligent minds and measure-perfect bodies of Christ, so that our communication will be clear and precise without embarrassing memory loss experiences that cause friendships to end in the permanent abyss of forget-you-ness.
I believe 'money lack' or 'money plenty more than enough' can cause individual choices to live out their lives according to luck, and not according to God who created us in his own image:.
Jesus Christ's future-coming physical return will reveal the secretive and most advanced construction-safe kingdom of God for our friendship that will be focused inside this massive free-for-all home accommodation, and where traveling overseas for a vacation or seeking employment is not necessary, when no money is necessary for our work and recreation enjoyment activities that will be all provided inside this vast kingdom that is light years ahead in modern design, luxury and comfort.;'*';.
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Reading the Bible
Jan 22, 2011
New Zealand
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Jesus had only about two to three close friends...John, James and Peter. Mary was also a close friend, even though she was a girl and Judas didnt like her much as she was a sinner.

Dont feel bad you only got one..keep that one and also your friendship with Jesus, follow his lead and he will send people in your life who can become good friends. I found that in my life.

When I joined church I got to know people better in small groups but it was only a few of them I became deeper friends with. I did go to another church which many people were superficially friendly. It was nice for a season but it seems they didnt want to know me if I had some struggle and would palm me off to other people. Its not their fault I needed to rely on God to deal with my past and put it behind me not keep bringing it up, and only to those whom God showed me could handle such things.
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