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    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread So it happened again....
      You're absolutely right I need to think about my well being as well. Well she caught me crying in the car when we went to get groceries...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread So it happened again....
      Well the good news is there is always somebody checking on him because he is such high risk. So there's always a therapist calling him...
    • Neostarwcc
      So my transgendered friend has yet again unfriended me on discord. This is a big deal because every single time he has unfriended me and...
    • Neostarwcc
      I think America is out of luck no matter what the choice. Christians can't and really shouldn't be voting Democrat when the Democratic...
    • Neostarwcc
      I have to admit I don't like Trump but even I don't want him dead. He's a criminal who needs to be in jail and serve his time. When my...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      Lol yeah I'm slowly getting over it. I think when the unknown comes it will be less scary than most people think. My mom as a nurse has...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      Exactly. It's not just in the Bible and Bible times that God healed people God continues to heal people till this day. Had God done...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      Yeah it was a very big blood clot and i didnt know my heart was larger than normal thats a fun fact. But Doctors were very surprised...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      Oh she definitely wouldn't get it now. What good is it to extend her life now? She's going to die anyway. I'm talking about 20 years ago...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      If I get my bariatric surgery and it's a success and I lose like 200 pounds I should live for a while yeah. Otherwise I might pass away...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      Yeah she has had a long life but she also has been suffering for a lot of it. She has had stage 0 lukemia since I was in high school...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      She lost a younger or older sister (I can't remember) in the fire so it was extra traumatizing for her. For the longest time she didn't...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      At least odds are unless some unfortunate accident happens I'd have my wife by my side. That would make things more comfortable. When my...
    • Neostarwcc
      Neostarwcc replied to the thread Im afraid of death..
      hey! I'm feeling a little better from what I was a few months ago. I'm still a little afraid of the concept of death. It's not getting...
    • Neostarwcc
      So I got an update from our Elder. He spoke to his wife on the phone today since he was very weak and couldn't talk on the phone but...
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