Evolution and Genesis account of creation

The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Hi barbarian
Of course, it couldn't be that there were some dinosaurs with feathers.

The first example was found in the late 1800s. We now have many such examples.

I'd even be skeptical in even 'knowing that we know' that some creature we have found evidence of several thousand years ago could even be proven to be a 'transitional' form. Why can't it be a slightly different form that we just don't have existing with us today.

Often, that's what a transitional is. It's a creature with apomorphic characters of two different groups. Such as a feathered dinosaur. Turns out, there were a lot of them. Some YE creationists admit that they are very good evidence for evolution.

There are, I believe, a number of creatures that existed upon the earth that we don't have with us today.

There are far, far more mammal, reptile, and bird species that are extinct than exist today. If they ever lived at one time, there would not have been room for them to exist.

Is there really some way that we can prove that one of them is a transitional form of two other creatures and completely rule out the possibility that the supposed 'transitional' creature was just a different creature that lived in that day.

We know this, because the anatomical details show the transition. And it's not because "common function"; in the case of birds, the same bones we find in small theropod dinosaurs exist in birds, but are modified to other functions. The flow-through respiration of birds is only slightly modified from that of some bipedal dinosaurs, for which it allowed swift running.

How exactly does DNA science 'prove' one account or the other?

Because we know, from tests with organisms of known descent, that DNA shows family trees, we have been able to verify the family tree worked out by Linnaeus to a high degree of precision.

I realize your post wasn't directed to me, but, I believe it's a valid question.

Why would pigeons and bats have similar DNA?

If the creationist claim "similar DNA;similar function" were true, bats and birds would have very similar DNA. But they don't.

Perhaps God doesn't separate the various species as man does.

Perhaps not. The Hebrews didn't, for example. They didn't do them by biological standards, but by functional standards. They classified bats as birds, and whales as fish.

Why would whales and sharks have similar DNA?

If the creationist belief of "similar DNA; similar function" was true, they would. But as you say, they don't.

Whales are mammals as man separates creatures.


Sharks are not. If they are fairly separate creatures in their basic make up, perhaps they wouldn't have similar DNA.

They have very different DNA. They fit in with fish, but whales fit in with mammals. There is a distinction in biology between analogous organs (like the tail fins of fish and the flukes of whales) , and homologous organs like the wings of bats and the forelegs of horses.

Analogous organs appear similar and have similar functions. Homologous organs are the same structures, but modified for different purposes.

Analogous organs do not indicate common descent. Homologous organs do.

What I'm asking is how you know that you know that whales and sharks should have similar DNA if one proposes the theory that NM has proposed.

Because that is what his belief supposes.

Are you God?

I've just spent a lifetime studying the creatures He made. And I've learned a little about them. Some things indicate common descent. Others don't.

How do you know that DNA strands should be similar in this creature but not in that one?

Homologies indicate common descent. Analogies don't.

I mean, as I understand DNA, it contains the building block codes for pretty much every cell in a creature. So, a creature that has some sort of pliable skin, may, in that area of pliable skin have fairly similar DNA coding, but likely not exactly the same.

Pliable skin is not apomorphic for anything in the animal kingdom. So we'd expect to see it everywhere, in all sorts of phyla.

A creature that has fingernails and claws should have some DNA coding that causes some cells to be built as fingernails and claws.

And that is apomorphic for tetrapods. I believe claws first appeared in primitive amphibians.
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Apes and humans are all in family Hominidae.
Mar 2, 2018
United States
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Thanks for your input within this thread MT!

I've generally found that evolutionary principles are built upon logical fallacies. For example, looking at the following syllogism:

If evolution is true, then we'd expect to find similarities in the DNA of all organisms.
Similarities are found in the DNA of all organisms.
Therefore, evolution is true.

The logical fallacy committed here is the fallacy of affirming the consequent. In its simplistic form this fallacy follows as:

If [p] then [q]
therefore [p]

The IF statement asserts that if premise p then conclusion q occurs, so if we see q, then p is true. The above statement in blue is relatively subtle, so below is a more obvious example:

If it's raining outside, the car will be wet
The car is wet
Therefore, it must be raining

This argument is invalid because the initial IF statement assumes that the premise is the only cause by which the conclusion can follow. The car could also be wet because the sprinkler is on, or kids are running around with squirt guns, or the car is simply being washed.

Similarly, as far as DNA similarities goes, another possibility is that God just used similar DNA as the code for creating similar structures with similar function for a similar purpose and He could have done this all on days 5 and 6 of creation. This would not be illogical or irrational as when people create computer programs of similar function and purpose, the underlying code is also similar even though one program did not necessarily "evolve" into the other.

Thanks again and have a Merry Christmas!
( sigh) I see you’ve learned creationist pseudoscience instead of real science. Come back when youve learn not to equate ignorant nonsense and your religious beliefs with science
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Apes and humans are all in family Hominidae.
Mar 2, 2018
United States
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Snakes and humans share deep homologise which point to common descent. They have jaws using some of the same bones. And they’re both vertebrates . They also share that tube within a tube basic body plan of all bilaterians. There are lots of other deep homologous structures that are under control of the genes
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We have nothing, if not belief in the Lord
Sep 19, 2017
Mid West
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( sigh) I see you’ve learned creationist pseudoscience instead of real science. Come back when youve learn not to equate ignorant nonsense and your religious beliefs with science
It is not intended to be science, it is logic applied. Also, the "pseudoscience instead of real science" comment is another logical fallacy and is called the "true scotsman" argument. You can actually Google "affirming the consequent" and you will see the exact usage of variables (p and q) just as I stated - I'm not making these things up. Like evolution, it would seem your debate strategy is also largely built on logical fallacies.

You continue to evade direct questions of faith - seems reminiscent of when Jesus' authority was challenged by the chief priests and scribes and Jesus responded back with the question: "Was the baptism of John from heaven or from man?" The priests/scribes did not have an answer and so the response they ultimately gave was, "we don't know". Is that where you are with your faith?

I hope you do find the faith to believe in God's word this Christmas. We can pick up the discussion later - hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
Marital Status
It is not intended to be science, it is logic applied.

If you have to misrepresent what science says to make your point, isn't that a telling fact?
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Sep 5, 2018
Pacific, Mo.
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I'm not interested in "any christian's" answer, I'm interested in your personal belief. Do you believe?
Yes, I believe the miracles you mentioned were very literal. Evidently you had already decided I did not.

I would not agree that the story of Jesus and Lazarus was figurative, it was literal/physical/real:
I said the event, which means a physical reality, was figurative of the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ. You seem to read into my post what you have preconceived it to say. Do you do this with scripture also?

My belief of evolution is: if any of it is true God would be the first cause in it.

Its good you believe Genesis 3:15 is referring to Christ.

I believe the snake/serpent is figurative for natural/fleshly man.

I believe tree of life is figurative for Christ.

I believe the flaming sword is figurative for The Word/Christ of God, the only way man can return to a union with Him.

I believe the mark of Cain was the mark of a vengeful spirit.

I believe these things because I asked God to reveal them to me and He did.
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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Hi barbarian,

May you enjoy a blessed day of rejoicing for the Lord has come and a blessed new year.

Thank you for your reply. You responded to my inquiry concerning dinosaurs with feathers with:
The first example was found in the late 1800s. We now have many such examples.

I certainly don't deny that they have found creatures that we call dinosaurs and that these creatures seemed to have feathers. My question, however, was what evidence that provides for which we can say that it is a 'truth' that because we have found earlier creatures with feathers, they must be transitional forms between some earth bound creature that morphed into birds? Why is it not possible that there were some earlier creatures that had feathers and they may well have been, either, birds that no longer exist upon the earth or land creatures that also no longer exist upon the earth that had feathers.

There are actually a few examples of creatures still today upon the earth that have feathers, that are classified as birds, but they don't fly. We need to understand that the classification of all the creatures upon the earth into the various and sundry classes, species and phylum is a strictly man-made classification. It is generally based on some similarities between creatures, but we have no assurance that our 'species' classification is the same as God's 'kinds' classification. All of the 'science' so far, that would tell us that one species evolved from another, is at best, speculative guesswork. Generally based on similarities that we find between creatures. Some of which no longer exist upon the earth, and some of which are still with us.

It may well be that when God established within creatures the DNA pattern that would provide that a dog begets another dog, a particular bird another particular bird, that a lot of the DNA is similar. Now, you say that you can prove that if that were the case, then a whale would be like a shark. Ok. Prove it!

You then responded:
Often, that's what a transitional is. It's a creature with apomorphic characters of two different groups. Such as a feathered dinosaur. Turns out, there were a lot of them. Some YE creationists admit that they are very good evidence for evolution.

Yes, and some very christian like people deny that God's account of creating in six days all that exists in this realm is ludicrous. I'm not particularly in agreement with them either. So, I'm certainly not surprised that there may be a group of avowed YEC's that would say, "Man, that evidence sure does look compelling". However, that doesn't truth make. It's just the understanding of that group of people.

I'm after truth! I want to see inarguable evidence that proves beyond any doubt that the account of the creation can't be the way that God said it was, before I'm going to let go of my faith that God is telling me the truth. None of these evidences that 'seem to point' to one species becoming another species is inarguable proof. They may well be just two distinct creatures with great similarity. As a say, both the sea creatures and the aviary creatures offer us a plethora of evidence that in the animal world there are quite a few creatures that can't easily be separated as distinctly different creatures with the only evidence of their existence being a few bones and possibly a fossil or two.

I recently watched 'Blue Earth II' on Netflix. It's utterly amazing the various designs of all the sea creatures. A myriad of sea corals and sea anemones. Many with such slight variations that they are hardly detectable. Why then is it impossible that these few evidences that we have of creatures that are so very similar, that no longer exist, were just distinct variations of creatures that have existed in the past that were as similar as a sea anemone or sea coral?

You then seem to have oddly confirmed exactly what I was saying about differences between whales and sharks by answering:
They have very different DNA. They fit in with fish, but whales fit in with mammals. There is a distinction in biology between analogous organs (like the tail fins of fish and the flukes of whales) , and homologous organs like the wings of bats and the forelegs of horses.

That was exactly my point to your suggestion that we should expect whale and shark DNA to be similar, IF, my proposition were true. They are vastly different creatures in pretty much all of their design except that they both live in the sea.

Anyway, each is free to believe as they will. Me, I'm going to stick with God's testimony. I haven't yet seen any evidence that can categorically and without question deny the truth of what God has said. One day, the Scriptures tell us that God is going to roll up the heavens like a scroll. On that day, I think it will be sad to see all those proclaiming that such an event is impossible. On the day that the Scriptures tell us that earth and sky will flee from the coming of our Father in judgment, I think we'll all appreciate just a bit more the power of our God and the futility of our science in explaining to us the things that God has done.

God bless,
In Christ, ted
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Apes and humans are all in family Hominidae.
Mar 2, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Hi barbarian,

May you enjoy a blessed day of rejoicing for the Lord has come and a blessed new year.

Thank you for your reply. You responded to my inquiry concerning dinosaurs with feathers with:

I certainly don't deny that they have found creatures that we call dinosaurs and that these creatures seemed to have feathers. My question, however, was what evidence that provides for which we can say that it is a 'truth' that because we have found earlier creatures with feathers, they must be transitional forms between some earth bound creature that morphed into birds? Why is it not possible that there were some earlier creatures that had feathers and they may well have been, either, birds that no longer exist upon the earth or land creatures that also no longer exist upon the earth that had feathers.

There are actually a few examples of creatures still today upon the earth that have feathers, that are classified as birds, but they don't fly. We need to understand that the classification of all the creatures upon the earth into the various and sundry classes, species and phylum is a strictly man-made classification. It is generally based on some similarities between creatures, but we have no assurance that our 'species' classification is the same as God's 'kinds' classification. All of the 'science' so far, that would tell us that one species evolved from another, is at best, speculative guesswork. Generally based on similarities that we find between creatures. Some of which no longer exist upon the earth, and some of which are still with us.

It may well be that when God established within creatures the DNA pattern that would provide that a dog begets another dog, a particular bird another particular bird, that a lot of the DNA is similar. Now, you say that you can prove that if that were the case, then a whale would be like a shark. Ok. Prove it!

You then responded:

Yes, and some very christian like people deny that God's account of creating in six days all that exists in this realm is ludicrous. I'm not particularly in agreement with them either. So, I'm certainly not surprised that there may be a group of avowed YEC's that would say, "Man, that evidence sure does look compelling". However, that doesn't truth make. It's just the understanding of that group of people.

I'm after truth! I want to see inarguable evidence that proves beyond any doubt that the account of the creation can't be the way that God said it was, before I'm going to let go of my faith that God is telling me the truth. None of these evidences that 'seem to point' to one species becoming another species is inarguable proof. They may well be just two distinct creatures with great similarity. As a say, both the sea creatures and the aviary creatures offer us a plethora of evidence that in the animal world there are quite a few creatures that can't easily be separated as distinctly different creatures with the only evidence of their existence being a few bones and possibly a fossil or two.

I recently watched 'Blue Earth II' on Netflix. It's utterly amazing the various designs of all the sea creatures. A myriad of sea corals and sea anemones. Many with such slight variations that they are hardly detectable. Why then is it impossible that these few evidences that we have of creatures that are so very similar, that no longer exist, were just distinct variations of creatures that have existed in the past that were as similar as a sea anemone or sea coral?

You then seem to have oddly confirmed exactly what I was saying about differences between whales and sharks by answering:

That was exactly my point to your suggestion that we should expect whale and shark DNA to be similar, IF, my proposition were true. They are vastly different creatures in pretty much all of their design except that they both live in the sea.

Anyway, each is free to believe as they will. Me, I'm going to stick with God's testimony. I haven't yet seen any evidence that can categorically and without question deny the truth of what God has said. One day, the Scriptures tell us that God is going to roll up the heavens like a scroll. On that day, I think it will be sad to see all those proclaiming that such an event is impossible. On the day that the Scriptures tell us that earth and sky will flee from the coming of our Father in judgment, I think we'll all appreciate just a bit more the power of our God and the futility of our science in explaining to us the things that God has done.

God bless,
In Christ, ted
. Whales are descended from land animals which in turn are descended from lobefin fish like all land vertebrates . Sharks are cartilage boned fish and while they have a common ancestry with lobefins they’re distantly related. So while whales are related to sharks they’re very very very distant cousins . Yet we find DNA in both doing the same things . The basic body patterning genes are the same genes. Eye formation, gut formation, nervous system formation, basic body plan genes- all the same .

1 Creationists have to come up with evidence that this is not due to common ancestry and 2 they STILL have to come up with a VERIFIABLE mechanism for how separate creation happens otherwise the scientific community will not accept the concept of separate creation as part of science
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
Marital Status
Hi barbarian,

May you enjoy a blessed day of rejoicing for the Lord has come and a blessed new year.[/qu

Thank you for your reply. You responded to my inquiry concerning dinosaurs with feathers with:

I certainly don't deny that they have found creatures that we call dinosaurs and that these creatures seemed to have feathers.

Yes, many of the dinosaurs we have found, are feathered.

My question, however, was what evidence that provides for which we can say that it is a 'truth' that because we have found earlier creatures with feathers, they must be transitional forms between some earth bound creature that morphed into birds?

Even YE Creationist Kurt Wise, who (for religious reasons) doesn't think dinosaurs gave rise to birds, admits that the transitional forms are "very good evidence for macroevolutionary theory."

Why is it not possible that there were some earlier creatures that had feathers and they may well have been, either, birds that no longer exist upon the earth or land creatures that also no longer exist upon the earth that had feathers.

They aren't birds, because they lack many avian characters. They are transitional because they have apomorphic characters of both birds and dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx, for example, has feathers, but it's got more dinosaur characteristics than avian ones.

There are actually a few examples of creatures still today upon the earth that have feathers, that are classified as birds, but they don't fly.

And there were a few feathered dinosaurs that did fly. The prediction of these transitional forms was predicted long before they were found, based on evolutionary theory. The huge number of predicted transitionals is as Wise says, very good evidence, but even stronger is the fact that there are no transitionals where the theory says there shouldn't be any.

We need to understand that the classification of all the creatures upon the earth into the various and sundry classes, species and phylum is a strictly man-made classification.

No. Long before people knew about evolution, it was clear that there were certain kinds of organisms, and that they sorted out into a family tree. Many of the same characteristics used by Linnaeus in his tree, are still used today. But today, we also have genetic data, confirming his classifications very precisely.

It is generally based on some similarities between creatures, but we have no assurance that our 'species' classification is the same as God's 'kinds' classification.

It's not. The scientific classification is based on common descent, in which organisms most closely related to each other are grouped together. The classification in the Bible is functional, with bats and birds classified together, and whales and fish together.

All of the 'science' so far, that would tell us that one species evolved from another, is at best, speculative guesswork.

No. Speciation is an observed fact. Even "Answers in Genesis" admits this. They just argue that evolution of new species "isn't real evolution."

It may well be that when God established within creatures the DNA pattern that would provide that a dog begets another dog, a particular bird another particular bird, that a lot of the DNA is similar. Now, you say that you can prove that if that were the case, then a whale would be like a shark. Ok. Prove it!

Easily. Birds and bats both fly by flapping their modified forelimbs. If common design was common DNA, they would have very similar DNA. But bats are much closer in DNA to moles, whose forelimbs have been modified into diggers. It's that analogy/homology difference. You could say that the Hebrew conception was analogy, and nature shows homology.

Yes, and some very christian like people deny that God's account of creating in six days all that exists in this realm is ludicrous.

That's been the position of Christians for well over a thousand years. But not all of them. There have always been a few who thought Genesis was literal. The good news is that God doesn't care. You can take either position without endangering your salvation.

I'm after truth! I want to see inarguable evidence that proves beyond any doubt that the account of the creation can't be the way that God said it was

You'd have to ask a creationist to do that. I think He did it the way He says. But there are different ways to look at it, and the modern YE creationism, is just the most recent revision.

You then seem to have oddly confirmed exactly what I was saying about differences between whales and sharks by answering:

They have very different DNA. They fit in with fish, but whales fit in with mammals. There is a distinction in biology between analogous organs (like the tail fins of fish and the flukes of whales) , and homologous organs like the wings of bats and the forelegs of horses.

I don't see how. These facts completely undermine the creationist story of "similar function, similar DNA."

That was exactly my point to your suggestion that we should expect whale and shark DNA to be similar, IF, my proposition were true. They are vastly different creatures in pretty much all of their design except that they both live in the sea.

No. They are shaped the same way, lack limbs, swim by moving their tails, etc. This is why the Bible classifies them as fish. They are analogous to fish. But they are homologous to fish.

Anyway, each is free to believe as they will. Me, I'm going to stick with God's testimony.

Your particular interpretation of His testimony.

I haven't yet seen any evidence that can categorically and without question deny the truth of what God has said.

Me neither. This is why the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is demonstrably false.

One day, the Scriptures tell us that God is going to roll up the heavens like a scroll. On that day, I think it will be sad to see all those proclaiming that such an event is impossible.

Don't know any Christians who say it is. Whether that's a figurative statement or the heavens will literally roll up, won't make any difference at all in anyone's salvation.

Jesus tells you what will matter in determining your eternal home. What you think the way He did creation is not one of those things.
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Re-Created, Not Evolved.
Mar 4, 2009
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The amount of disagreement, discourse and ambiguity raised by scripture is very disconcerting.
The Scripture was not written for mere men, it was written for the gods. This is why Jesus spoke in parable to mere men:

Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? If He called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came.... -- (John 10:34-36)

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'" -- (Luke 8:10)
No wonder we suffer from so many denominations.
The church was always made up of denominations.

There are seven denominations mentions in the Book of Revelation, each with its own unique characteristics (Revelation 2-3)
If only God had sent a clear and concise word where there was no doubt of interpretation
It's not God's fault. It's the fault of mere men:

For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' -- (Matthew 13:15)
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Sep 5, 2018
Pacific, Mo.
United States
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Yes, many of the dinosaurs we have found, are feathered.

Even YE Creationist Kurt Wise, who (for religious reasons) doesn't think dinosaurs gave rise to birds, admits that the transitional forms are "very good evidence for macroevolutionary theory."
Never mind just learning to use the site.

They aren't birds, because they lack many avian characters. They are transitional because they have apomorphic characters of both birds and dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx, for example, has feathers, but it's got more dinosaur characteristics than avian ones.

And there were a few feathered dinosaurs that did fly. The prediction of these transitional forms was predicted long before they were found, based on evolutionary theory. The huge number of predicted transitionals is as Wise says, very good evidence, but even stronger is the fact that there are no transitionals where the theory says there shouldn't be any.

No. Long before people knew about evolution, it was clear that there were certain kinds of organisms, and that they sorted out into a family tree. Many of the same characteristics used by Linnaeus in his tree, are still used today. But today, we also have genetic data, confirming his classifications very precisely.

It's not. The scientific classification is based on common descent, in which organisms most closely related to each other are grouped together. The classification in the Bible is functional, with bats and birds classified together, and whales and fish together.

No. Speciation is an observed fact. Even "Answers in Genesis" admits this. They just argue that evolution of new species "isn't real evolution."

Easily. Birds and bats both fly by flapping their modified forelimbs. If common design was common DNA, they would have very similar DNA. But bats are much closer in DNA to moles, whose forelimbs have been modified into diggers. It's that analogy/homology difference. You could say that the Hebrew conception was analogy, and nature shows homology.

That's been the position of Christians for well over a thousand years. But not all of them. There have always been a few who thought Genesis was literal. The good news is that God doesn't care. You can take either position without endangering your salvation.

You'd have to ask a creationist to do that. I think He did it the way He says. But there are different ways to look at it, and the modern YE creationism, is just the most recent revision.

You then seem to have oddly confirmed exactly what I was saying about differences between whales and sharks by answering:

They have very different DNA. They fit in with fish, but whales fit in with mammals. There is a distinction in biology between analogous organs (like the tail fins of fish and the flukes of whales) , and homologous organs like the wings of bats and the forelegs of horses.

I don't see how. These facts completely undermine the creationist story of "similar function, similar DNA."

No. They are shaped the same way, lack limbs, swim by moving their tails, etc. This is why the Bible classifies them as fish. They are analogous to fish. But they are homologous to fish.

Your particular interpretation of His testimony.

Me neither. This is why the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is demonstrably false.

Don't know any Christians who say it is. Whether that's a figurative statement or the heavens will literally roll up, won't make any difference at all in anyone's salvation.

Jesus tells you what will matter in determining your eternal home. What you think the way He did creation is not one of those things.
Yes, many of the dinosaurs we have found, are feathered.

Even YE Creationist Kurt Wise, who (for religious reasons) doesn't think dinosaurs gave rise to birds, admits that the transitional forms are "very good evidence for macroevolutionary theory."

They aren't birds, because they lack many avian characters. They are transitional because they have apomorphic characters of both birds and dinosaurs. Archaeopteryx, for example, has feathers, but it's got more dinosaur characteristics than avian ones.

And there were a few feathered dinosaurs that did fly. The prediction of these transitional forms was predicted long before they were found, based on evolutionary theory. The huge number of predicted transitionals is as Wise says, very good evidence, but even stronger is the fact that there are no transitionals where the theory says there shouldn't be any.

No. Long before people knew about evolution, it was clear that there were certain kinds of organisms, and that they sorted out into a family tree. Many of the same characteristics used by Linnaeus in his tree, are still used today. But today, we also have genetic data, confirming his classifications very precisely.

It's not. The scientific classification is based on common descent, in which organisms most closely related to each other are grouped together. The classification in the Bible is functional, with bats and birds classified together, and whales and fish together.

No. Speciation is an observed fact. Even "Answers in Genesis" admits this. They just argue that evolution of new species "isn't real evolution."

Easily. Birds and bats both fly by flapping their modified forelimbs. If common design was common DNA, they would have very similar DNA. But bats are much closer in DNA to moles, whose forelimbs have been modified into diggers. It's that analogy/homology difference. You could say that the Hebrew conception was analogy, and nature shows homology.

That's been the position of Christians for well over a thousand years. But not all of them. There have always been a few who thought Genesis was literal. The good news is that God doesn't care. You can take either position without endangering your salvation.

You'd have to ask a creationist to do that. I think He did it the way He says. But there are different ways to look at it, and the modern YE creationism, is just the most recent revision.

You then seem to have oddly confirmed exactly what I was saying about differences between whales and sharks by answering:

They have very different DNA. They fit in with fish, but whales fit in with mammals. There is a distinction in biology between analogous organs (like the tail fins of fish and the flukes of whales) , and homologous organs like the wings of bats and the forelegs of horses.

I don't see how. These facts completely undermine the creationist story of "similar function, similar DNA."

No. They are shaped the same way, lack limbs, swim by moving their tails, etc. This is why the Bible classifies them as fish. They are analogous to fish. But they are homologous to fish.

Your particular interpretation of His testimony.

Me neither. This is why the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is demonstrably false.

Don't know any Christians who say it is. Whether that's a figurative statement or the heavens will literally roll up, won't make any difference at all in anyone's salvation.

Jesus tells you what will matter in determining your eternal home. What you think the way He did creation is not one of those things.
The Scripture was not written for mere men, it was written for the gods. This is why Jesus spoke in parable to mere men:

Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods'? If He called them 'gods,' to whom the word of God came.... -- (John 10:34-36)

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'" -- (Luke 8:10)
The church was always made up of denominations.

There are seven denominations mentions in the Book of Revelation, each with its own unique characteristics (Revelation 2-3)
It's not God's fault. It's the fault of mere men:

For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' -- (Matthew 13:15)
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Sep 5, 2018
Pacific, Mo.
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Ted quote "Anyway, each is free to believe as they will. Me, I'm going to stick with God's testimony."
Barbarian Reply "Your particular interpretation of His testimony".

Ted Quote ""I haven't yet seen any evidence that can categorically and without question deny the truth of what God has said.
Barbarian reply "Me neither. This is why the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is demonstrably false".

Ted quote "One day, the Scriptures tell us that God is going to roll up the heavens like a scroll. On that day, I think it will be sad to see all those proclaiming that such an event is impossible."
Barbarian reply "Don't know any Christians who say it is. Whether that's a figurative statement or the heavens will literally roll up, won't make any difference at all in anyone's salvation.

Jesus tells you what will matter in determining your eternal home. What you think the way He did creation is not one of those things."

I particularly enjoyed this part. Misput
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Sep 5, 2018
Pacific, Mo.
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Ted said:
"Anyway, each is free to believe as they will. Me, I'm going to stick with God's testimony".
Barbarian Reply "Your particular interpretation of His testimony".

Ted Quote ""I haven't yet seen any evidence that can categorically and without question deny the truth of what God has said.
Barbarian reply "Me neither. This is why the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism is demonstrably false".

Ted quote "One day, the Scriptures tell us that God is going to roll up the heavens like a scroll. On that day, I think it will be sad to see all those proclaiming that such an event is impossible."
Barbarian reply "Don't know any Christians who say it is. Whether that's a figurative statement or the heavens will literally roll up, won't make any difference at all in anyone's salvation.

Jesus tells you what will matter in determining your eternal home. What you think the way He did creation is not one of those things."

I particularly enjoyed this part. Misput
Still learning to use the site. : )
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Job 33:6

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Jun 15, 2017
Hartford, Connecticut
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"Why is it not possible that there were some earlier creatures that had feathers and they may well have been, either, birds that no longer exist upon the earth or land creatures that also no longer exist upon the earth that had feathers."

Assuming we completely ignore biological evidence for common descent...

The problem with this idea that "feathered bird-like reptiles predated feathered reptile-like birds, but are unrelated", is that if it were true that feathered bird-like reptiles were not ancestors of reptile-like birds, then we shouldnt have biogeographical distributions linking the two. The two shouldnt be temporally linked in back-to-back strata either.



If these species were not related, it could very well be equally likely that paleomastodon would have been discovered in cretaceous strata with gomphotherum or stegodon in the carboniferous.

This is not the case though, these species existed in a temporal succession that is very specific with paleomastodon coming first, then gomphotherium, then stegodon, all in the mid to late cenozoic.

Fossils are also found in geographic successions as well. Where successions of fossils are linked, country to country. Why are there random marsupial fossils in south america and antarctica? Well because this is where their ancestors originated before crossing into australia. The fossils not only depict a morphological order (paleomastodon to gomphotherium to stegodon), but they are also distributed around the earth in linked patterns as well (central america to south america to antarctica to australia).

And this would make sense if animals lived and died in central america, then migrated south, lived and died in south america, migrated east, lived and died in antarctica, migrated east further and lived and died in australia. All the while, they are undergoing minor biological changes, much like mankind experiences from generation to generation in which we are genetically slightly different from our parents. All the while further, time passes, so their fossils are vertically linked in a temporal succession.

If these species we're not related through common descent, it might also be equally likely that kangaroo fossils and modern day kangaroos might be found in north America. But in reality, kangaroos are found right where their fossil lineage predicts them to be.

The fossils form a chain from South America down through Antarctica and into Australia. So it should follow that if the fossil succession is a product of common descent, kangaroos should currently live in Australia. Which they do.

If it were not biological relatedness that formed geographic distributions and temporal and lateral and vertical fossil successions, then what alternative explanation could there be? There is no real alternative.
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Oct 4, 2010
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Good morning barbarian,

I hope that you enjoyed a day of blessing and reflection on the impact of God's Son to the world.

Thanks for your response and I'd like to address a few, although I'm not likely to cover each point, but...

Even YE Creationist Kurt Wise, who (for religious reasons) doesn't think dinosaurs gave rise to birds, admits that the transitional forms are "very good evidence for macroevolutionary theory."

You know, I read that article, although I admit it was read in a sort of skimming manner, but I didn't see what you are claiming that the article proves. The article opens up with the clear statement that the 'transitional forms' themselves are only claimed to be such, depending on the interpretation of the the individual. This is exactly what I've been saying. One who studies such things looks at the evidence and notices a sort of commonality between the artifact creature and some other creature that is perhaps living today and has one of those "Ah ha!" moments and makes the claim that such evidence 'must prove' that one descended from the other. Why does such a thing prove such a conclusion? This is exactly the point that I believe the article is making by saying that such 'transitional forms' are only understood as such depending on who is doing the interpreting. For the YEC, that data could also only prove that, yes, in the creating of all the creatures that God has made, there is some commonality, and sometimes that commonality can be very, very strong. But there is no real proof that such commonality wasn't designed in the two creatures from the beginning. That is the part that must be interpreted as such.

You then wrote:
Archaeopteryx, for example, has feathers, but it's got more dinosaur characteristics than avian ones.

Ok, and so the only possibility is that archaeopteryx is some transitional form. It can't be just a different 'kind' that God created in the beginning that no longer lives on the earth, although there are still a lot of similar creatures that do? That it was just a creature that had both dinosaur and bird DNA or other design characteristics? This is, I believe, exactly what Mr. Wise is pointing out in the opening of his article. Whether the claimed similarity is a 'transitional' form or a 'designed' form, that no longer exists, is up to the one doing the interpreting.

So, it seems to me, that Mr. Wise' argument is that 'transitional forms' is an interpretive value, but the cost of resources to really study such an issue is prohibitive. Add to that, knowledge of living organisms to even say with any certainty that a particular form is a 'transitional form' isn't available to us yet, and he surmises that it's a battle not worth fighting at this point.

You also responded:
No. Long before people knew about evolution, it was clear that there were certain kinds of organisms, and that they sorted out into a family tree. Many of the same characteristics used by Linnaeus in his tree, are still used today. But today, we also have genetic data, confirming his classifications very precisely.

I don't really have any disagreement with the understanding that creatures living upon the earth can be established into families of common characteristics. I don't, however, necessarily agree with the conclusion that is made from the existence of these common characteristics that such evidence proves common descent. God seems to have covered the earth with thousands upon thousands of various living organisms and creatures. Not having any evidence of what the earth was like on the day that God commanded all those living organisms and creatures to exist, we can't, with any surety, make any claim as to the descent of the living organism kingdom. Now, is there the possibility that God has allowed, within kinds, for creatures and organisms to adapt somewhat to their immediate surroundings over the 6,000 years that the earth has existed? I would say that such a thing may very well be possible. We don't know! I honestly don't see that there is any sure way that we can know such a thing with absolute certainty. We can only look at the evidence presented and make assumptions and derive theories that 'could' explain the events of the past. Some of those assumptions and theories are based on an evolutionary worldview as the basis for all things. Some of those assumptions and theories are based on a 'designed by a Creator' worldview. This last group is then broken down into those whose assumptions and theories are based on a creation event that is only 6,000 or so years ago and another group whose assumptions and theories are viewed through a worldview lens of a God who created many millions of years ago.

God's testimony seems to me to clearly point to a creation event that occurred some 6,000 years ago. So I look at the evidence that is offered with the first cause understanding worldview, that whatever the evidence that we see today, it must be explainable within that window of time. This is the 'interpretive' assumption that Mr. Wise is writing about in the opening of his treatise.

You also responded:
You'd have to ask a creationist to do that. I think He did it the way He says. But there are different ways to look at it, and the modern YE creationism, is just the most recent revision.

So clearly, even you agree that there is an 'interpretive' problem with how we each understand what the Scriptures say. I agree with that wholeheartedly, but I also know that there is a truth. So, while there may be 6 different ways to interpret the creation event, in reality they cannot coexist in truth. They are all merely our own interpretation of what we read in the Scriptures.

For me, I understand that the term 'day' defines a period of time in which the earth makes one full rotation upon its axis. It has nothing to do with the sun and the moon even existing. All the other heavenly bodies in the whole of the universe could disappear and so long as the earth continues to spin upon its axis, the time of a 'day' will pass upon the earth. So, in the beginning when God spoke the earth, ex nihilo, to exist in a vast and empty inky black universe, 'IF' it was spinning on its axis at the moment it appeared in that black inky expanse of the universe, then the time accounted as a 'day' would begin to pass. As soon as the earth spun its first full rotation, then day 1 had passed.

In its passing, the span of time also defined as an evening and a morning would also have passed. I believe that the very reason God caused to be written to us that each of the creation days encompassed an evening and a morning was for the express purpose of our understanding that those days weren't eons or ages. They were simply the length of days pretty much like we experience today. We don't call them evening and morning any longer. We call the two divisions of the time that it takes the earth to spin on its axis...a.m and p.m. Neither of which have any relation to the sun or moon rising. It becomes a.m. at what we call midnight. While we do associate a.m. with morning, the truth is that when that half of the division comes into existence each day, it's pitch black middle of the night! Similarly, evening and morning aren't definers of the sun rising or setting, but merely two equal divisions of time for the time that it takes the earth to accomplish one full rotation upon its axis.

So for me, God has given testimony that the six days were pretty regular days in the understanding I should have of their length of time. That we should understand that there were only six of them should find confirmation in the fact that God does include that tidbit of information in a couple of other places within His Scriptures.

Then we find that from that six day beginning, God's account of the generations of man. Counting out specifically the years of life that a group of men of the first generations lived. As we add those years of life that God established, starting with one man and his son, and then a son of that first son, and a son of that next son, and so on, we can determine with a fair degree of accuracy how much time passed upon the earth from those six days of the creation event, to the flood of Noah's day. Then we find that God causes to be written a similar genealogical chain from the man, Noah, through one of his sons and then that sons, son, and so forth, another accounting of years to the days of Abraham. As we read the account of Abraham and his sons, we also find an accounting of the years of their lives.

Now, could we be off a few hundred years in our reckoning. Possibly! Once we get past the sons of Abraham, the accounting of days and years becomes a little more difficult to discern and add up. But, it most assuredly isn't thousands or dozens of thousands or millions or billions of years.

Finally, for me and how I understand the Scriptures. This realm that God created for man to live in was designed for a specific purpose. In Genesis, we read how God created this realm of life. He seems to have created it for nothing more than to make a place where a creature that He calls 'man' can live. He gave that creature, man, this place to live and His desire was to love and enjoy a relationship with that specific and particular creature of all that He created in this realm. But, and this was no surprise to God, it didn't catch Him off guard, and we know this because the Scriptures tell us that Jesus was destined as the one to save man from his sin before the foundations of the world were set in place, man's sin separated him from that kind of relationship for which God created man. God couldn't have the loving and caring relationship that He created man for because God can't abide with sin. He can't abide with sin because sin is a destroyer.

But, God's purpose and design for this realm of His creating will prevail. It's just that not everyone will enjoy that purpose and design. Some will be anxious and tormented by their lusts and their continued refusal to establish God as the authority in their lives who really knows what is best for us to enjoy an eternal existence. Others who will accept and understand God's authority and realize that His love for them is only that they receive what is best for them, just as we would love any of our children, will enjoy an eternal life with God because He sent His Son to pay the price for their sin. Their sin will be blotted out because they came to know and understand and agree with God. They then willingly took on the mantel of Jesus' provision for their sin. Those people will hear the words of God, when He says, "Now the dwelling of God is with man. They will be His people and He will be their God.

So, brief synopsis of my understanding of the Scriptures: God created, and so far has allowed some 6,000 years for the 'magnum opus' of His creative work to wake up and come to the truth of 'why' they exist. He will one day bring it all to a close, as we live life today. He will then create a new heaven and a new earth where those who chose to live as God has asked us to live, by trusting in Jesus' death for the atonement for our sin and then turn to God as the authority and love of their lives, will enjoy an eternal life of peace, comfort and provision for absolutely everything that we 'need' to live satisfied lives under His protection and provision. In that day, there will be an impassable chasm that keeps those who refused God His rightful place in their lives and those who accepted God's rightful place in their lives. Just as there will also be that same chasm separating, in that same way, the angelic realm who love and honor God and those who chose to set out on their own way.

So suffice to say, my understanding of the Scriptures doesn't allow for the time of existence of this realm of God's creating for all that science would want me to believe is the truth of all things. Yet, I know that what we see in the evidence is really there. There are fossils that we have unearthed. There is a knowledge of DNA, but whether we have all the knowledge that we need to ascertain with certainty the claims that we make about what it is showing us, isn't yet mature in our understanding. There are strata of rock and sedimentary layers in the crust of the earth. But for me, all that evidence has to be explained to have come about, within the 6,000 or so years of this realm of God's creating, as He has explained to me it all came to exist 'ex nihilo'. For me, I believe that if I could go back 50,000 years, I'd be standing somehow in a black, inky emptiness. I could turn and look in every direction and there would be nothing around me. No stars. No planets or asteroids or comets. Just thick, black, inky emptiness.

Then, if I were to live for the next 44,000 years or so, I would one day be surrounded by an inexplicable light. I believe that the source of that light would probably be God stepping into this vast and never ending expanse of thick, black, inky emptiness and command that the earth exist. Hanging all alone in that thick, black, inky emptiness of space and spinning upon its axis. It would be covered with water and other than its being spherical and covered with water, it would be without the form that we recognize today, and it would be void of all that we see upon the earth today.

For me, the Scriptures are true in their most simple understanding. God created one day and God will bring it all to a close one day. In between those two days, God has laid out His plan of salvation to all men and in His patience is allowing 'some' to come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved from His wrath.

God bless, and may you enjoy a blessed new year,
In Christ, ted
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Apes and humans are all in family Hominidae.
Mar 2, 2018
United States
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The problem with your archaeopteryx example ,Miamited, is that each descendant of each individual has slight genetic differences . Fixity of Species is temporary at best; you either evolve or you go extinct . Plate tectonics will change the climate slowly and that will cause natural selection to change the species to better fit the new climate. I’ll repeat there is no such thing a fixity of Species aka ‘kinds’.
What you see in the fossil record are ONLY the morphological changes. And they’re telling enough . You don’t see genetic changes or the biochemical changes . We can only trace those thru living organisms or recently deceased species . We do have enough evidence to support continual evolution over eons. Darwin actually had enough evidence with geographical distribution of species, developmental info and fossils . To give an accurate description of evolution. It’s been 150 years later and we still accept most of his ideas
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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. Whales are descended from land animals which in turn are descended from lobefin fish like all land vertebrates . Sharks are cartilage boned fish and while they have a common ancestry with lobefins they’re distantly related. So while whales are related to sharks they’re very very very distant cousins . Yet we find DNA in both doing the same things . The basic body patterning genes are the same genes. Eye formation, gut formation, nervous system formation, basic body plan genes- all the same .

1 Creationists have to come up with evidence that this is not due to common ancestry and 2 they STILL have to come up with a VERIFIABLE mechanism for how separate creation happens otherwise the scientific community will not accept the concept of separate creation as part of science

Hi BM,

Just for the record, for the believer, your position 1 and 2 don't have to be accepted by the 'scientific' community. They are free to believe whatever it is that they'd like to believe.

Some muslim men believe with all their heart that they will be transported into the presence of a thousand virgins upon their death if they sacrifice their life in jihad. Why? Well, I believe it's because they have misinterpreted the truth. Muslims begin with the very same beginning that Jews do. They believe that Allah created and they pretty much follow the path of the historical account of the Jewish Scriptures up to the point of Abraham and his two sons. It is at this point that the two faiths begin to show a wide chasm of difference. This is exactly what God told Abraham would happen. God, when Abraham asked him to bless his first son, told Abraham that He would also make that son into a great nation. God then told Hagar that the child she was to bear would always be against everyone. Sure enough, today, those who practice the muslim faith still have their hand against everyone. They don't care for the Asian or the South American or the European or the North American - and most especially not the Jew. Who descended from the child of the promise. God's word is true!!!!

Similarly, scientists can only deal with the observable. They can only explain the observable through the natural. There is no way for them to prove that God just turned the sun back or parted a sea or any of the other hundreds of miracles that God claims to have done in His Scriptural account of history. So, science must not only let such things lie as not being provable, but must also deny that such things likely happened because the natural disproves their possibility of happening. What we know about the natural movement and properties of the universe completely dispels any notion that the sun ever turned back or stopped in the sky. What we know about the natural properties of water absolutely dispels any notion that water can stand as a sentinel on the left and right hand of a group of people walking between those two walls. The absolute strongest natural property of water is that it seeks its level. Anyone can pour out an amount of water held in the shape of a spherical cylinder in a glass and it won't retain that shape. It will pour out and immediately begin to seek to level the total volume of water on whatever surface upon which it is poured. So for science, unless someone were to build huge damming walls to hold the water in place, like say the Hoover Dam, there is just no way that the water behind the Hoover Dam will retain its place as a wall, once the concrete dam is removed. Similarly, there is no way that a sea of at least several dozen meters depth, will separate within a few hours and create two unsupported walls of water through which a group of people might walk. it just isn't possible!!!!!! To science.

Similarly, scientists have available to them the very same 'truth' that everyone else has. However, rather than continuing to allow that truth to guide their understanding of things, they, much like the muslim man, have completely written off that truth or have misinterpreted and turned away from that truth. Why? Because they believe that we can only explain things by the natural properties of this created realm.

God bless you and I hope that you also have enjoyed a blessed day of all that God, through His Son has done for us.
In Christ, ted
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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The problem with your archaeopteryx example ,Miamited, is that each descendant of each individual has slight genetic differences . Fixity of Species is temporary at best; you either evolve or you go extinct . Plate tectonics will change the climate slowly and that will cause natural selection to change the species to better fit the new climate. I’ll repeat there is no such thing a fixity of Species aka ‘kinds’.
What you see in the fossil record are ONLY the morphological changes. And they’re telling enough . You don’t see genetic changes or the biochemical changes . We can only trace those thru living organisms or recently deceased species . We do have enough evidence to support continual evolution over eons

Hi BM,

So, it is your belief that God misspoke or that we somehow don't understand the word that has been translated as 'kinds' in the ancient Scriptures? Ok, you'll have to go with that because it's what you believe, but I happen to believe differently about the truth of God.

You also responded: We do have enough evidence to support continual evolution over eons.

It would seem obvious that you believe that to be a true statement. I happen to believe that we may have enough evidence to 'support' such an idea, but I don't think we have any evidence that proves, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that such an idea is the only interpretation of such evidence. Especially if we allow the Scriptures to be true where we are told that for God, nothing is impossible. Especially if we believe what the Scriptures say about God making foolish the wisdom of the wise.
God bless,
In Christ, ted
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Apes and humans are all in family Hominidae.
Mar 2, 2018
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Early earth didn’t have continents . Just Slivers of land . early plate tectonics would push these together or Vulcanism would make them larger( see Hawaii) . Very early earth had no liquid water it was too hot ; the surface was molten
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