
New Member
Nov 25, 2023
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Hi, I'm new here. I'm also a writer (mostly about education and the Middle East) and am currently researching a book about people who have had direct encounters with Jesus. Indeed, I am writing this book in response to my own direct experience; an experience that has continued to reverberate through my life for the past six or seven years.

I had come up against a huge problem with my stepdaughter and I couldn't see a way around it. She was heading in one direction, and it wasn't up!
Consequently, one October evening in 2017, I found pacing around the living room talking to Jesus. It wasn’t prayer per se; I was simply explaining the problem and asking for help. However, I have since come to recognize that it was a prayer – a ‘walking prayer’. Now, I wasn’t so arrogant as to think that Jesus had time for me! I think I was simply ‘offloading’ and had no thoughts of receiving any kind of response.

My walking prayer (rant) lasted for around twenty minutes and finished at approximately 8.30 pm, give or take five minutes. I then slumped down onto the sofa, still very anxious and depressed about the behaviour of my stepdaughter. After an uneasy evening, I retired to bed at roughly 11.00 pm, feeling exhausted from all of my thoughts, deliberations, and fears. It wasn’t easy to drop off to sleep, but eventually, I drifted into the arms of Morpheus.

I awoke at almost exactly 2.00 am and I was in a complete state of bliss, where the usual concerns about past or future were momentarily set aside. There was a profound sense of inner peace and tranquillity; a feeling of being in harmony with oneself and the surrounding environment. There was also a deep sense of gratitude for life, existence, and the positive aspects of one’s circumstances, despite the overwhelming challenges of my stepdaughter. Even more of a shock, I felt a very real and personal connection with Christ, including a sense of presence, guidance, and comfort. It is hard to find the words. In fact, I don’t think there are words, but I’ve done my best.

I then drifted back off to sleep. This was strange in itself following such an experience. Indeed, I was still in a state of bliss as my consciousness faded away once again. Perhaps more strangely, I was an insomniac, and if I woke during the night it could take me one, two, or three hours to doze off again. Putting the experience and the insomnia together, I shouldn’t really have fallen asleep, but I did and slept soundly for three hours.

At bang on 5.00 am (I had a clock alongside the bed), I awoke again, this time needing the bathroom and still in a total state of bliss. I was euphoric. I felt understood and loved by Christ – it was palpable and as real as anything I would do in the day ahead. In fact, it was more real. I did get out of bed and go to the bathroom, and I think here, I may well be able to claim a world first: I was standing having a pee in the middle of the most intense mystical experience. And you know what, I think I could sense Jesus chuckling. It was that real and loving.

So my question is, would other people like to share any experiences they may have had? I'm happy to give anonymity if desired. I look forward to the possibility of some interesting and inspiring replies!

Christoph Maria

Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return...
Sep 10, 2022
Göteborg, Sweden
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Welcome to Christian Forums!

LORD, those who know you will trust in You.
You have never deserted those who look to You.
Psalms 9:10


"Here is what I am commanding you to do:
Be strong and brave.
Do not be terrified.
Do not lose hope.
I am the LORD your God.
I will be with you everywhere you go."

Joshua 1:9


"Judah, listen to me!
People of Jerusalem, listen to me!
Have faith in the LORD your God.
He'll take good care of you.
Have faith in his prophets.
Then you will have success."

2 Chronicles 20:20


Some trust in chariots.
Some trust in horses.
But we trust in the LORD our God.

Psalms 20:7


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Citizen of the Kingdom

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Thank you for sharing your story. and welcome to the forum. I had an experience where Christ came to me in the middle of the night, in a dream. I was surrounded with love for 3 days and nights following. I have never doubted His Love since. That was about a half century ago. Some things are too precious to ever forget.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2021
United States
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It is great to meet you and hear your enthusiasm. I share many of the same experiences with which you have shared. The daughter, the insomnia, the joys of spiritual awakening. Your testimony inspires me today and I thank you my friend. God bless you.
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the truth shall set you free
Nov 13, 2012
United States
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Hello Rod288 - Welcome aboard.

I've never had a direct encounter with Jesus, but I have been physically saved by a Guardian Angel. Way back in 1985 I was at a crosswalk in San Jose, California waiting for the light to change so I could cross the street. When the crosswalk sign said walk I stepped out into the crosswalk and a city bus that I thought was going to stop because the light was red on his side kept coming. The bus ran the light and would have run me over dead if it weren't for the Guardian Angel that pulled me back onto the curb and out of the way of the bus. Something literally pulled me back and there weren't any people on the curb or in the crosswalk other than me. So what else could it have been? I was blown away by the feeling of gratitude I had and will never forget that day. <>< Amen!
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