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    • Fervent
      Jesus said we must put God before all else, even family: If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Only if you assume a deterministic materialism is this statement supportable, and it seems to miss the critical element in that the...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      You seem to be confused as to how I'm using "irrational" since I'm speaking of determination by the laws of nature, in which case the...
    • Fervent
      Fervent reacted to 2PhiloVoid's post in the thread Free will and determinism with Like Like.
      So, you do think you're standing on an Archimedian Point, then? ......................... I don't see how. No, here's what I really...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Nope, not if your decisions are ends generated by irrational priors. The why you do it is nothing more than because some chemical and...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      This is one of the silliest arguments I've ever seen. And it seems rather immaterial to your larger argument, since becoming convinced...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Not forcing, but if it truly is the explanation then all of your reasoning is superfluous to arriving at the conclusion you reached. If...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      You're playing both sides of the field here. You claim that our decisions, including what we come to believe, is entirely decided by...
    • Fervent
      Extremism? I suppose one might say that, but it's simply a fact. Earthly kingdoms govern by using violence, whether they are ostensibly...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      That's not what I've said, which is that the proposition that we have no free will isn't even worth considering since if it is true...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      Ignore it all you want, you yourself admitted that your account had to omit meaning from the process. And you continue to refuse to...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      An actual cat is physical, but the meaning of a word is not physical. I've asked you a very specific question, which you haven't...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      You've done everything but give a direct answer, simply insisted that somehow the symbols are physical rather than abstract. So why not...
    • Fervent
      Fervent replied to the thread Free will and determinism.
      A process in which the meaning of the symbols is apparently irrelevant, so again I can only repeat my question. What's the physical...
    • Fervent
      Fervent reacted to 2PhiloVoid's post in the thread Free will and determinism with Like Like.
      Despite our common formative backgrounds via figures like Carl Sagan, I do not give prime place to the power of Occam's Razor or to...
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