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    Debate: Is Islam Peaceful, Spencer-Wood v Hussain-Ebady

    Here is an interesting debate between Robert Spencer and David Wood facing Shia scholars Shaykh Sakhawat Hussain and Sayyid Atiq Ebady. I noted Robert Spencer and David Wood are both very objective in relying their arguments based on the authentic sources of Islam, i.e. the Quran, Ahadith...
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    The Critiques of Islam versus Muslim Apologists

    Note: DO NOT BLAME MUSLIMS! - but critique the evil and evil elements of the ideology of Islam. The Critiques of Islam versus Muslim Apologists After a serious study the scriptures of Islam (Qur’an, Sahih Hadith, Sira, the Four Jurists, and most renowned Tafsir) and from reviewing Islam's...
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    What is Jihad?

    What is gay? 99% of people at present will most likely answer 'homosexual' [esp. man]. Definition of gay | Somewhere 30 years ago and prior, the term 'gay' was commonly referred to as "light-hearted and carefree" till it was habituated to be commonly known as 'homosexual' [esp...
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    Is Wahhabism an Extreme Form of Islam?

    Is Wahhabism an extreme form of Islam or is it the truer form of Islam? The following are quoted in the above link; All Saudis must be Muslim, and the Saudi government, in collaboration with the country’s religious establishment, enforces and imposes Wahhabism as the official state doctrine...
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    What is the Most Effective Approach to Understand the Quran?

    "What is Islam" is very specific, imperative and conditioned upon the specific Quran [6236 verses] orally delivered by Allah to Muhammad via Angel Gabriel during the period 610 to 632 CE. Therefore 'what is Islam' must be contained within those 6,236 verses of the Quran only*. A religion...
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    Do Not Bash Muslims

    One of the greatest misunderstanding in discussing the issue of Islamic-based terror, evil and violent acts, is barking up the wrong tree, fire fighting and missing the critical root cause, thus allowing the problem to fester and grow. In most cases [presumption all religions are peaceful], the...
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    Is Quran 9:5 Historical Only?

    A % of Muslims will often quote verse 9:5 to justify why they kill non-Muslims as being a threat to Islam. However Muslim apologists disagree with the above. Here is an article [not mine] to elaborate on the above; Countering Islamic Propaganda: 9:5 What the Apologists Want You to Believe With...
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    Buddhism: The 4NT-8FP is Problem-Solving Technique in Life

    4NT = Four NobleTruth 8FP = Noble Eight Fold Path The Buddha's 4NT-8FP is a very sophisticated Life Problem Solving Technique. By going through the process systematically, diligently and iteratively, one would be able to resolve any mental problems (btw not physical or those that need serious...
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    I.S.I.S has Nothing to Do With Islam?

    Dr. Jeffrey M. Bale is an Associate Professor in the Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS), where his focus is on the study of political and religious extremism and terrorism. He obtained his B.A. in Middle Eastern and Islamic...
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    The Corruption and Corrections of the Qur'an

    This is an interesting video for Christian apologists from DCCI, i.e. Defend Christianity, Critique Islam, objectively. Islam and Muslims claim the Quran in their hand at present are the perfect copy of the revelation [5:3] that was received by Prophet Muhammed, transmitted orally and...
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    Islam The Critical Stalemate re Violence in Islam

    The reality with the ideology of Islam adopted by 1.5 billion Muslims is Muslims end up with this stalemate; A. Evil Prone Muslims [320 million - 20% of 1.5 b]: Our interpretation of the Quran and Ahadiths is right and Allah will grant us a passage to paradise with eternal life. You moderate...
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    The Covenant as a Watertight Defense for Christianity

    As I understands, Christian apologetics (Greek: ἀπολογία, "verbal defence, speech in defence")[1] is a branch of Christian theology that defends Christianity against objections. Christian apologetics - Wikipedia I have been listening to Jay Smith, David Wood, Sam Shamoun, and other Christian...
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    Islam Do Not Bash Muslims

    One of the greatest misunderstanding in discussing the issue of Islamic-based terror, evil and violent acts, is barking up the wrong tree, fire fighting and missing the critical root cause, thus allowing the problem to fester and grow. In most cases [presumption all religions are peaceful], the...
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    Who is a Christian?

    Hello All, I am not a Christian. I am interested to know 'Who is a Christian' precisely. My understanding of Who is a Christian is as follows; A Christian is a person who; Believes in Jesus as son of God and his teachings [John 3:16, etc.], is Baptized accordingly, Surrender to God via...