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  1. R

    All Life Came From One Initial Life - Evidence?

    What is the best available evidence that is held that confirms that all life came from one initial living combination of molecules?
  2. R

    Is Unguided Evolution Scientific? (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Is Unguided Evolution Scientific?"
  3. R

    Is Unguided Evolution Scientific?

    In talking with a friend, we concluded that: 'Evolution' is founded in science while 'unguided evolution' is outside of science and is an opinion. An opinion that, arguably, sides with a less probable scenario of 'it just happened' vs an 'Instantiater / Director'. Even if argued that...
  4. R

    Tree of Life: What Creature Was at the Fork?

    I see many "Tree of Life" depictions. Some look like trees, others are circles, and some look like my March Madness bracket. What I can't seem to find is an illustration that shows/labels what the creature was before the split. For example, you may find a tree that shows a chimp on the tip...
  5. R

    What is Your Take On Biblical Prophecies Fullfilled?

    Just doing some reading and came across this: Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled - it's not a long read, so check it out. ----------------- I am wondering if you consider the examples given to be substantially accurate, true, and factual (ie those predictions were made in advance and were...
  6. R

    What is Your Motivation?

    So I was thinking. . .(uh oh). . . Having a personal relationship with God is a big deal to me because life is just so much easier than without Him. During my first 15 years of life I went to church, learned all the 'important' stories from the Bible, and otherwise did all the 'churchy' stuff...
  7. R

    Creation vs Evolution is NOT an Arguing Point

    What I find most bizzare about the whole creation vs evolution topic is the insistance of mutual exclusivity and the evolutionist's demand for, not evidence, but an actual demonstration of the creation events. If there is a creator or not, evolution (ie life) can carry on as designed - it's...
  8. R

    Evolution is Pretty Boring, but does have some Highlights. . .

    For the most part, the whole evolution of stuff is pretty boring. It all happens so slowly and gradually, it's akin to watching a fossil form. It's not completely boring, there are some pretty neat things along the way. . .That time when the universe evolved from nothing had quite a bit of...
  9. R

    Is There a 'Middle Ground' Author?

    In my search for the 'truth' between creation and evolution, I've come to realize that there are very few (any?) resources that the writer/speaker is not already comitted one way or another. As such, whatever it is that is being researched seems to have a foregone conclusion depending on the...