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  1. J

    find out the news weeks before it's on tv

    this guy knows his stuff and has been proven correct time and time again. i dont know where he gets his info from but it always goes down how he says information on the net
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    prayer to change career paths

    I need strength and guidance. I’ve worked construction and retail my whole life, now being 28 years old I now know that I want to get into the graphic design/multimedia field, (which is my hobby) hopefully working for a Christian company or church, but I’ am finding it almost impossible just to...
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    My little rant about depression, and what has helped me

    dig my way out of it, i wrote this a while ago and just found it and thought i'd post it incase it might help anyone. Think of yourself as one of the prophets in the bible, view and live your life as they did in their days, as if your life story, as you live today, is being recorded to go into...
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    Has anyone tried VIT b-17? just curious if anyone with cancer has and what they thought of it
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    went to shawn mcdonald 's concert

    HORRIBLE, i thought i liked shawn mcdonald, turns out i like 2 songs, the whole thing was like 5 hours long, said it started at 7:00, but didnt start until 7:30, then there was two performers before him, he didnt come on until 9:00 or so.....sad to say he sucks, every song sounds almost exactly...
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    i'm lost, in need of advice with career etc

    I’m 27 years old, I was home schooled, well, I was homed, both parents worked and I did pretty much whatever I wanted up until I was 18, then decided on my own to study and get my GED, I’ve worked construction and crappy jobs my whole life, so I decided to go back to school, well, I just got my...
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    doesnt our DNA pose a problem for evolution?

    our 223 genes that have no evolutionary predecessors on earth. read an article about this a while back ,just wondering
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    my essay for a mythology class (what do you think about this theory? )

    Star-gods Star-god, Giants and Aliens: Where Did the Myths Originate? It is my intent to go beyond, what is most likely expected as an answer to how different cultures ended up with similar myth stories. I could simply share what Joseph Campbell believed. After studying Freud, among...
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    battlefield 2

    anyone going to buy it?
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    anyone see the movie "frailty"

    what did you think?
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    cool pics
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    Who is the pope to catholics?

    seriously, i dont understand it. what makes this guy better than anyone else on earth? why is he such a big deal? someone please explain
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    "return from tomorrow" by George Ritchie

    very interesting book about his life after death experiance. only like 120 pages long, but a good read. think it's like $2 on amazon
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    Korn guitarist finds God, leaves band
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    anyone looking for a roomate on the east coast?

    florida, alabama, virginia ect. thinking about transfering with my job, tired of the west coast
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    If heaven and god are so perfect and beautiful

    Why was Satan and one third of the angels kicked out of heaven? Why would angles (nephilim ect ect) lust after earthly women when they know what the consequences are? ANGELS!!!!!!! They’re in heaven and they know their wrong doings will send them to eternal damnation!!! Is heaven not...
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    scary music ( help )

    Anyone know the name of the type of music that is like orchestra, but scary? i was listening to some radio station the other night and they were playing some crazy scary music, it was like orchestra, chamber and techno all mixed in, like screams and demon sounds effects in the background...
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    What are the scariest books you’ve ever read?

    wanting to read a good one