Word Alive

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Tilter at religious windmills
Something I read in a church magazine this week really challenged me. It was about the contrast between 'Bible study' and 'Bible encounter'.  All too often our study of the Bible is almost exclusively cerebral - comparing verse to verse, researching different translations, checking out the meaning of the original languages to get at the 'true' meaning of the words, considering the thoughts of various commentators about the meaning and application of what we read.  Yet in our very zeal to uncover the true meaning of this treasure book, we may be in danger of forgetting that the words which we are dissecting are far more than just the words of some philosophy or theological course.  As Jesus said, "The Words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life" (Jn 6:63), and if we study them only as an intellectual exercise we are in danger of wasting our time, missing out on this life-giving, dynamic function, for "It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing."

Notice the stories of Jesus resurrection appearances. How often did the folk he appeared to, looking at him with their natural, human eyes, fail to recognise him for who he truly was, until the Holy Spirit opened their spiritual eyes - the 'scales fell away' and they knew him in a deep, dynamic, life-changing way.  The words of the couple on the road to Emmaus should be our experience as we read God's Word "Did not our hearts burn within us as he spoke to us along the way?" (Luke 24:32).  Our study must never be content with being a dry, theoretical experience, but by the power of the Holy Spirt 'leading us into truth' be transformed into a life-giving, life-changing encounter with the One who 'spoke' and suddenly 'there was' that which had not been before.  For the true Word of God is not wise words on a page - even inspired, authoritative or infallible words - but is "living and active...dividing soul (intellect) and spirit" (Heb 4:12). This is the Living God speaking directly into our hearts and lives; His spirit awakening our spirits to His dynamic presence. As He who inspired the many writers over several centuries to commit pen to parchment in their various native tongues, and who guided the translators to bring their writings to new nations and peoples breaths life into those words, the pages of the Bible become, not just some ancient text to be studied and argued over, but a living encounter with God Himself. When this happens, our theories and disputations fade into insignificance, and we must bow our knee, humbly confessing "My Lord and My God!".


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