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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
Lawn is getting dry. No rain in sight. Summer temps are coming. Feeling lonely after conversation with liberal who takes the Lord's name in vain --- why do atheists do that?

Seems like it's been raining here all month, yet we have less than two inches. A good shower here, a thunderstorm there, lots of little hundreths. But can't complain too much because the temperatures have been normal or below most days. Don't see a lot of sun though!

I keep making flower beds to make the lawn shrink. ;) We don't have a whole lot left to mow. Planted okra seeds today. Hope it grows well, okra loves heat. Have also been propagating some stick cacti. If nothing else grows, they do.

As for people who take the Lord's name in vain... they have no fear of God. They don't believe so they have no awe for the Lord.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
Seems like it's been raining here all month, yet we have less than two inches. A good shower here, a thunderstorm there, lots of little hundreths. But can't complain too much because the temperatures have been normal or below most days. Don't see a lot of sun though!

I'm surprised at your lack of sun. I thought the south would be sunnier though the national weather report indicates an awful lot of storms compared to where I live.

I keep making flower beds to make the lawn shrink. ;) We don't have a whole lot left to mow. Planted okra seeds today. Hope it grows well, okra loves heat. Have also been propagating some stick cacti. If nothing else grows, they do.

Okra is very southern. I've only had it once: batter dipped and deep fried.

Some people who lived up the street had almost no yard left to mow because they planted the front yard full of evergreen trees. After they sold their house and went to nursing homes, the new owners took out most of the trees.

My neighbors on one side don't like trees and got rid of most in their yard. They have one maple shade tree in the front. They seldom use the backyard...must have Amish roots. Amish congregate in front yards every other Sunday.

As for people who take the Lord's name in vain... they have no fear of God. They don't believe so they have no awe for the Lord.

It seems so rude because it's a relative who knows I'm a Christian. Other non-Christians in the family don't do that.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
I'm surprised at your lack of sun. I thought the south would be sunnier though the national weather report indicates an awful lot of storms compared to where I live.

We normally have lots and lots of sun and low humidity. This spring, going into summer soon, has been just the opposite. There've been quite a few late fronts coming through, as well as all the rainy systems from the west coast. The sun didn't show up today until about 1:00 and it's still only popping out a few minutes at a time, and yesterday it was cloudy most of the day. The coming week they're calling for mostly or partly cloudy and chances for rain most days. Maybe El Nino has something to do with it. ;)

Okra is very southern. I've only had it once: batter dipped and deep fried.

That's my favorite way, but battered and baked is good. So is boiled, though some people think it's slimy that way. Okra salad is good, made with batter fried okra, tomatoes, bacon, etc.

Some people who lived up the street had almost no yard left to mow because they planted the front yard full of evergreen trees. After they sold their house and went to nursing homes, the new owners took out most of the trees.

My neighbors on one side don't like trees and got rid of most in their yard. They have one maple shade tree in the front. They seldom use the backyard...must have Amish roots. Amish congregate in front yards every other Sunday.

That's a shame about trees. It gets so hot here during the summer that we take all the shade we can get, helps the A/C not run as much. Plus we just like trees. I've let a number of various firs grow that have come up from wind-blown seeds.

Must have to do with the Amish bonding traditions. There are lots of Amish where my husband grew up in NY.

It seems so rude because it's a relative who knows I'm a Christian. Other non-Christians in the family don't do that.

Some folks like to do things like that to get under our skin.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
We normally have lots and lots of sun and low humidity. This spring, going into summer soon, has been just the opposite. There've been quite a few late fronts coming through, as well as all the rainy systems from the west coast. The sun didn't show up today until about 1:00 and it's still only popping out a few minutes at a time, and yesterday it was cloudy most of the day. The coming week they're calling for mostly or partly cloudy and chances for rain most days. Maybe El Nino has something to do with it. ;)

That's my favorite way, but battered and baked is good. So is boiled, though some people think it's slimy that way. Okra salad is good, made with batter fried okra, tomatoes, bacon, etc.

That's a shame about trees. It gets so hot here during the summer that we take all the shade we can get, helps the A/C not run as much. Plus we just like trees. I've let a number of various firs grow that have come up from wind-blown seeds.

Must have to do with the Amish bonding traditions. There are lots of Amish where my husband grew up in NY.

Some folks like to do things like that to get under our skin.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
When one of my brothers visit in very hot summer days he wanted to plant a shade tree by my patio. I said, " We can't plant trees this time of year --- even Lowes and others don't stock them." He said, " I'm going to buy you one." The next day he was still harping on it. I got tired of trying to convince him. I finally asked my husband to convince him that I said, "No." Besides I don't want autumn leaves and seed pods on my patio! My husband convinced him. We have a front porch that has shade from the house in the evenings. Mornings aren't bad; it has a roof.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
I know it's Memorial Day and you're all havin' fun. Southerners like to barbecue. I bought a nice gas grill for my husband once, but I think he may have only used it once. Shucks!

The Mennonite in my neighborhood don't grill. The two sets that occasionaly speak to me aren't home. Cars are gone and shades are down. They have a lot of relatives and everything is family with them.

I watched Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) this afternoon and have a patriotic windsock on my porch.

Some wasps are building a nest on my porch --- ARGH! I hate wasps! I went into the garage to get my wasp killer. Someone put the empty can back on the shelf!
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
I know it's Memorial Day and you're all havin' fun. Southerners like to barbecue. I bought a nice gas grill for my husband once, but I think he may have only used it once. Shucks!

We just had a normal day. Actually the neighborhood has been very quiet, barely a car has gone up or down the street. I did near some kids nearby somewhere and figured the public pool has opened, it normally does on Memorial Day weekend. I say public but there's a fee for the summer. More than I would pay. ;) I used to swim at the Y and enjoyed that.

I watched Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) this afternoon and have a patriotic windsock on my porch.

We have a flag we always have flying. And the Rotary Club has a flag program so we get a curbside flag put up on the five flag holidays.

Some wasps are building a nest on my porch --- ARGH! I hate wasps! I went into the garage to get my wasp killer. Someone put the empty can back on the shelf!

Hmmm. Who would have done such a thing? :) The paper wasps have been bad, they seem to have started early! They find every crevice and start building. We have mud daubers too but they're never as bad.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
Well, my daughter got rid of the nest and took me to get my glasses. These glasses are so nice; I can look down at my feet and they don't slide down my nose! I can read the small print on the TV screen.

It was 89 degrees at 6:33 PM. It will be 94 degrees on Friday.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
We just had a normal day. Actually the neighborhood has been very quiet, barely a car has gone up or down the street. I did near some kids nearby somewhere and figured the public pool has opened, it normally does on Memorial Day weekend. I say public but there's a fee for the summer. More than I would pay. ;) I used to swim at the Y and enjoyed that.

We have a flag we always have flying. And the Rotary Club has a flag program so we get a curbside flag put up on the five flag holidays.

There is no pool in our neighborhood. I haven't seen any flags either.

Hmmm. Who would have done such a thing? :) The paper wasps have been bad, they seem to have started early! They find every crevice and start building. We have mud daubers too but they're never as bad.

I'd die.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
Well, my daughter got rid of the nest and took me to get my glasses. These glasses are so nice; I can look down at my feet and they don't slide down my nose! I can read the small print on the TV screen.

It was 89 degrees at 6:33 PM. It will be 94 degrees on Friday.

The glasses sound great. It's amazing what a new pair will do for us! You might see things you don't want to see. ;)

Wow! We made it to 88, which is spot-on average for today. Was very humid and the mosquitoes ate me up the few times I went outside.

There is no pool in our neighborhood. I haven't seen any flags either.

The pool was built in 1961 according to their website. I've never been over to it. It sits behind a Church of Christ. Seems old for a pool!

No flags on Memorial Day. That's a shame.

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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
Wow! We made it to 88, which is spot-on average for today. Was very humid and the mosquitoes ate me up the few times I went outside.
OOPS! I meant I'd die at 88 degrees. It's a good time to stay in with A/C.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
I looked at the local news online and one headline said there was an overnight shooting on the next street that sent one to the hospital!! I couldn't fathom that, we live in a nice quiet, older neighborhood. Though these days it can happen anywhere. Upon reading further it said that it was in the Walmart parking lot. Technically their street is the same street as the shooting, but it's across a six-lane parkway and sits between two highways. And it's closed at night, so no telling what people were doing in their parking lot at 12:30 AM. What is it about Walmart.....
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
I looked at the local news online and one headline said there was an overnight shooting on the next street that sent one to the hospital!! I couldn't fathom that, we live in a nice quiet, older neighborhood. Though these days it can happen anywhere. Upon reading further it said that it was in the Walmart parking lot. Technically their street is the same street as the shooting, but it's across a six-lane parkway and sits between two highways. And it's closed at night, so no telling what people were doing in their parking lot at 12:30 AM. What is it about Walmart.....

How awful! I pay a lot of attention to the news, am extremely conservative, yet tolerant of other races and people who grew up in other cultures, but I abhor senseless violence.

Yesterday I watched The First Texan(1956). When I researched Sam Houston's biography(wikipedia) all I can say is that it's the strangest I've ever read! One of my ancestors fought at San Jacinto; there is no accurate list of others who fought there. My great-uncle's middle name was Houston which he was called as a child.
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Romans 10:6-9, Ephesians 2:8-10
Jul 7, 2022
North Texas
United States
Marital Status
How awful! I pay a lot of attention to the news, am extremely conservative, yet tolerant of other races and people who grew up in other cultures, but I abhor senseless violence.

I pay attention to local news, not so much national. Seems this episode involved a drug purchase. It's terrible enough that people are involved with selling or addicted to drugs. Bringing their troubles into other neighborhoods and endangering innocent lives just makes it worse.

Yesterday I watched The First Texan(1956). When I researched Sam Houston's biography(wikipedia) all I can say is that it's the strangest I've ever read! One of my ancestors fought at San Jacinto; there is no accurate list of others who fought there. My great-uncle's middle name was Houston which he was called as a child.

You might find this interesting.

Alphabetical List of San Jacinto Veterans

Houston certainly lived an interesting life. There are some good books about him worth reading.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
Marital Status
Thank you! That list was very interesting. My family names weren't on it and it really surprised me. I wonder if Joseph Belknap shares my DNA. I had Belknaps in N. E. USA. I do have Smiths in Texas; who doesn't? But they are impossible to trace. And the census taker must have been lazy. He only used initials instead of their given names.

However, Bastrop, Texas, has a historical marker for my ancestor Thomas H. Mays.
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