
Spirit of the Wolf
Jun 18, 2002
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TasManOfGod said:
When God in the form of Jesus Christ stands before you and shows you His nail scarred hands you and Buddha both will know the truth
and if the animal spirit which is destined to guides you
awakens you to it's existance... you will discover truth as well.

Now, which is truth? Since Jesus hasn't stood before me,
and you haven't found the animal spirit meant to guide you?

Truth is still sought... it isn't known or there would be no
disagreement between anyone on this forum, would there?
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Ryoko Ozaki said:
Tariki, you have posted more great quotes as usual. :) I love the one by Thomas Merton the best, but Jack Kornfield's was also great. :)
Well, as Radorth has pointed out somewhere, sometimes I don't know what I am talking about...............a few quotes from others who know much better hopefully adds a bit of sense to my own words!

If you liked the Merton quote you might be interested in looking up the Thread on this forum "Proselytizing/Evangelising" posted 2/09/03, currently on Page 8. Two very good quotes there..........

I have to say that reading through Mertons book of letters entitled "The Hidden Ground of Love" was one of the great reading experiences of my life. Here was a man, secluded within monastery walls, conversing with those of all faiths - and sometimes of none - with deep respect, understanding and honesty...........yet without once compromising his own faith in any way. His life shows the potential within the Christian faith for true love, compassion and tolerance.

I did mention his appreciation of the Buddhist faith...............some of the last words he wrote before his sad and untimely death were after seeing the huge Buddha statues near Colombo in Sri Lanka............"The silence of the extraordinary faces. The great smiles. Huge and yet subtle. Filled with every possibility, questioning nothing, knowing everything, rejecting nothing, the peace not of emotional resignation but the peace of the Buddha, which has seen through every question without trying to discredit anyone or anything - without refutation - without establishing some other argument. For the doctrinaire, the mind that needs well-established positions, such peace, such silence, can be frightening."

(Merton was on one of his few forays outside of the monastery walls, meeting with leaders of the Eastern Faiths, including the Dalai Lama. The words I quote are from his Asian Journal.)

The words from Jack Kornfield are as given in his book "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry" , a book that weaves together the insights and experience of sages of all faiths, Sufi mystics, Shamans, Buddhists and Christians, rabbi's etc etc to offer a vision of peace and toleration..............of "enlightenment"............basically, living within the mystery, within the wisdom of unknowing, where each human being will fill the "mystery" with their own special and unique understanding, their own precious individuality.

Anyway, glad you enjoy the quotes!

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Isaiah 53

Catholic Apologist
Sep 30, 2003
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Tariki said:

Despite your opening sentence you seem unable to actually understand the confusion of "truth/reality" with personal "belief". To feel totally, subjectively certain is not necessarily to be right.......the simple fact that there are many in our world as equally certain as you, and that you all believe in mutually contradictory things, proves this. However, I can understand that you feel duty bound to speak as you have found and understand, and I repsect you for that.

For me, it is in facing our own vulnerability and the possibility of our own error that opens the way of true grace. For all I know you know the truth, and the truth has set you free.........for all I know, you experience the peace that passeth understanding...........I have only words on a computer screen.

However, I can only put my own view forward. A Buddhist seeks to understand the First Truth, the truth of suffering.........the Pure Land path to this is to realize ourselves as foolish beings bound by our karmic limitations. Foolish because we are imperfect, limited, fallible, vulnerable, fragile, and mortal. (Unno) This is Deep Hearing which opens the heart to true entrusting and compassion.

The Buddhist writer Jack Kornfield........."Underneath all the wanting and grasping, underneath the need to understand, is what we have called 'the body of fear'. At the root of suffering is a small heart, frightened to be here, afraid to trust the river of change, to let go in this changing world. This small unopened heart grasps and needs and struggles to control what is unpredictable and unpossessable. But we can never know what will happen. With wisdom we allow this not knowing to become a form of trust.............Wisdom is not information, but an abiding presence, an intuitive, sensing opening of the body and heart. In wisdom the body of fear drops away and out heart comes to rest. Like love, wisdom needs no explanation."

To be honest, my heart has not yet come to rest - although I do have my moments! - but I would rather live with my own vulnerability than rest in "certainties" that I have no way of truly justifying.


I just want to take the time to thank you for your kind words. I have chosen to respond to you because, although we disagree, you have not elected to resort to name calling and prejudgement.

I thank you for your very Christ-like response! :D It confounds me why some on this site have labeled me "arrogant" or "hate filled" because I am attempting to show them the truth of Christ. The funny thing is, that I know you are a buddist, but you understand Christianity more then most Christians. :confused:

I am praying for you, that the one true God will open your heart to the truth of His Christ!! God Bless you!!

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Isaiah 53 said:

I just want to take the time to thank you for your kind words. I have chosen to respond to you because, although we disagree, you have not elected to resort to name calling and prejudgement.

I thank you for your very Christ-like response! :D It confounds me why some on this site have labeled me "arrogant" or "hate filled" because I am attempting to show them the truth of Christ. The funny thing is, that I know you are a buddist, but you understand Christianity more then most Christians. :confused:

I am praying for you, that the one true God will open your heart to the truth of His Christ!! God Bless you!!


As I read through your post I was waiting for the "sting in the tail"............and it never came! Thank you.

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