Want to improve your relationships?


Aug 28, 2014
Houston, TX
Marital Status
These notes are from our last singles group meeting. I was so impressed as to post it here. Keep in mind these statements are out of context, and might take some thinking to get their correct meaning.

21 Sayings from "The Relationship Zoo" by Stephen Scott

1. What gives up first? When faced with obstacles, especially physical ones, the mind will give up before the body. To keep motivated for going and growing, you must buy into the idea of sowing and reaping. In your relationships, what are you sowing? What are you reaping?

2. Finding Someone Wonderful: To see the change you desire, you must first be the change. Be the change, and you will have found someone wonderful (you).

3. Dirty Feet: Do you feel better or worse after you have been with someone? Those with dirty feet walk through your heart and mind, and leave a mess. (So, clean your own "feet").

4. The Power of the Tongue: Two significant components of any relationship (communication) are the words we use and the tone with which they are delivered. For better tone and words, focus on what you have to be grateful for.

5. Difficult Times: Purpose is the necessary fuel to overcome difficulties.

6. Inside-Out: Everything starts from within and manifests itself on the outside. (Thoughts motivate attitudes and actions)

7. The Fuel That Drives Love: Trust. Without trust, love comes to a stop.

8. Courage and Accomplishment: Courage (to be honest) will open up opportunities for positive relationships, because your authenticity will attract people. Show others courage, and you will attract people who truly get you and who appreciate you for who you are.

9. Arguments: They happen. The causes are infinite. And usually, relationships are hurt, not helped. Why? In an argument, there is always a winner; and conversely there is always a loser. Why? The focus is more often on who is right, not what is right.

10. When you are upset with yourself: Self-talk is a powerful influence. All of us make mistakes with our self-talk and other ways. When this happens, what can you do to make things better? When you are upset with yourself, don't think less of yourself; rather, think of yourself less. How? Do something good for others. Serve others, and this way focus on others.

11. Hard Knocks, Soft Touches: Bring the full spectrum of yourself in your relationships. If you don't, it's like bringing a spinter from a log instead of the whole log to start a fire. Like the splinter of wood, revealing a small part of yourself may get some sparks, but it won't sustain the fire.

12 Teams: The strength of each member in a relationship makes the team. On the teams in your life, realize that you can't be "me" without "we"; and "we" cannot be what it is without "me." Together, the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts.

13. Count to Turn Your Life Around: Start counting your blessings every day. Your gratitude will bring a change in attitude that will turn your life around.

14. Getting Even: "Getting even" is the belief you can right some injustice, slight, or hurt, by seeing the person who you believe caused this hurt to be hurt themselves. When you carry anger or have not put it in a safe place, it is toxic to you, your energy, your performance, and your relationships. Forgive, tolerate.

15. Be the Change! Remain Relevant! To build successful relationships in business and life, you must be relevant. Otherwise you will not connect with others. If you are irrelevant, others will not connect with you. Be the change. Be relevant. Connect with others.

16. Sparks: You are alive! You have sparks of life inside you! But there are times where you don't feel or have the spark. When this occurs, go out and force yourself to give positive energy (a spark) to others. You are much more likely to receive their spark of life and energy in return when you do.

17. Dogs and Relationships: All of us do foolish things at times. Your dog is loyal even when you are foolish. The dog sees your folly, but remains loyal. In your relationships it is a different story. People will dog you about your folly.

18. Color Outside the Lines: Only when you change the picture of your comfort zone and color outside your current limits and lines will you, your life, and relationships change. A fixed comfort zone becomes deadening uniformity.

19. One: One life, your life, can be the positive tipping point in someone's day. In your relationships, be that one. It all starts with you. Be the one that makes a positive difference.

20. Bad Mood and Bad Words: Your mood can change but the words you speak can never be replaced. The words you speak today are heard by the ears that are attached to the mouth that will repeat them tomorrow. For better relationships, be careful of the words you choose.

21. Your Life Is Your Cause: What you share and give to others is how they will see you and your life, regardless of obstacles and setbacks. Live a life of sharing and giving to others. When you do, you will leave a legacy of triumph in your relationships. Triumph means leaving in a positive manner.

People may not remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel.


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Dec 20, 2020
United States
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All of these will not work if you don't put God in the highest.. You will quit if it gets too hard. You will do these things for the wrong reasons. You will forget them quick. The motivation for these is God wants you to be these things. Doing these things by themselves are an outside-in approach that doesn't work & God needs to work in your heart for an inside-out approach. You do that by communion w/ him & other believers. Otherwise you're just doing it the pagan way & that leads to disaster
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Aug 28, 2014
Houston, TX
Marital Status
All of these will not work if you don't put God in the highest.. You will quit if it gets too hard. You will do these things for the wrong reasons. You will forget them quick. The motivation for these is God wants you to be these things. Doing these things by themselves are an outside-in approach that doesn't work & God needs to work in your heart for an inside-out approach. You do that by communion w/ him & other believers. Otherwise you're just doing it the pagan way & that leads to disaster
Who is saying to do these things without faith that God is with us?
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