

Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
I have been with my husband for nearly five years, we got married last may. we have a three year old son together and he has a 13 yr old son with someone else. Well just to get to the point, our relationship has been him telling me what i am doing wrong all the time. in the beginning i figured he was right because i was young and inexperienced in life. it has become what i believe to be abuse. He constantly puts me down, belittles me, makes me feel like im not good enough, i am always wrong, he is the only thing keeping our relationship afloat. he has never hit me but there is a lot of yelling, even infront of our son. the other day he flipped the little table i was sitting at. The last few months he has really been deep into end times prophecy and prophecy in the news. we have basically shut ourselfs off and we had to sell abunch of stuff to pay the bills. I left with our son the other day after he flipped the table and was sreaming at me. he is being all nice now and it makes me think second thoughts. im at my sisters and he came by to ask if he could take our son with him to spend time together, i agreed. now he is trying to use him to get me to come home. telling me i am being immature and not a responsible christian mother and that i am keeping our family apart when we should be together because the rapture is soon. he says i am only thinking of myself and on and on about how stupid i am. i am very torn being a christian woman. i know if i go back it will be just the same stuff but part of me thinks i am making a bad decision. i wish i had all the answers. any advice? :confused:


Sep 8, 2006
Marital Status
I don't want to scare you, but leave and leave now! Get a restraining order against him. My friend was in a marriage for 12 years with a man who did the same exact thing as what your husband is doing to you. She could never do anything matter how much she tried she was never good enough. She suffered clinical depression and by the grace of God went to a doctor who just happened to be a Christian. For years she never left because she felt she was going against God because God hates divorce. This doctor told her,"Look, I'm not for divorce, but you are emotionally abused and you need to get out, now." The next day she left him and went to her sister's house and got a restraining order against him.
His put downs and belittling you are forms of control so that you believe his lies and that you'll never leave him. The flipping of the table would have scared me enough to leave. That is showing signs of violence...he may not hit you, but it certainly could happen. My friend's husband never hit her either, but his words cut like a knife.
Why is your husband so focused on end times? Who cares if the end times are coming? Jesus tells us that we should not worry...he will take care of his children. You have no reason to fear the end times if Christ is your personal saviour. Constantly harping about the end times is depressing...why not talk about the good things such as God's love and the blessings he's given...the good things he does for us.
Is your husband bipolar?
My advice...get out now. You have a right to are being abused.
I'm so sorry that you feel stuck. Is there a pastor you can speak to...some women of the church that can help you through?
Don't back down...don't let your husband control you and speak to you like you are a stupid woman who knows nothing. I can't stand men who do's a cowardly way of making sure their spouse doesn't outsmart them or outshine them because they are insecure.
Get out. My prayers are with you.
Please update us when you can.
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Newbie no more!
Aug 20, 2011
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I'm married to a man very much interested in prophecy and he is much older than myself. BUT he doesnt treat me like an imbicile and manipulate me. That makes all the difference in the world. If your husband is really worried about the rapture, maybe he should start treating his wife right and with 'honor' as the Bible says. Treating you like a stupid youth is not loving you as his helpmate. He's got some serious issues. You don't have to divorce, but I see nothing wrong iwth separation until you guys can get counseling and until he can get some humility and respect.
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Say 'CHEESE!!!!'
Jan 26, 2003
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Can you get reunited with your son without letting on to your spouse?

As others have said, I would get your child, then a restraining order. Set your boundary with him by staying separated until he either gets help or he refuses to change and forces you to consider other options.

Big :hug: 's to you! I know this is difficult as this time last year I was pregnant and in a similar situation. But the Lord will never leave nor forsake you. He will give you the strength and resolve to protect both you and your child.

:pray: for you!
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Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
That you all for your advice. well to update...i did a video chat with him through FB with him and our son. at first it was a bit of arguing about me coming home and then it turned into "suductiveness". i got off the call in high spirits but still decided to go get my son and leave. my sister took me there and everything was fine until i said that i guess we will be going now and he got mad and we started fighting about how crazy and phsyco i am and blah blah..well my sister stepped in and said lets go and i went to get my son and it got worse and he was yelling and my sister and threatening to call the police. we finally left and he calmly asked me to talk and he said are you really doing this, you are breaking our family up? i said no, its you breaking it up. after we left a few hours later i got a FB message from him that said, just remember these words, i told you so. and blocked me as a friend. no wrod since but i have come to my moms house for a little while till things cool down.
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Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
the "I told you so" comments referes to his comments about how i wouldnt make it on my own, no one else will put up with my crap, and all the stuff he has been talking about the biblical end, and the rapture coming soon. I have not spoken to him since friday afternoon and im confused about the feelings i am having. I know i still have the love for him in my heart, but my brain is telling me and reminding me of the reasons i left. the longer time has been going by and have calmed down, what he said keeps ringing in my ear "you are over reacting" "you are blowing this way out of perportion". i didnt think i was and i think i still feel that way. i guess what i am saying is that im scared that if i continue on this path of leaving i may regret it.
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Jun 12, 2007
Marital Status
I have been with my husband for nearly five years, we got married last may. we have a three year old son together and he has a 13 yr old son with someone else. Well just to get to the point, our relationship has been him telling me what i am doing wrong all the time. in the beginning i figured he was right because i was young and inexperienced in life. it has become what i believe to be abuse. He constantly puts me down, belittles me, makes me feel like im not good enough, i am always wrong, he is the only thing keeping our relationship afloat. he has never hit me but there is a lot of yelling, even infront of our son. the other day he flipped the little table i was sitting at. The last few months he has really been deep into end times prophecy and prophecy in the news. we have basically shut ourselfs off and we had to sell abunch of stuff to pay the bills. I left with our son the other day after he flipped the table and was sreaming at me. he is being all nice now and it makes me think second thoughts. im at my sisters and he came by to ask if he could take our son with him to spend time together, i agreed. now he is trying to use him to get me to come home. telling me i am being immature and not a responsible christian mother and that i am keeping our family apart when we should be together because the rapture is soon. he says i am only thinking of myself and on and on about how stupid i am. i am very torn being a christian woman. i know if i go back it will be just the same stuff but part of me thinks i am making a bad decision. i wish i had all the answers. any advice? :confused:

Hi :wave:

I have been through an abusive marriage myself. Though mostly emotional abuse. Feel free to search all of my threads about my marriage if you would like. This is a topic that always gets my goat and fires up my temper.

You did the right thing by separating yourself from him. Ask him to go to marriage counseling together, before you will even consider moving back in with him. If he is serious, he will do it; if not, then take it to the next level and have your pastor sit down with the both of you (assuming your pastor will not try to guilt trip you into staying in an abusive marriage). If that doesn't work, then call a divorce lawyer and get out of that marriage while you are still young and alive.

I know I maybe coming off blunt, but seriously you are doing the right thing by moving out on him. Its showing him that you are not going to take his wrong behavior lightly and it also shows that you are going to stand up for yourself. I would advise to fight for your marriage like I did, so you can walk away with a clean conscience with God if saving your marriage doesn't pan out.

I will pray for you, because I know how you feel to a certain extent. I am a guy and yes I am somewhat ashamed to admit what happened to me; however, I use it as an experience to share with others so that I may help them. If you need anything feel free to ask me or PM me.

God Bless,

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Oct 11, 2011
United States
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Please- take time to go to these links and familiarize yourself with the classic symptoms and behaviors of abusive people. Read them over and over and do NOT allow yourself to tell yourself that you are "over-reacting" or "blowing it out of proportion" or "crazy" or whatever. A husband that truly loves his wife as God has instructed him to will truly CARE and HEAR what his wife is saying about how his behavior affects her. He will not turn it all back around on her or make endless excuses about it. to Recognize Abuse.pdf

At the risk of taking flak from some, you are being abused and quite frankly, your husband sounds seriously, very seriously, mentally ill. He sounds delusional and/or psychotic.


I am a believer. I know what the Bible says about divorce. We also need to remember what the Bible says about other sins as well. A man who is not providing for his family- and I don't think that just means in a financial sense- is worse than an unbeliever. Yes, God hates divorce. God hates ALL sin. God sees and knows what is going on in your marriage and He gives grace and shows compassion towards us, even when we have to leave (I have left an abusive marriage). He remembers our frames- that they are but dust.

Please do NOT allow him to have your child until you seek some legal counsel and I would also suggest you go to your local women's shelter. They can provide you with resources on how to get legal aid and other things you may need.

I know when you are in it, you feel like you are over-reacting or that if you were just a better Christian wife this wouldn't be happening, or that you should go back because after all, God hates divorce and you don't want that on your head. And as it sounds like your husband is saying and mine says as well- he is trying to keep the family together and we are the ones destroying it. But read those links- you will see these are all tactics of control and manipulation.

I do hope you come back and check in with us. I am very alarmed at your husband's behavior and his "I told you so" comment. Please take it from a woman who has left- after almost 2 decades- and stay strong and firm in your resolve no matter how much he pressures you, sweet talks you, manipulates you or scares you. IF he is truly serious about restoring your marriage, he will get the help he needs for the long-term (in other words, it won't just be 2 counseling sessions and he's out of there) and he will be humble and repentant- not just sweet-talking you. I suggest you find someone who views your situation objectively to share with and ask that person to strongly counsel you when/if you ever feel you should go back and take that person's counsel very seriously. It is very difficult for us to be objective when we are in the middle of it. It is invaluable to find trusted counselors (friends, paid therapists, pastors who are sound, etc) to help us really see what is going on.

And again, I can't say strongly enough- STAY AWAY from him. He sounds dangerous.

And... (((hugs)))... I'm so sorry you and your child are going through this.
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Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
Thank you Technofox. I feel awful for even thinking of divorce but he threw that out there like it was nothing for him to get one. I feel bad because not only did i grow up around none of my family getting divorced (except my mother left a physically abusive marriage before i was born) but i have recently rekindled my love and relationship with God through Jesus. Im not saying i wont try to get him to go to a couselor with me but he is sooooo deep in end times prophecy that he thinks its very soon; and i highly doubt he would see the point.i mentioned signing our son up for t-ball and he bout flipped on me because he says we wont be here long enough to see that and that i am not taking him seriously about all that. My retired cop neighbor mentioned having him commited against his will and told me how to do it. I had prayed and prayed for God to help me and show me what i needed to do for months before i left and i didnt get anything. Did i miss the signs or did he not show me anything because this is what i should do?
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Sep 8, 2006
Marital Status
I believe you being on this board and getting advice from all of us is a very good sign. Look at your husband's behavior...don't you think it's sounding a little bit unstable?
Noone knows when the end times are...we are not to focus on it. We are to focus on serving the Lord and doing what we need to do so that we are ready for those end times. Your husband is just focusing on end times...he's not focusing on reaching out to you or his son in a Godly doesn't sound like he's focusing on anything, but that.
I don't believe you've missed what God is speaking to you. He loves you and your well as your husband, but he sees that you are in danger emotionally and maybe physically. I believe he's guided you out of that house where many women would just stay and take it because they fear the unknown.
Keep God close to you...he will guide you and keep you safe. I do recommend a women's shelter though where they can help you with staying safe and help you with living.
Your husband, I'm afraid, is going to miss out on your son with all of this worrying he does about the end times. I'd put your son in t-ball anyway. Why should your son miss out?
I'll be the odd one out and say don't even mess with counseling because I think he's stepped way over the abusive line. I've been in an emotionally abusive relationship that almost ended in marriage and he's gone on to marry someone else to be emotionally abusive to. I think your husband thinks he's all right and you are all wrong and noone is going to change his mind about it.
Obviously you can do what you want, but I'd be to afraid to even try when someone has been so abusive.
I can understand arguing or not seeing eye to eye, but being yelled at, put down, and hit would not make me want to stay with someone like this. Period. But that is my opinion.
You don't have to jump into getting a divorce right a way, but separation is key at this moment.
I also would not let him have your son and I'd get a written document that states he's not allowed to just come and get him anytime he wants. He's too dangerous and I seriously don't think he's thinking clearly. I'd be very hesitatant.
Just gives me an uneasy feeling, but maybe it's because of what I went through and also what my best friend went through with her psycho of a husband.
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Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
Im really torn. I spoke to my husband this morning and after about an hour of talking and arguing, he said he was wrong and kept apologizing and asking me to come home. I never seen him break a promise and he said he promised he wouldnt say anything mean or brlittling to me anymore. This is the part that is making me think twice about leaving for good. Im so confused. I feel like i will disappoint my family if i decide to go back. He said he would do anything to get me back. I would suggest counciling but there is no money for that.
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Regular Member
Jun 19, 2006
Marital Status
the "I told you so" comments referes to his comments about how i wouldnt make it on my own, no one else will put up with my crap, and all the stuff he has been talking about the biblical end, and the rapture coming soon. I have not spoken to him since friday afternoon and im confused about the feelings i am having. I know i still have the love for him in my heart, but my brain is telling me and reminding me of the reasons i left. the longer time has been going by and have calmed down, what he said keeps ringing in my ear "you are over reacting" "you are blowing this way out of perportion". i didnt think i was and i think i still feel that way. i guess what i am saying is that im scared that if i continue on this path of leaving i may regret it.

I haven't been through what you have, but I know it can wear down on you if your spouse goes through a season of being very critical. You can easily start to believe it-- at least some of it. It does help if you realize the other person has a problem and pray after the criticism asking for some clarity about what is true.

I know a couple where the man had a tendency to be hypercritical. They got some informal counseling from other Christians, just another married couple that cared about them and shared from their hearts. The last I heard, things had improved for them.

You may be write that your husband is too critical, verbally abusive, even. But he may be right. You could be blowing some things out of proportion, too. I don't think you should write him off, run off, and divorce. This man is your husband. Maybe, with the things are now, he may be interested in going for some kind of Christian marriage counseling. If not, maybe you could find a wise old godly couple to share your concerns with. If he had some kind of men's accountability prayer group that knew his wife considered him to be critical and verbally abusive, who prayed with him about it every week and helped him keep in mind that he needed to work on not being too critical, that would help.

If he goes to a counselor, hopefully they will be able to pick up on if there is something about him that is a bit off. An obsession with the end times isn't always a sign of mental illness, but it could be the result of one. Has he always acted like this throughout the time you knew him? You don't have to divorce him and remarry someone else if he has some problems like this. You can be faithful and wait it out through some difficult times if you have to. Some people have mental problems that will flare up for a while, and then go away. Btw, can you rule out the idea of his engaging in substance abuse?

If you go to church, maybe you can get your church involved in helping him out. Is there a pastor who could meet and pray with him? A men's group? What church resources are there for you to draw on during this time?

Simply pointing it out when he isn't yelling can help, too. If you say, the time is short and we need to be serving the Lord during this time, so we need to get our marriage right. I don't believe your being critical of.... is right because..... You went way too far criticizing me about.... because you said these things that weren't true.... Could you try to treat me with honor as the weaker vessel? Could you agree not to yell at me or the children? If he agrees that yelling at you is not loving, you can calmly and lovingly point it out to him when he starts to do it. "Honey, your raising your voice again."

If he realizes he needs to work on it, and you calmly point out when he slipped up or is slipping up, that may help him. Sometimes you may have to let him know afterward if he isn't in a mood to receive correction.

Go see if you can get some help. Lots of marriages have been restored after facing more difficult situations.
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Regular Member
Jun 19, 2006
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Im really torn. I spoke to my husband this morning and after about an hour of talking and arguing, he said he was wrong and kept apologizing and asking me to come home. I never seen him break a promise and he said he promised he wouldnt say anything mean or brlittling to me anymore. This is the part that is making me think twice about leaving for good. Im so confused. I feel like i will disappoint my family if i decide to go back. He said he would do anything to get me back. I would suggest counciling but there is no money for that.

I suspect some people will say that an abusive person apologizes to get you back and abuses you again. A truly repentant spouse would apologize and try to reconcile, too. I believe your goal should be a restored relationship without abuse as a part of it, and the decisions you make should be moving in that direction. That could take the form of moving back in. That could take the form of 'dating' and meeting to spend time together and meet each other's needs and eventually move back in. He is your husband. Do you feel like there is any threat to your safety based on what you know from the time you have known him? What about your children?

You are married, and the One whose opinion you need to be concerned about is the Lord. What does the Lord want you to do? What does the Bible say about this kind of situation?

If you can't get counseling because of money, mabye you can find a good solid church that has accountability partners, a men's group, or something along those lines. If he will agree to go and pray with some men about his marriage, confess his sins, etc. and pray with a group of men or one other man, that can go a long way. Be in prayer, and ask the Lord to send you a couple who has overcome the difficulties you face who can meet with you once a week to pray together.
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Oct 11, 2011
United States
Marital Status
Im really torn. I spoke to my husband this morning and after about an hour of talking and arguing, he said he was wrong and kept apologizing and asking me to come home. I never seen him break a promise and he said he promised he wouldnt say anything mean or brlittling to me anymore. This is the part that is making me think twice about leaving for good. Im so confused. I feel like i will disappoint my family if i decide to go back. He said he would do anything to get me back. I would suggest counciling but there is no money for that.
You do not need to decide right now if you are leaving your husband "for good" or not. I think the thing you need to decide *right now* is how to keep you and your very small child safe- physically AND mentally- until your husband gets the help he needs. There are LOTS and lots of free or very reduced-fee therapists, counseling services, resources through agencies for domestic violence (even for men) out there. Do not allow that to be what dictactes whether you go back or not.

I still stand by what I said earlier- your husband is dangerous. He is not just criticizing you or speaking to you in love about something that he really believes you need to overcome. He is threatening you and using threats of harm to you and your family to control you.

I HAVE been through this and I DO know what it is like. And I know it is extremely difficult to see things for what they are when you are in the middle of it, when you are feeling so guilty for leaving and breaking your vows, and worrying that God will condemn you. It is difficult. But there is not guilt but false guilt in leaving a dangerous situation. Your husband HAS broken a promise to you- I am sure your wedding vows included "love, honor and cherish." He has broken those over and over to you. Loving you as Christ loves the Church (His Bride) is not manifested in threats, mean words, harshness and obsessiveness over any topic. I only point this out because you mentioned he has never broken a promise to you, and therefore, you feel he is telling the truth this time.

I will say again- staying away does not mean you are deciding right now that you are leaving him for good. It means you are giving time and space- and also providing safety and stability for your child- to your relationship and hopefully time for your husband to get help, grow as a believer and make concrete choices (shown by his actions, not just words) that show you without a DOUBT that he is changing, he is sincere and he is committed to loving you as a husband is instructed to love his wife in the Bible.

I wish you the best. I know it's hard.
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Mar 1, 2012
Marital Status
Thank you everyone for your comments. I asked him if he would go to counseling for both of us and he agreed. I looked up local places and found one we can afford. I will decide weather or not to move back in after our first session. I dont want him to agree to anything just to get me home and not take it serious. I dont really have the christian support from my family and dont understand why i would keep trying. After i made my mind up to go get counsel i felt a weight lifted. I have been praying everday for God to guide me. If counseling doesnt work then i think i wont feel like i gave up and didnt try everything i could. I bought a love dare book too:prayer:
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Jun 19, 2006
Marital Status
Thank you everyone for your comments. I asked him if he would go to counseling for both of us and he agreed. I looked up local places and found one we can afford. I will decide weather or not to move back in after our first session. I dont want him to agree to anything just to get me home and not take it serious. I dont really have the christian support from my family and dont understand why i would keep trying. After i made my mind up to go get counsel i felt a weight lifted. I have been praying everday for God to guide me. If counseling doesnt work then i think i wont feel like i gave up and didnt try everything i could. I bought a love dare book too:prayer:

I Corinthians 7
10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.

If your husband does have mental illness, and this counseling session doesn't go the way you've hoped, that doesn't mean that is all you can do to try. Separating for an extended period of time waiting for his mind to get straightened out is still an option. If you do plan to reconcile and commit to that, let him know. That may reduce the stress that could hinder his recovery. I've known people who have stuck with spouses through mental illness. It may be a bit scarier if the man has the mental illness, particularly if he has military training or other skills like that. But women can be scary, too. One couple I know where the man had mental illness-- the wife did go away with the kids for a while, but she eventually went back to him when things had calmed down. She was very committed to marriage. I don't think it is the Lord's will for a husband or wife to say, my spouse has mental illness, I'll throw this one back, and catch another one. If your life is threatened, or your children's safety, and you separate, you can still live celibate until things work out and obey the Lord's commands from whatever point you are at. Let your husband know what's going on which will help him live celibate and not be tempted to 'go fishing' again.

I don't think anyone here is qualified to diagnose your husband as having mental illness. There are entire churches and movements of people who are very much into end times. I got a card from someone warning about the Harold Camping prediction before the first one passed last year (not the prediction from the 1990's.) There were plenty of people that believed that who were not suffering from a diagnosable mental illness. It was just their belief system. So it's possible for a man with the problem of being critical who has some anger issues to also be obsessed with the end times. Don't take some comment from a layperson who took Psych 101 in college, who read one or two of your posts on this forum as a real diagnoses. My guess is a psychologist would know better than to diagnose based on this kind of information without seeing a patient.

Also, keep in mind a lot of psychological issues are really spiritual ones. Psychology can be helpful, but as Christians we need to be wary of the idea that psychologists really understand the human mind or spirit. Some of them don't even believe in the spirit, or God for that matter.
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Jun 12, 2007
Marital Status
LinkH said:
I Corinthians 7
10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.

If your husband does have mental illness, and this counseling session doesn't go the way you've hoped, that doesn't mean that is all you can do to try. Separating for an extended period of time waiting for his mind to get straightened out is still an option. If you do plan to reconcile and commit to that, let him know. That may reduce the stress that could hinder his recovery. I've known people who have stuck with spouses through mental illness. It may be a bit scarier if the man has the mental illness, particularly if he has military training or other skills like that. But women can be scary, too. One couple I know where the man had mental illness-- the wife did go away with the kids for a while, but she eventually went back to him when things had calmed down. She was very committed to marriage. I don't think it is the Lord's will for a husband or wife to say, my spouse has mental illness, I'll throw this one back, and catch another one. If your life is threatened, or your children's safety, and you separate, you can still live celibate until things work out and obey the Lord's commands from whatever point you are at. Let your husband know what's going on which will help him live celibate and not be tempted to 'go fishing' again.

I don't think anyone here is qualified to diagnose your husband as having mental illness. There are entire churches and movements of people who are very much into end times. I got a card from someone warning about the Harold Camping prediction before the first one passed last year (not the prediction from the 1990's.) There were plenty of people that believed that who were not suffering from a diagnosable mental illness. It was just their belief system. So it's possible for a man with the problem of being critical who has some anger issues to also be obsessed with the end times. Don't take some comment from a layperson who took Psych 101 in college, who read one or two of your posts on this forum as a real diagnoses. My guess is a psychologist would know better than to diagnose based on this kind of information without seeing a patient.

Also, keep in mind a lot of psychological issues are really spiritual ones. Psychology can be helpful, but as Christians we need to be wary of the idea that psychologists really understand the human mind or spirit. Some of them don't even believe in the spirit, or God for that matter.

As someone who has gone through an abusive relationship, I like your post and what you have stated. If the OP's husband wants to reconcile, then she should give counseling a shot. Some counselors by the way are also able to diagnose mental illness, so I would highly recommend going to one those types of counselors (there Christian ones btw as I have gone to one during my marriage). Other than that, you only know its final if your husband is not willing to put in the work to keep the marriage together.
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